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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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29.11.2009 9:32, vasiliy-feoktistov

№1 Trichius fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758
№2 Leptura quadrifasciata Linnaeus, 1758
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29.11.2009 12:56, Алексей Сажнев

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29.11.2009 14:58, vasiliy-feoktistov

Please help me figure it out.
1) Elephant. Collected on 12.06.1999. Here: M. O. Lyuberetsky district of okr. der. Torbeevo, on a spruce trunk (L=5.5 mm.).
2y3) Under the bark, they come across the same place. 2- 09.06.1997г. (L=7mm.) 3- 12.10.1997г. (L=5mm.)

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (97.46 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (58.07 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (93.86к)

29.11.2009 15:02, Алексей Сажнев

1. Magdalis sp.
2. in my opinion, Dendrophagus crenatus (Paykull, 1799)
3. Uleiota planata (L., 1761) (=Brontes planatus L., 1761) possibility
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29.11.2009 15:20, RippeR

Leptura quadrifasciata ssp. lederi Ganglbauer, 1882

29.11.2009 17:21, NakaRB

Batch # 2, Moscow and the region

11. 07.06.2009
user posted image

12. 07.06.2009
Cassida rubiginosa?
user posted image

13. 12.06.2009
user posted image

14. 13.06.2009
Anoplotrupes stercorosus?
user posted image

15. 14.06.2009
Brumus quadripustulatus?
user posted image

16. 14.07.2009
Athous niger?
user posted image

17. 20.06.2009
Dalopius marginatus?
user posted image

18. 23.06.2009
user posted image

19. 27.06.2009
user posted image

20. 27.06.2009
user posted image

and do not look 1, 4 and 7 of from here?

29.11.2009 17:24, Алексей Сажнев

15. Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
19. Leptura annularis Fabricius, 1801 in my opinion female

don't look at 1, 4, and 7 -

I'll repeat myself:

1. - Platynus sp. can assimilis
4. - Leptura quadrifasciata Linnaeus, 1792 male
7. - Serica brunnea (Linnaeus, 1758)

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 11/29/2009 17: 26
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29.11.2009 18:10, Victor Titov

Batch # 2, Moscow and the region
12. 07.06.2009
Cassida rubiginosa?

12 - it is quite possible.

13. 12.06.2009

13 - Agrilus sp. According to the photo, they can be determined up to the appearance-pitchforks!

14. 13.06.2009
Anoplotrupes stercorosus?

14 - yes.

16. 14.07.2009
Athous niger?

16 - Hemicrepidius niger

17. 20.06.2009
Dalopius marginatus?

17 - да
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29.11.2009 21:24, Алексей Сажнев

11. possibly Oedemera virescens (Linnaeus, 1767)
18 and 20 as a variant of Dasytes niger (L., 1761)
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30.11.2009 12:32, DNN

Please identify a couple of barbels.

user posted image
MO 02.06.2009

user posted image
MO 12.06.2009

30.11.2009 13:02, Archypus

02.06.2009 - Nivellia sanguinosa
12.06.2009 - Alosterna tabacicolor
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30.11.2009 13:48, Алексей Сажнев

Yes I totally agree:
Nivellia sanguinosa (Gyllenhal, 1827) male
Alosterna tabacicolor tabacicolor (De Geer, 1775) gender I will not say, I gravitate to the female
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30.11.2009 18:34, Buzman


16 - Hemicrepidius niger

Why not hirtus, for example? wink.gif Do you distinguish them just like that?

This post was edited by Buzman - 11/30/2009 18: 35

30.11.2009 19:14, DNN

Thank you so much!!!
And here's another one.

user posted image
MO 06.08.2009.

30.11.2009 20:23, Алексей Сажнев

Stictoleptura rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) male
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01.12.2009 8:06, Sergey Didenko

At the dacha near Orekhovo. The first small one (about 2 mm) was born two weeks ago.
In the second photo-a nutcracker under the bark, and resembling a bug in the light last weekend.

picture: DSC03653.JPG
DSC03653.JPG — (24.8к)

picture: DSC03651.JPG
DSC03651.JPG — (174.75к)

01.12.2009 12:03, Victor Titov

Why not hirtus, for example? wink.gif Do you distinguish them just like that?

No, not exactly, of course smile.gif. But I think that for Moscow and the Moscow region of the two options, niger occurs more often.
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01.12.2009 12:13, Victor Titov

At the dacha near Orekhovo. The first small one (about 2 mm) was born two weeks ago.
In the second photo-a nutcracker under the bark, and resembling a bug in the light last weekend.

the first small one is the leaf - eating flea from Alticinae,
the nutcracker is Danosoma fasciata, next to it the dead eater is Phosphuga atrata
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01.12.2009 17:40, Alexander Zarodov

1. I identified this softling as Silis ruficollis. MO, end of June.

picture: bug06271.jpg

2. And this one is called Malthinus biguttatus. Karelia, July.

picture: canth1101.jpg


This post was edited by Double A-02.12.2009 16: 46

01.12.2009 22:51, NakaRB

Party No. 3, Moscow and the region

21. 01.07.2009
user posted image

22. 04.09.2009
user posted image

23. 04.07.2009
Oedemera femorata?
user posted image

24. 04.07.2009
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25. 11.07.2009
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26. 11.07.2009
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27. 25.04.2009
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28. 25.04.2009
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29. 03.05.2009
Asaphidion flavipes?
user posted image

30. 03.05.2009
user posted image

01.12.2009 23:36, RippeR

26 Leptura annularis
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02.12.2009 0:47, rpanin

26 Leptura annularis

I would not define such beetles as Leptura annularis and similar banality in principle. Let the people at least a little podnatuzhitsya, in the Internet polazit.

This post was edited by rpanin - 02.12.2009 00: 57

02.12.2009 2:55, RippeR

yes laaadno, not scary. I once also asked all sorts of nonsense, thanks to which I learned what is.. After all, when a person knows that there are many similar things, when even what is not similar at all is similar for him, and when he does not know that there are still similar things, then it is possible to define such types smile.gif
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02.12.2009 9:09, Алексей Сажнев

27. Amara sp.
28. I think Harpalus sp.
29. Asaphidion probably flavipes L., 1761
30. Bembidion sp. it reminds me of lamprosproperans
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02.12.2009 12:00, Mantispid

Zlatka Agrilus sp., according to the determinant I go to viridis/cuprescens
Label: Saratov region, Doktorovka village, 17.06.07, I don't remember what I was on, but most likely on the apple tree

02.12.2009 13:35, Victor Titov

Party No. 3, Moscow and the region
21. 01.07.2009

24. 04.07.2009

25. 11.07.2009

21 - Chrysolina polita
24 и 25 - Cychramus luteus
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02.12.2009 14:56, barry

I would not define such beetles as Leptura annularis and similar banality in principle. Let the people at least a little podnatuzhitsya, in the Internet polazit.

Well, you can establish the fact that this is banal only by knowing the family/genus well, i.e. knowing that there are no similar ones. If you also tie geography to this, then the concept of "banality" is not really such a banal concept... smile.gif
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02.12.2009 16:22, rpanin

Well, you can establish the fact that this is banal only by knowing the family/genus well, i.e. knowing that there are no similar ones. If you also tie geography to this, then the concept of "banality" is not really such a banal concept... smile.gif

In this case, it meant beetles with a large range.
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02.12.2009 16:22, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, you can establish the fact that this is banal only by knowing the family/genus well, i.e. knowing that there are no similar ones. If you also tie geography to this, then the concept of "banality" is not really such a banal concept... smile.gif

As for the geography, I agree: the same Leptura annularis does not come across me at my permanent place of residence, but at the dacha (another district of the region) it's really banal. And the distance is just nothing (some 70 km.).

02.12.2009 19:14, Mantispid

14. VI. 2009, Saratov region, Tinjin

02.12.2009 19:32, barry

In this case, it meant beetles with a large range.

How does a person who is remotely related to beetles know what his range is? I repeat - "banality" is a concept that can only be felt by a professional.
That is, non-professionals ask the banal from professionals, because they swim in this question... Suddenly there are similar ones for a "banal" beetle. Suddenly there are similar ones in some region, but not in another - but you need to have some experience to know this for sure.

02.12.2009 19:47, Guest

14. VI. 2009, Saratov region, Tinjin

For toddlers, it is advisable to specify the size nevertheless...
So similar to Atholus corvinus Germ.

02.12.2009 19:51, Victor Titov

I would not define such beetles as Leptura annularis and similar banality in principle. Let the people at least a little podnatuzhitsya, in the Internet polazit.

How does a person who is remotely related to beetles know what his range is? I repeat - "banality" is a concept that can only be felt by a professional.
That is, non-professionals ask the banal from professionals, because they swim in this question... Suddenly there are similar ones for a "banal" beetle. Suddenly, there are similar ones in some region, but not in another-but you need to have some experience to know this with confidence.

Yes, actually, what is the dispute about? smile.gif People who just love nature (in the broadest sense of the word), and are fond of macro photography, take pictures of the ones they love, and want to know "what their names are". They search the Internet wall.gif, come across our forum, and ask for help in identifying their models. The topic is called "identifying beetles"umnik.gif. So they turn here (to the address, by the way)! And what's so hard confused.gifto tell someone who's interested that the beetle in their photo is Leptura quadrifasciata (for example)? No need for snobbery in any of its manifestations! Everyone who applied is sincerely grateful to the experts. That's right, isn't it? smile.gif

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 02.12.2009 19: 53
Likes: 5

02.12.2009 19:56, Mantispid

Carapace-Eudiplister planulus (Ménétriés, 1848), size 2 mm

p. s. Dmitrich, barry and others fludery, good fludit and?
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02.12.2009 20:06, Victor Titov

I would not define such beetles as Leptura annularis and similar banality in principle. Let the people at least a little podnatuzhitsya, in the Internet polazit.

p. s. Dmitrich, barry and others fludery, good fludit and?

2 Mantispid: A young man who has barely passed the age of majority should not be so categorical in his judgments. The post of the respected rpanin quoted here was given a specific answer by me and barry. But your message, which I have to answer, is really a flood. Calm down and draw conclusions.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 02.12.2009 20: 08

02.12.2009 22:53, NakaRB

yes laaadno, not scary. I once also asked all sorts of nonsense, thanks to which I learned what is.. After all, when a person knows that there are many similar things, when even what is not similar at all is similar for him, and when he does not know that there are still similar things, then it is possible to determine such types smile.gif

thank you for understanding smile.gifme really in some stupor drive these striped barbels, I would know what to look at to distinguish them...

02.12.2009 23:21, NakaRB

Batch # 4, Moscow and the region

31. 26.07.2009
Rhagonycha fulva?
user posted image

32. 08.05.2009
user posted image

33. 09.05.2009
user posted image

34. 10.05.2009
user posted image

35. 10.05.2009
user posted image

36. 17.05.2009
user posted image

37. 17.05.2009, on the willow tree
user posted image

38. 31.05.2009
user posted image

39. 05.06.2009
user posted image

40. 05.06.2009
Cantharis rufa?
user posted image

03.12.2009 9:45, Victor Titov

Batch # 4, Moscow and the region

32-staphylin from the subfamily Tachyporinae.?Tachyporus sp.
33 - ?Bledius sp.
34 - Poecilus (?versicolor...?cupreus)
35-Sitona sp.
36-M-yes...?Sciaphilus asperatus
37 - Lochmaea caprea
38 - Athous subfuscus
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03.12.2009 11:19, VBoris

Tell me, please, is this mustache tanner? (Belarus)
And this one, please tell me. (Belarus)

03.12.2009 11:29, vasiliy-feoktistov

Tell me, please, is this mustache tanner? (Belarus)
And this one, please tell me. (Belarus)

Yes, according to the first link, the tanner Prionus coriarius (female), but according to the second link, the black pine barbel Monochamus galloprovincialis is also a female.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 03.12.2009 11: 43

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