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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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19.03.2008 13:09, Alexandr Rusinov

2Dmitrich: the beetle in the Treat photo is not Silpha carinata, but Silpha tristis - the lateral edge of the elytra is not expanded in the anterior part.
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19.03.2008 13:55, Victor Titov

Really? But in my opinion, it's flattened...But I won't argue.
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19.03.2008 14:09, Alexandr Rusinov

I would like to look at the front part of the lateral edge of the elytra closer and more sharply... As it is, it's not entirely clear... Treator, and maybe you can look at the specimen yourself, in S. carinata the lateral edge of the elytra in the basal part is quite strongly expanded, and in S. tristis it is more or less the same width throughout.
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20.03.2008 8:43, treator

I will try to post a photo in the near future

20.03.2008 8:52, treator

For Mr. Nimrod,
there are (officially) 2 species that live in Lithuania:
Hoplia graminicola and Hoplia parvula
can eto beat graminicola ???????

This post was edited by treator-03/20/2008 08: 53

20.03.2008 14:08, Nimrod

21.03.2008 8:47, treator

Illegal immigrants get knocked up and quite often. Apsolute true "according to published data"lol.gif

21.03.2008 14:57, Nimrod

Oh, yes, I forgot to ask you, Mr. Treator. This Hoplia probably caught you not "in years", is not it? Can you tell me exactly under what circumstances you got the bug? Thank you in advance.

21.03.2008 15:58, treator

This instance came across on 2007.07.18 on the road in the park, I will try to post a photo in the near future

21.03.2008 17:01, PG18

Tell me, pj., hybrida, restricta, or someone else? Moscow oblast.

picture: 0362.jpg
0362.jpg — (96.1 k)

21.03.2008 17:41, RippeR

Here's more for Nimrod. I took photos a long time ago, so I already forgot what I defined there, since I couldn't fully determine by green. Made the main photos.
As far as I remember, both species have both Large and small claws, and it seems that both species have all the claws split, or the light species has all the tights split, and the black one has only the rear ones.. In general, if this information is needed, I will look again.
I don't remember whose antennae exactly, but as far as I remember, both species had the same number of segments.
By the way I still have mattresses waiting in the wings wink.gif
picture: 1.JPGpicture: 2.JPGpicture: 3.JPGpicture: 4.JPG
[attachmentid()=37010]picture: 6.JPGpicture: 7.JPGpicture: 8.JPGpicture: 9.JPG[a
ttachmentid()=37015]picture: 11.JPGpicture: 12.JPG
khrushchik from the Irkutsk region.
picture: 13.JPG

picture: 5.JPG
5.JPG — (63.5 k)

picture: 10.JPG
10.JPG — (140.89к)

21.03.2008 17:43, RippeR

for me, there is no hybrid like ristrikty in the Ministry of Defense at all.
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21.03.2008 18:21, Nozer

I will assume that this is Cicindela hybrida. Cicindela restricta in the Moscow region is unlikely. It would be nice to know in what conditions the specimen was caught (river sand, pebbles, etc.)
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21.03.2008 18:33, PG18

I will assume that this is Cicindela hybrida. Cicindela restricta in the Moscow region is unlikely. It would be nice to know in what conditions the specimen was caught (river sand, pebbles, etc.)

The frame isn't mine. Vitaly Gumenyuk. Thanks!

21.03.2008 19:13, Nozer

Pavel, I think this is without a doubt Cicindela hybrida, I just want to explain that the range of Cicindela restricta reaches only the east of European Russia. There is no it on all observations in MO. umnik.gifOn other racehorses an instance on a photo is not similar. Here is a good determinant you can see http://www.zin.ru/ANIMALIA/Coleoptera/rus/cicinde.htm
Just in case I made a mistake shuffle.gif

This post was edited by Nozer - 21.03.2008 19: 14
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21.03.2008 23:00, bials

What are the names of these beetles?
picture: ____01.jpg
picture: ____03.jpg
picture: _____________2.jpg
All Moscow suburbs.

21.03.2008 23:52, Zhuk

What are the names of these beetles?
All Moscow suburbs.

1-Chrysolina fastuosa (on the left, some kind of spangle)
2 - Platycerus caraboides
3 - Peltis grossa
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22.03.2008 0:11, omar

Noser is absolutely right, it's a hybrida. The most common horse in the Moscow region.

22.03.2008 0:29, Bad Den

RippeR, "khrushchik from the Irkutsk region" - Homaloplia ?ruricola
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22.03.2008 0:53, mems

Hello everyone,
I found a beetle in the field near the landing.
True, a little crippled -
There is no right pawsmile.gif

image: ____. jpg
____.jpg — (162.66к)

22.03.2008 1:38, Bad Den

Hello everyone,
I found a beetle in the field near the landing.
True, a little crippled -
There is no right pawsmile.gif

Ablattaria laevigata
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22.03.2008 18:41, bials

Please help me with the definition mol.gif
- five weevils and leaf beetles (all near Moscow)
1.picture: _________________01.jpg
2.picture: _________________02.jpg
3.picture: _________________03.jpg
4.picture: _________________04.jpg
5.picture: _________________05_1.jpg
6.picture: ______________01.jpg

22.03.2008 19:29, bials

And this mustache (Moscow region)
picture: ___________03.1.jpgpicture: ___________03.2.jpg

22.03.2008 19:31, amara

1, 3, and 4, although of varying degrees of wear, are similar to Phyllobius sp.
The 5th is similar (but I'm not sure, I only saw it in the picture) to Lixus sanguineus.

This post was edited by amara - 03/22/2008 19: 39
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22.03.2008 19:58, Victor Titov

Please help me with the definition mol.gif
- five weevils and leaf beetles (all near Moscow)

1, 3, 4-Phillobius (most likely urticae Deg.)
2-Rhynchitidae pipefish Byctiscus betulae L.
5-I agree with amara, this is, apparently, Lixus sanguineus Rossi-but I have never seen it "live".
6 - Chrysolina polita L.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 22.03.2008 20: 32
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22.03.2008 19:58, Victor Titov

And this mustache (Moscow region)

Barbel-Phytoecia nigricornis F.
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22.03.2008 21:01, bials

If you are not tired yet, what is the name of these beetles (Moscow region)
picture: ______________1.jpg
picture: ____________________2.jpg
picture: __________________5.1.jpg
picture: ____10.jpg
picture: ____15.jpg
picture: _____________01.2.jpg

picture: ____15.2.jpg
____15.2.jpg — (39.93 k)

22.03.2008 21:27, Victor Titov

If you are not tired yet, what is the name of these beetles (Moscow region)

Well, what I know, from top to bottom:
the first one from above is Semiadalia notata Laich.
the second from above is Calvia quatuordecimguttata L.
the third from above is Neomysia oblongoguttata L.
the fourth from above (barbel on a flower) is Paracorymbia maculicornis Deg.
fifth from the top is Phyllotreta armoraciae Koch.
sixth from the top - interesting staphylin! I will assume that this is with a completely wiped "felt" cover of Creophilus maxillosus L. (yes, it seems that it has already been removed by the deceased)
the seventh from the top is a leaf beetle, but I can't make out which one, something from the Chrysomelinae subfamily

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 22.03.2008 21: 28
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23.03.2008 0:42, Fornax13

Please help me with the definition mol.gif
- five weevils and leaf beetles (all near Moscow)

1, 3, 4 - is everything on nettle? I think Phyllobius pomaceus Gyll. (= urticae Deg.)
2 - Byctiscus populi L. or B. populi L. (Rhynchitidae) I would like to see
5-Lixus bardanae F. And plant it.
6-I do not understand what color the pronotum is: if it is red like the ndkr. - Chrysolina staphylaea L.; if it is metallic - Ch. polita L.

23.03.2008 0:56, Fornax13

If you are not tired yet, what is the name of these beetles (Moscow region)

7th - M. B. Gastrophysa viridula Deg.
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23.03.2008 2:30, Victor Titov

2 - Byctiscus populi L. or B. populi L. (Rhynchitidae) would like to see

You probably meant that this is Byctiscus populi L. or Byctiscus betulae L. ("ochepyatka"smile.gif). In my opinion, in the photo of the beetle, the shield and legs are clearly unicolored with elytra-golden-green. And B. populi L. the shield and underparts, including the legs, are dark blue. So I guess it's still Byctiscus betulae L.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 23.03.2008 02: 52
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23.03.2008 16:10, KDG

And this mustache (Moscow region)

Phytoecia (s.str.) nigricornis

24.03.2008 11:37, Victor Titov

7th - M. B. Gastrophysa viridula Deg.

Yes, very similar yes.gif

24.03.2008 11:56, omar

Yes, very similar yes.gif

And if on sorrel - then exactly it smile.gifis
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25.03.2008 1:41, okoem

Beetles from the Crimea.
Ground beetles:

picture: 20070629_203214.jpg
20070629_203214.jpg — (98.25к)

picture: 20070426_103043.jpg
20070426_103043.jpg — (58.31к)

picture: 20070331_145639.jpg
20070331_145639.jpg — (82.06к)

25.03.2008 1:55, okoem

picture: 20070429_091655.jpg
Massive spring view.

picture: 20070504_164149.jpg
Dorcadion holocericeum ???

picture: 20070531_095424.jpg
A small sawyere flew into the light.

picture: 20070605_104115.jpg

picture: 20070708_181403.jpg
Lamia textor ???

picture: 20070811_004657.jpg
Lamia textor ???

25.03.2008 1:59, okoem

Are they Trypocopris vernalis and Sinodendron cylindricum ? Or something else?

picture: 20070506_134434.jpg
20070506_134434.jpg — (71.32к)

picture: 20070625_105457.jpg
20070625_105457.jpg — (48.75к)

25.03.2008 9:02, Aleksandr Safronov

For okoem
Beetles from the Crimea.
Ground beetles - in order:
1. Carabus (Pachystus) hungaricus ssp. gastridulus Fischer, 1823
2. Carabus (Megodontus) gyllenhali Fischer, 1827
3. Carabus (s.str.) granulatus ssp. granulatus Linné, 1758
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25.03.2008 9:24, RippeR

in order:
Carabus (Pachystus) hungaricus
C. (Megodontus) gyllenchali
C. granulatus ssp.?
Agapanthia ?intermedia
Dorcadion ?aethiops is most likely aethiops, I don't know any other similar species, except in Bulgaria.. If you still find it, can you save it? And other dorcadions, too wink.gif
Has Saperda punctatum just arrived? if so, this is a very early find..
Chlorophorus figuratus
2 Morimus verecundus
Pentodon what exactly is difficult to say.. it seems to be viewed 2 remote bumps, most likely sulcifrons, but it can be anything..
cylindricum true wink.gif
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25.03.2008 10:10, Victor Titov

Saperda from the Crimea, which came to light to okoem, is most likely a very worn Saperda perforata Pallas, 1773. But if the picture is taken this spring, then, indeed, a very early find!

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 25.03.2008 10: 11

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