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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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06.05.2008 0:55, Fornax13

On the one hand, unfortunately, this nidicole group does not have a complete summary with a normal determinant today - there are only separate descriptions for different publications. You can search for them, of course, but it's still better to identify them live. (By nidikolam. It's time to alert the rodents, there is still a chance to collect interesting species).
On the other hand, aphodia is such a "shamanic" group, and there can still be all sorts of different surprises.

Unfortunately, it's a female. And about aphodia - this is accurate (especially if we consider that from the territory of Ul. obl.in the 90s, 2 species of nidicolic aphodia were described, one of which is still listed as endemic). Here in the week, maybe I'll get out somewhere-thread, especially rodents will disturb-you never knowsmile.gif

06.05.2008 2:09, Nimrod

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06.05.2008 14:51, Трофим

THEN Dormidont
If plagionotusov have the opportunity to catch, dial me a couple I'll poke around with the eardrums, maybe something will interest.

06.05.2008 15:07, Трофим

That RippeR
Yesterday was on the outskirts of the city, went for land, or rather went with his parents. I've been given Dorcadion, and I'm suspicious of him. Similar to the tauricum, but the shoulder stripes extend to the base of the pronotum. Maybe scopoli something. Then I'll post a photo.

06.05.2008 16:57, Mylabris

To Nimrod: 2 points:
1. 11.04.2002 NW outskirts of Almaty, sagebrush steppe. In a rodent hole, at sunset.
2. 13.04.2003 SE Kazakhstan, Prikaskelenskiye Moyinkumy sands (60 km north of Almaty). Horse manure.

06.05.2008 19:31, RippeR

dorkashey only on the photo smile.gif

catch the bobelay Plagionist - they are larger than floralis (well, in general, I advise you to look at your photos and remember who he is, and then catch wink.gif)
And in general, collect Phytoecia, everyone!!!! You don't need to take Agapanthia intermedia wink.gif
I also ask you to collect, if you come across, Callimoxys, Callimus, etc. etc
. Still collect dorkash-completely black smooth (aethiops).
In general, there are a lot of interesting things in the Crimea, you need to rummage through the lists in more detail, write down what to eat and what to catch. This also applies to Okoem. smile.gif
If you catch something interesting, you will be able to solve everything either by exchange or by money.

I take it we're talking only about hoplii or someone else? What is best to look for and where exactly (except for mounds and rootswink.gif, it is clear there). On the weekend I think to decide between 2 places, I will look for everything I can drag smile.gif

06.05.2008 23:28, Fornax13

Help identify, if possible:
2 Glaphyridae,

The rest is Scarabaeidae:
2 Hoplia (sort of),
2 Ectinohoplia,
something from Trichiinae.

North Vietnam

picture: P5040053.JPG
P5040053.JPG — (143.82к)

picture: P5040054.JPG
P5040054.JPG — (147.19к)

picture: P5040058.JPG
P5040058.JPG — (128.39к)

picture: P5040057.JPG
P5040057.JPG — (141.86к)

picture: P5040055.JPG
P5040055.JPG — (137.96к)

picture: P5040056.JPG
P5040056.JPG — (127.75к)

picture: PC300039.JPG
PC300039.JPG — (138.74к)

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06.05.2008 23:36, Bad Den

Fornax13, here is a small table for trichiins (up to groups of species):
In general, it is similar to Paratrichius vicinus

This post was edited by Bad Den - 05/06/2008 23: 42
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06.05.2008 23:58, Fornax13

While Paratrichius from the doenitzi group turned out smile.gif
But very strange-for some reason prsp. volosataya. M. b. and vicinus-it is really similar, but it does not pass through the keys to this group.
There is another one, but that one is clearly from the gr. doenitzi - it is very similar to campagnei.

This post was edited by Fornax13-08.05.2008 22: 43

07.05.2008 13:40, Stavropolec

Gentlemen forumchane, well, help determine smile.gif

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (136.18к)

07.05.2008 14:40, Dmitry Vlasov

1 - Saperda scalaris
4;9 - Callidium violaceum
2 - Mesosa sp. (myops?)
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07.05.2008 16:15, Buzman

To Stavropolec:
2 - Mesosa curculionoides (L.)

This post was edited by Buzman - 07.05.2008 16: 17
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07.05.2008 17:08, Buzman

To Stavropolec:
3 - Agapanthia soror Kraatz, 1882

This post was edited by Buzman - 07.05.2008 18: 02
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07.05.2008 17:47, KDG

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07.05.2008 18:49, Victor Titov

4;9 - Callidium violaceum

Well, this is, of course, a typo wink.gif: not "4; 9", but "6; 9-Callidium violaceum"

07.05.2008 21:45, Fornax13

What kind of animal, can you tell me? Something simple, I guess.
(Moustache as I did not know, and do not know..)

Zap. Kazakhstan, on ferul.

picture: P5040052.JPG
P5040052.JPG — (143.46к)

08.05.2008 11:38, Papont

And a mustache. It was not taken by me, as far as I understand, in April-May of this year in the Luhansk region in Ukraine.

user posted image

Що це воно таке може бить?

08.05.2008 12:41, KDG

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08.05.2008 12:42, KDG

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08.05.2008 19:09, KingSnake

What kind of bug? One of the softlings? On celandine...

picture: zuk.jpg
zuk.jpg — (67.54к)

08.05.2008 20:02, Fornax13

What kind of bug? One of the softlings? On celandine...

This is from the narrow-winged Oedemeridae-Oedemera proper. Which one - I won't lie - I need to watch.
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09.05.2008 1:00, guest: Necrocephalus

  It seems that's all for now. If I missed anything, I'm very sorry, gentlemen.

Dear Nimrod, could you please go back to that female Chilothorax, whose photo I posted on page 55 of this topic? At least presumably, what kind of species can it be? Thank you in advance.

09.05.2008 6:44, amara

This is from the narrow-winged Oedemeridae-Oedemera proper. Which one - I won't lie - I need to watch.

And in my opinion it's Chrysantia from the same family.

09.05.2008 11:27, Fornax13

I would say - still Oedemera. Like lurida something.
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09.05.2008 19:30, amara

I would say - still Oedemera. Like lurida or something.


09.05.2008 21:13, Transilvania

Please help me identify it. Filmed in Kyrgyzstan.

picture: juk.jpg

picture: juk2.jpg

picture: juk3.jpg

10.05.2008 8:47, Nozer

to Transilvania:
Horse in the photo2 think Cicindela altaica.
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10.05.2008 18:22, slipknofill

Comrades With The Past You!!! Please identify this little baby and weevil!!!

picture: DSCF01631.jpg

picture: DSCF01801.jpg

10.05.2008 18:53, алекс 2611

Please help me identify it. Filmed in Kyrgyzstan.

Number 3 is a member of the genus Malachius (family Malachiidae).
Probably.... shuffle.gif
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10.05.2008 20:18, Fornax13

Comrades With The Past You!!! Please identify this little baby and weevil!!!

"Karapuzik" - pilyulshchik (Byrrhidae). Is it my imagination, or is it with a metallic sheen? If yes, then Cytilus sericeus. What size is it?

And the weevil is Grypus equiseti (Fabricius, 1775), only now it seems to be Erirhinidae.

This post was edited by Fornax13-05/10/2008 20: 32
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10.05.2008 20:50, slipknofill

The little tart is as small as a fingernail on a mezinets, and the mezinets are small!!!!

10.05.2008 21:07, Fornax13

The little tart is as small as a fingernail on a mezinets, and the mezinets are small!!!!

Well, how much is that? In mm? And was it with a greenish / bronze sheen, or just black?

10.05.2008 23:25, Fornax13

Here I do not understand something: 2 aphodia-both from the same point (Baskunchak), with the same date, like both are defined as A. caspius. But something so different..
Maybe I've got something wrong. Or...?

picture: P5100048.JPG
P5100048.JPG — (135.05к)

picture: P5100049.JPG
P5100049.JPG — (140.9к)

10.05.2008 23:39, Bad Den

Fornax13, maybe variability?
Or a male and female?
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10.05.2008 23:54, Fornax13

Maybe, however, sexual dimorphism. But it's still weird. I have never heard that the punctuation of the pronotum and elytra is so different in males and females. Or does this happen?

This post was edited by Fornax13-05/10/2008 23: 59

11.05.2008 16:05, Stavropolec

And one more thing, please: smile.gif

picture: cic.JPG
cic.JPG — (42.53к)

image: __. JPG
__.JPG — (101.5к)

picture: DSC00075.JPG
DSC00075.JPG — (54.08к)

picture: DSC00149.JPG
DSC00149.JPG — (68.02к)

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11.05.2008 19:21, Nozer

to Stavropolec:
The photos are not very clear, but we can assume the following options:
Image cic.JPG - (42.53 k) (Racehorses) - No. 41 Cicindela maritima; 42 Cylindera germanica; 43.45 Cicindela campestris; 44 dunno, 46 Cicindela desertorum. If anyone has other options-please correct wink.gif
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11.05.2008 19:36, Fornax13

And one more thing, please: smile.gif

And where does the material come from?

11.05.2008 19:55, Nozer

And where does the material come from?

It is also important for the definition.

11.05.2008 20:02, Stavropolec

Material from the Stavropol Territory. In addition to Morimus'ov - this is the Krasnodar Territory, Arkhipo-Osipovka-but, as I understand it, this is verecundus. But the horse (46) and bronze (60) I do not know where-they gave it, and the material is not signed, but maybe from somewhere in the Altai?????? But this is not accurate.
THANK you all in advance!!!

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