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On the "vacation", "time off" and the like.

Community and ForumUsers and the CommunityOn the "vacation", "time off" and the like.

Vasiliy Feoktistov, 14.02.2014 2:21

Actually I made the subject since going to disappear from the site for some time for personal reasons. And being the moderator can not talk about without notice.
In general, I think that this topic is needed, in order to each other do not be puzzled: "Where did the man?"
Now it is necessary to me, and later someone else needed :)

All the rest posts on: for your information


14.02.2014 18:57, Peter Khramov

Proper thought Basil, thank you!
I will not be gone for the time being, but now heavily buried in this topic http://lepidoptera.ru/community/21358, so I can slow down the answers and reaction to a request.

14.02.2014 19:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Thought something right. Only here do not get any vacation to go. "Trumpet calls" as they say :) ...... permanently

14.02.2014 19:45, Peter Khramov

In the bath tube: -) You go with Alex, if he is still calling: -)

14.02.2014 20:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Calls ... Only now I'm not ready yet to this material: Ride to know yourself ....... And now soon season: Meshchora waiting for me and promises a lot of interesting finds this swampy region :) very promising ... ...

14.02.2014 20:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov

The plans for this year Meshchora:Parnassius apollodemocratus subspecies is there for sure,Iphiclides podalirinusthere, caught himself, but missed; Gynaephora seleniticaI found caterpillars. Etc. etc ...... not to the tropics now :)

16.02.2014 1:10, Peter Khramov

Note is taken with respect to finance, but it is; -)

25.02.2014 20:07, Alex Dumchus

Very sorry. I stumbled upon your negotiations. Actually, the question to Vasili: mb still podalirius, instead podalirinus, because the latter, in my opinion, is endemic and other sr.azii China. Scary rare and very appreciated by collectors.

28.02.2014 6:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yes, confused, of courseIphiclides podalirius. However, we have this one, an ordinary species is found in the south, but very rarely :)

28.02.2014 14:09, Alex Dumchus

We have a lot of mnogo.Osobenno was the year before last year, smaller ones. If you need to contact us. Now, if podalirinusa words ... last year in Catalonia ran a subspecies of P. - frustofeldi seems, but never caught.

01.03.2014 9:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander Podalirius interesting to me once again of my and border regions as it is not only catching, but just to see him have a great success. Last season I had in the Vladimir region. not just seen and caught, but this bastard there also screwed together through a hole in the net. That's a shame, it was ......But nothing: this season, caught it again :) The main point I have.

01.03.2014 11:11, Alex Dumchus

Apparently, you have this ecological niche of swallowtail, which we have oh how little. One caught the year before it. A Parnassus, any sort are not available. But come the spring Polixena.
Personal Podalirius catching - not to damage the tails, so they are very gentle with him. Most of them and fly without tails.In general, very rarely come across in the state A1.

01.03.2014 13:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, yes: swallowtail we fully everywhere and with two generations.
But the other four species, leading to an average strip rare. Mnemosyne know for sure is on the south-east of Moscow kilometers 100. By the same direction, on the border with the Ryazan region. familiar guys found in 2012 and Polyxena. Apollo is in the Vladimir region. (a stable point).Podalirius over a period of 2 seasons have seen three completely different points, but did not catch (

14.09.2014 8:49, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I decided to take a timeout. I hope that this is temporary and everything will fall into place. You just have to understand the specific issues relating to the site ... and not only. And for this we need to live in isolation. Honestly: tired. Sorry ... And good luck :)

14.09.2014 22:11, Peter Khramov

Collector profile potestit do not forget to leave. And, Basil, you're about to Bursa istochink / publication managed today to ask?

15.09.2014 5:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I do not see the person. I write in the mail.

15.09.2014 8:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

The event ended. I want to provide a link here for those who have not been there for some reason: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=542083
And to say thank you to the organizers. The great thing is people do.
NB. And I go on vacation I probably did not happen :)

15.09.2014 8:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, in my not being at the seminary, you lost a lot in commercial terms with the store.
They immediately gathered in one place a lot of great people and entomological "Entomon", with their not very democratic prices worked "with a bang" ....

15.09.2014 19:47, Alex Dumchus

Well, I looked foty. Prices are absolutely affordable! God forgive me, the community or those who are there to sell - at any price much cheaper online. And with the shipment.Who has not seen ph bursy- give examples: Podalirius -350 p Orifov Juno (who do not know -the most conventional bananas from Ty to Emirates) - 300-350 p Kanishka Canazei (Admiral Blue) - 600 rubles, Ulysses from 400 to 1200 (males), A.coon- 900, painted lady (although Canada) 300 M.peleides (or helenor) - 800-900 ... gelikonisov hybrids, which I received from Costa Rica, if memory serves on 3 4 ye - 600 well, etc.A katokaly 500 p, something Well, I let them all summer? Oh, I forgot - Basil - oleander brazhnik- 450-600. (I took African 5 ye).
This four - prices based on inflation? If I had butterflies acquired at such prices - I would have long ago ruined, though not rogue.Peter, a question! it would be necessary to make not only a section of the collection and more urgent - the section of the exchange, not necessarily with fotami enough to indicate the state of copies. I have a few years accumulated a lot of the tropics, others also have something to exchange. You can upload lists.
And then I wrote on molbiole- already answered by 2 people. With one, however, establish ...If anyone reads this post and who are interested to change (not to buy, sell !!!), write to me on e-mail

15.09.2014 20:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, there is the main communication. And the rest will follow!

15.09.2014 20:14, Alex Dumchus

Yes, I'm not opposed to dialogue. Just I argue that prices are inadequate.

15.09.2014 20:19, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Inadequate for "vagrants" in the street :) That is what I mean :) The event expensive .........
Just organizers know personally :)

15.09.2014 20:44, Peter Khramov

Alexander Collections section there is an option exchange. And there foty optional.

15.09.2014 20:54, Alex Dumchus

Peter. You just imagine that it is administered 50-150 names. Well this is how much time to kill zrya.Tut 5 fotami suffer. If only I had this matter and engaged. Is it possible to "announce the entire list, please" ... in one fell swoop.

15.09.2014 21:06, Alex Dumchus

PS. I do not think (IMHO) that the section "Collection" will be in great demand.
Let me explain why: the three years of cooperation with the site, I made more than 1300 photons (by the way all copies except natural - from my collection). Well, remove the natural and underside. Will be approximately 700-800, and there are copies, which I do not Fota, asthey were already present on the site, well Palaearctic there are different banal ... And what work only describe my 1000 copies. And there are much bigger collection ... How much time to kill, to describe it all, if you are not retired?
The idea, of course, is good, but there are suspicions that all will go to toot ....

15.09.2014 21:06, Peter Khramov

Can. In Excel. There's also written. If you have enough disk imaging, then the 50-150 instances it will take about 10 minutes Well, for the first time, maybe 20. This is the same list but in a certain format in advance. Truncated. Try it.

15.09.2014 21:37, Alex Dumchus

Peter. I understand nothing. Consider that I particularly blunt. I have a list in Verde him more general descriptions of the places for indeterminate species. I can throw you in the mail. And do with it what you want ...

15.09.2014 22:45, Peter Khramov

Phoned and explained what was happening. Together with the replacement of ph.

26.03.2015 18:54, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I returned.

27.03.2015 1:03, Peter Khramov

Superb. If the relevant box - call (after the 12 am tokmo).

27.03.2015 20:40, Dmitriy Pozhogin

price and size. superlampu your ready to return. Tropical sucks. or change to 10 pcs Vietnam

28.03.2015 14:34, Peter Khramov

More let write. Well I wonder what is wrong.

28.03.2015 14:46, Dmitriy Pozhogin

it did not fly even in the absence of other light sources.

29.03.2015 2:24, Peter Khramov

Odd enough, everything is flying clouds, and Tropicana Nitsche does not fly ...

29.03.2015 7:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov

What a lantern something mean? If the one that I have: that flew at him given his power and other Har-ki at the end of last season, it is quite acceptable for the time at which I began to catch: it was in the middle of August, when the insects have nonsingular already and fly.

29.03.2015 8:41, Alex Dumchus

I have him in the Dominican Republic flew, even from the balcony, but there was a lot of night-living creatures, but Vietnam is not flew, and Tae, a couple of years ago, at a similar lamp did not fly ...

29.03.2015 12:13, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Not flew NOTHING. Not in Malaysia or Indonesia. The weight of the lamp is very large - in short a burden and garbage. Maybe we will have to work, but take it any more I will not. Incidentally exercises held 3:00 when I have two UV lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps). This time, actively fished traps kroon. A very wonderful thing !!! What a night that day. I recommend!!!

29.03.2015 14:06, Peter Khramov

And what of the kroon? Pictures e?

29.03.2015 14:57, Dmitriy Pozhogin

There are ready for the tropics 3 pieces on them and caught.

29.03.2015 15:56, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Ready to make a trap for the order with the specified diameter and length of the grid. Also sells muslin (sacks) for the nets to order (not Czech sticky shit of two parts, a normal triangular bag - he uses such for many years). All handmade)))

29.03.2015 21:43, Peter Khramov

Give an example of how to trap a thread to look. Well, yes, handmade in such things - at no plus and minus.

29.03.2015 22:08, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Type in a search engine traps for butterflies. and manual work- in any negative things? do not confuse with kustarschina hendmeydom.

29.03.2015 23:01, Shamil Murtazin

but such things are working?

30.03.2015 14:52, Dmitriy Pozhogin

This light traps. They work well, but the aircraft did not cram luggage.
http://www.insectcage.net/shop/buy-butterfly-traps-lightweight-expedition-humane.html I used these types. In the tropics, indispensable thing. Weighs a little, comes something that I could not see the forest. Who caught in the jungle will realize how much easier to check the traps and not worn (usually in vain) for the butterflies.

30.03.2015 18:16, Shamil Murtazin

And what is put the bait on the bottom, "saucer"? Or a butterfly attracted to light? ..

30.03.2015 19:26, Dmitriy Pozhogin

fruit + sugar + yeast + beer
there is no light there

16.04.2015 15:51, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Where we Dumchus Alexander disappeared?

21.04.2015 17:28, Alex Dumchus

Already found. He returned from Egypt. Thailand and other Mexican nonche road.

22.04.2015 14:35, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Thailand in February 2016- 23000, not so expensive ticket here

22.04.2015 15:18, Alex Dumchus

Prior to February 2016 still have to live, I have such long terms planning can not. A maximum of 1-2 months. Some tickets do not take ever - only tour because I go with my wife and her health is not very ...Yes, not even about the money thing (could afford and allow on the day of a birth) but schazz we Rostov runway repair, so all departures at night, and to get to Tai, had to fly to Moscow and stuck there ok.12 at the airport hours before departure - zashib! And then fly 12 hours to Taya, and then go by ferry from Phuket, etc.And ago this same pattern.

22.04.2015 15:30, Dmitriy Pozhogin

And I will take to Hong Kong in February for 18,000 here and there. Question where further

22.04.2015 15:33, Dmitriy Pozhogin

And why in Thai on Phuket to go? If only lie on the beach. Yes, and I do not take tours ever. Why pay for travel agents, if all the same I 2 and even 3 times cheaper to do it myself.

22.04.2015 15:37, Alex Dumchus

And what we have in the summer (July) in Tae? Rains much? Who was?
My friend went to Phuket last year in August, said that only twice found the rain, and the price is off-season, is two times lower.

22.04.2015 16:09, Svetlana Shchavelina

Mainland Thailand and Peninsular - different in this regard. I explained, but somehow I do not really remember ... Well, roughly speaking - on the mainland - 2 of the monsoon, and the peninsular - 4 monsoon prevail. On the mainland of July - the rainy season.Also resting in September at the latitude of Phuket (just on the other side of the peninsula to the Europeans less :) - even once a week there was no rain, once only seen that far on Samui the rain comes ...

22.04.2015 17:05, Alex Dumchus

I'm not interested in Phuket, there I was, and Khao Lak. It is close to Phuket, but on the mainland. And about the fact that travel agencies are 2-3 times raised, Dmitry, I think a little bit wrong. When you take a month or less, the tour operator sometimes even takes off to the plane is full, but it is usually in the charters. In the regular season, too, need to watch prices, includingand hotels, but also a friendly travel agency discount of 7-10 percent. It does. Sometimes I get a little more expensive than the cost of the tour tickets.
But this hotel, where room and board are guaranteed at least HB, and to the "wild" rest ... alas, I have not ready.

22.04.2015 23:12, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Alexander! All this applies only to the most popular destinations for package tourists. A turmesta I was not pulling, especially to our fellow citizens. In the summer rains in tae there, but not as much as in India or Sri Lanka. They come mostly at night, and did not last long, but very powerful !!!

23.04.2015 7:27, Alex Dumchus

Our fellow citizens, especially on long-haul destinations (why that cattle tend to not fly), an angel compared to bluish "green" Europeans who fiercely advocated the "conservation" of nature (its something destroyed!) not only that prevent catching, so also the "chattering" as Pavlik Morozov. I am convinced in my own skin, not only for the butterflies.Our then at least do not interfere with anyone.
As for Taya, the night dozhdi- is the norm there, in my opinion, anywhere and at any time of the year: in Phuket, and this spring !, watered almost every night with thunderstorms, Samui too regularly, and Chang Lilo and day . We have to see forecasts for specific regions,

23.04.2015 14:35, Dmitriy Pozhogin

In Tae need to go to the north (Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai) or very south to the Malaysian border.

25.07.2018 23:18, Evgeny Komarov

From July 27, finally a vacation! I will be in Primorye until August 20 (Vityaz+Anisimovka) - somehow my previous trips fell on the same season. Now we're going later, I hope for something new. See you to all the colleagues!

26.07.2018 15:34, Irina Nikulina

I am happy for you and Olya and I envy you with white envy!) I would join with pleasure, I also never got to the end of July or the beginning of August... But so far, only big and warm greetings to Primorye, Anisimovka, Sergey, taiga! Good luck and I wish you new discoveries!!

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