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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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28.03.2007 8:08, Zhuk

Please tell me what kind of spring scoop is this? I arrived at the light yesterday

In my opinion, Orthosia incerta (Hufnagel, 1766).

This post was edited by Zhuk - 28.03.2007 08: 11
Likes: 1

28.03.2007 18:19, nimu

Help plz determine the leaflet (?).
Moscow Region, June 2006.

picture: m.JPG
m.JPG — (16.54к)

28.03.2007 19:30, Vlad Proklov

Help plz determine the leaflet (?).
Moscow Region, June 2006.

Maybe Aethes decimana? I'm not sure, because I just started collecting them myself.
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29.03.2007 7:08, Сергей-Д

In pursuit of Orthosia incerta - is it also in the photo? Or maybe some other Orthosia?
picture: ______RA_______________15.09.2006_.jpg
I caught her in the middle of September last year, and Orthozyas is in the books for years in the spring. Or did we have such warm weather that the butterfly flew out in the fall?

29.03.2007 8:23, svm2

Agrochola litura L,1758
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29.03.2007 15:03, nimu

Help plz determine.
Moscow region, June 30, 2006.

picture: b.JPG
b.JPG — (29.56 k)

29.03.2007 15:21, Vlad Proklov

Help plz determine.
Moscow region, June 30, 2006.

Most likely Perizoma alchemillata, but it can also be P. hydrata.
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29.03.2007 15:36, svm2

Help plz determine.
Moscow region, June 30, 2006.

Perizoma alchemillatum L.1758
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29.03.2007 23:26, nimu

Help plz identify the bear.
12,07,2006 Solovetsky Islands, caught during the day, which seems to be rare in Arctiidae.

picture: me.JPG
me.JPG — (35.1к)

30.03.2007 0:20, Vlad Proklov

Help plz identify the bear.
12,07,2006 Solovetsky Islands, caught during the day, which seems to be rare in Arctiidae.

Parasemia plantaginis
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30.03.2007 7:16, Сергей-Д

Please look at it again, maybe you will still recognize these species. All were caught in the city of Severodonetsk, Luhansk region, Ukraine.
1. August 15, 2006 on the trunk of an aspen tree
picture: Hadena_____________2006_15.08.2006______________.jpg
2. August into the light
picture: _____________.JPG
3. August 6, 2002, into the light
picture: ________________.JPG
4. into the light when I don't remember
picture: ____________.jpg
5. May 17, 2004 forest road in the afternoon
picture: _____________17.05.2004________________________.jpg
6. August 31, 2005 to the light
picture: _____________2_31.08.2005__________________.jpg
7. August 30, 2005 svet
picture: ______________________30.08.2005__________________.jpg
8. August 11, 2004 light
picture: ___________________11.08.2004__________________.jpg
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30.03.2007 7:24, Сергей-Д

Sorry that not in the butterflies spread, but already here baggies started )
So there is nothing to continue - I transfer it to butterflies

I also found a few small ones - I took a picture as far as the soap dish allowed. If someone can determine up to the kind-tell me, call the photo somehow necessary.
picture: __________1_1__________.jpg
picture: __________1_2__________.jpg
picture: __________2_1_____.jpg

This post was edited by Bolivar - 30.03.2007 09: 28

30.03.2007 14:12, svm2

2 -- Mesoligia furuncula D et Schiff, 1775
3 Agrotis desertorum Boisd, 1840 there is a similar ripae, but it is larger on the coast like
5,8--Craniophora ligustri D et Schiff, 1775 there may be errors due to the quality of the material

30.03.2007 14:45, svm2

7 -- Xestia xanthographa D et Schiff, 1775 looks
like 4--Arenostola phragmitidis Hb, 1803 maybe
1--Polymixis polymita L, 1761 ?
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30.03.2007 15:08, svm2

6--CAN Euxoa nigricans L, 1761
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31.03.2007 22:46, nimu

Help PLZ with the definition
of the Moscow region 30.06.2006, on the light.

picture: kto.JPG
kto.JPG — (36.92к)

31.03.2007 22:55, Vlad Proklov

Help PLZ with the definition
of the Moscow region 30.06.2006, on the light.

Similar to Eupithecia succenturiata.

01.04.2007 12:50, nimu

Help plz determine, and then the roof is already planted, during the night I could not determine what is where, everything is similar.
Mosk. obl August 2006.

picture: myt.JPG
myt.JPG — (139.61 k)

01.04.2007 20:00, Pavel Morozov

1,3 - Xanthorhoe designata
2.4.5 - X. spadicearia
6 - X. ferrugata
7,8 - X. fluctuata
9 - Cosmorhoe ocellata
10 - Epirrhoe alternata
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02.04.2007 13:36, Сергей-Д

Please help me identify the types. All from Severodonetsk, Ukraine.
1. Was born a week ago, Orthosia?
picture: 1.jpg
2-6. Are these all Xanthia icteritia or are they different species?
picture: 2_27.09.2006.jpg
picture: 3_23.09.2004.jpg
picture: 4_05.09.1999.jpg
picture: 5__ex.col.________.jpg
picture: 6__ex.col.________.jpg
7-10. What kind of Oligia are they?
picture: 7.jpg
picture: 8.jpg
picture: 9.jpg
picture: 10.jpg
11. Boarmia, that's what-I don't know, the photo failed, I can only say that I was very early in April last year, when there were practically no butterflies. I didn't see it so early, maybe it's a kind of spring?
picture: 11_____.jpg
12. Also Boarmia, I can't determine the type.
picture: 12.jpg
13. On a bed of dry leaves sat down, August 7, 2005
picture: 13_7.08.2005.jpg

02.04.2007 14:42, svm2

7-in my opinion
, strigilis 8,9-it seems to me that it is not Oligia at all, but Mesoligia furuncula
10 -?
2-4, 6-icteritia, 5-probably also
11-Ectropis crepuscularia D et Schiff, 1775

12-Hypomecis roboraria D et Shiff,1775

02.04.2007 14:52, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify the types. All from Severodonetsk, Ukraine.

The first scoop is similar to Orthosia incerta, and among Xanthia-the second, fourth and fifth (counting only among them) - is not X. gilvago?

02.04.2007 16:21, svm2

The first scoop is similar to Orthosia incerta, and among Xanthia-the second, fourth and fifth (counting only among them) - is not X. gilvago?

Probably, judging by the shape of the wings.

13-possibly Horisme sp

03.04.2007 6:39, Tyomochkin

1) most likely Euxoa tritici

03.04.2007 7:38, Сергей-Д

What are the clear distinguishing features of icteritia and gilvago?
Can't # 1 be Orthosia gracilis?

03.04.2007 8:58, svm2

What are the clear distinguishing features of icteritia and gilvago?
Can't # 1 be Orthosia gracilis?

Icteritia has brighter and lighter wings, the top of the wing is more drawn, sharp
http://macrolepidoptera.uw.hu/-можно watch

Unlucky angle, still probably incerta

To Tyomochin--where did you see tritici

04.04.2007 8:00, Сергей-Д

Thank you all for the definition!
Then these moths are also roboraria (June 3, 2006 and May 8, 2005, respectively)?
picture: Boarmia_roboraria_1_1_3.06.06____________.jpg
picture: Boarmia_roboraria_8.05.2005__________________.jpg
Is it possible to determine the type of Eilema from the photo? July 15, 2006, into the light
picture: Eilema_sp_15.07.2006__________________..jpg
And if anyone knows what these flyers are , please write to us. No. 1-4 - June 6-12, No. 5-July 1, No. 6-August 3 last year
picture: 1__8_2_6.06_1_2_____.jpg
picture: 2__8_3_6.06________.jpg
picture: 3__15_2_12.06_____.jpg
picture: 4_12.06_____.jpg
picture: 5_1.07_________.jpg
picture: 6__8_2_3.08_____.jpg

04.04.2007 8:31, svm2

This is not roboraria, but Hypomecis punctinalis Sc, 1763
Eilema complana L, 1758

05.04.2007 3:28, Vlad Proklov

And if anyone knows what these flyers are , please write to us. No. 1-4 - June 6-12, No. 5-July 1, No. 6-August 3 last year

Leaf wrappers.
1) Similar to Celypha (Syricoris) lacunana.
4) Similar to Hedya nubiferana and H. pruniana. More, like, on the first one.

This post was edited by kotbegemot-04/05/2007 03: 28

05.04.2007 7:07, Sv Kononova

We had a dispute here - who is this?

user posted image

Help us reach an agreement smile.gif

Suggested options:
- female Plebicula amandus
- FEMALE Polyommatus icarus

05.04.2007 7:19, Сергей-Д

Good morning, it's me again.
svm2, Kotbegemot-thank you!
To svm2: similar question – how to distinguish roboraria from punctatum? In general, does anyone have exactly the determinants of different sawyers, not photos, but by dichotomous keys?

I have 3 plump spring moth, 2 identified-tell me, correctly or not, and the third, stripless, apparently refers to some of these.
№1 Apocheima hispidaria 3.04.2006
picture: Apocheima_hispidaria_3.04.2006.jpg
Biston strataria 30.03.2007
picture: Biston_strataria_30.03.2006______________.jpg
№3 6.04.2003
picture: Biston_strataria__6.04.2003.jpg
There is a scoop similar to the Aedia funesta, but the rear wings are dark. Is that her (4.06.2004, afternoon)?
picture: Aedia_funesta_4.06.2004_______.jpg
Another scoop spread, if the quality allows-determine, pliz, who it is
picture: ______14__ex.col.________.jpg
picture: ______7__ex.col.________.jpg
picture: ______BA_.jpg
picture: ____________megacephala_12.05.2005__________________.jpg
picture: __________________.jpg

05.04.2007 11:01, Guest

Regarding amandus / icarus, Svetlana, this is not an icarus, because one of the photos of this pigeon on your site from a different angle slightly visible bottom.
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05.04.2007 11:33, svm2

By pyadenitsam
1-Lycia hirtaria Cl, 1759
3-Apocheima pilosaria D et Schiff, 1775 in my opinion

Roboraria is distinguished from punctinalis by a white marginal band, while punctinalis has a strongly wavy line, which is one of the "reliable" characters for these two species

05.04.2007 12:16, svm2

According to scoops
2 -- Hoplodrina sp., maybe octogenaria Goeze, 1781
3--Enargia abluta Hb, 1808
5--Acronicta sp., most likely megacephala D tn Schiff, 1775
6--Acronicta cinerea Hfn, 1766 or euphorbia D et Schiff, 1775
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05.04.2007 13:52, svm2

More about scoops
1-- maybe some dark female Tyta luctuosa

05.04.2007 16:03, Сергей-Д

I have never seen Tyta luctuosa with an orange spot instead of a white one. Do they happen like this?

07.04.2007 5:35, Sv Kononova

Good afternoon! Tell me, please, on finger-flies (Pterophoridae).
Can they be defined before the view?

user posted image
Moscow region, 2005

user posted image
Moscow region, 2003


07.04.2007 22:19, Zhuk

Can they be defined before the view?

I donsmile.gif't think so .
Here you go - http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insec...inae/index.html
1 - Emmelina monodactyla ?

07.04.2007 23:27, okoem

Good afternoon! Tell me, please, on finger-flies (Pterophoridae).
Can they be defined before the view?

Unfortunately most of the finger flies in the photo are basically indistinguishable :-( Only for genital preparations.

2 Zhuk - It doesn't look like E. monodactyla at all -

10.04.2007 4:16, nimu

Help plz opredelitsa is a male Cosmotriche potatoria or a male Odonestis pruni
Moscow region 19.08.06

picture: ko.JPG
ko.JPG — (142.17 k)

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