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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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10.04.2007 10:32, Vlad Proklov

Help plz opredelitsa is a male Cosmotriche potatoria or a male Odonestis pruni
Moscow region 19.08.06

E. potatoria (now in the genus Euthrix).
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10.04.2007 10:35, RippeR

potatoria. pruni has jagged edges of the forewings.
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10.04.2007 16:39, nimu

There are suspicions that the first Scotopteryx chenopodiata, tell me plz, who are the others.
Moscow region July-August.

picture: pz.JPG
pz.JPG — (136.01к)

10.04.2007 17:32, okoem

Here is such a caterpillar...
Surroundings of Feodosia, on this plant. Burachnikovs, similar to volovik. The caterpillars were feeding on a whole brood. What could it be?

picture: 20070410_125611.jpg
20070410_125611.jpg — (96.42к)

10.04.2007 22:22, Vlad Proklov

There are suspicions that the first Scotopteryx chenopodiata, tell me plz, who are the others.
Moscow region July-August.

1-Scotopteryx chenopodiata.
2, 4 and 5-Larentia clavaria, similar. Infrequent, like, kind of.
But I haven't found the third one yet.
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10.04.2007 22:34, Sungaya

3-Plagodis pulveraria (Linnaeus, 1758) wench
all others in my opinion chenopodiata.

This post was edited by Sungaya - 04/10/2007 22: 55
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11.04.2007 8:37, svm2

To nimu-chenopodiata all, clavaria flies later, 3-pulveraria
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14.04.2007 7:06, nimu

Help plz pyadenits determine.
All Moscow region. on light. 1-August, 2,3,4-June

picture: p.JPG
p.JPG — (132.43к)

14.04.2007 7:14, nimu

And these, too.
7 identified as Eulithis prunata. Right?
All Moscow region on light 5,6,7-August, 8-June

picture: p1.JPG
p1.JPG — (141.07 k)

14.04.2007 10:31, Vlad Proklov

Help plz pyadenits determine.
All Moscow region. on light. 1-August, 2,3,4-June

1 - Mesotype parallelolineata (=Perizoma parallelolineata).
2-Eversmannia exornata (this is not a moth, but the only epiplemid in Europe)!
3 - Eulithis pyraliata
4 - Eulithis mellinata
5 - Eulithis prunata
6 - Ecliptopera silaceata
7 - Eulithis prunata
8 - Electrophaes corylata

14.04.2007 13:38, nimu

To Kotbegemot -Thank you very much for the definition.
Tell me plz, 5 and 7 Eulithis prunata differ in a deep arrow that almost separates the black band of the upper wings in 7, and, accordingly, the absence of such in 5.
Is it male/female or deviations within the species?

14.04.2007 16:18, sealor

Help me determine, tell me, it seems to be an orthosis, but I can't seem to attribute smile.gifit to any orthosis, such people are flying with us now, along with gracilis, minioses and cruds...

picture: n1.jpg
n1.jpg — (70.61 k)

14.04.2007 17:12, Vlad Proklov

Tell me plz, 5 and 7 Eulithis prunata differ in a deep arrow that almost separates the black band of the upper wings in 7, and, accordingly, the absence of such in 5.
Is it male/female or deviations within the species?

I haven't heard anything about sexual dimorphism in them, most likely just intraspecific variability.
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14.04.2007 22:22, Sungaya

to nimu
look at these photos, the male and female are the same.
and the website
tell me exactly where you caught Eversmannia exornata.
If it's a secret, don't reply smile.gif
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14.04.2007 23:54, omar

Yes, Nima, if I may. I actually love beetles, but these ones are interesting to watch live, I won't catch them, I promise.

15.04.2007 0:36, nimu

to Sungaya; dyk the fact is that everything that is in the Internet and in the determinants is exactly like on your link, but as for 7 with an arrow, I never came across any photos or drawings. confused.gif

And about Eversmannia exornata, I personally did not know that it was particularly interesting until I posted it on the definition, because I see a predilection for practice and laziness in theory. shuffle.gif
Caught on an ordinary lamp hanging from the roof of a barn in the country.
Moscow region Domodedovo district, 2 km east of st Vostryakovo, 6 km from Domodedovo Airport 28-29. 06. 2006
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15.04.2007 15:54, Zhuk

Help me determine, tell me, it seems to be an orthosis, but I can't seem to attribute smile.gifit to any orthosis, such people are flying with us now, along with gracilis, minioses and cruds...

Finally looks like a light Orthosia cerasi.

15.04.2007 21:09, Pavel Morozov

Finally looks like a light Orthosia cerasi.

And in my opinion, it is more like Orthosia populeti.

15.04.2007 23:21, sealor

Yes, here is such a strange one, it is not clear, and two of them arrived on different days. Some kind of undistinguished pattern, the shape of the spots is different from Orthosia cerasi, as cerasi I identified the scoop that arrived on the same day, it is in the picture.
Yes, it is difficult to determine from atlases, if only they had some other not so variable signs other than "internal organs", for which the determinant could be written...

picture: ocer.jpg
ocer.jpg — (39.35к)

16.04.2007 9:45, svm2

Sort of like cerasi models, they vary quite a bit

17.04.2007 10:05, nimu

Help plz ognevku(?) define
the Moscow region in June

picture: o.JPG
o.JPG — (42.01 k)

17.04.2007 11:47, Vlad Proklov

Help plz ognevku(?) define
the Moscow region in June

Ostrinia palustralis.
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17.04.2007 13:07, nimu

Help plz pyadenits determine.
Moscow region 1,3 August, 2 June, 4 July

picture: p4.JPG
p4.JPG — (132.75к)

17.04.2007 13:28, Vlad Proklov

Help plz pyadenits determine.
Moscow region 1,3 August, 2 June, 4 July

1 - Idaea ?humiliata. I'm not sure.
2 - Not clear. Was it green?
3 - Idaea dimidiata
4 - Cabera pusaria

17.04.2007 14:19, svm2

1-immutata female similar only small

17.04.2007 14:22, nimu

to Kotbegemot Thank you so much for your help.
Here I made the photos slightly brighter.
2 was imeno imeno such as in the photo, white with a pair of yellow spots at the bottom of the upper wings, antennae (if the photo is poorly visible) are also clearly yellow, filiform, flew to the light 25-26. 06. 06

picture: sf.JPG
sf.JPG — (25.29к)

picture: yj.JPG
yj.JPG — (26.69к)

17.04.2007 15:03, svm2

1-immutata male very similar, judging by this photo
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17.04.2007 23:53, Vlad Proklov

2 was imeno imeno such as in the photo, white with a pair of yellow spots at the bottom of the upper wings, antennae (if the photo is poorly visible) are also clearly yellow, filiform, flew to the light 25-26. 06. 06

SVM2 explained the last one, but I don't even know about the second one: maybe such a bright specimen of Lomographa bimaculata or L. temerata?
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18.04.2007 7:17, Pavel Morozov

Tattered L. bimaculata.
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18.04.2007 8:46, Aleksandr Ermakov

Please tell me zhuchatniku that for pyadennitsa. Northern Urals, char belt.

picture: Geometridae.JPG
Geometridae.JPG — (163.28к)

18.04.2007 9:26, svm2

Ematurga atomaria L, female
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18.04.2007 19:18, andr_mih

to scarabee
Tell Moskal-are there any passable (by bike) paths in the Northern Urals that can be used to get to the golts belt? Interested in the Ivdel-Pripolarny-Ukhta

19.04.2007 6:25, Aleksandr Ermakov

Ematurga atomaria L, female

Honestly, I thought so (from the pictures) smile.gif

to scarabee
Tell Moskal-are there any passable (by bike) paths in the Northern Urals that can be used to get to the golts belt? Interested in the Ivdel-Pripolarny-Ukhta area

Without guile, I will say that I climbed only in the south of the Northern Urals (Denezhkin Kamen, Kytlymsky mountain junction). I've only been outside Ivdel once - in the area of Molebny Kamen Mountain (the source of the Vizhay River, the eastern border of the Vishersky Nature Reserve). Road: Ivdel-Polunochnoye-Severny-pos. Vizhay quite automobile (by the standards of the Northern Urals, UAZ will pass smile.gif) However, this road continues to the top of Molebnoye Kamen itself, and there it is either in the Urals or on a bicycle uphill. I don't know the paths themselves, all the highways are very rocky, and in spring and early summer they turn into rivers. In general, do not be alarmed, cyclists can also be found to the north (it is smoother there and the iron is closer). I found enough maps, information, and photo days of such bike rides on the Web to try and take a chance. Although...still, it's better by car.

PS. More topic about butterflies do not clog.

19.04.2007 18:37, andr_mih


22.04.2007 12:48, nimu

Help the plz identify moths.
All Mosk.obl, all at night to the light.

picture: p.JPG
p.JPG — (132.36к)

picture: pz.JPG
pz.JPG — (131.11к)

22.04.2007 18:27, guest: Лена

Please tell me the specific name of this butterfly. Very early appeared in the Urals (in March)
user posted image
user posted image

22.04.2007 18:46, Pavel Morozov

Please tell me the specific name of this butterfly. Very early appeared in the Urals (in March)

Moth Archiearis parthenias

22.04.2007 19:06, Pavel Morozov

to nimu:
Moth only numbers 4 (Idaea bisellata), 6 (Eupithecia sp), 7 (Pelurga comitata)
3-scoops Herminia tarsicrinalis
1, 2, 5, 8-fireflies

1-2-Evergestis pallidata
8- (5?) Ostrinia nubilalis
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22.04.2007 19:28, guest: Лена

to Morozzz-thank you very much

22.04.2007 23:12, nimu

Help plz determine.

picture: b.JPG
b.JPG — (129.22 k)

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