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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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07.01.2007 16:01, phlomis

Something didn't pick up right away... shuffle.gif

picture: IMG_1984.jpg
IMG_1984.jpg — (123.66к)

07.01.2007 18:28, lepidopterolog

Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758)

09.01.2007 9:24, Сергей-Д

and # 7 could be Zygaena filipendulae? It's just that I've never met ephialtes, but there are quite a few philipendulas there. Apart from them, I didn't see any other mottled birds.

09.01.2007 19:57, Pavel Morozov

It doesn't look much like Z. filipendulae.

10.01.2007 8:44, Сергей-Д

strange... it was necessary to take and grow

13.01.2007 22:05, phlomis

What kind of butterfly? Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh, December 2006
With respect

picture: egypt.jpg
egypt.jpg — (90.77к)

13.01.2007 22:16, Vlad Proklov

What kind of butterfly? Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh, December 2006
With respect

Whitefly Catopsilia florella.

13.01.2007 22:20, Aurelian

14.01.2007 0:38, phlomis

Here it is on the territory of the hotel was in a fairly large number, that is, around noon at least a dozen can be seen at the same time.

picture: egypt2.jpg
egypt2.jpg — (143.4к)

14.01.2007 14:23, Zhuk

Here it is on the territory of the hotel was in a fairly large number, that is, around noon at least a dozen can be seen at the same time.

Danaus chrysippus

This post was edited by Zhuk - 14.01.2007 14: 24

14.01.2007 19:19, phlomis

Thank you, I have already been helped with the definition smile.gifof

20.01.2007 19:41, phlomis

As far as I can tell from food plants, 1 caterpillar is milkweed hawk moth, 2 is bedstraw moth. Is it so? shuffle.gif
Both images are taken in July 2005, Rostov region, Rostovsky Nature Reserve.

picture: _________1.jpg
_________1.jpg — (130.22к)

picture: _________2.jpg
_________2.jpg — (134.87 k)

20.01.2007 19:46, Vlad Proklov

As far as I can tell from food plants, 1 caterpillar is milkweed hawk moth, 2 is bedstraw moth. Is it so? shuffle.gif
Both images are taken in July 2005, Rostov region, Rostovsky Nature Reserve.

The first is milkweed, the second is yazykan.

22.01.2007 20:25, Zhuk

Help identify the hawk moth. Vietnam, 4.04.1999
user posted image

22.01.2007 20:29, Chromocenter

Who-nibut can knows that for moth this:

download file butterfly.bmp

size: 351.62 k
number of downloads: 673

The photo is not mine (from another forum), so I'm not responsible for the quality. Filmed in Bombay, India, at the university, in January.

The post was edited by Chromocenter - 23.01.2007 01: 36

23.01.2007 0:34, Pavel Morozov

to Zhuk: Cechenena lineosa (Walker, 1856)

This post was edited by Morozzz - 23.01.2007 00: 36
Likes: 1

23.01.2007 0:36, Pavel Morozov

to Chromocenter: Where is the photo?

23.01.2007 2:10, varuhh

Gentlemen entomologists, please help us identify this object correctly.

image: ___. JPG
___.JPG — (19.8к)

23.01.2007 2:16, varuhh

...I forgot,and also help install this butterfly, otherwise souvenir sellers sell them, but they are still too slow with the knowledge of names

image: ____. JPG
____. JPG — (16.03 k)

23.01.2007 9:15, Zhuk

...I forgot,and also help install this butterfly, otherwise souvenir sellers sell them, but they are still too slow with the knowledge of names

Sasakia charonda (Hewitson, 1863)

23.01.2007 15:46, BO.

Help me identify pigeons. Astrakhan region. near the island of Dzhergak .

picture: P1050669_web.jpg
P1050669_web.jpg — (32.08к)

picture: P1050676web.jpg
P1050676web.jpg — (29.38к)

picture: P1060592web.jpg
P1060592web.jpg — (50.09к)

picture: P1060638web.jpg
P1060638web.jpg — (27.28к)

23.01.2007 17:34, Дядька

Astrakhan pigeons:
Plebejus argyrognomon caspicus Forster и Polyommatus icarus Rott. (female).
Likes: 1

24.01.2007 9:26, Zhuk

Help me identify urania. Also Vietnam
user posted image

25.01.2007 17:17, Romik

Gentlemen entomologists, please help us identify this object correctly.

Junonia orithya похоже

04.02.2007 18:08, Zhuk

Help me identify urania. Also Vietnam
user posted image

I determined it myself. It turned out to be Lyssa (Nyctalemon) zampa

04.02.2007 23:42, Tyomochkin

Help me determine it. This is most likely peacock's eye or hives. And eggs that are almost invisible. I apologize for the quality!

This post was edited by Tyomochin - 04.02.2007 23: 45


download file __________.bmp

size: 864.07 k
number of downloads: 656

05.02.2007 9:53, Zhuk

Help me determine it. This is most likely peacock's eye or hives. And eggs that are almost invisible. I apologize for the quality!

Pupae of the most common Pieris brassicae. And the eggs, in my opinion, are the pupae of some riders.

This post was edited by Zhuk-05.02.2007 09: 55

06.02.2007 17:24, Chromocenter

For those who downloaded my image: is there something wrong with it? Opens?

06.02.2007 17:42, rpanin

For those who downloaded my image: is there something wrong with it? Opens?

No, it's all right-it opened for me. Only too heavy, you need to convert it to jpg on a smaller size.
True, I'm not an expert on butterflies.

06.02.2007 21:25, RippeR

Oeneis Yu.Tuva, Tanyz-Ola village. Determined by the Ace, did not find anything, only something approximately similar.. According to Korshunov, it most closely resembles anna ssp., but the exact same species was not found..

Piadenitsy - Moldova, Miceuc, 07-28. 06. 06

Sovka-Primorye, Kamenushka

picture: Oeneis_sp2.jpg
Oeneis_sp2.jpg — (137.69к)

picture: Oeneis_sp.jpg
Oeneis_sp.jpg — (138.25к)

picture: piad1.jpg
piad1.jpg — (138.64к)

picture: Piad2.jpg
Piad2.jpg — (134.49к)

picture: Piad3.jpg
Piad3.jpg — (134.54к)

picture: soffka.jpg
soffka.jpg — (137.54к)

06.02.2007 23:24, Zhuk

piad1.jpg - Boarmia sp.
Piad2.jpg - Alcis repandata
Piad3.jpg - Itame wanaria

06.02.2007 23:35, Vlad Proklov

Oeneis Yu.Tuva, Tanyz-Ola village. Determined by the Ace, did not find anything, only something approximately similar.. According to Korshunov, it most closely resembles anna ssp., but the exact same species was not found..

Isn't that Tarpea?"

Piad3.jpg - Itame wanaria

Ochepyatka smile.gif I. wauaria -- to make Ripper easier to Google smile.gif

07.02.2007 7:47, RippeR

"And this is not tarpea by the hour"
Tarpea has too large, pronounced white border and white spots closer to the root..

07.02.2007 9:19, Guest

Oeneis Yu.Tuva, Tanyz-Ola village. Determined by the Ace, did not find anything, only something approximately similar.. According to Korshunov, it most closely resembles anna ssp., but the exact same species was not found..

Piadenitsy - Moldova, Miceuc, 07-28. 06. 06

Sovka-Primorye, Kamenushka

07.02.2007 9:20, Guest

Oeneis Yu.Tuva, Tanyz-Ola village. Determined by the Ace, did not find anything, only something approximately similar.. According to Korshunov, it most closely resembles anna ssp., but the exact same species was not found..

Piadenitsy - Moldova, Miceuc, 07-28. 06. 06

Sovka-Primorye, Kamenushka

piad3.jpg--Odontognophos dumrtana Tr,1827

07.02.2007 9:38, Guest

Oeneis Yu.Tuva, Tanyz-Ola village. Determined by the Ace, did not find anything, only something approximately similar.. According to Korshunov, it most closely resembles anna ssp., but the exact same species was not found..

Piadenitsy - Moldova, Miceuc, 07-28. 06. 06

Sovka-Primorye, Kamenushka

error-- dumetata, www.hlasek.com,http://r.a.r.e.free.fr

07.02.2007 11:28, guest: М

From Tuva-Oeneis tarpeia, male
(no variants).

07.02.2007 20:36, RippeR

So tarpea?.... How rare and interesting is it? Maybe at least a subspecies of what will please?

07.02.2007 22:09, Pavel Morozov

to RippeR: scooper Sinocharis korbae (I myself have one from Kaimanovka - with Kamenushka next to it)
podvi tarpei Oeneis tarpeja baueri

This post was edited by Morozzz - 07.02.2007 22: 11

08.02.2007 9:34, Guest

error-- dumetata, www.hlasek.com,http://r.a.r.e.free.fr

dumetata and stevenaria are similar in appearance(http://r.a.r.e.free.fr), I probably made a mistake,
the antennae are feathery, then it is most likely Neognopharmia stevenaria Bsd, 1840

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