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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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03.06.2007 4:35, Vlad Proklov

Help plz determine.
Moscow region
ZY 3 and 4 did not leave any doubts about their behavior during the capture - a male and a female.
Spilosoma lubricipedum ?

The first is Spilosoma urticae, the others are S. lubricipedum.

03.06.2007 5:06, nimu

confused.gif ""the rest are S. lubricipedum.""
And the abdomen can also vary so much?

03.06.2007 5:21, Vlad Proklov

  confused.gif ""the rest are S. lubricipedum.""
And the abdomen can also vary so much?

Well yeah The first of them has some kind of extended black drawing.
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03.06.2007 9:20, Ilia Ustiantcev

A bunch of photos of scoops accumulated over the year. All made in the Moscow region.
1.image: _____. jpg
2.picture: ______2.jpg
3.picture: ______3.jpg
4.picture: ______4.jpg
5.picture: ______5.jpg
6.picture: ______6.jpg
7.picture: ______7.jpg

03.06.2007 9:25, Ilia Ustiantcev

8.picture: ______8.jpg
9.picture: ______9.jpg
10.picture: ______10.jpg
11.picture: ______11.jpg
12.picture: ______12.jpg
13.picture: ______13.jpg
14.picture: ______14.jpg

03.06.2007 9:29, Ilia Ustiantcev ______15.jpg
picture: ______16.jpg
picture: ______17.jpg
, 8, and 11 all seem to belong to the same view. 15 - clearly some kind of metalloid, 16-hood. 17 - very large, larger than the yellow ribbon and approaching the size of the red one. It was caught in June.

03.06.2007 10:31, Bad Den

13 - Pterostoma palpinum (Notodontidae)
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03.06.2007 14:08, Dinusik

I have another picture of a butterfly. Please tell me who it is?

picture: P6030053.JPG
P6030053.JPG — (103.94к)

03.06.2007 14:17, Ilia Ustiantcev

It looks like a fathead. Maybe tages is mutated?

03.06.2007 14:18, Vlad Proklov

A bunch of photos of scoops accumulated over the year. All made in the Moscow region.

What was recognized offhand:
2 - Caradrina (Caradrina) morpheus
3 - ?Xestia sexstrigata
7, 8 and 11 - Alphus sylvinus (Hepialidae)
10 - Actinotia polyodon
12 - Lacanobia oleracea
14 - Caradrina (Paradrina) ?clavipalpis
15 - Cerapteryx graminis
16 - ?Cucullia umbratica
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03.06.2007 14:20, Vlad Proklov

I have another picture of a butterfly. Please tell me who it is?

Erynnis montana.
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03.06.2007 15:03, Ilia Ustiantcev

Most likely, this is Deilephila (Hyles) galii - bedstraw hawk moth. Question for experienced entomologists: can it be D. (H.) nicaea?

03.06.2007 16:33, RippeR


03.06.2007 16:41, Chromocenter

Eyes "with pupils" because where the" pupils "are visible retina, which is black, around these spots, the light that fell on his eyes gets into our eyes reflected from the pigment cells, and in the spots, "pupils", it is absorbed in the retina. In fact, his eyes are uniform and there are no" pupils". Optical deception, as the Insect expert wrote. I don't remember who, but I've seen it from someone else. Dragonfly sentinel???

03.06.2007 21:41, nimu

Help plz with Lycanidae.
6-Crimea, the rest of the Moscow region.

picture: go1.JPG
go1.JPG — (15.75 k)

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go1a.JPG — (25.73к)

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go2.JPG — (25.96к)

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go2a.JPG — (25.37к)

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go5a.JPG — (29.72к)

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go6.JPG — (26.52к)

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go6a.JPG — (22.55к)

picture: go7.JPG
go7.JPG — (15.79к)

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go7a.JPG — (14.65к)

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go8.JPG — (30.88к)

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03.06.2007 21:48, Ilia Ustiantcev

2-zephyrus quercus, birch marshmallow.
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03.06.2007 22:00, Vlad Proklov

Help plz with Lycanidae.
6-Crimea, the rest of the Moscow region.

1 - Plebejus (Aricia) allous
2 - Neozephyrus (Quercusia) quercus
3, 5 and 10 - Polyommatus (Polyommatus) icarus
4 - Plebejus (Aricia) eumedon
6 - Celastrina argiolus
7 - Cupido (Everes) argiades
8 - Polyommatus (Cyaniris) semiargus
9 - Plebejus (Plebejus) ?argus
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03.06.2007 22:04, Tigran Oganesov

The mantises still have some.

03.06.2007 22:46, Ilia Ustiantcev

Then I'll throw off my pigeons, too! The photos were taken in the Moscow and Pskov regions, but I don't remember which ones or where.
1.picture: _________.jpg
2.picture: __________2.jpg
3.picture: __________3.jpg
4.picture: __________4.jpg
5.picture: __________5.jpg
6.picture: __________________.jpg

03.06.2007 22:48, Ilia Ustiantcev

7.picture: ________.jpg
8.picture: _________2.jpg
9.picture: _________3.jpg

04.06.2007 1:53, Vlad Proklov

Then I'll throw off my pigeons, too! The photos were taken in the Moscow and Pskov regions, but I don't remember which ones or where.

1, 2 and 6-Polyommatus (Plebicula) amandus
3 - ?Cupido (Everes) argiades
4 and 5 - Polyommatus (Polyommatus) icarus
7 and 8 - Heodes hippothoe
9 - Lycaena phlaeas
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04.06.2007 2:45, nimu

to kotbegemot; Please tell me what is Neozephyrus (Quercusia) quercus in Russian and is it a male or a female?
Tell me plz I correctly identified this pigeon as Thecla betulae ?

picture: go11a.JPG
go11a.JPG — (36.98к)

picture: go11.JPG
go11.JPG — (34.55к)

04.06.2007 2:52, Vlad Proklov

to kotbegemot; Please tell me what is Neozephyrus (Quercusia) quercus in Russian and is it a male or a female?
Tell me plz I correctly identified this pigeon as Thecla betulae ?

1) Oak marshmallow, female.
2) Correct smile.gif
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04.06.2007 2:57, nimu

Is Thecla cuercus an old name for Neozephyrus (Quercusia) quercus ?

04.06.2007 3:24, Vlad Proklov

Is Thecla cuercus an old name for Neozephyrus (Quercusia) quercus ?

Ooo-chen staroe. Now it is absolutely impossible to call smile.gifit that
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04.06.2007 3:54, nimu

Tell me plz this is all three Lycaena phlaeas, despite the difference in size ( the size of the butterflies themselves and the spots on the bottom of the wings)?
All of the Moscow region.

picture: go12.JPG
go12.JPG — (122.87 k)

picture: go12a.JPG
go12a.JPG — (129.23к)

04.06.2007 4:02, Vlad Proklov

Tell me plz this is all three Lycaena phlaeas, despite the difference in size ( the size of the butterflies themselves and the spots on the bottom of the wings)?
All of the Moscow region.

The first two are females of the unpaired chervonets (Thersamonolycaena dispar), the third is spotted (Lycaena phlaeas). The second female unpaired-little in childhood sorrel atesmile.gif, on average unpaired is much larger than spotted.
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04.06.2007 7:40, Сергей-Д

Please help me identify the following types:
1. Is this Boarmia rhomboidaria?
picture: Boarmia_rhomboidaria_1.06.2007___________________.jpg
2. Hoplodrina sp., the species can be identified?
picture: Hoplodrina_sp._1.06.2007___________________.jpg
3. Lamoria anella and Melissoblaptes zelleri - how do they differ reliably and who is it?
picture: Melissoblaptes_zelleri_1.06.2007___________________.jpg
picture: Melissoblaptes_zelleri__1.06.2007____________________.jpg

04.06.2007 9:40, svm2

[quote=Ilya U, 03.06.2007 10: 20]
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04.06.2007 9:45, svm2

[quote=Sergey_D, 04.06.2007 08: 40]
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05.06.2007 0:43, Vlad Proklov

Help plz determine.
Moscow, yesterday at the light.

I think it's Ostrinia nubilalis (Crambidae).
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05.06.2007 0:48, Vlad Proklov

Lamoria anella and Melissoblaptes zelleri - how do they differ reliably and who is it?

Zelleri has the same wings. About these-it is difficult to say.
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05.06.2007 2:23, nimu

Help plz to determine the scoop.
03.06.07. na svet, Moscow.

picture: cov.JPG
cov.JPG — (34.45к)

05.06.2007 8:20, svm2

Sort of like Apamea crenata
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05.06.2007 20:15, Ilia Ustiantcev

Help plz identify cocoonworms. In my opinion, all of them (even the first one) belong to the species of Grass silkworm. (someone out there potatoria). But I'm only sure about the last two.
1.picture: __________.jpg
2.picture: __________________.jpg
3.picture: ___________________2.jpg
4.picture: ___________________4.jpg
5.picture: ___________________3.jpg

05.06.2007 20:28, Vlad Proklov

Help plz identify cocoonworms. In my opinion, all of them (even the first one) belong to the species of Grass silkworm. (someone out there potatoria). But I'm only sure about the last two.

All of them are herbal (Euthrix potatoria).
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06.06.2007 7:48, Сергей-Д

These are Crambus fireflies, can you tell me what kind? The band is too wide
picture: Crambus_hamella_1_____.jpg
picture: Crambus_hamella_2_____.jpg

06.06.2007 13:42, Vlad Proklov

These are Crambus fireflies, can you tell me what kind? The band is too wide

In my opinion, C. lathoniellus.

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 06.06.2007 13: 42
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06.06.2007 14:58, Alexander Zarodov

Another couple of butterflies from the Moscow region:

(1) ?
(2) Siona lineata?

picture: n0706021.jpg
n0706021.jpg — (127.2к)

picture: n0706022.jpg
n0706022.jpg — (93.58к)

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