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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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25.03.2017 18:03, IgorKO

Dear experts, whether it is possible to define a scoop, as option: Orthosia cerasi or Orthosia gracilis On light on March 21. Location-20 km west of Zhytomyr,

picture: WP_20170324_17_34_22_Pro.jpg
WP_20170324_17_34_22_Pro.jpg — (268.17к)

25.03.2017 18:17, NIKSTER

Dear experts, whether it is possible to define a scoop, as option: Orthosia cerasi or Orthosia gracilis On light on March 21. Location-20 km west of Zhytomyr,

Orthosia cerasi

25.03.2017 18:33, IgorKO

  Orthosia cerasi

Thank you very much!

25.03.2017 22:05, MIV

Xerodes semilutata summer yellow form.
Very similar.

Thanks! The first butterfly has been haunting me for a long time - I have reviewed more than once all the Japanese sites I know. Some kind of Larentinae?

And here is another moth from Kamchatka, Esso village, end of June. Size cr. 31mm


26.03.2017 6:33, Bianor

Thanks! The first butterfly has been haunting me for a long time - I have reviewed more than once all the Japanese sites I know. Some kind of Larentinae?

I've been thinking for a long time, and I've come to the conclusion that it's most similar to this:
But, I have never seen this view in person.

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26.03.2017 12:21, Konung

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27.03.2017 10:20, Андреас

Why polychloros? As far as I understand, you can't distinguish them visually, and you can only distinguish them when you take a picture or see a butterfly sitting close to you. In flight, they differ only with the acquisition of extensive experience in observing both species in nature.

- Collected because more than once; and not only me)

27.03.2017 16:29, Арунас

Good afternoon,
is it possible to identify Eudonia?
Lithuania, 2016.07.31 arrived at the light.
Maybe Eudonia truncicolella? or Eudonia lacustrata? shuffle.gif rolleyes.gif

Thanks beer.gif

picture: N1.jpg
N1.jpg — (361.32к)

28.03.2017 20:28, Oleg Nikolsky

Dear experts, please help us figure out what's in the pictures.
July 20, Bryansk neighborhood
Udea prunalis? Nomophila noctuella?

1picture: 1_22_07_2016.jpg
2picture: 2_22_07_2016.jpg
3picture: 25_07_2016.jpg

28.03.2017 21:13, NIKSTER

Dear experts, please help us figure out what's in the pictures.
July 20, Bryansk neighborhood
Udea prunalis? Nomophila noctuella?

2 - Nomophila noctuella
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28.03.2017 21:15, Vlad Proklov

Dear experts, please help us figure out what's in the pictures.
July 20, Bryansk neighborhood
Udea prunalis? Nomophila noctuella?

All-Nomophila noctuella.
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29.03.2017 7:51, Bianor

Gosloda, help with the floodgates!
All from the Amur region:


user posted image


user posted image


user posted image


user posted image


user posted image

29.03.2017 13:56, IgorKO

Please help me identify the scoop as an option-Orthosia sp. Born on March 28. Location-20 km west of Zhytomyr,

picture: WP_20170329_11_41_43_Pro.jpg
WP_20170329_11_41_43_Pro.jpg — (281.48к)

29.03.2017 14:16, svm2

Cerastis rubricosa

29.03.2017 15:17, IgorKO

Cerastis rubricosa

Thank you very much.

29.03.2017 18:50, Арунас

help me determine
if Lithuania, 2016.08.06, is born.
Maybe Apotomis betuletana?
thanks smile.gif beer.gif

picture: N1.jpg
N1.jpg — (379.44 k)

29.03.2017 22:58, Anton Kozyrev

Pieris napi?
Saratov region, Volsky district, a clearing near the forest. end of April.picture: IMG_4734_copy.jpg

29.03.2017 23:08, NIKSTER

Pieris napi?


29.03.2017 23:12, MIV

[quote=Bianor,29.03.2017 08:51]
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30.03.2017 0:33, Андреас

help me determine
if Lithuania, 2016.08.06, is born.
Maybe Apotomis betuletana?
thanks smile.gif  beer.gif

Oh, and mine is just the same, too! wink.gif
Flew to the light of the 5th floor in the mountain meadow valley of the Podkumok river outside Yessentuki

picture: 19.08.2006.JPG
19.08.2006.JPG — (555.03к)

30.03.2017 19:45, Андреас

And, just wondering, can you say anything about this butterfly recently photographed in Bulgaria? A silkworm of some sort? rolleyes.gif

picture: ptaha_20170330_01_1200.jpg
ptaha_20170330_01_1200.jpg — (144.44к)

30.03.2017 20:23, Vlad Proklov

And, just wondering, can you say anything about this butterfly recently photographed in Bulgaria? A silkworm of some sort? rolleyes.gif

Looks like that's who:
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30.03.2017 22:00, maik

what a butterfly Stavropol 30.03.2017 forest to light L-37 mm
picture: DSCF3681.JPG

30.03.2017 22:02, VitSev

Please help me identify whitefish. Sevastopol, 28.03.2017, on the flowers of ptitsemlechnika.

picture: IMG_8479_________.jpg
IMG_8479_________.jpg — (426.52к)

30.03.2017 22:12, NIKSTER

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30.03.2017 22:19, NIKSTER

what a butterfly Stavropol 30.03.2017 forest to light L-37 mm

Similar to Orthosia incerta, if anything, the pros will correct me smile.gif
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02.04.2017 18:08, maik

Say it Lacanobia (Dianobia) thalassina (Hufnagel, 1766) Stavropol 30.03.17. from pupa
picture: DSCF3694.JPG
Is this the same Orthosia sordescens Hreblay, 1993 ?? 1.4.17. Stavropol forest to light
picture: DSCF3667.JPG

This post was edited by maik-02.04.2017 18: 20
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03.04.2017 15:47, Radik

Please tell me Catocala.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, o l "Bonfire" on the light. September 2 2011

03.04.2017 16:34, Alexandr Zhakov

Please tell me Catocala.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, o l "Bonfire" on the light. September 2, 2011

Catocala nupta, much faded already.

03.04.2017 16:45, Radik

Catocala nupta, much faded already.

Thank you.

06.04.2017 22:06, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in determining. Astrakhan region, Akhtubinsk. 6.04.2017.

picture: IMG_20170406_225051.jpg
IMG_20170406_225051.jpg — (295.72к)

06.04.2017 22:25, Vlad Proklov

I ask for help in determining. Astrakhan region, Akhtubinsk. 6.04.2017.

Nycteola eremostola
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07.04.2017 0:05, Prolybitherium

Dear butterfly experts, I'm not asking for a definition of the type, but for advice. I opened one of the neighboring topics for this purpose, but decided to apply here, because it is more likely to find a specialist here.
I am translating the book "The Forgotten pollinators" (for the soul, not for money), and I really need to know how to translate the name of the butterfly Apodemia mormo langei
Does this species have a Russian name? If not, what is the correct name for it in Russian?
I really need to know, believe me.

07.04.2017 1:13, Andrey Bezborodkin

Dear butterfly experts, I'm not asking for a definition of the type, but for advice. I opened one of the neighboring topics for this purpose, but decided to apply here, because it is more likely to find a specialist here.
I am translating the book "The Forgotten pollinators" (for the soul, not for money), and I really need to know how to translate the name of the butterfly Apodemia mormo langei
Does this species have a Russian name? If not, what is the correct name for it in Russian?
I really need to know, believe me.

There is no Russian name as such, you can call it "shashechnitsa Lange", "riodinida Lange" (in America they are called "metalmark").

07.04.2017 6:56, Prolybitherium

There is no Russian name as such, you can call it "shashechnitsa Lange", "riodinida Lange" (in America they are called "metalmark").

Yes, metalmark - this name is often found there in the text. Are there any rules that define how to name a type in Russian translation if it doesn't have a common name?
And the draughtsmen are still nymphalids, not rhyodinids. Is it correct to use this name?

07.04.2017 10:47, Guest


07.04.2017 10:55, Andrey Bezborodkin

From a scientific point of view, there are no clear rules governing the national names of insects. There are traditions, nothing more. The system of Russian names was introduced by N. Kholodkovsky in the beginning. Since then, they have changed many times, were used in Soviet times even in academic literature, and in the Red Books they are often used even now, and God only knows what authors invented them there. Disputes about the need to somehow streamline the rules for Russian names periodically arise and subside. For the American fauna, in general, we did not invent anything special, except for bright and popular butterflies (sailboat so-and-so, birdwing so-and-so, etc.). There are no special rules for translation and use. And "shashechnitsa" is often used for rhyodinids, I have met this for a long time repeatedly.

07.04.2017 17:52, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Poltava, born on

picture: DSC_6872.jpg
DSC_6872.jpg — (301.05к)

picture: DSC_6867.jpg
DSC_6867.jpg — (280.13к)

07.04.2017 18:29, NIKSTER

Poltava, born on

2-Apparently with such "white spots" Eupsilia transversa

08.04.2017 0:41, TEMPUS

Poltava, born on

1 - Orthosia cerasi

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