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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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08.08.2017 22:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Tugolesye 2.08.2017
Pempelia palumbella?

Khorassiana compositella does not show a couple of signs.

08.08.2017 22:53, Aksin2005

Please help me figure out my three options. Photographed there in Rtishchevo, in July.
1. user posted image
2. user posted image
3. user posted image

08.08.2017 23:01, Ilia Ustiantcev

Mythimna ferrago
Agapeta hamana
I won't risk the hood
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08.08.2017 23:08, Aksin2005

I won't risk the hood again

Not Cucullia umbratica, by any chance?

08.08.2017 23:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

Not Cucullia umbratica, by any chance?

You have a lot of things that can fly there, and it's almost certainly not umbratika, there is no red one.

08.08.2017 23:39, Aksin2005

You have a lot of things that can fly there

Yes, that's for sure, this year some kind of invasion of moths and scoops of different species.

09.08.2017 12:44, Vlad Proklov

Please help me deal with the butterflies caught last week in the east of Moscow region.

Vlad, can you take a look at something from URL #32392? Oh, and I'd also like to see a map of Gymnoscelis rufifasciata. jump.gif  wink.gif

1 - deal with the dustpan yourself! tongue.gif
2-to cook would, on richteriana smacks
3-pannonica directly on diff. Diagnosis from descriptions! jump.gif
4-probably yes.

picture: 7708_Gymnoscelis_rufifasciata.gif

This post was edited by kotbegemot-09.08.2017 13: 16
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09.08.2017 13:28, Ilia Ustiantcev

picture: 7708_Gymnoscelis_rufifasciata.gif

Well, you already understood that the point in Pestovo can be put? smile.gif Old find-Butovo-Cheryomushki? And Tugolesye, if this is it, from what year? And you also don't have a point from somewhere in Bryansk, I think I determined it from there at the end of May. This night, by the way, Phiaris schulziana arrived.

This post was edited by Ilya U-09.08.2017 13: 29
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09.08.2017 13:56, Vlad Proklov

Well, you already understood that the point in Pestovo can be put? smile.gif Old find-Butovo-Cheryomushki? And Tugolesye, if this is it, from what year? And you also don't have a point from somewhere in Bryansk, I think I determined it from there at the end of May. This night, by the way, Phiaris schulziana arrived.

A point in the Shatursky district - according to Solntsev's addition: Voimezhny, 1986, ex. l.
I blurted out Moscow in the center, because there are two instructions:
- Antonova: in the collection of A. Brodersen there is a copy with the label "Moscow"
- Sirotkin in the supplement of 1982: bred from a pupa in Moscow, 1975, Solyanikov

This post was edited by kotbegemot-09.08.2017 14: 01
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11.08.2017 1:11, Romanov2000

Dear dustpan experts, We need your help!
1-Moldova, Tsypovo, 5.08.2015. Hydraecia micacea?
2-Moscow, Tsaritsyno, 20.08.2016. Hydraecia micacea?
3-Moscow, Tsaritsyno, 5.09.2016. Hydraecia ultima?

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (308.8к)

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11.08.2017 10:34, vassa1

please help me identify the caterpillar. Chuvashia

11.08.2017 12:49, Shamil Murtazin

please help me identify the caterpillar. Chuvashia

Crested, apparently. I will timidly assume Notodonta dromedarius.
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11.08.2017 13:18, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., N. 15.07.2017
1 Acleris quercinana?
picture: Acleris_quercinana.jpg
2 Caradrina selini?
picture: Caradrina_selini.jpg
picture: IMG_5445_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_5479_____________.jpg
5 M. O. Topoliny 10.08.2017

Mesapamea secalella?
picture: IMG_3237.jpg
picture: IMG_3233.jpg

11.08.2017 13:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Aleimma loeflingiana
Well in my opinion selini
Piniphila bifasciana
Further XZ
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11.08.2017 16:30, Раду Кибзий

Hello! Can you help me identify the butterfly? Chisinau neighborhood, September 19, 2013

picture: P1330119_1.__800_.jpg
P1330119_1.__800_.jpg — (81.59к)

11.08.2017 19:20, Тремула

Hello, help me identify butterflies from the Abzelilovsky district of Bashkortostan collected on Aug 3, 2017

11.08.2017 20:14, Тремула

and more butterflies from Bashkiria july 2017 help determine

12.08.2017 9:42, D.Alex

Friends, good day to all!
Please tell me is this all Junonia iphita or is it still someone from Euthalia?

I can't say about Nepalese, but the rest are Junonia iphita, any Euthalia has a much thicker body. Nepali may not be iphita, but still juno
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12.08.2017 13:53, Вячеслав Ушаков

Good afternoon, help me identify the butterflies. Collected in the Trans-Baikal Territory in August 2016.

picture: P8121202.JPG
P8121202.JPG — (310.68к)

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12.08.2017 15:49, Andrey Bezborodkin

Good afternoon, help me identify the butterflies. Collected in the Trans-Baikal Territory in August 2016.

All Parnassius nomion, nominative subspecies.

12.08.2017 16:18, Вячеслав Ушаков

All Parnassius nomion, a nominative subspecies.

Thank you very much!

12.08.2017 16:43, Aksin2005

Good afternoon. Please help me with the definition. Rtishchevo, Saratov Region, August 2017.

picture: IMG_1883.JPG
IMG_1883.JPG — (297.99к)

12.08.2017 18:45, Andrey Bezborodkin

Good afternoon. Please help me with the definition. Rtishchevo, Saratov Region, August 2017.

Eupithecia pimpinellata
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12.08.2017 20:49, RoPro

Please help me identify it. Moscow region, August 12. The first one doesn't even have any idea who is in the Choreutidae. And the second Ennomos quercinaria ?

picture: DSCN6639.jpg
DSCN6639.jpg — (411.69к)

picture: DSCN6559.jpg
DSCN6559.jpg — (283.75к)

13.08.2017 0:38, svm2

Eupithecia pimpinellata

In my opinion millefoleata

13.08.2017 10:53, Andrey Bezborodkin

In my opinion millefoleata

Yes, maybe she is. Reddish shapes are very similar smile.gif

13.08.2017 15:24, staphyl

Good afternoon dear forumchane! Help identify the butterflies. All of them were photographed in one place: Armenia, Syunik region, near the village of Gekhanush, small lake, 11.08.2017

This post was edited by staphyl - 13.08.2017 15: 57

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13.08.2017 17:20, NIKSTER

Good afternoon dear forumchane! Help identify the butterflies. All of them were photographed in one place: Armenia, Syunik region, near the village of Gekhanush, small lake, 11.08.2017

I don't have much time to watch, so I couldn't determine everything:
1 - Argynnis paphia
2, 4 - Someone from Lampides or Leptotes
3, 5, 11-Polyommatus bellargus
6 - Lycaena phlaeas
7 - Lycaena thersamon
8 - Pieris rapae
9 - Colias alfacariensis
10, 21 - Coenonympha pamphilus
12, 17, 18, 20 - Polyommatus sp.
13, 19 - Plebejus agestis
14, 15 - Plebejus sp.
16 - Colias hyale/alfacariensis

This post was edited by NIKSTER - 13.08.2017 17: 21
Likes: 1

13.08.2017 17:46, Раду Кибзий

Hello! Can you help me identify the butterfly? Chisinau neighborhood, September 19, 2013

I wish I had a name for my butterfly, too... Or is it not earthly, unknown yet? Thanks! confused.gif

13.08.2017 18:01, Zheka

I wish I had a name for my butterfly, too... Or is it not earthly, unknown yet? Thanks! confused.gif

Your butterfly is either Heliothis adaucta, or Heliothis viriplaca, or maybe Helicoverpa armigera. The butterfly got wet, so I can't be more precise
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13.08.2017 18:15, Раду Кибзий

You are welcome! Heliothis adaucta, Heliothis viriplaca или Helicoverpa armigera? Thank you in advance!

This post was edited by Radu Kibzi - 13.08.2017 22: 13

picture: P1330125__1024_.jpg
P1330125__1024_.jpg — (317.98к)

picture: P1330120__1024_.jpg
P1330120__1024_.jpg — (303.07к)

13.08.2017 20:22, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

I don't have much time to watch, so I couldn't determine everything:
1 - Argynnis paphia
2, 4 - Someone from Lampides or Leptotes
3, 5, 11-Polyommatus bellargus
6 - Lycaena phlaeas
7 - Lycaena thersamon
8 - Pieris rapae
9 - Colias alfacariensis
10, 21 - Coenonympha pamphilus
12, 17, 18, 20 - Polyommatus sp.
13, 19 - Plebejus agestis
14, 15 - Plebejus sp.
16 - Colias hyale/alfacariensis

2,4-Tarucus balkanicus (FREYER, 1843) - nominat
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14.08.2017 0:02, Slavinator

Saratov region, August

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14.08.2017 1:02, Vlad Proklov

I don't have much time to watch, so I couldn't determine everything:
1 - Argynnis paphia
2, 4 - Someone from Lampides or Leptotes
3, 5, 11-Polyommatus bellargus
6 - Lycaena phlaeas
7 - Lycaena thersamon
8 - Pieris rapae
9 - Colias alfacariensis
10, 21 - Coenonympha pamphilus
12, 17, 18, 20 - Polyommatus sp.
13, 19 - Plebejus agestis
14, 15 - Plebejus sp.
16 - Colias hyale/alfacariensis

8-I would say P. napi f. pseudorapae
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14.08.2017 1:04, Vlad Proklov

Saratov region, August

Assorted Triodia sylvina, Cataclysta lemnata, Parapoynx stratiotata and Costaconvexa polygrammata.

As always, I'm interested in your exact location.

14.08.2017 1:23, Necrocephalus

I couldn't understand it. MO
picture: DSCN0578.JPG

14.08.2017 12:53, ярослав

Good afternoon forumchane.Please help me determine it.Orenburg region, Oktyabrsky district, Bulanovo village, meadow on the upper swamp, 28.06.2017.

picture: SDC15423.jpg
SDC15423.jpg — (275.23к)

14.08.2017 12:56, ярослав

here's another micra.Orenburg region,Orenburg district,Village of Pavlovka, born on 27.07.2017.

picture: SDC15424.jpg
SDC15424.jpg — (273.78к)

14.08.2017 12:59, ярослав

c. Pavlovka Orenburg region to light 27.07.2017 g thank you in advance.

picture: SDC15425.jpg
SDC15425.jpg — (241.35к)

14.08.2017 14:54, Andrey Ponomarev

I couldn't understand it. МО
picture: DSCN0578.JPG

If taken in April-May, then Cleora cinctaria
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