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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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19.08.2017 15:58, Ilia Ustiantcev

Sorry, but what is gnophos? shuffle.gif

By the way, this is C. obscurata by eye, of our 5 species, only it and Gnophos obfuscata fit the shape of the outer transverse line, but the second one is less similar in color.

19.08.2017 16:22, Елизавета Рысенкова

1. Pheosia gnoma - only the first photo, on the head. it is impossible to determine the type, the third photo I see Pheosia tremula, only if it is not a completely worn butterfly in the first photo, although no, this is excluded.
Elizabeth, please indicate one butterfly in different photos or different ones.
2. yes
3. From such angles, it is difficult to say anything, and I don't know what Acronicta cuspis is about, from Nikita's answer at all. smile.gif
4. yes
5. photo alas, everyone here will see their smile.gifown I think that Plusia putnami.
6. yes
7. yes

1. - in the third photo, indeed, a different butterfly.
Thank you so much for your help! smile.gif

19.08.2017 16:44, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please take another look. mol.gif

Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village, Seliger Lake July 23-29, 2017

1. Pterostoma palpina?
picture: 1__1_.JPGpicture: 1__4_.JPG

I couldn't identify these people myselfconfused.gif :

2a.picture: 2__1_.JPG
2b.picture: 2__2_.JPGpicture: 2__3_.JPG

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 07.09.2017 14: 12

19.08.2017 22:27, Alexandr Zhakov

I thought they were no different in imago smile.gif
Are there any distinguishing features?

There is a topic http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=191331&st=0
Everything is written and shown there.
Thinking is good, but it is also desirable to know. smile.gif
Likes: 1

20.08.2017 0:31, NIKSTER

Please take another look. mol.gif

Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village, Seliger Lake July 23-29, 2017

2-Ptilodon capucina
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20.08.2017 13:26, ярослав

Hello.Orenburg region,Orenburg district,village of Pavlovka,on light, 17.08.2017Catocala deducta?

picture: SDC15440.jpg
SDC15440.jpg — (288.7к)

20.08.2017 15:36, Alexandr Zhakov

If Catocala deducta is a species, how can it be distinguished from Catocala elocata?
Everything is conditional here.smile.gif
Likes: 1

20.08.2017 15:54, Annapurna

Good afternoon!
Please help me understand which of the Satyrium spp. this tailbone. Serbia, Belgrade, 11 August 2017.

20.08.2017 16:19, Alexandr Zhakov

Good afternoon!
Please help me understand which of the Satyrium spp. this tailbone. Serbia, Belgrade, August 11, 2017.

Favonius quercus
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20.08.2017 16:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please help me deal with the micra. The first one is from Moscow, the rest are from Pestovo.

1. malinella? The dots don't zigzag.
image: det1. png
image: det11. png

2. C. blandella or junctella? Or someone else?
image: det2. png
image: det22. png

3. With such a yellow head only D. flavidorsana happens?
image: det3. png
image: det33. png

20.08.2017 18:23, Annapurna

Friends, good day to all!
Please tell me is this all Junonia iphita or is it still someone from Euthalia?

Nepali definitely Junonia iphita

20.08.2017 20:01, MIV

Please help me in identifying moths from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.

1. Ectropis bistortata ? the female. 28mm. June 1st
picture: Ectropis_bistortata_Goeze__1781__________28________._________________.___________._________._1.07.17.__leg.__.______..jpg

2. Ectropis crepuscularia ? 29mm. 16th of May
picture: Ectropis_crepuscularia_29________.____.____._______________________._16.05.15._leg.__.______.jpg

3. Parectropis similaria ? 27mm. June 20
картинка: Parectropis_similaria_____Dysgnophos_sp._27_______.____.____._______________________._20.06.15._leg.__.______.jpg

4. ???. 28mm. August 18
picture: IMG_2310__28__________________._______._13.08.15._leg.__.______.jpg

20.08.2017 21:44, svm2

crepuscularia (=bistortata), if the Blue of other Ectropis in your region is not present, then true
4-completely killed Camptogramma biliniata
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20.08.2017 22:04, Сергей-Д

Orenburg, on light, 12.08.2017, Crambidae, Crambinae, and the species?

Agriphila tristella
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20.08.2017 22:05, Сергей-Д

Please check it out. Is this Crassa tinctella ? And then it seems to be Crassa unitella is also similar. Moscow region, August 13.

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21.08.2017 15:06, Radik

Please help me with the definition of micro.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district. August 4.
1 -?
2-like Dioryctria abietella

21.08.2017 16:31, Zum-Graat

Such a thing sat outside the window at night. Moscow region, 20.08. Is it possible to determine at least up to the family?

picture: SDC15127.JPG
SDC15127.JPG — (131.98к)

picture: SDC15130.JPG
SDC15130.JPG — (138.56к)

21.08.2017 17:01, Alexandr Zhakov

Such a thing sat outside the window at night. Moscow region, 20.08. Is it possible to determine at least up to the family?

Cosmia trapezina (Linnaeus, 1758)
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22.08.2017 0:02, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar, 20.08.2017
Catoptria fulgidella?
picture: IMG_5452.jpg
picture: IMG_5453.jpg

22.08.2017 0:13, Vlad Proklov

M. O., Poplar, 20.08.2017
Catoptria fulgidella?

Yes, super!

22.08.2017 10:59, Radik

Dear experts, do not miss the URL #32543

22.08.2017 14:04, Alexander73

3. Pharmacis fusconebulosa
6. Calliteara abietis
and the scoops honestly confused me!)
....(5) Anarta trifolii & (7) Diarsia dahlii?

This post was edited by Alexander73 - 22.08.2017 14: 45

22.08.2017 21:22, MIV

Please help me deal with scoops from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.

1. Lygephila craccae or L. viciae?
picture: IMG_2511.jpg

2. Apamea anceps or A. unimis?
картинка: Apamea_anceps___Denis_et_Schiffermuller___1775__29________._____.____._______________________._25.06.08._leg.__.______.jpg

3. Caradrina montana or C. petraea?
picture: IMG_1968______._________________.___________._________._10.07.17.__leg.__.______..jpg

22.08.2017 23:36, Ilia Ustiantcev

Vlad, please look at URL #32537 and these two from Pestovo

1. Homoeosoma nebulella? A large one with binaevella.
image: det11. png
image: det12. png

2. Scrobipalpa ocellatella? I will also have a butterfly from the very south?))
image: det13. png
image: det14. png

This post was edited by Ilya U - 23.08.2017 00: 34

23.08.2017 9:45, svm2

Please help me deal with scoops from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.

1. Lygephila craccae or L. viciae?

2. Apamea anceps or A. unimis?

3. Caradrina montana or C. petraea?

In my opinion
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23.08.2017 10:47, ярослав

Good afternoon.Is this Pseudohadena immuna?Orenburg region,Orenburg district,village of Pavlovka na svet, 20.08.2017

picture: SDC15441__2_.jpg
SDC15441__2_.jpg — (294.46к)

23.08.2017 10:57, svm2

Eurois occulta
Likes: 2

23.08.2017 11:19, Vlad Proklov

Please help me with the definition of micro.
Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district. August 4.
1 -?
2-like Dioryctria abietella

1 - Endothenia quadrimaculana
2 - Dioryctria abietella

23.08.2017 11:22, Vlad Proklov

Please help me deal with the micra. The first one is from Moscow, the rest are from Pestovo.

1. malinella? The dots don't zigzag.
image: det1. png
image: det11. png

2. C. blandella or junctella? Or someone else?
image: det2. png
image: det22. png

3. With such a yellow head only D. flavidorsana happens?
image: det3. png
image: det33. png

1-can padella? it seems to be grayish
2-blandella / blandelloides
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23.08.2017 11:23, Vlad Proklov

Vlad, please look at URL #32537 and these two from Pestovo

1 - yes.
2-I don't know how to start cooking it.
Likes: 1

23.08.2017 13:24, Vovan48

Please help me deal with Cerura. All caught 1-5. 05. 2017 Astrakhan region, Dosang settlement. Is it possible to determine from the photo whether there is intermedia or all vinula among them? If it is possible, then by what signs-By the mustache?

picture: ____________________025.jpg
____________________025.jpg — (297.99к)

23.08.2017 13:40, Radik

1 - Endothenia quadrimaculana
2 - Dioryctria abietella

Thank you very much

23.08.2017 18:12, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar, 23.08.2017
Eupithecia pusillata?
picture: IMG_6300.jpg
picture: IMG_6306.jpg

23.08.2017 18:38, Ilia Ustiantcev

Yes, we do not have others with such a shadow behind a black spot.
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23.08.2017 18:40, Сергей-Д

Cryphia algae, receptricula, or is it impossible from the photo? 4.08.2017 Severodonetsk
picture: Cryphia__algae_receptricula__2017.08.04.jpg

23.08.2017 19:12, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Voynovo gora 17.07.2017 (Ilya had a koppula there is a photo)
picture: IMG_7107.jpg
picture: IMG_7108.jpg
picture: IMG_7115.jpg
picture: IMG_7120.jpg

23.08.2017 20:15, RoPro

Please help me identify it. Slipcover ? And before the view will work ?
Moscow region, August 19.

picture: DSCN7266.jpg
DSCN7266.jpg — (305.95к)

23.08.2017 21:30, Andrey Ponomarev

Please help me identify it. Slipcover ? And before the view will work ?
Moscow region, August 19.

It will not work up to the species, the cover and forage plant do not always help.
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23.08.2017 22:29, Vlad Proklov

M. O., Voynovo gora 17.07.2017 (Ilya had a koppula there is a photo)

What is wrong with petiverella?
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23.08.2017 23:46, Ilia Ustiantcev

What is wrong with petiverella?

I also signed it that way, but you never know, there are similar types, you need to be safe.

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