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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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07.09.2017 14:51, Alexandr Zhakov

  2 fraudatrix
The fact is that the second photo was taken from the site https://insecta.pro/ru and there over it is signed L. Peterburgskaya Now, in what place to laugh

I don't understand you. Wherever it comes from, it shows the differences between the two types. The Russian name of petrovitana is Peterburgskaya. What surprises you?
If you are not satisfied with the photos on the sites, you will have to turn to the determinants, and determine by the keys, the so-called theses and antitheses. The differences are good, you do not need to cook a copulatory device.

Andrey, the answer was not to you, but to Nikita. smile.gif
"arud" of the 11 photos on the site you took the most dubious, which I will now put in question, the remaining 10 correspond to the signs that are indicated on the site <url>.
It is likely that Nikita is right, and there are two copies of maera in the photo.
And you don't need to laugh anywhere, in this case, but you need to figure out where the error is.
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07.09.2017 15:07, аруд

Andrey, the answer was not to you, but to Nikita. smile.gif
It is likely that Nikita is right, and there are two copies of maera in the photo.
And you don't need to laugh anywhere, in this case, but you need to figure out where the error is.

I did not question the claim that the two photos I presented are maera. Just asked for clarification of what is what, since https://insecta.pro/ru somewhat confused the situation.
The question about laughter came up after receiving " smile.gif". Something like that.
Thank you all for participating in the question.
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07.09.2017 15:27, Andrey Bezborodkin

Hello, tell me what kind of view please confused.gif
Moscow Region, August

Geometra papilionaria
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07.09.2017 15:29, Andrey Bezborodkin

Please tell me, is this Ennomos autumnaria?

Vasilevo village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region. 26.08.2017

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07.09.2017 16:10, Andrey Bezborodkin

Tell me what kind of view please confused.gif
Malaysia, Borneo.

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07.09.2017 19:00, Раду Кибзий

Good evening! Can you tell me the name of this instance? November 21, 2013 Chisinau. Thank you in advance!

picture: P1330672_0.__1024_.jpg
P1330672_0.__1024_.jpg — (434.6к)

picture: P1330664_0.__1024_.jpg
P1330664_0.__1024_.jpg — (442.53к)

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07.09.2017 22:44, Shamil Murtazin

Wow, Fanwing (Alucitidae)
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08.09.2017 1:46, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me identify the butterflies. confused.gif Well, if something can be determined. eek.gif

Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village, Seliger Lake July 25-29, 2017

1. maybe Plusia festucae ?
picture: 1__1_.JPGpicture: 1__2_.JPGpicture: 1__3_.JPG
picture: 2.JPG
picture: 3.JPG
picture: 11.JPG
5. M. B., Hypena proboscidalis ?
picture: 10.JPG

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 08.09.2017 02: 44

08.09.2017 10:07, Oleg Nikolsky

Help me identify the moth.
Scopula imitaria or Scopula umbelaria?
Bryansk, August 26.

picture: IMG_0388.jpg
IMG_0388.jpg — (125.19к)

08.09.2017 10:31, svm2

The angle, of course, does not allow one hundred percent to be sure, but in my opinion neither one nor the other, and the female Scopula virgulata
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08.09.2017 12:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me identify the butterflies. confused.gif Well, if something can be determined. eek.gif
Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, Nepe village, Seliger Lake July 25-29, 2017
1. Maybe Plusia festucae ?

. M. B., Hypena proboscidalis ?

There are two options to help the hungry, give a fish or give a fishing rod smile.gif
Let's try to give a fishing rod smile.gif
1. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotoue...cht_Archipini_3
2. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotoue..._Olethreutini_4
3. this one doesn't even get to the end of the genus with confidence
4. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotouebersicht_Archipini
5. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotoue...t_Herminiinae_2
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08.09.2017 12:44, Елизавета Рысенкова

There are two options to help the hungry, give a fish or give a fishing rod smile.gif
Let's try to give a fishing rod smile.gif
1. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotoue...cht_Archipini_3
2. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotoue..._Olethreutini_4
3. this one doesn't even get to the end of the genus with confidence
4. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotouebersicht_Archipini
5. http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Fotoue...t_Herminiinae_2

That's what I stepped on! redface.gif 1. Aphelia paleana? Timofeechnaya leaf wrapper? I had it in mind, I copied the Latin name from some website incorrectly. wall.gif jump.gif Shame on me! eek.gif

I am inclined to the following options:
2. Celypha rivulana ?
4. Archips oporana ?
5. Polypogon tentacularia?

Did you hit anything?" wink.gif

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 08.09.2017 13: 17

08.09.2017 13:14, Andrey Bezborodkin

That's what I stepped on! redface.gif 1. Aphelia paleana? Timofeechnaya leaf wrapper? I had it in mind, I copied the Latin name from some website incorrectly. wall.gif  jump.gif Shame on me! eek.gif

Don't be discouraged! Everyone has mistakes, and sometimes outright glitches smile.gifIt's better for a person who is passionate about something to make mistakes than not to be interested in anything around beer.gif
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08.09.2017 14:04, Alexandr Zhakov

1. Aphelia paleana? Timofeechnaya leaf wrapper?
I am inclined to the following options:
2. Celypha rivulana ?
4. Archips oporana ?
5. Polypogon tentacularia?
Did you hit anything?" wink.gif

1. I would be more careful to say paleana / unitana
2. in my opinion Celypha lacunana

For 4 and 5, I would define the same.
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08.09.2017 14:18, NIKSTER

Andrey, the answer was not to you, but to Nikita. smile.gif
"arud" of the 11 photos on the site you took the most dubious, which I will now put in question, the remaining 10 correspond to the signs that are indicated on the site <url>.
It is likely that Nikita is right, and there are two copies of maera in the photo.
And you don't need to laugh anywhere, in this case, but you need to figure out where the error is.

While I was away they started a whole discussion here smile.gif
According to the links I gave above, the differences between maera and petrovitana were visible, but I just didn't say what wink.gifthey were . And to Andrey too, thank you!
A sign with a line immediately catches your eye. The second is the "eyes" on the rear fenders, but it is more indirect and does not always help. According to it, males differ quite well.
I consider this discussion closed smile.gif.

08.09.2017 21:29, ИНО

What kind of katokala?

picture: _________2017_368.jpg
picture: _________2017_369.jpg

Today, on a bridge in the center of Donetsk. This is the first time I've seen such a view. The hind wings are orange-red, the front wings are distinctly yellow (the color reproduction in the photo is correct). Unfortunately, there was nothing to catch and nowhere to put.

08.09.2017 21:33, Zheka

What kind of katokala?

Today, on a bridge in the center of Donetsk. This is the first time I've seen such a view. The hind wings are orange-red, the front wings are distinctly yellow (the color reproduction in the photo is correct). Unfortunately, there was nothing to catch and nowhere to put.

Catocala puerpera
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09.09.2017 20:51, Елизавета Рысенкова

And if I assume that this is Mniotype satura, how much will I be mistaken?

Tver region, Torzhok
picture: 1.JPG

09.09.2017 21:08, MIV

[quote=Elizaveta Rysenkova, 09.09.2017 21: 51]
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10.09.2017 0:21, tomegatherion

taken today in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

picture: IMG_0760.jpg
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10.09.2017 0:33, Zheka

taken today in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Scoliopteryx libatrix
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11.09.2017 19:04, Opatrum

Colleagues, help us identify the beauty.
02.09.17, 21 h 47 min, Stavropol, center, entrance of a residential building, on the wall, actively flew.
Thank you in advance.

picture: SAM_5008.JPG
SAM_5008.JPG — (290.56к)

11.09.2017 22:23, Alexandr Zhakov

Colleagues, help us identify the beauty.
02.09.17, 21 h 47 min, Stavropol, center, entrance of a residential building, on the wall, actively flew.
Thank you in advance.

Caradrina kadenii
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12.09.2017 23:56, Елизавета Рысенкова

Isn't that Polia nebulosa, by any chance?"
Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, village of Nepe, lake.Seliger
picture: 5__1_.JPGpicture: 5__2_.JPG

14.09.2017 12:36, Opatrum

Colleagues, can you help us identify the creation of nature?
06.09.17, Stavropol city hospital, hall, on the wall

picture: SAM_5045.JPG
SAM_5045.JPG — (290.77к)

14.09.2017 12:38, NIKSTER

Colleagues, can you help us identify the creation of nature?
06.09.17, Stavropol city hospital, hall, on the wall

Cydalima perspectalis
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14.09.2017 13:21, Opatrum

And another beauty to define, if you can.
Thank you in advance.
13.09.17, 16 h 07 min, shoulder of the asphalt road leading to the Niva village, on a bush.

I wonder why Cydalima perspectalis is so variable in color (white, dark)? related to gender?

picture: SAM_5112.JPG
SAM_5112.JPG — (294.82к)

14.09.2017 14:02, NIKSTER

And another beauty to define, if you can.
Thank you in advance.
13.09.17, 16 h 07 min, shoulder of the asphalt road leading to the Niva village, on a bush.

Pararge aegeria

I wonder why Cydalima perspectalis is so variable in color (white, dark)? related to gender?

it's a melanist smile.gif
it is not related to gender, but is related to the weather (temperature, solar activity, etc.)

This post was edited by NIKSTER - 14.09.2017 14: 06
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15.09.2017 16:28, Alexander73

Isn't that Polia nebulosa, by any chance?"
Tver region, Ostashkovsky district, village of Nepe, lake.Seliger
picture: 5__1_.JPGpicture: 5__2_.JPG

You overlooked my post!)
Anarta trifolii
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15.09.2017 17:01, Alexandr Zhakov

You overlooked my post!)
Anarta trifolii

100% not anarta trifolii well, not polia nebulosa
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15.09.2017 17:51, Ilia Ustiantcev

Uh-huh, that's bullshit. I think L. thalassina.
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15.09.2017 22:54, Елизавета Рысенкова

Thank you. But I'm even more confused now. confused.gif confused.gif confused.gif confused.gif
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16.09.2017 8:03, svm2

Thank you. But I'm even more confused now. confused.gif  confused.gif  confused.gif  confused.gif

Definitely Lacanobia and most likely thalassina
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16.09.2017 12:53, Ilia Ustiantcev

Please tell me a couple of mikrushek! Caught in Pestovo at the beginning of the week.

Lobesia reliquana? Aren't they different from their doppelganger by the time of summer?
user posted imageuser posted image

Yponomeuta padella?
user posted imageuser posted image

16.09.2017 13:16, Vlad Proklov

Please tell me a couple of mikrushek! Caught in Pestovo at the beginning of the week.

Lobesia reliquana? Aren't they different from their doppelganger by the time of summer?
Yponomeuta padella?

1-reliquana, virulenta is darker. The second, probably optional generation.
To clear the so-called conscience, of course, you can cook =)

2-malinella or padella - it is not clear whether it is so gray or simply grated.
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16.09.2017 17:32, VitSev

Please help me identify the mottled area. Sevastopol, 16.09.2017.

picture: IMG_3462.JPG
IMG_3462.JPG — (119.09к)

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16.09.2017 21:09, okoem

Please help me identify the mottled area. Sevastopol, 16.09.2017.

Zygaena ephialtes
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17.09.2017 0:11, NIKSTER

Zygaena ephialtes

Wow, this is her second generation? Many other pestryanki in Crimea have a second generation?

17.09.2017 21:00, Sergeyy

Help me determine it. Morophaga choragella ? Belarus. Minsk region.

picture: IMG_4986.JPG
IMG_4986.JPG — (166.86к)

17.09.2017 21:06, Vlad Proklov

Help me determine it. Morophaga choragella ? Belarus. Minsk region.

Definitely not her.
From such a photo, you can hardly tell who. But not M. choragella.
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