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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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02.09.2017 9:17, Opatrum

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Image # SAM 4987.29.08.2017
, Stavropol city surroundings: Grushovy village, shoulder of a sandy-dirt country road from Height # 1 to Height # 2; observation time from 12 h 25 min.
Iterative: the insect is apparently old-the wings are very frayed; but it is active, flying from place to place.

picture: SAM_4987.JPG
SAM_4987.JPG — (296.24к)

02.09.2017 9:20, Opatrum

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Image # SAM 4991.29.08.2017
, Stavropol city surroundings: Grushovy village, shoulder of a sandy-dirt country road from Height # 1 to Height # 2; observation time from 12 h 25 min.

picture: SAM_4991.JPG
SAM_4991.JPG — (297.21 k)

02.09.2017 9:24, Alexandr Zhakov

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Photo # SAM 5004. 01.09.17, Stavropol, window sill of the entrance of a residential building, not alive (dried)

Cydalima perspectalis
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02.09.2017 12:04, ярослав

There is one option for your region by Blue:
Nyctegretis lineana

And for Kazakhstan? We are right here, 70km away.

02.09.2017 12:09, ярослав

And for Kazakhstan? We're right here, 70km away.

Very similar to Nyctegretis triangulella.

02.09.2017 12:15, NIKSTER

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Image # SAM 4987.29.08.2017
, Stavropol city surroundings: Grushovy village, shoulder of a sandy-dirt country road from Height # 1 to Height # 2; observation time from 12 h 25 min.
Iterative: the insect is apparently old-the wings are very frayed; but it is active, flying from place to place.

Highly flown Arethusana arethusa
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02.09.2017 15:38, Alexandr Zhakov

Very similar to Nyctegretis triangulella.

Genital views, if both were given for your region, would be separated by fractions. They say that in the series they are distinguished. But you have one butterfly.

02.09.2017 15:54, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Photo # SAM 5004. 01.09.17, Stavropol, window sill of the entrance of a residential building, not alive (dried)

Wow ! Boxwood fire pit. And I got to you ! He's going to eat everything !

02.09.2017 16:00, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Good afternoon, colleagues.
Can you help me identify it?
Image # SAM 4991.29.08.2017
, Stavropol city surroundings: Grushovy village, shoulder of a sandy-dirt country road from Height # 1 to Height # 2; observation time from 12 h 25 min.

Female jaundice, the most common, if it were further north, I would say that Colias hyale, and so, maybe alfacariensis.
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02.09.2017 16:07, Vlad Proklov

Genital views, if both were given for your region, would be separated by fractions. They say that in the series they are distinguished. But you have one butterfly.

In my opinion, they quite simply differ in appearance...
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02.09.2017 16:19, Alexandr Zhakov

In my opinion, they quite simply differ in appearance...


02.09.2017 16:33, Vlad Proklov


Well, here's N. lineana. Triangulella has shorter / wider wings and no reddish color.
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02.09.2017 16:43, ярослав

And who is this one?In the same place.

picture: SDC15459.jpg
SDC15459.jpg — (260.88к)

02.09.2017 16:46, ярослав

In the same place.

picture: SDC15457.jpg
SDC15457.jpg — (262.72к)

02.09.2017 17:13, Vlad Proklov

This is all lineana.
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03.09.2017 11:40, gstalker

01.07.17 Croatia
wings 20mm
Adscita statices?

picture: w.20mm.jpg
w.20mm.jpg — (126.15к)

03.09.2017 14:34, Vovan48

Please help me with the definition. All caught Astrakhan region Dosang village 1-5. 05. 2017. Drasteria picta ? Tethea or or ocullaris? I didn't identify it. Luteohadena literata? Drasteria caucasica? And finally Cyana?

picture: ____________001.jpg
____________001.jpg — (306.17к)

picture: ____________002.jpg
____________002.jpg — (322.36к)

picture: ____________003.jpg
____________003.jpg — (294.66к)

picture: ____________004.jpg
____________004.jpg — (286.02к)

picture: ____________005.jpg
____________005.jpg — (295.49к)

picture: ____________008.jpg
____________008.jpg — (312.96к)

03.09.2017 19:21, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me with the definition. All caught Astrakhan region Dosang village 1-5. 05. 2017. Drasteria picta ? Tethea or or ocullaris? I didn't identify it. Luteohadena literata? Drasteria caucasica? And finally Cyana?

Drasteria picta
Tethea ocullaris
Clytie gracilis
Luteohadena literata? Maybe, but I don't really know. It is advisable to specify the dimensions for this type and the previous one.
Drasteria caucasica
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04.09.2017 23:05, VLAD69

Hello,tell me who is who?
Tver region.

picture: DSC_0016.JPG
DSC_0016.JPG — (275.69к)

picture: DSC_0130.JPG
DSC_0130.JPG — (314.26к)

picture: DSC_0270.JPG
DSC_0270.JPG — (274.48к)

picture: DSC_0290.JPG
DSC_0290.JPG — (314.06к)

04.09.2017 23:34, NIKSTER

Hello,tell me who is who?
Tver region.

1 - Lycaena alciphron
2 - Parnassius mnemosyne
3 - ?
4 - Maniola jurtina
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05.09.2017 1:05, Andrey Bezborodkin

Hello,tell me who is who?
Tver region.

3. Euthrix potatoria
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05.09.2017 15:53, NIKSTER

3. Euthrix potatoria

And I didn't recognize him somehow smile.gif

05.09.2017 19:29, barko

Cryphia algae, receptricula, or is it impossible from the photo? 4.08.2017 Severodonetsk
Cryphia receptricula
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06.09.2017 16:16, аруд

Tell me what kind of butterfly, pliz. Bryansk, Aug.

image: _____. jpg
_____.jpg — (249.55к)

06.09.2017 16:21, NIKSTER

Tell me what kind of butterfly, pliz. Bryansk, Aug.

Lasiommata maera
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06.09.2017 19:02, Odessa13

Tell me what kind of view please confused.gif

Malaysia, Borneo.

user posted image

06.09.2017 19:10, tomegatherion

Can you identify a small butterfly? Taken today in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Thank you in advance.

picture: IMG_7580.jpg picture: IMG_7588.jpg

Do they also detect tracks here (they open on click)?

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

06.09.2017 20:17, NIKSTER

Can you identify a small butterfly? Taken today in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Thank you in advance.

Rivula sericealis
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06.09.2017 20:34, Arikain

Butterfly from Karelia, July 15:
picture: DSC05641.JPG

06.09.2017 23:07, Сантьяга

Hello. Please help with the definition. September 5 Vladimir region d. Dudor, on the sunflower.

picture: DSC09987.JPG
DSC09987.JPG — (301.24к)

06.09.2017 23:15, Vlad Proklov

Hello. Please help with the definition. September 5 Vladimir region d. Dudor, on the sunflower.

Helicoverpa armigera
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07.09.2017 10:57, аруд

  Lasiommata maera
Thank you. And there can be no confusion with Lasiommata petrovitana (photo below) - they are very similar to Lasiommata maera

This post was edited by arud - 07.09.2017 11: 01

image: _____. jpg
_____.jpg — (249.55к)

picture: ______2.jpg
______2.jpg — (283.53к)

07.09.2017 12:27, NIKSTER

Thank you. And there can be no confusion with Lasiommata petrovitana (photo below) - they are very similar to Lasiommata maera

Both photos show Lasiommata maera.
There are differences between these two types.
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07.09.2017 12:28, NIKSTER


Do they also detect tracks here (they open on click)?

You can also do it here.
But best of all here:
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07.09.2017 12:34, Andrey Bezborodkin

Thank you. And there can be no confusion with Lasiommata petrovitana (photo below) - they are very similar to Lasiommata maera

Two in One smile.gif
Likes: 2

07.09.2017 12:49, аруд

Both photos show Lasiommata maera.
There are differences between these two types.

2 fraudatrix
Two in One smile.gif

The fact is that the second photo was taken from the site https://insecta.pro/ru and there above it is signed L. peterburgskaya Now, in what place to laugh

07.09.2017 13:11, Andrey Bezborodkin

  2 fraudatrix
Two in One smile.gif

The fact is that the second photo was taken from the site https://insecta.pro/ru and there over it is signed L. Peterburgskaya Now, in what place to laugh

I don't understand you. Wherever it comes from, it shows the differences between the two types. The Russian name of petrovitana is Peterburgskaya. What surprises you?
If you are not satisfied with the photos on the sites, you will have to turn to the determinants, and determine by the keys, the so-called theses and antitheses. The differences are good, you do not need to cook a copulatory device.

07.09.2017 13:46, Muchomurka

Hello, tell me what kind of view please confused.gif
Moscow Region, August
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

07.09.2017 13:48, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please tell me, is this Ennomos autumnaria?

Vasilevo village, Torzhoksky district, Tver region. 26.08.2017
picture: post_1080641_1504735800.jpgpicture: post_1080641_1504735810.jpg

07.09.2017 14:27, аруд

I don't understand you. Wherever it comes from, it shows the differences between the two types. The Russian name of petrovitana is Peterburgskaya. What surprises you?
If you are not satisfied with the photos on the sites, you will have to turn to the determinants, and determine by the keys, the so-called theses and antitheses. The differences are good, you do not need to cook a copulatory device.
Yes, it wasn't about your link.

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