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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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13.09.2018 18:09, Oleg Nikolsky

September 8-9, Tula region.

3. Some kind of dustpan, suddenly in the afternoon. Actively fed on all garden flowers.

3. Helicoverpa armigera
See, for example, http://butterflies-32.net/heterocera/helic...a-armigera.html

13.09.2018 21:07, MiLLeNium Niobius

Nolik, thanks for the definition. I never knew I'd meet her!

13.09.2018 22:17, RoPro

Please help me identify it. Eilema depressa ? Moscow region, 13.09.2018picture: DSCN8844.jpg

13.09.2018 22:24, Andrei Dolgikh

  Nolik, thanks for the definition. I never knew I'd meet her!

They are now just clouds flying over the flowers.

13.09.2018 22:27, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify it. Eilema depressa ? Moscow region, 13.09.2018

Yes, a male

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 13.09.2018 22: 27
Likes: 1

14.09.2018 2:29, vidjl

Actually, "completely different" is not convincing

squiggly-jagged line from your own image:

Have you looked at genitals? It can easily be a latruncula. And versicolor is available in the Lipetsk region, so it is very likely.

Your truth colleagues, I finally flew home today from Khabarovsk, looked at my Oligia, of course this is latruncula, I thought about it, but I wrote about strigilis smile.gifin the collection everything is in its place, apparently long trips affected, I was not at home for almost two months. I brought collections from Lake Lama, which is near the Putorana plateau, from Khabarovsk and Norilsk, a total of about 15 thousand butterflies, I will deal with them now. I could have collected more, but it's already winter in the Arctic, snow fell in August, and the main collections are from the village of Ilyinka near Khabarovsk.
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14.09.2018 2:38, vidjl

September 8-9, Tula region.

1. Tangerine or Gamma? It feeds on petunias in the late evening.
2. Abrostola triplasia or tripartita? I'm leaning towards brown. At a ceremony in the late evening.

1 - Autographa gamma
2 - Abrostola triplasia
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14.09.2018 21:04, RoPro

Please help me deal with the moth. Alsophila aescularia ? Moscow region, 14.09.2018.

14.09.2018 21:06, Shamil Murtazin

Please check that the definition is correct.
06.09.2018, Jangul

1. Hipparchia statilinus? (the instances in the photo are different, but the view, as it seems to me, is the same)
picture: IMG_3440_cr.jpg

picture: IMG_3449_cr.jpg

2. Lasiommata megera?
picture: IMG_3382_cr.jpg

3. Also like Hipparchia statilinus, but there is no black spot and it is strange)
picture: IMG_3392_cr.jpg

14.09.2018 21:19, Vlad Proklov

Please help me deal with the moth. Alsophila aescularia ? Moscow region, 14.09.2018.

Epirrhita autumnata.
A. aescularia -- early spring species.
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14.09.2018 22:12, RoPro

Epirrhita autumnata.
A. aescularia is an early spring species.

Thank you.
Again, I inserted the wrong view name. About Epirrhita autumnata and wanted to clarify. If it's her, then I'll delete this bad picture. For Epirrhita autumnata, I got better pictures last year.

14.09.2018 22:37, RoPro

Please help me identify it. Anacampsis blattariella ? Both were shot on the same day and in the same place. Peredelkino, 06.09.2018.
picture: DSCN7340.jpg
picture: DSCN7420.jpg

14.09.2018 22:48, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify it. Anacampsis blattariella ? Both were shot on the same day and in the same place. Peredelkino, 06.09.2018.

The second one is yes, and the first one is imho populella. These are two common species that easily fly together, just one on an aspen tree, the other on a birch tree.
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14.09.2018 23:13, RoPro

The second one is yes, and the first one is imho populella. These are two common species that easily fly together, just one on an aspen tree, the other on a birch tree.

Thanks! This time it was actually shot in Peredelkino (which is still in the Moscow region), on a swamp. At Michurinets station to Vnukovo station, a multi-lane highway was built through the forest. The forest is being felled on a large scale. It seems that in that direction (which has moved to Moscow) it will soon not be possible to take pictures - everything will be built up with high-rise buildings and roads. I hope that the other side of the railway tracks (which is still the Moscow region) will still hold out.

16.09.2018 8:49, ярослав

Enargia paleacea (Esper, 1788)?Orenburg region, on light,12.09.2018.The span is 35mm.

picture: SDC16211.jpg
SDC16211.jpg — (303.82к)

16.09.2018 10:56, Ilia Ustiantcev

Not, Xanthia ocellaris
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16.09.2018 22:42, Odessa13

Odessa, on a rag in the yard, 15.09.18
Help to determine smile.gif
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

17.09.2018 0:33, vidjl

Odessa, on a rag in the yard, 15.09.18
Help to determine smile.gif

All Euxoa sp., several species.

17.09.2018 8:49, svm2

The type here is most likely one-Euxoa temera.
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17.09.2018 11:01, Odessa13

There is probably only one species here - Euxoa temera.

A female and a male ?

17.09.2018 11:48, svm2

It is necessary to look at the mustache, the color of the species is changeable
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18.09.2018 2:32, KazakovMaksim

Is it possible to determine the appearance of this egg yolk from a photo with folded wings?
16.09.2018, Minsk, Belarus. On a vacant lot.
picture: sIMG_4309.jpg

18.09.2018 9:22, ярослав

Euchromius ocellea (Haworth, 1811).?
Orenburg region, born on 14.09.2018.

picture: SDC16213.jpg
SDC16213.jpg — (296.02к)

18.09.2018 9:56, Vlad Proklov

Euchromius ocellea (Haworth, 1811).?
Orenburg region, born on 14.09.2018.

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18.09.2018 10:21, ярослав

Macdunnoughia confusa (Stephens, 1850)? Orenburg region, on light,15.09.2018.

picture: SDC16214.jpg
SDC16214.jpg — (342.3к)

18.09.2018 12:03, Alexandr Zhakov

Macdunnoughia confusa (Stephens, 1850)? Orenburg region, on light,15.09.2018.

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18.09.2018 18:05, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me identify it. confused.gif

Tver region, Torzhoksky district,

1. Medukhovo village 12.09.2018
picture: IMGP2162.JPG

2. Pirogovo village 13.09.2018
picture: IMGP2202.JPGpicture: IMGP2196.JPG

3. Pirogovo village 17.08.2018
picture: IMGP0542.JPG

4. Voropuni village 8.09.2018 (near the potato field)
picture: IMGP1997.JPGpicture: IMGP1999.JPG

18.09.2018 18:55, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify it. confused.gif

Tver region, Torzhoksky district,

1, 2-Epirrita sp. (? spp.) -- by default, we have autumnata, but other types are also possible. Definition without half a liter of powerful witchcraft is impossible!!!*
3 - Epinotia brunnichana
4 - Agrotis ipsilon

* powerful Sorcery (GMoE 3) swings with a sai hub

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 18.09.2018 18: 56
Likes: 1

21.09.2018 8:41, ярослав

Can you tell me something from Xestia?Orenburg region, on svet18. 09. 2018, span 31 mm

picture: SDC16215.jpg
SDC16215.jpg — (288.27к)

21.09.2018 8:50, Alexandr Zhakov

Can you tell me something from Xestia?Orenburg region, on svet18. 09. 2018, span 31 mm

Agrochola litura
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21.09.2018 20:49, MIV

Peacock Eye ? with label: Thailand, c. Pattaya, isl. Koh-larn. 20.11.11.
I didn't find such a thing in Southeast Asia. Please tell me who knows.

picture: Thailand__c._Pattaya__isl._Koh_larn._20.11.11.jpg

22.09.2018 11:49, Moonvvell

Help me determine it. Skhidnitsa, Lviv region, Ukraine September 8, 2012. Unfortunately there are only photos

picture: IMG_20180908_131442.jpg
IMG_20180908_131442.jpg — (293.53к)

22.09.2018 12:33, vafdog

Help me determine it. Skhidnitsa, Lviv region, Ukraine September 8, 2012. Unfortunately there are only photos

Pyrausta purpuralis
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22.09.2018 20:12, VitSev

Please help me identify these yellow spots. Sevastopol, 22.09.2018.

picture: IMG_1565_ID.jpg
IMG_1565_ID.jpg — (182.2 k)

22.09.2018 21:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me identify these yellow spots. Sevastopol, 22.09.2018.

Belyanka turnip Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758)
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22.09.2018 21:04, Alexandr Zhakov

What is the name of this butterfly ?


22.09.2018 22:19, Aurelian

Peacock Eye ? with label: Thailand, c. Pattaya, isl. Koh-larn. 20.11.11.
I didn't find such a thing in Southeast Asia. Please tell me who knows.

picture: Thailand__c._Pattaya__isl._Koh_larn._20.11.11.jpg

Similar to Ceranchia apollina from Madagascar
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23.09.2018 0:15, MIV

Similar to Ceranchia apollina from Madagascar

Yes, she is! Apparently the label is mixed up.

23.09.2018 8:39, RoPro

Please describe the leaflet. I didn't find any similar software for Macroid and Lepiforum. Moscow region, 22.09.2018.

picture: DSCN9608.jpg
DSCN9608.jpg — (438.73к)

23.09.2018 13:09, Ольга Титова

Tortrix sinapina or P. imitator? I think the first option. Sakhalin, 01.08.2018.

picture: DSC_0481____.jpg
DSC_0481____.jpg — (220.49к)

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