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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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30.10.2018 22:58, kiof82

Help me determine the type
of 16.06.2018
Dvurechansky NPP

Satyrium w-album?

image: 1. png
1. png — (1.61 mb)

31.10.2018 0:39, Kharkovbut

Help me determine the type
of 16.06.2018
Dvurechansky NPP

Satyrium w-album?
yes.gif female

31.10.2018 8:40, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa -?
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, railway platform Khripan

picture: DSC08067.jpg
DSC08067.jpg — (344.7к)

01.11.2018 10:57, Ольга Титова

Still, I hope for help, Sakhalin, end of June. Similar to Coleophora?
Damophila alcyonipennella (Kollar, 1832)?

This post was edited by Olga Titova - 01.11.2018 12: 28

picture: DSC_1050____.jpg
DSC_1050____.jpg — (203.29к)

picture: DSC_1052____.jpg
DSC_1052____.jpg — (214.69к)

02.11.2018 15:39, Alexandr Zhakov

Still, I hope for help, Sakhalin, end of June. Similar to Coleophora?
Damophila alcyonipennella (Kollar, 1832)?

Coleophora yes.gif
Damophila yes.gif
species in appearance almost do not differ, if they differ, then mostly in comparison.
Likes: 1

05.11.2018 13:06, vie.absorbee

Can you tell me if this is Watsonalla binaria or Watsonalla uncinula?
Pskov region 24.05.2018
picture: 24.05.2018.JPG

05.11.2018 13:18, Shapik

Good time of day!Please help me deal with the scoops.Crimea, Simferopol district, Tubay gullies area,5.11.2018 leg.Shaporinsky V. V.

picture: 20181105_082851.jpg
20181105_082851.jpg — (302.38к)

05.11.2018 13:21, Shapik


picture: 20181105_082948.jpg
20181105_082948.jpg — (304.43к)

05.11.2018 13:22, Shapik


picture: 20181105_080531.jpg
20181105_080531.jpg — (294.75 k)

05.11.2018 13:24, Shapik


picture: 20181105_083305.jpg
20181105_083305.jpg — (335.91к)

05.11.2018 13:24, Shapik


picture: 20181105_083637.jpg
20181105_083637.jpg — (296.78к)

05.11.2018 14:03, Andrey Bezborodkin

Can you tell me if this is Watsonalla binaria or Watsonalla uncinula?
Pskov region 24.05.2018

W. uncinula - in the south of Zap. Europe. This is binaria, which is very cool for Pskov region.
Likes: 2

05.11.2018 14:05, Alexandr Zhakov


1-2. Caradrina clavipalpis
3. Allophyes oxyacanthae
4-5. Agrochola helvola
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05.11.2018 14:32, JuVolk

Hello, dear colleagues! I am writing to you with a request to check the definitions of scoops from the territory of the Ulyanovsk region. I will be very grateful!
1-4 - Anarta dianthi (Tauscher, 1809)
5 - Chersotis alpestris (Boisduval, [1837])

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (285.74к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (291.83 k)

picture: 3.JPG
3.JPG — (282.98к)

picture: 4.JPG
4.JPG — (294.74 k)

picture: 5.JPG
5.JPG — (318.71 k)

05.11.2018 16:44, vie.absorbee

Please tell me.
Cabera pusaria? The forehead is pure white
1. Pskov region 21.05.2018
picture: 21.05.18.JPG
2. Pskov region 23.07.2018
picture: 23.07.18.JPG
3. Cabera exanthemata? The forehead is slightly reddish. Pskov region 21.05.2018
picture: 21.05.2018.JPG
Taking a picture of foreheads with my technique doesn't work.
Or is it not Cabera at all?

05.11.2018 17:45, svm2

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05.11.2018 18:49, vie.absorbee


Thanks! I think I now understand how to distinguish smile.gif

06.11.2018 12:25, Ольга Титова

Please help me with the definition of scoops. 18.07.2018, Sakhalin.

image: ___. jpg
___.jpg — (250.54к)

06.11.2018 15:07, Andrey Bezborodkin

Please help me with the definition of scoops. 18.07.2018, Sakhalin.

This is Spaelotis sp., and most likely ravida, although Sakhalin also has its own similar species.
Likes: 1

07.11.2018 10:35, Ольга Титова

Please check my nolids to see if they are defined correctly. Sakhalin.

picture: DSC_0630.JPG
DSC_0630.JPG — (234.05к)

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07.11.2018 20:26, Sergey Rybalkin

Please help me with the moth. Is it possible to determine, at least up to the genus?

picture: DSC08048.jpg
DSC08048.jpg — (423.92к)

picture: DSC08047.jpg
DSC08047.jpg — (449.79к)

07.11.2018 21:23, Konung

Please help me with the moth. Is it possible to determine, at least up to the genus?

Sergey, this is, apparently, Pachista superans. As far as I understand , it is new for the fauna of the Russian Federation, if it has not been published anywhere else. I suggest you publish it.
Likes: 1

07.11.2018 21:36, Alexander Zarodov

There are doubts about these Pasiphila. Before the view can be determined?
MO, June

1. picture: pyad04803x.jpg

2. picture: pyad04806x.jpg

07.11.2018 23:49, MiLLeNium Niobius

Tell me pestryanok, July 21, Ryazan region, meadow with rare pine trees.

1. Zygaena lonicerae?
picture: P1760329.jpg

2. Zygaena filipendulae?
picture: P1770067.jpg

3. Jordanita globulariae?
picture: P1760519.jpg

08.11.2018 11:06, Andrey Ponomarev

To the question of Pelochrista arabescana or Pelochrista labyrinthicana
Astrakhan region, pos. Bolkhuny 18.09.2016
picture: IMG_4834________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4836________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4840________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4844________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5030________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5034________________.jpg

08.11.2018 11:39, Alexandr Zhakov

To the question of Pelochrista arabescana or Pelochrista labyrinthicana
Astrakhan region, pos. Bolkhuny 18.09.2016

All Pelochrista arabescana.
Typical differences:
picture: Pelochrista.jpg
I used your photos from lepiforum.de smile.gif

This post was edited by Djon-08.11.2018 11: 44
Likes: 2

08.11.2018 16:14, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in determining and checking the correctness of the definition of cucullia.

712 - Cucullia artemisiae
713 - Cucullia virgaureae
714 - Cucullia asteris
715 - Cucullia tanaceti
716 - ?
717 - Cucullia praecana
718 - ?
719 - Cucullia propinqua или
731 - ?

picture: 712.JPG
712.JPG — (292.03к)

picture: 713.JPG
713.JPG — (305.2к)

picture: 714.JPG
714.JPG — (306.52к)

picture: 715.JPG
715.JPG — (318.21 k)

picture: 716.JPG
716.JPG — (293.3к)

picture: 717.JPG
717.JPG — (292.4к)

picture: 718.JPG
718.JPG — (299.6к)

picture: 719.JPG
719.JPG — (306.02к)

picture: 731.jpg
731.jpg — (404.95к)

08.11.2018 22:49, MiLLeNium Niobius

1. 14.07.2018, Tula region. Wet area at the edge of a small copse, tall grass and shrubs. There is no version
picture: P1740205.jpg

2. Ibid. Idaea aversata?
picture: P1740305.jpg

3. Ibid. Camptogramma bilineata?
picture: P1740349.jpg

4. 16.07.2018, Ryazan region. A village in the forest. I flew into the light.
picture: P1750140.jpg

5. Right there. Cabera exanthemata?
picture: P1750492.jpg

6. 27.07.2018, Ryazan region. Mixed forest, spooked from the bushes. Scopula immutata?
picture: P1790311.jpg

7. 20.09.2018, Ryazan region. I chased her through the woods for a long time.
picture: P1810887.jpg

09.11.2018 10:23, Andrey Ponomarev


1 Scotopteryx chenopodiata
2 yes
3 yes
4 Callopistria juventina
5 yes
6 Idaea deversaria
If anything is wrong, please correct it.
Likes: 1

09.11.2018 10:49, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar
1 Diurnea fagella? 21.04.2018
picture: IMG_5068.jpg
picture: IMG_5076.jpg
2 Endothenia gentianaeana? 23.06.2018
picture: IMG_0921.jpg
picture: IMG_0923.jpg
3 Nemapogon variatella? 25.06.2018
picture: IMG_2373________________.jpg
4 4.05.2018
picture: IMG_6043________________.jpg
5 16.05.2018
picture: IMG_9059________________.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 09.11.2018 10: 52

09.11.2018 11:30, svm2

1 Scotopteryx chenopodiata
2 yes
3 yes
4 Callopistria juventina
5 yes
6 Idaea deversaria
If something is wrong, please correct it.

6-Idaea biselata
7-Epirrita autumnata
Likes: 1

09.11.2018 16:16, vidjl

I ask for help in determining and checking the correctness of the definition of cucullia.

712 - Cucullia artemisiae
713 - Cucullia virgaureae
714 - Cucullia asteris
715 - Cucullia tanaceti
716 - ?
717 - Cucullia praecana
718 - ?
719 - Cucullia propinqua или
731 - ?

716-Cucullia lucifuga
718-I lean towards Cucullia chamomillae
731 - Cucullia umbratica
the rest is correct.
Likes: 1

10.11.2018 23:30, Oleg Nikolsky

Help with scoops from the vicinity of Bryansk.
1 7-06-2018 ?Agrotis exclamationis
picture: 1_Agrotis_exclamationis.jpg
2 6-07-2018 ?Agrotis exclamationis
picture: 2_Agrotis_exclamationis.jpg

3,4 21-06-2018 ?Xestia alpicola
picture: 3_Xestia_alpicola.jpg
picture: 4_Xestia_alpicola.jpg

5 28-06-2018 ?Acronicta aceris
picture: 5_Acronicta_aceris.jpg

6,7 16-08-2018 ?Naenia typica
picture: 6_Naenia_typica.jpg
picture: 7_Naenia_typica.jpg

11.11.2018 12:43, gumenuk

A moth ?
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, vicinity of the railway platform Khripan

picture: DSC07011.jpg
DSC07011.jpg — (322.65к)

11.11.2018 18:03, MiLLeNium Niobius

6 Idaea deversaria

Thank you so much for your help in identifying it!
Can't it be Idaea straminata? As far as I understand from other forums, deversaria should have spots on the fringe, straminata does not.

11.11.2018 18:35, svm2

Read below

11.11.2018 23:37, MiLLeNium Niobius

svm2, here I am blind) shuffle.gif

12.11.2018 10:53, Ольга Титова

I think that these are two different types. Thank you if I hear your opinion. Sakhalin.

picture: DSC_0631__.jpg
DSC_0631__.jpg — (100.73к)

12.11.2018 11:11, Sergey Didenko

716-Cucullia lucifuga
718-I lean towards Cucullia chamomillae
731 - Cucullia umbratica
the rest is correct.

718 can't be chamomillae, see date and time of summer smile.gif
Likes: 1

12.11.2018 23:18, vidjl

718 can't be chamomillae, see the date and time of summer smile.gif

There are years she has in July in this region, the same year is special, all the dates have moved out due to the weather, so I still tend to believe that this is chamomillae.

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