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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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18.11.2018 15:45, Nemov

IchMan, the first 4 lonicerae, then the last 4 and 2 osterodensis (with lines and narrow antennal pins), the rest viciae, and among them a non-standard form with partially developed stripes - we have in C. In Russia, there are such osterodensis, but yours have expanded antennal pins, and therefore I believe that this is viciae. You can specify only by genitals.
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18.11.2018 16:20, MIV

MIV, for ARICIA AGESTIS / ARTAXERXES, a distinctive feature works well - the location of spots on the underside of the lower wing.

Figured it out! This is a female P. thersites (hair-covered eyes). Thank You All!

This post was edited by MIV-18.11.2018 21: 00
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18.11.2018 19:27, Andrey Bezborodkin


On purpuralis does not pull? According to Fauna europaea, it is present in the Leningrad region (not in Sinev).

You should not be guided by Fauna europaea, foreigners do not really know our fauna. Neither Z. purpuralis nor Z. minos have yet been found in the Leningrad Region (the latter is found in the south of the Pskov region, and possibly reaches its center). To the south of the Leningrad region, except for the three species of Zygaena presented by you, Z. filipendulae reaches very locally.

18.11.2018 20:59, Nemov

18.11.2018 22:59, IchMan

You should not be guided by Fauna europaea, foreigners do not really know our fauna. Neither Z. purpuralis nor Z. minos have yet been found in the Leningrad Region (the latter is found in the south of the Pskov region, and possibly reaches its center). In addition to the three Zygaena species you have presented, Z. filipendulae is very locally distributed to the south of the Leningrad region.

Well, in the case where the view is not specified there, this is so. If the presence of a species in the region is indicated, it is not given there from a fool, at least, I don't think so. It's not a matter of knowing our fauna. In particular, for the Leningrad region, there are many old data on the Karelian Isthmus, and they are confirmed by Finnish pre-war collections. Something was also collected during the war in the occupied territories along the banks of the Sviri. For my group, I found a lot of things from there. And now they periodically come to collect material in Russia, which is not always exported legally.
And in Finland itself, as you must know, both Z. filipendulae and Z. minos are marked...
It should be noted that there is a whole army of amateur entomologists (only for the Lepidoptera-3 society), in addition to people who are professionally engaged in this.

18.11.2018 23:03, IchMan

IchMan, the first 4 lonicerae, then the last 4 and 2 osterodensis (with lines and narrow antennal pins), the rest viciae, and among them a non-standard form with partially developed stripes - we have in C. In Russia, there are such osterodensis, but yours have expanded antennal pins, and therefore I believe that this is viciae. You can only specify the genitals.

Thanks for attention.
Everyone agrees, there will be no other opinions?

19.11.2018 1:37, Andrey Bezborodkin

Well, in the case where the view is not specified there, this is so. If the presence of a species in the region is indicated, it is not given there from a fool, at least, I don't think so. It's not a matter of knowing our fauna. In particular, for the Leningrad region, there are many old data on the Karelian Isthmus, and they are confirmed by Finnish pre-war collections. Something was also collected during the war in the occupied territories along the banks of the Sviri. For my group, I found a lot of things from there. And now they periodically come to collect material in Russia, which is not always exported legally.
And in Finland itself, as you must know, both Z. filipendulae and Z. minos are marked...
It should be noted that there is a whole army of amateur entomologists (only for the Lepidoptera-3 society), in addition to people who are professionally engaged in this.

On the "blue" mottled-who knows, strange... I would have defined the rest of them as you were told. Z. trifolii looks like adults can hardly be reliably distinguished from similar species, it's a ghost species in general. Interestingly, her pictures are not even on the website of the Witt Museum, where there are millions of mottled birds. There is, however, in the German lepiforum. You are absolutely right about the Finns - there is, figuratively speaking, an entomologist on every swamp hummock-and everyone is monitored, especially daytime ones. Old data (Kaisila et al.) seen, of course. The Finnish collections themselves, however, did not happen.
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19.11.2018 14:17, ezdok

Good afternoon! Is it possible to identify this butterfly? Shot in Pokhara (Nepal)

picture: 0032___IMG_1301.JPG
0032___IMG_1301.JPG — (444.26к)

19.11.2018 16:31, Andrey Bezborodkin

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19.11.2018 18:52, Smagluyk63

Hello, please tell me the names of butterflies. Taken in June, Carpathian mountains, Skole district.
And yet, there is someone's larva seems, tell me in which category of the site to apply? Thank you.

picture: DSC_9665.jpg
DSC_9665.jpg — (286.27к)

picture: DSC_9704.jpg
DSC_9704.jpg — (280.19к)

picture: DSC_9709.jpg
DSC_9709.jpg — (285.77к)

picture: DSC_9751.jpg
DSC_9751.jpg — (309.36к)

picture: DSC_9853.jpg
DSC_9853.jpg — (282.63к)

picture: DSC_9866.jpg
DSC_9866.jpg — (295.31к)

picture: DSC_9860.jpg
DSC_9860.jpg — (297.16к)

19.11.2018 19:57, Kharkovbut

Hello, please tell me the names of butterflies. Taken in June, Carpathian mountains, Skole district.
And yet, there is someone's larva seems, tell me in which category of the site to apply? Thank you.
---> http://www.ukrbin.com/

19.11.2018 20:25, Smagluyk63

I came to this site with a request to help identify butterflies, why are you sending me to a third-party resource?

19.11.2018 20:55, Kharkovbut

I came to this site with a request to help identify butterflies, why are you sending me to a third-party resource?
To help you identify butterflies. smile.gif Upload them there and they will be identified there.

19.11.2018 21:05, ezdok

Papilio polytes romulus

Thank you very much!

20.11.2018 14:17, vie.absorbee

Help with the definition.
1. Pskov region 05.07.18
picture: 05.07.18.JPG
2. Pskov region 02.05.18
picture: 02.05.2018.JPG
3. Pskov region 01.05.18
picture: 01.05.2018.JPG

20.11.2018 15:21, svm2

Scopula nigropunctata
Epirrhoe alternata
Xanthorhoe biriviata
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20.11.2018 17:11, vie.absorbee

Scopula nigropunctata
Epirrhoe alternata
Xanthorhoe biriviata


And from the previous page, can you identify the pyadenits from the photo?
URL #35429

20.11.2018 17:38, svm2

There is verno
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20.11.2018 20:02, MiLLeNium Niobius

Can you tell me if I identified the thickhead correctly?

1. Tula region, June 10. Forest plantation near the railway. Here the version is Ochlodes sylvanus, the mace of the antennae has a sharp hook-shaped tip.
picture: IMG_3684_2.jpg

2. Ryazan region, July 21. Mixed grasses in a clearing outside the village.
picture: IMG_0808.jpg

3. On the same day, only the difference from the previous photo is 11 years. The biotope is the same.
picture: P1760295.jpg

These two are like Thymelicus sylvestris.

This post was edited by InsideOfDream - 20.11.2018 20: 14

20.11.2018 20:33, Kharkovbut

Can you tell me if I identified the thickhead correctly?
1: O. sylvanus, female
2: Th. lineola, female
3: Th. lineola, male & ?
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20.11.2018 21:51, MiLLeNium Niobius

20.11.2018 22:25, Kharkovbut

Thank you for your speed! The third photo shows the left butterfly, right?
The right one, too. I'm not quite sure what gender she is.

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21.11.2018 17:12, MIV

Please tell me. Is it Anarta farnhami or A. dianthi?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 2.06.11.

picture: Anarta_farnhami___dianthi______.____.____._______________________._2.06.11._leg.__.______..jpg

21.11.2018 17:43, svm2

I think neither one nor the other.
I have to choose between colletti and imperspicua, I prefer the second one
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22.11.2018 19:56, MIV

I think neither one nor the other.
You have to choose between colletti and imperspicua, I prefer the second one.

Yes, you're probably right.

picture: Anarta_imperspicua__________________.___________._2.06.11_._.jpgpicture: Anarta_imperspicua.jpg

22.11.2018 20:02, MIV

And this" killed " scoop can't be Anarta stigmosa?
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 24.06.15.

picture: Anarta_stigmosa__Christoph__1887_______.____.____._______________._________________._24.06.15._leg.__.______.jpg

23.11.2018 8:41, Sergeyy

Please help me determine it.
Belarus. Minsk region 13. 06. 2018.

picture: IMG_9886.JPG
IMG_9886.JPG — (220.04к)

23.11.2018 10:18, Ольга Титова

Please help me determine the type. I think that M. grandis.
Please see if you have identified Erebis correctly.

picture: DSC_0644.JPG
DSC_0644.JPG — (303.01к)

picture: DSC_0645.JPG
DSC_0645.JPG — (300.37к)

23.11.2018 11:00, vidjl

Please help me determine the type. I think that M. grandis.
Please see if you have identified Erebis correctly.

That's right, Mythimna grandis and Holocryptis ussuriensis
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23.11.2018 11:24, Ольга Титова

On the top, above, it was determined that Scopula nigropunctata was more likely 24.07.18.
On the bottom, something similar to Scopula confusa on the Japanese site. But I feel that something is wrong. 27.06.2018, wingspan 1.5 cm. Maybe Hydrelia flammeolaria.

This post was edited by Olga Titova - 23.11.2018 13: 00

picture: DSC_0649.JPG
DSC_0649.JPG — (287.27к)

picture: DSC_0648.JPG
DSC_0648.JPG — (294.99к)

23.11.2018 13:44, AGG

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23.11.2018 14:42, Andrey Ponomarev

Please help me determine it.
Belarus. Minsk region 13. 06. 2018.

Pasiphila rectangulata
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23.11.2018 22:02, MIV

Is it possible to determine the species of this False Mottled Moth? S. phegea or nigricornis? Span kr. 31mm
Okr. Novorossiysk. 26.05.18

picture: ________________.__________._31________.______________._26.05.18.jpg

23.11.2018 22:09, Vlad Proklov

Is it possible to determine the species of this False Mottled Moth? S. phegea or nigricornis? Span kr. 31mm
Okr. Novorossiysk. 26.05.18

Hike, nominative nigricornis.
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24.11.2018 2:43, Ольга Титова

June, Sakhalin. I can't tell. Please help me.

This post was edited by Olga Titova - 24.11.2018 02: 44

picture: DSC_0647.JPG
DSC_0647.JPG — (279.69к)

25.11.2018 22:09, Oleg Nikolsky

On the forums I met reports that Plebejus idas are found among other places and in the upper swamps. In the pictures - P. idas or P. argus?
June 18, riding swamp in the vicinity of Bryansk.
picture: IMG_7190.jpg
picture: IMG_7198.jpg
picture: IMG_7206.jpg

26.11.2018 12:06, гук

On the forums I met reports that Plebejus idas are found among other places and in the upper swamps. In the pictures - P. idas or P. argus?
June 18, riding swamp in the vicinity of Bryansk.

1 and 2-argus.
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26.11.2018 12:33, Sergeyy

Help me identify the grass plot if possible.
Belarus. Minsk region 14. 06. 2018.

picture: 1_.JPG
1_.JPG — (289.5к)

26.11.2018 19:17, Sergey Rybalkin

Please help me identify lichen from Kunashir.

This post was edited by Alexanor - 26.11.2018 19: 18

picture: DSC08067.JPG
DSC08067.JPG — (292к)

26.11.2018 21:48, Sergey Rybalkin

I ask for help in identifying a moth from the Astrakhan region

picture: DSC08070.jpg
DSC08070.jpg — (398.89к)

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