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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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11.12.2018 1:21, WesternDragon

Help me identify the butterfly. Taken in July, in Spain.

picture: 20180729_110550.jpg
20180729_110550.jpg — (124.3к)

11.12.2018 1:57, Vlad Proklov

Help me identify the butterfly. Taken in July, in Spain.

Lymantria dispar
Likes: 1

11.12.2018 15:34, vidjl

I would like to know the opinion of knowledgeable people. Is it Hadena confusa or H. variolata?

1. samets - Khakassia, Shirinsky district, near the village. Tuim. 2.08.08.
2. female-Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 24.06.08.

1 - most likely variolata, and 2-there may be such an aberration confusa

Here's another look, please. Some kind of Caradrina?

1. Krasnoyarsk, city limits, into the light. 17.06.18
2. Krasnoyarsky kr., Sharypovsky district,
. Okr. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 1.05.07

1 and 2 seem to be Caradrina petraea, and the 3rd is better to cook probably.

This post was edited by vidjl - 12/11/2018 15: 46
Likes: 1

11.12.2018 19:51, MIV

Please specify the type of scoop belonging to the genus Cirrhia.
All from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.

1. taiga. 20.07.2008.
картинка: Cirrhia_gilvago___Denis___Schiffermuller___1775_______._______________.___________._20.07.2008._leg.__._.____________.jpg

2. taiga. 27.08.2002
картинка: Cirrhia_gilvago___Denis___Schiffermuller___1775_______._______________.___________._27.08.2002._leg.__._.____________.jpg

3. forest-steppe. 29.08.2008
картинка: Cirrhia_gilvago___Denis___Schiffermuller___1775_______.______.____._______________.____________________._29.08.2008..jpg

4. taiga. 12.09.13
picture: Cirrhia_ocellaris__Borkhausen__1792_______._______________.___________._12.09.13._leg._._.____________.jpg

5. forest-steppe. 3.09.2007
картинка: Cirrhia_ocellaris__Borkhausen__1792_______.____.____._______________________._3.09.2007._leg.__.______.jpg

11.12.2018 21:31, WesternDragon

Lymantria dispar

Could it be Lymantria monacha? It's just that there are lots of pine trees nearby.

11.12.2018 22:06, Oleg Nikolsky

In the vicinity of Bryansk met mottled birds with an unusual pattern of wings. Help me determine it.

Zygaena filipendulae?
24 July
1 picture: 1.jpg
2 picture: 2.jpg
3 August
3 picture: 3.jpg
4 picture: 4.jpg

Zygaena lonicerae? July 6
5 picture: 5.jpg
6 picture: 6.jpg
Such individuals with recognizable wings fly nearby:
7 picture: 7.jpg

11.12.2018 23:18, vidjl

Please specify the type of scoop belonging to the genus Cirrhia.
All from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.

1. taiga. 20.07.2008.
2. taiga. 27.08.2002
3. forest-steppe. 29.08.2008
4. taiga. 12.09.13
5. forest steppe. 3.09.2007

2 and 3 - it looks like both Xanthia gilvago, 4 and 5 - Xanthia ocellaris, and 1-also probably X. gilvago, although something is from icteritia
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12.12.2018 11:34, Sergeyy

Help me determine it. You are welcome.
Belarus. Minsk region 19. 06. 2018.

12.12.2018 11:38, Sergeyy

Help me determine it. You are welcome.
Belarus. Minsk region 19. 06. 2018.

picture: 2____.JPG
2____.JPG — (193.82к)

picture: 1____.JPG
1____.JPG — (139.71 k)

12.12.2018 12:06, Alexandr Zhakov

Help me determine it. You are welcome.
Belarus. Minsk region 19. 06. 2018.

Mythimna ferrago
Likes: 1

12.12.2018 12:17, Alexandr Zhakov

Please specify the type of scoop belonging to the genus Cirrhia.
All from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.
1. taiga. 20.07.2008.
2. taiga. 27.08.2002
3. forest-steppe. 29.08.2008
4. taiga. 12.09.13
5. forest steppe. 3.09.2007

In my opinion:
1 Xanthia icteritia
2 Xanthia icteritia
3 Xanthia icteritia
4 what is it I don't know, someone's deception, or something oriental.
5 Xanthia ocellaris
Likes: 1

13.12.2018 7:40, maik

Dear colleagues. Can you tell me if someone has a working website? Insecta.pro
Tell me mole L-9 mm ocd. Stavropol steppe 11.06.2018
picture: DSCF6857.JPG

This post was edited by maik - 12/13/2018 08: 42

13.12.2018 10:07, Alexandr Zhakov

Dear colleagues. Can you tell me if someone has a working website? Insecta.pro
Tell me mole L-9 mm ocd. Stavropol steppe 11.06.2018

Insecta.pro it works.
On the photo Brachmia dimidiella.
Likes: 1

13.12.2018 10:41, Ilia Ustiantcev

Insecta.pro often it doesn't load pages just like that, you need to press Ctrl+R until it loads.
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13.12.2018 12:00, NicoSander

Please help me with the definition. Butterflies from exhibitions..The original habitat is unknown..

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (268.62к)

picture: 1_.jpg
1_.jpg — (244.56к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (256.63к)

picture: 2_.jpg
2_.jpg — (253.55к)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (216.5 k)

picture: 3_.jpg
3_.jpg — (234.02к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (275.55 k)

picture: 4_.jpg
4_.jpg — (327.54к)

13.12.2018 12:43, Alexandr Zhakov

I ask for help with the Greek scoop.

Where's the date? and Greece is big, preferably more precisely. smile.gif
Mythimna (Morphopoliana) languida

This post was edited by Djon-13.12.2018 13: 08

13.12.2018 13:32, Victor Gazanchidis

Where's the date? and Greece is big, preferably more precisely. smile.gif
Mythimna (Morphopoliana) languida

Oh, sorry smile.gifNorthern Greece Halkidiki peninsula, 02.09.2018. Thanks!!

This post was edited by vicgrr - 12/13/2018 17: 50
Likes: 1

13.12.2018 17:39, Fyodor

Stngrapha microgamma or Syngrapha ain?

What are the doubts about my copy?

13.12.2018 17:51, Ilia Ustiantcev

In the ain, there is a rather noticeable dark line along the entire outer edge of the forewing.

13.12.2018 19:03, niyaz

What are the doubts about my copy?

For a moment, it seemed a little too big for microgamma.

13.12.2018 20:07, Fyodor

The size corresponds to microgamma. Ain is also available (not from the MO), it is noticeably larger.

14.12.2018 1:34, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Please help me with the definition. Butterflies from exhibitions..The original habitat is unknown..

Despite the seemingly simple solution that 1) Papilio ascalaphus m
You know, it's not for nothing that I said that not everything is so simple, I think it's still
1) Papilio memnon, the caudate form of the male is absolutely not trivial
perhaps the brood began to give more caudate forms ?
2) Papilio polytes alphenor female
3) Hypolimnas bolina m
4) Doleschallia bisaltide ssp
all species are quite unusual, I can't say up to subspecies right now. They have a rather unusual gathering point.

This post was edited by cleobis - 12/14/2018 13:29 pm

picture: Papilio_polytes_alphenor_female.jpg
Papilio_polytes_alphenor_female.jpg — (287.16к)

picture: male_Wilhelma_Zoo_Stuttgart_Germany.jpg
male_Wilhelma_Zoo_Stuttgart_Germany.jpg — (302.72к)

Likes: 1

14.12.2018 1:39, WesternDragon

Good evening! Help me recognize this Iphiclides podalirius or Iphiclides feisthamelii?
Spain. July. Alas, I couldn't get a better photo.

picture: 20180722_144455.jpg
20180722_144455.jpg — (184.73к)

14.12.2018 18:02, maik

tell me this Pyroderces klimeschi REBEL, 1938 ocd. Stavropol 2018
picture: 30_Pyroderces_klimeschi_REBEL__1938.JPG

14.12.2018 18:49, Vlad Proklov

tell me this Pyroderces klimeschi REBEL, 1938 ocd. Stavropol 2018

Yes, the campaign is a new look for Russia!
Likes: 2

14.12.2018 23:21, MIV

I can't understand: what is this Apamea? Tell me please.
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. 19.06.13.

picture: Apamea_crenata__Hufnagel__1766________.________________.________________._19.06.03.__leg.__.______..jpg

15.12.2018 7:20, maik

is there still a doubt about Caryocolum alsinella (ZELLER, 1868)?Stavropol 2018
picture: 50_Caryocolum_alsinella__ZELLER__1868_.JPG
Phyllonorycter corylifoliella (Hubner, 1796)
picture: 17_Phyllonorycter_corylifoliella__Hubner__1796_.JPG
Argyresthia albistria (HAWORTH, 1828) ?
картинка: 45_Argyresthia_albistria__HAWORTH__1828_.JPG

This post was edited by maik - 12/15/2018 08: 32

15.12.2018 15:24, vidjl

I can't understand: what is this Apamea? Tell me please.
Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. 19.06.13.

Apamea lateritia is like this, not Apamea aquila if you thought it was similar. They are easily distinguished from each other, and by the lower wings too.
By the way, what size is it? If up to 4 cm, then there may be such a form of Apamea crenata

This post was edited by vidjl - 15.12.2018 15: 52
Likes: 1

15.12.2018 15:50, svm2

Why not crenata?
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15.12.2018 15:54, vidjl

Why not crenata?

While my doubts were creeping in and I edited smile.gif
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15.12.2018 17:02, John-ST

I can't even get to the end of it

MO, Railway, on light

1. 07.06.2014

2. 12.06.2014

15.12.2018 18:27, Vlad Proklov

I can't even get to the end of it

MO, Railway, on light

Likes: 2

15.12.2018 20:18, MIV

While my doubts were creeping in and I was editing smile.gif

Completely confused smile.gif.
Here's a look, please. Is this correct?

1. Apamea crenata male 38 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 2.07.15.
picture: Apamea_crenata________38_________.____.____._______________________._2.07.15._leg.__.______..jpg

2. Apamea crenata female 35 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 5.07.15.
picture: Apamea_crenata________35_________.____.____._______________________._5.07.15._leg.__.______.jpg

3. Apamea lateritia male 42 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 20.07.06.
picture: Apamea_lateritia________42_________._____.____._______________._____________________._20.07.06._leg.__.______.jpg

4. Apamea lateritia female 38 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 10.07.15.
picture: Apamea_lateritia_______38_________.____.____._______________________._10.07.15._leg.__.______.jpg

5. Apamea lateritia female 35 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. 19.06.13
picture: Apamea_lateritia_______35_________.________________.________________._19.06.13.__leg.__.______..jpg

15.12.2018 20:57, vidjl

Completely confused smile.gif.
Here's a look, please. Is this correct?

1. Apamea crenata male 38 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 2.07.15.
2. Apamea crenata female 35 mm
approx. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe.
. Apamea lateritia male 42 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe.
. Apamea lateritia female 38 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe.
. Apamea lateritia female 35 mm
ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga. 19.06.13

1-4 yes, and 5 is still crenata too, so they are variable scoops, and the size corresponds.

This post was edited by vidjl - 12/15/2018 20: 58
Likes: 1

15.12.2018 21:05, svm2

1,2-female crenata
5-crenata male-in my view
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17.12.2018 0:07, WesternDragon

Could it be Lymantria monacha? It's just that there are lots of pine trees nearby.

Someone can look, and then a little doubt about the definition! Yes, and the message has been hanging without an answer for 5 days!

17.12.2018 0:56, Alexandr Zhakov

Someone can look, and then a little doubt about the definition! Yes, and the message has been hanging without an answer for 5 days!

What answer do you want? You were answered once. You doubt, you will be answered again, you will doubt again. Vlad can't make a mistake in such a group. You were given the correct answer.

This post was edited by Djon-12/17/2018 00: 58

17.12.2018 2:06, Bianor

Someone can look, and then a little doubt about the definition! Yes, and the message has been hanging without an answer for 5 days!

Maybe five mejats to hang, no big deal.
I vote for dispar, it doesn't sound like a monk.
Likes: 1

17.12.2018 8:59, maik

Here I hung All the ocd. Stavropol 1-30. 05-07. 2018
1 Micropterix paykullella (FABRICIUS, 1794) ? 8mm
picture: 14_Micropterix_paykullella__FABRICIUS__1794_.JPG
2 . Lobesia reliquana (HÜBNER, 1825) L-11мм
picture: 13.JPG
3. L - 20mm
picture: DSCF6973.JPG
4. L-16mm
picture: 8.JPG
5. L-13mm
picture: 41.JPG
6. L-28mm
picture: DSCF6995.JPG

This post was edited by maik - 12/17/2018 11: 25

17.12.2018 11:51, Alexandr Zhakov

Here I hung All the ocd. Stavropol 1-30. 05-07. 2018
1 Micropterix paykullella (FABRICIUS, 1794)? 8mm
2 . L-11mm
3. L - 20mm
4 . L-16mm
5. L-13mm
6. L-28mm

1 Micropterix, then alas.
2. Lobesia cf. reliquana
3. Try to find an image of Callimodes heringii (LEDERER, 1864), maybe it is.
4. Elegia similella
5. Scythris sinensis
6. Myelois circumvoluta
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