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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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20.12.2019 14:42, Раду Кибзий

Hello! Please tell me, is this Vanessa cardui? Chisinau neighborhood, May 28, 2019. Thank you in advance!

picture: P1450576_1__1024_.jpg
P1450576_1__1024_.jpg — (369.23к)

20.12.2019 17:55, WesternDragon

Hello! Please tell me, is this Vanessa cardui? Chisinau neighborhood, May 28, 2019. Thank you in advance!

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21.12.2019 0:14, Anton Kozyrev

Aporia crataegi?
Saratov, June, Kumysnaya polyana.

picture: IMG_5988_copy.jpg
IMG_5988_copy.jpg — (281.26к)

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21.12.2019 8:03, Alexandr Zhakov

Aporia crataegi?
Saratov, June, Kumysnaya polyana.

Yes, you can't have anything else.
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21.12.2019 8:05, Alexandr Zhakov

1-Lacanobia oleracea
2-Apamea sublustris & Aegle kaekeritziana
3-Apamea monoglypha
micro not mine

Apamea in photo 2 in my opinion is also monoglypha.

21.12.2019 9:12, svm2

Apamea in photo 2 in my opinion is also monoglypha.

I agree, it seemed to me that it is smaller and yellow, probably photo podvelo
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22.12.2019 6:20, CosMosk

13maya, Aralsk, Kazakhstan.
Metoponrhis - ?
picture: DSC01178.JPG

This post was edited by CosMosk - 12/22/2019 06: 49

22.12.2019 9:59, svm2

Here on molbiol there is an image of a similar butterfly (Catocalinae nec Catocala) - Armada hueberi

I will clarify the genus Armada actually has nothing to do with Catocalinae ,this is a scoop from Acontiinae

This post was edited by svm2 - 12/22/2019 12: 39 pm
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22.12.2019 12:41, svm2

In Kazakhstan there is an Armada clio and this is more likely it
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22.12.2019 15:22, Vovan48

Help in determining saturnium. The butterflies were caught in Ecuador in February 2013. The genus is presumably Paradirphia.

picture: IMG_3172.JPG
IMG_3172.JPG — (285.66к)

22.12.2019 19:43, Aksin

Tell me, please, is this Caradrina morpheus? The photo was taken at the end of June in the Rtishchevsky district of the Saratov region.
user posted image

23.12.2019 19:54, cleobis@mail.ru cleobis@mail.ru

Help in determining saturnium. The butterflies were caught in Ecuador in February 2013. The genus is presumably Paradirphia.

Closest to Paradirphia semirosea
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25.12.2019 19:59, MIV

Moths from ocd. Krasnoyarsk. In July, at the light.

1. Epirrhoe ?
picture: Epirrhoe_alternata__Muller__1764_______._________________.___________._________._29.07.17.__leg.__.______..jpg

2.? Span cr. 18mm
picture: IMG_1947_18________._________________.___________._________._10.07.17.__leg.__.______..jpg

3. Similar to Eupitecia, but rather large-the span of the cr. 22mm
picture: IMG_1944_22________._________________.___________._________._10.07.17.__leg.__.______..jpg

26.12.2019 12:05, Vassa

please help me identify the butterfly. Arkhangelsk Region, 2019

picture: 81388493_571271477040731_126778380786860032_o.jpg
81388493_571271477040731_126778380786860032_o.jpg — (101.04к)

26.12.2019 12:30, Oleg Nikolsky

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26.12.2019 14:59, svm2

Moths from ocd. Krasnoyarsk. In July, at the light.

1. Epirrhoe ?

2.? Span cr. 18mm

3. It is similar to Eupitecia, but rather large-the span of kr. 22mm

In my opinion
, 1-Epirrhoe alternata
2-Pterapherapteryx sexalata
3-well, here it is so similar to pernotata (up to 23mm), but in this satyrata-gr., in the summer I had to cook in order to accurately separate the cauchiata and pernotata, and what else do you have..., especially the condition of the specimen. and a picture.
By the way, the Japanese call it antaggregata, Mironov considers it a synonym of
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27.12.2019 14:46, MacrohunterLS

Can I get to the view? Ciscaucasia, appear in the first decade of June, fly for about 2-3 weeks

picture: P6098767.JPG
P6098767.JPG — (299.84к)

picture: P6098754.JPG
P6098754.JPG — (276.17к)

picture: P6159141.JPG
P6159141.JPG — (282.68к)

picture: P6159200.JPG
P6159200.JPG — (312.62к)

27.12.2019 18:48, Andrey Bezborodkin

Can I get to the view?

You can, but only up to two. Either Melitaea caucasogenita or M. aurelia. Before the appearance, it must be dissected. Or at least consider the captured instance.
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27.12.2019 21:08, MIV

A picture of a ten-year-old mother-of-pearl from the OCD. Krasnoyarsk.
Maybe someone with an experienced eye can tell you which genus it belongs to: Fabriciana or Mesoacidalia.

picture: ___________________________________________._9.07.10._______________.JPG

27.12.2019 22:37, Kharkovbut

A picture of a ten-year-old mother-of-pearl from the OCD. Krasnoyarsk.
Maybe someone with an experienced eye can tell you which genus it belongs to: Fabriciana or Mesoacidalia.

picture: ___________________________________________._9.07.10._______________.JPG
Speyeria aglaja, male
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28.12.2019 0:29, PhilGri

Please help me identify the scoops in the Moscow region.

user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 12/28/2019 00: 30

28.12.2019 0:38, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me identify the scoops in the Moscow region.

To determine other than geography, it is recommended to specify the date. But you have a simple case.
Xestia xanthographa, which means autumn.
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28.12.2019 23:10, MIV

  Speyeria aglaja, male

Thanks! I suspected as much. Argynnis-Mesoacidalia-Speyeria, what's next confused.gif.

28.12.2019 23:56, Andrey Bezborodkin

Argynnis-Mesoacidalia-Speyeria, what's next confused.gif.

Yes.This is a bad case. Комментарий E. Rennwald по этому вопросу:
DE MOYA et al. (2017) kommen in ihrer sehr umfassenden Studie zum wenig überraschenden Ergebnis, dass die derzeitige Aufteilung in eine amerikanische Gattung Speyeria und eine europäische-asiatische Gattung Argynnis so nicht haltbar ist. Sie kommen zum Schluss, dass man die Arten alle in einer weit gefassten Gattung (die dann Argynnis hieße) zusammenfassen müsste, oder aber die Arten auf drei Gattungen (Argynnis, Fabriciana, Speyeria) zu unterteilen hätte. Die Entscheidung aus europäischer (und wohl auch asiatischer) Sicht wäre die für eine einzige Gattung, die aus nordamerikanischer Sicht für drei Gattungen unter Beibehaltung von Speyeria. Wörtlich: "In our opinion, there are only two ways to interpret the topology for a robust classification: either the entire clade is considered to be the genus Argynnis or the three strongly supported clades can be considered as the genera Argynnis, Fabriciana and Speyeria." Was verspricht die größte nomenklatorische Stabilität? In Amerika spielen viele Speyeria-Arten im amtlichen Naturschutz eine wichtige Rolle – man darf diese Namen nicht einfach verschwinden lassen. Also: "When considering these two alternatives, we need to take into account issues of stability. The current recommendation is for the entire clade to be called Argynnis (Simonsen et al., 2006), yet in North America Speyeria continues to be widely used, especially in matters related to conservation. We thus feel that retaining the name Speyeria is necessary for stability and consistent usage. This would mean that the name Arygnnis would be applied to Argynnis s.s., that is, all traditionally recognized Palearctic subgenera except Mesoacidalia and Fabriciana." Für uns Europäer hat das zur Folge, dass uns Argynnis paphia, Argynnis pandora und Argynnis laodice erhalten bleiben. Die Kombinationen Fabriciana adippe, Fabriciana niobe und Fabriciana elisa kennen wir ja schon aus der nahen Vergangenheit – die lassen sich also leicht wieder reaktivieren. Lediglich Argynnis aglaja, damals Mesoacidalia aglaja, bekommt eine für unsere Ohren ungewöhnliche, wenn auch nicht neue Kombination: Speyeria aglaja! Die Art gehört in den Verwandtschaftskreis der nordamerikanischen Arten.
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29.12.2019 0:24, Andrei Dolgikh

Is all this kipezh just for the peace of mind of North Americans? eek.gif
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29.12.2019 4:54, Bianor

Is all this kipezh just for the peace of mind of North Americans? eek.gif

Cladistics, sir!

29.12.2019 10:28, Sergey Rybalkin

Please help me identify a shovel of the genus Chasminodes

Collected in September 2019 on the island of Kunashir.

picture: Chasminodes_sp.jpg
Chasminodes_sp.jpg — (263.47к)

29.12.2019 14:27, PhilGri

22.06.2019, Voinovo Gora, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Moscow region
Melitaea athalia?

user posted image

user posted image

This post was edited by PhilGri - 12/29/2019 14: 27

29.12.2019 21:56, Sergey Rybalkin

What kind of micra is so interesting?
Volgograd region, Kamyshin, 13.06.2016

picture: DSC09682.JPG
DSC09682.JPG — (280.28к)

29.12.2019 22:11, Vlad Proklov

What kind of micra is so interesting?
Volgograd region, Kamyshin, 13.06.2016

Euplocamus anthracinalis
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30.12.2019 9:03, Sergey Rybalkin

Is this Cucullia tanaceti?

Crimea, Leninsky district, Novootradnoye village, 5.07.2016

picture: 827.jpg
827.jpg — (276.42к)

30.12.2019 19:04, vidjl

Is this Cucullia tanaceti?

Crimea, Leninsky district, Novootradnoye village, 5.07.2016

Yes, it is.

31.12.2019 3:12, Ольга Титова

For Sergey R.
Two species from Triphaenopsis Butler, 1878 (Triphaenopsis postflava and Triphaenopsis jezoensis) are listed for the Kuril Islands in AK DV 2016. But your photos definitely do not show Triphaenopsis postflava (Leech, 1900). 9619-Triphaenopsis jezoensis Sugi, 1962. 9587-very similar to Triphaenopsis cinerescens Butler, 1885.9629-possibly Triphaenopsis lucilla (white spots on the wings). Only specialists can give an exact answer.

31.12.2019 16:25, Fyodor

22.06.2019, Voinovo Gora, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Moscow region
Melitaea athalia?


31.12.2019 16:28, Sergey Rybalkin

For Sergey R.
Two species from Triphaenopsis Butler, 1878 (Triphaenopsis postflava and Triphaenopsis jezoensis) are listed for the Kuril Islands in AK DV 2016. But your photos definitely do not show Triphaenopsis postflava (Leech, 1900). 9619-Triphaenopsis jezoensis Sugi, 1962. 9587-very similar to Triphaenopsis cinerescens Butler, 1885.9629-possibly Triphaenopsis lucilla (white spots on the wings). Only specialists can give an exact answer.

Olga, thank you for your reply.
I think I collected all four species in the Kuril Islands. Triphaenopsis postflava I collected in 2017, it differs well.
There is also a very large variability in the pattern and background of the front wings, and so I would have thought that there are 6-7 species
As I will spread them out, I will post them later.
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01.01.2020 4:32, Ольга Титова

Three species of Triphaenopsis were definitely collected on Sakhalin. Triphaenopsis lucilla is questionable for me. It is better to determine when the genus is represented by a single photo.

01.01.2020 4:46, Ольга Титова

I started with the sign of the lower wings. Then the eye is drawn to the pattern of the upper wings.

picture: 102.jpg
102.jpg — (123.8 k)

01.01.2020 21:55, Aksin

Tell me, please, is this Caradrina morpheus? The photo was taken at the end of June in the Rtishchevsky district of the Saratov region.
user posted image

Do you have any specialists on scoops?

01.01.2020 23:33, Andrey Bezborodkin

Do you have any specialists on scoops?
Yes, C. morpheus.
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02.01.2020 12:56, Ilia Ustiantcev

In my photos, I came across this one, signed as Eudonia truncicolella. However, it is June, which already casts doubt on this definition, and the location of the dark pattern at the outer edge, where the upper spot connects with the lower one, but not with the middle one, is in principle not very typical for most Eudonia. It seems to me that this is one of the two species whose photos are generally few on the web - either E. murana or E. alpina. But which one is it? Both can fly in June.

user posted image

Bonus - it turns out that we also have sudetica in our region!

The post was edited by Ilya U-02.01.2020 12: 56

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