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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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03.07.2020 23:38, Sergey Rybalkin

Yes, this is Argus

The post was edited by Alexanor - 03.07.2020 23: 39

03.07.2020 23:42, Vlad Proklov

Yes, this is Argus

In Equatorial Guinea?
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04.07.2020 10:19, Oleg Nikolsky

In Equatorial Guinea?


04.07.2020 12:02, Andrey Bezborodkin

In Equatorial Guinea?

And Smolensk is its capital! lol.gif
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05.07.2020 1:29, Vlad Proklov


And where?

06.07.2020 13:26, MacrohunterLS

western caucasus
user posted image
user posted image

06.07.2020 18:23, Vlad Proklov

western caucasus

1 - Homoeosoma sinuella
2 - Nemophora pfeifferella
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07.07.2020 22:53, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Poplar 6.07.2020
picture: IMG_9040.JPG

07.07.2020 23:36, Ilia Ustiantcev

Female Rusina ferruginea
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08.07.2020 12:30, MiLLeNium Niobius

Please tell me if I identified it correctly?
Ryazan region, early July.

1. A strange find. A barely alive butterfly hung motionless on a blade of grass, probably prey to a crab spider. Didyma's draughtsman?
user posted image. user posted image.

2. Attacked by this perelivnitsa in a forest plot, he was forced to give her some blueberries, which he greedily drank. So she accompanied me for about a kilometer. Poplar?
user posted image. user posted image

3. Forest plot. Diamina's draughtsman?
user posted image

The post was edited by InsideOfDream - 10.07.2020 22: 55

08.07.2020 12:41, Oleg Nikolsky

please help me with the definition. Mari El

Boloria selene
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09.07.2020 15:13, nomality

help me determine it. July 9. Удмуртская Республика
1. https://c.radikal.ru/c32/2007/fe/9603bfb4b76b.jpg
2. https://a.radikal.ru/a21/2007/71/5a0469197674.jpg - Aplocera praeformata?

The post was edited by nomality - 09.07.2020 15: 44

09.07.2020 16:38, ярослав


09.07.2020 16:39, ярослав


09.07.2020 16:41, ярослав


Orenburg region, dry stony steppe, 5.07.2020 Help with the definition.

09.07.2020 17:38, MIV

Orenburg region, dry stony steppe, 5.07.2020 Help with the definition.

Agrodiaetus damone

09.07.2020 17:39, ярослав

Thank you.

09.07.2020 23:47, Andrey Bezborodkin

10.07.2020 8:15, ярослав

Thank you.
Actually, Damone has a dusting on the underside of the rear fenders, but not here. This is rather damocles.

10.07.2020 22:55, MiLLeNium Niobius

Everything is so, but in the latter ("diamina") it is desirable to see the underside of the wings for reliability.

There is a slightly blurry underside, but I'm not sure if the pattern of spots matches the extended version..
user posted image

11.07.2020 7:03, AGG

There is a slightly blurry underside, but I'm not sure if the pattern of spots matches the extended version..
user posted image

from here onwards wink.gif
Likes: 1

11.07.2020 10:46, Andrey Bezborodkin

12.07.2020 15:16, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me determine what is possible. confused.gif

Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Pirogovo

1. https://yadi.sk/i/zmxiVLv1yyeuIg
2. https://yadi.sk/i/U95MoJcDAhlz7A
3. https://yadi.sk/i/ClcWbqqW8yu3_A
4. https://yadi.sk/i/UPvAm7piuB1uSQ

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 12.07.2020 15: 16

12.07.2020 16:53, ярослав


12.07.2020 16:55, ярослав


12.07.2020 17:46, гук


Yes, very much like Damocles.
Likes: 1

12.07.2020 18:37, Александр Козловских

Is it possible to determine?
Middle Urals, late June, mixed grass meadow.

user posted image user posted image

12.07.2020 20:56, Andrey Bezborodkin

Is it possible to determine?
Middle Urals, late June, mixed grass meadow.

Apollo (Parnassius apollo).
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13.07.2020 8:12, Александр Козловских

This Polyommatus icarus?
Middle Urals, late June, mixed grass meadow.

user posted image

13.07.2020 11:23, гук

This Polyommatus icarus?
Middle Urals, late June, mixed grass meadow.

user posted image


13.07.2020 11:36, Андреас

Good afternoon, dear participants. I forgot something about pigeons... Please help me with the names. July 5. Mining stations in the Yutsa river valley.
84-85 one butterfly. 54 - rather large.
My guesses, in which I am confused, will only confuse spantalyk. redface.gif
Yours sincerely, I am.

The post was edited by Andreas - 13.07.2020 11: 39

13.07.2020 12:07, гук

Good afternoon, dear participants. I forgot something about pigeons... Please help me with the names. July 5. Mining stations in the Yutsa river valley.
84-85 one butterfly. 54 - rather large.
My guesses, in which I am confused, will only confuse spantalyk. redface.gif
Yours sincerely, I am.

2 and 3 - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...gyrognomon.html
4 - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...us-daphnis.html
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13.07.2020 13:20, Mantispid

Can you tell me what kind of butterfly? A very large one.
Ussuriysky mountains. district, village of Kamenushka, 9. VII. 2020

Photo, alas, only this happened:

13.07.2020 13:25, Mantispid

And up to a bunch more - these are the ones I want to know. The most popular butterflies in Primorye. The forewings are yellow, the hindwings are white. Each one has a black spot on it.


13.07.2020 14:14, Андреас

Can you tell me what kind of butterfly? A very large one.
Ussuriysky mountains. district, village of Kamenushka, 9. VII. 2020

Photo, alas, only this happened:

Likes: 1

13.07.2020 14:24, Андреас

And up to a bunch more - these are the ones I want to know. The most popular butterflies in Primorye. The forewings are yellow, the hindwings are white. Each one has a black spot on it.


Gonepteryx maxima cool.gif
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13.07.2020 14:42, Александр Козловских


Maybe this Polyommatus icarus?
Middle Urals, late June, mixed grass meadow.

user posted image

13.07.2020 14:58, гук

Maybe this Polyommatus icarus?
Middle Urals, late June, mixed grass meadow.

user posted image

There is a very high probability that both - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...eius-argus.html
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14.07.2020 19:31, MIV

Good health to all!
The moth is pretty well flown, but who can dare to determine the species. The photo was taken in the ROC. Krasnoyarsk 13.07.20.

user posted image

14.07.2020 19:37, Vlad Proklov

Good health to all!
The moth is pretty well flown, but who can dare to determine the species. The photo was taken in the ROC. Krasnoyarsk 13.07.20.

I will assume that Kemtrognophos ambiguata
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