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Identification of Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, etc.)

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08.03.2008 15:53, Никита2

Help me determine the mosquito - not to the species, so to the genus or even to the family. Taken in Crimea, in a shady, damp forest ravine near a stream, on May 20. The mosquito is small, smaller than the usual biting ones.


08.03.2008 15:58, Никита2

Take another look at the flies, see if you recognize anyone. Maybe with the squad where I made a mistake and there are no flies

1. Elgiva solicita, Sciomyzidae
2. Gonia sp., Tachinidae
3. Asilidae (I don't know them very well, alas)
4. Peplomyza litura, Lauxaniidae

08.03.2008 16:03, Никита2

That's like all diptera (I doubt it at the expense of 2 and 6). As it seems to me, 7 is Ortellia caesarion, and 3 is Graphomyia maculate. The rest I'm afraid to assume..

1. & 3. Sarcophagidae
4. Bombyliidae
5. Mucsina sp., Muscidae
6. Phaonia angelicae, female

08.03.2008 16:04, Никита2

One more fly I would like to confirm...
(?) Phasia hemiptera (at an early age)
[attachmentid ()=25501]
And here it is:
This is her (already an adult)?

Ectophasia crassipennis
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08.03.2008 19:04, Никита2

Dear colleagues! Help with the definition of flies, at least up to the genus-family, since for me this is a complex group. All images from the South Kazakhstan Region.

1. Anthomyiidae
12. Female Limnophora tigrina
13. Schoenomyza litorella, Muscidae
17. Scathophaga stercoraria

08.03.2008 20:59, gumenuk

Vitaly, the flies can't get bored!
1. Muscina sp.
2. Calliphora (vicina?)

Thank you.
By the way, I gave to the Russian Federation quite a large selection of flies, filmed last summer. Good murmurs (beautifully shot, a wide variety of species and almost all identified). Waiting for the selection results.

10.03.2008 20:34, Никита2

Probably already tired of your flies. But I have two others that I can't really identify.

Vitaly, I'm sorry. I still had the feeling that I had identified something wrong: 1-Graphomya maculata
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22.03.2008 9:00, convexus

Colleagues, can anyone recognize the beast? I know I'm not a bugsmile.gif, but I don't want to create a new one-day theme.
The picture was taken by a state inspector in the Bureinsky Nature Reserve. It's mid-March, about 800 m above sea level, and winter is in full swing, and this diptera is crawling through the snow. And massively. The inspector noted more than 10 finds in different parts of the taiga, photographed them, but he didn't think about what to collect. As a result, I have only a few photos. This one is the best in quality.

22.03.2008 10:31, Mylabris

I will assume that this is the genus Chionea (Limoniidae).
Take a look here: http://www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/insects/news...02042xxxapl.jpg

23.03.2008 23:28, Aleksandr Ermakov

It is native

20.04.2008 19:58, Mylabris

Please help me identify this fly (sirfid?). 20.04.08 Trans-Ili Alatau, 1300m.

picture: sirphidae.jpg
sirphidae.jpg — (139.49к)

21.04.2008 10:49, алекс 2611

I know absolutely nothing about Central Asian sirfids. I only know about the sirfids of the Russian northwest.
But this sirfid reminded me of Xanthogramma pedissequum. In your photo, the species is probably different, but the genus is probably the same.
Fortunately, the forum has experts on sirfids and I hope they will correct me.

21.04.2008 15:51, Mylabris

Thank you, we will be waiting for the Prix'a.

24.04.2008 14:27, Leonid F

What kind of fly?

picture: _____001.jpg
_____001.jpg — (116.81к)

24.04.2008 16:41, алекс 2611

This animal somehow reminded me of some fly of the Sciomyzidae family.
But I understand this family very poorly, and there is a high probability of error.
If you put it in the section "definition of diptera" - most likely they will help, there are good specialists there

25.04.2008 11:53, Konstantin Shorenko

Musca dormidontii Dormidont, 2008 smile.gif(THIS IS A JOKE) don't think I'm serious!!!

25.04.2008 12:24, алекс 2611

Musca dormidontii Dormidont, 2008 smile.gif(THIS IS A JOKE) don't think I'm serious!!!

Dormidontia dormidontii Dormidont, 2008
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28.04.2008 10:58, Mylabris

Dear colleagues, please help with the definition. Photo taken on 27.04.08, SE Kazakhstan, southern coast of Kapchagai VDHR, loess sagebrush desert.

picture: P4270024.jpg
P4270024.jpg — (128.6к)

28.04.2008 12:37, алекс 2611

Dear colleagues, please help with the definition. Photo taken on 27.04.08, SE Kazakhstan, southern coast of Kapchagai VDHR, loess sagebrush desert.

This is sirfida. It is 99 percent of the genus Chrysotoxum.
The funny thing is that to me this fly is very similar to our common Chrysotoxum festivum (Linnaeus, 1758). In Kazakhstan, as I understand it, it occurs.
Can she?
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04.05.2008 23:04, Dr. Niko

I hope this is at least from Diptera. But the genus is a species? Moscow Region, Istra district.
Thank you.

picture: P1080632.JPG
P1080632.JPG — (131.02к)

05.05.2008 22:42, Peter Khramov

Gr-no, a couple of similar photos. Does anyone know such people?

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

06.05.2008 23:48, Tigran Oganesov

I can't say for sure, but perhaps the last creature from the genus Bibio.

08.05.2008 18:08, barry

Help me distribute it... Kharkiv, 14.04.2008. The size of a gray meat fly.

This post was edited by barry - 08.05.2008 18: 09

picture: CRW_0873.jpg
CRW_0873.jpg — (103.7к)

08.05.2008 19:11, KingSnake

What kind of fly, can you tell me? A small one.

picture: muha.jpg
muha.jpg — (101.5к)

10.05.2008 14:26, Pirx

Please help me identify this fly (sirfid?). 20.04.08 Trans-Ili Alatau, 1300m.

This is a female Xanthogramma citrofasciatum.
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10.05.2008 14:27, Pirx

Dear colleagues, please help with the definition. Photo taken on 27.04.08, SE Kazakhstan, southern coast of Kapchagai VDHR, loess sagebrush desert.

Female of the common spring species Chrysotoxum vernale.
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10.05.2008 19:35, Pirx

Dear alex 2611, I would like to add that my definition of sirfid in these two photos may not be 100 % correct. A good modern revision of the palearctic species of Xanthogramma, after the outdated work of N. A. Violovich (1975), is still not available. The same can be said about the taxonomically complex genus Chrysotoxum (last work on the Palearctic: Violovich, 1974). Given the place of photographing, there is a possibility of an incorrect definition, especially since without dissecting the genitals, most genera are no longer identified in their right mind, much like in the case of Rhopalocera. Nevertheless, I consider my definition to be correct in principle, but by 90 percent.
Yes, also-X. citrofasciatum can occur in modern sources as " X. festivum».
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12.05.2008 13:31, extreme

Hello everyone, who can tell you what kind of fly it is
user posted image

13.05.2008 22:50, Dr. Niko

Friends, please identify this monster. Moscow Region, Istra district.

picture: P1080826.JPG
P1080826.JPG — (129.99к)

04.06.2008 20:48, kut

Hello, can you tell me what kind of insect is from Moscow? May 31, 2008.

picture: P20080531_1438b__Pblop__vOsa.JPG

05.06.2008 12:46, PG18

Several flies from the south of Ustyurt (Ustyurt West, South Kazakhstan). I really don't expect them to decide... But suddenly
the First One is an absolutely wonderful tiny (mm 5) front sight, on the wings of which another front sight is drawn. There were (more often flew to the light) similar, even smaller, with other drawings on the wings.

This post was edited by PG18-05.06.2008 12: 47

picture: 05_01_Kokusim_0095.jpg
05_01_Kokusim_0095.jpg — (60.11к)

picture: 05_01_Kokusim_0118.jpg
05_01_Kokusim_0118.jpg — (69.23к)

picture: 05_01_Kokusim_0119.jpg
05_01_Kokusim_0119.jpg — (75.15к)

picture: 05_01_Kokusim_0144.jpg
05_01_Kokusim_0144.jpg — (46.31к)

picture: 05_04_Kyrtakhtai_0405.jpg
05_04_Kyrtakhtai_0405.jpg — (42.11 k)

picture: 05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0430.jpg
05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0430.jpg — (61.97к)

picture: 05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0499.jpg
05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0499.jpg — (74.82к)

picture: 05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0190.jpg
05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0190.jpg — (56.74 k)

picture: 05_16_sands_at_Akkuduk_0243.jpg
05_16_sands_at_Akkuduk_0243.jpg — (87.85к)

picture: 05_06_Kyrtakhtai_0038.jpg
05_06_Kyrtakhtai_0038.jpg — (66.11к)

picture: 05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0186.jpg
05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0186.jpg — (62.49к)

picture: 05_18_Oneri_0456.jpg
05_18_Oneri_0456.jpg — (59.79к)

05.06.2008 19:14, IchMan

Hello, can you tell me what kind of insect is from Moscow? May 31, 2008.

Your fly, which reminds me of Chrysotoxum festivum L. from sirfids-should be placed in the Definition of diptera! There are only 2 wings, this is visible and not to an expert!
Likes: 1

07.06.2008 0:05, Pirx

The first one is absolutely wonderful

This is a mottled moth, and the same one that P. I. Marikovsky described in the book" Insects are protected " (with "ants" on the wings). The forum has already discussed its taxonomic position, see http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=188716
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07.06.2008 0:15, Pirx

Your fly, which reminds me of Chrysotoxum festivum L. from sirfids-should be placed in the Definition of diptera! There are only 2 wings, this is visible and not to an expert!

Taki Chrysotoxum festivum
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07.06.2008 0:37, Pirx

A few flies from the south

05_01_Kokusim_0144.jpg — (46.31к) - Eupeodes sp. or Scaeva sp. (Syrphidae)
The rest is just a family, the fauna is alien to me
. 05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0430.jpg by 05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0190.jpg - Asilidae
05_06_Kyrtakhtai_0038.jpg - Stratiomyidae
05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0186.jpg - Nemestrinidae
05_04_Kyrtakhtai_0405.jpg, 05_16_sands_at_Akkuduk_0243.jpg, 05_18_Oneri_0456.jpg -Bombyliidae
05_01_Kokusim_0118.jpg and 05_01_Kokusim_0119.jpg - something from muscoid, but I do not dare
And what do you shoot? A good soap dish or DSLR?
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07.06.2008 10:36, barry

KingSnake: What kind of fly, can you tell me? A small one.
Possibly Anthomyia pluvialis.

Can you tell me at least a family for my hairy fly? (message from 08.05.2008 17:08) .
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08.06.2008 10:21, Pirx

  KingSnake: What kind of fly, can you tell me? A small one.
Possibly Anthomyia pluvialis.

Can you tell me at least a family for my hairy fly? (message from 08.05.2008 17:08).

1) Thank you and from me. I often see these flies on the bark of poplars in spring. I haven't identified them yet, but I didn't think it could be a flower girl.

2) This is a tachinid, essno, but a species...

08.06.2008 18:26, PG18

This is a mottled moth, and the same one that P. I. Marikovsky described in the book" Insects are protected " (with "ants" on the wings). The forum has already discussed its taxonomic position, see http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=188716
...What do you shoot with? A good soap dish or DSLR?

Thanks! I sent a fly to that topic.
I shoot Nikon D50 and D70 + Nikkor 60 mm Macro

08.06.2008 20:49, barry

2) This is a tachinid, essno, but a species...

Rummaged in the tahini-Tachina ursina maybe?

This post was edited by barry - 08.06.2008 20: 52

09.06.2008 10:02, алекс 2611

What kind of fly, can you tell me? A small one.

Exactly the same fly was brought out of the cocoon of some burrowing wasp (most likely the subfamily Crabroninae, the wasp's nest was in a rotten stump). Determined by "green", determined. I still haven't identified it. I thought it was some kind of secret, but now I don't know what to think.

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