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Identification of dragonflies (Odonata)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of dragonflies (Odonata)

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26.11.2008 0:09, Kharkovbut

Well, I'll try it with my dragonflies...

01: Sympetrum sp., I can't name the view from this angle.
02: Lestes sp., female, probably sponsa.
03: Yes, Aeschna grandis. Male.
04: Sympetrum sp., young male, maybe sanguineum or danae.
05: Sympetrum pedemontanum-female.
06: Yes, Sympetrum danae. Male.
07: Sympetrum sp., female, maybe vulgatum or striolatum or whatever... smile.gif
08: Lestes sp., male, most likely virens.
09: Yes, Sympetrum danae.
10: Sympetrum sp., female, most likely danae.

You should specify the date of the snapshot - sometimes this helps to determine the correct date.
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26.11.2008 15:00, Victor Titov

Please look at my dragonflies, too.
Photo 1. Yaroslavl region, Rostov region.
picture: DSC01588.jpg

Photo 2. Moscow region, Istra district.
picture: DSC02195_1.jpg

Photo 3. Yaroslavl region, Rostov region.
picture: DSC02275_1.jpg

27.11.2008 2:15, Kharkovbut

Please look at my dragonflies, too.

1: Leucorrhinia sp., female, probably rubicunda or pectoralis.
2: Male Coenagrion puella.
3: Female Orthetrum cancellatum.
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27.11.2008 13:55, NakaRB

You should specify the date of the snapshot - sometimes this helps to determine the correct date.

The date in exif is smile.gif

01-14 July 02-30 July 03 - 30
04-23 August

05-04 September 06 - 04 September
07-07 September 08-21 September
09-21 September
10-25 oct

27.11.2008 14:23, NakaRB

Here are some more dragonflies, and other angles for some of the previous post-just in case it helps smile.gif

11-21 September
12-14 July
13-23 August 14-23 August

15-14 June
16-30 July

11 = 08
user posted image

12 = 01
user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

user posted image

16 = 02
user posted image

28.11.2008 0:54, Kharkovbut

Here are some more dragonflies, and other angles for some of the previous post-just in case it helps

11 = 08: male Lestes virens
12 = 01: female Sympetrum sp., most likely sanguineum
13, 14: Sympetrum sp., difficult to name species
15: male Coenargion hastulatum
16 = 02: female Lestes sponsa
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04.12.2008 15:16, Елена М

12-the legs are yellow. Most likely, Sympetrum flaveolum.
14 - Sympetrum vulgatum.
13 - the same if the legs have a yellow stripe. It's hard to see. frown.gif

This post was edited by Elena_M-04.12.2008 15: 23
Likes: 1

05.12.2008 1:19, Kharkovbut

12-the legs are yellow. Most likely, Sympetrum flaveolum.
I agree that it is clearly not sanguineum (I didn't look at my feet... weep.gif) But you can't see the yellow on the wings at all!

11.12.2008 21:07, Елена М

It doesn't always happen. There is a form with completely transparent wings - in females more often than in males. In general, in the middle zone, the choice is small - there are three yellow-legged species: S. flaveolum, S. vulgatum, and S. striolatum. In the vulgatum, the black pattern on the body is not so strongly developed, and there are usually light forearm stripes on the anterior-upper surface of the chest. Striolatum has an extremely short black stripe in front of the eyes, and the forehead is almost entirely light. Well, the genital plates - although the tail is not in focus here, and in these two species, most likely, a protruding plate would be visible. Here at flaveolum it is quite short and adjacent.

Yes, I now think that 13 is also a female flaveolum. It even seems to show yellow spots on the wings in the area of the nodule.
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14.12.2008 17:56, Guest

Probably this photo is not even about to say who it is?)
user posted image

14.12.2008 19:22, Ilia Ustiantcev

What kind of dragonfly? Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, July.
picture: IMG_4740.jpg

14.12.2008 21:18, Kharkovbut

What kind of dragonfly? Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, July.
Libellula quadrimaculata
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21.12.2008 6:11, Juglans

South of Primorye, end of September

picture: P9206566.jpg
P9206566.jpg — (142.81к)

25.12.2008 19:52, Елена М

Probably this photo is not even about to say who it is?

The rocker arm, of course. And what - not to say. frown.gif Aeshna sp. The probability that this is Anax exists, but it is very small.

To Juglans: Sympetrum sp., maybe S. depressiusculum, S. cordulegaster... Others are less likely. Side view or separate head larger so that the forehead is visible, no?

14.01.2009 1:42, okoem

Fans and connoisseurs of dragonflies are kindly asked to help with their definition. Here I posted the archives with photos-
2007 http://ifolder.ru/9840718
2008 http://ifolder.ru/9836841
Date of recording - in the file name. All photos were taken in Crimea.
If someone finds out something, you can report it at okoem@km.ru

19.01.2009 9:50, bials

Help identify dragonflies from the Moscow mol.gifregion . Odintsovo district
picture: _________001.jpg
2. Libellula quadrimaculata?
picture: _________002.jpg

This post was edited by bials-19.01.2009 09: 52

19.01.2009 10:17, bials

The guard!!! confused.gif How to distinguish these arrows from photos?!
Coenagrion puella, Enallagma cyathigerum, Coenargion hastulatum.
In appearance, in my opinion, all the same! Or are there clear differences

19.01.2009 20:44, Kharkovbut

Help identify dragonflies from the Moscow mol.gifregion . Odintsovo district.

1. Gomphus vulgatissimus female
2. Libellula quadrimaculata male
Likes: 1

23.01.2009 22:48, Михаил Николаенко

Tell me, please, is this a male Sympetrum vulgatum? I'm not sure. confused.gif Filmed on July 14 in the Moscow region.
Thank you.

picture: IMGP1596_1.jpg
IMGP1596_1.jpg — (95.37к)

picture: IMGP1604_2.jpg
IMGP1604_2.jpg — (100.37к)

23.01.2009 23:05, Kharkovbut

Tell me, please, is this a male Sympetrum vulgatum? I'm not sure. confused.gif 
They eat right. smile.gif This is a male Sympetrum flaveolum.
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24.01.2009 0:43, Михаил Николаенко

But I was able to identify these dragonflies correctly?
1. Sympetrum sanguineum, female
2. Sympetrum vulgatum, female
3. Sympetrum sanguineum, male
4. Aeshna cyanea
Thank you!

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (83.32к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (92.9 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (71.71 k)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (78.01 k)

24.01.2009 1:28, Kharkovbut

But I was able to identify these dragonflies correctly?
1. Sympetrum sanguineum, female
2. Sympetrum vulgatum, female
3. Sympetrum sanguineum, male
4. Aeshna cyanea
Thank you!
IMHO, everything is correct except 3: male Sympetrum flaveolum. By the way, 4 is also a male.
Likes: 1

27.01.2009 22:23, bials

Help with dragonflies mol.gifMoscow region, Odintsovo district.
picture: _________02.1.jpg
picture: _________02.2.jpg
2 picture: _________1.jpg
3 Aeshna cyanea?
picture: __________________05.jpg

This post was edited by bials - 27.01.2009 22: 25

28.01.2009 0:59, Kharkovbut

Help with dragonflies mol.gifMoscow region, Odintsovo district.
1: Somatochlora metallica
2: Ophiogomphus cecilia
3: Aeshna cyanea
Likes: 1

30.01.2009 17:03, Елена М

The guard!!! confused.gif How to distinguish these arrows from photos?!
Coenagrion puella, Enallagma cyathigerum, Coenargion hastulatum.
In appearance, in my opinion, all the same! Or are there clear differences

Of course, there is. Males of the first two differ very well: see here males of Coenargion hastulatum are more similar to enallagmas, in the hands they differ in the shape of the caudal appendages and the shape of the pronotum, in the pictures the most noticeable difference is that the enallagmas (both males and females) have a noticeably wider light forearm band on the chest. You can see this in the same image from the link.
Female arrows in the photo generally differ poorly. You need to look at the shape of the pronotum and the pattern of the abdomen, but you may not be sure.

31.01.2009 10:35, Михаил Николаенко

Is it possible to determine the type of these dragonflies? The photo is not very high-quality, but there is no other one. I can't figure out if it's Sympetrum sanguineum or Sympetrum flaveolum. Or neither confused.gif
Thank you.

picture: IMGP2525.jpg
IMGP2525.jpg — (95.75к)

31.01.2009 10:49, Михаил Николаенко

Here I found another photo of the same couple. True, the female is closed with a leaf.
Thank you.

picture: IMGP2526_2.jpg
IMGP2526_2.jpg — (135.58к)

31.01.2009 16:56, Kharkovbut

Is it possible to determine the type of these dragonflies? The photo is not very high-quality, but there is no other one. I can't figure out if it's Sympetrum sanguineum or Sympetrum flaveolum. Or neither confused.gif
Thank you.
Likes: 1

31.01.2009 19:09, Guest



01.02.2009 17:24, bials

Help me determine mol.gif! Is this some kind of grandchild? Moscow oblast.
1a. picture: _________1.1.jpg
1b. picture: _________1.2.jpg

08.02.2009 15:46, Елена М

To bials: No, a young male Aeshna cyanea. Very characteristic are the downward-curved ("beaked") caudal appendages and large solid blue spots on the last two abdominal segments.
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09.02.2009 17:08, bials

What does "young male" mean? It's an imago.
Or do they still change somehow? Shedding?

09.02.2009 17:12, bials

Can you tell me what kind of dragonfly it is? Photographed on September 17 in the Moscow region.
1a. picture: _________1.1.jpg
1b. picture: _________1.2.jpg

09.02.2009 17:55, Vabrus

Sympetrum danae, man smile.gif
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11.02.2009 8:59, Елена М

What does "young male" mean? It's an imago.
Or do they still change somehow? Shedding?

Young - this is a recently bred and not fully colored one. Here, a little higher up in the thread, there is a picture (your ownsmile.gif) of a fully colored male-compare. In other species (especially true dragonflies, Libellulidae), the differences in color may be even stronger.

This post was edited by Elena_M - 02/11/2009 09: 00
Likes: 2

27.02.2009 12:44, Dmitry Vlasov

M. B. who will help you determine!!! On February 26, friends had a small equal-winged dragonfly. Probably hatched from a freshwater shrimp tank. They put water moss from Malaysia there 2-3 months ago, and after some time they saw a larva (both biologists, but they say that the larva was different from our equidactyls...). Photo attached...

picture: ____________002.jpg
____________002.jpg — (121.66 k)

28.02.2009 20:15, Guest

Something like Ischnura senegalensis, although I'm still an expert...

09.03.2009 16:34, Victor Titov

Help the teapot in dragonflies with their identification. There are probably some platitudes, but I would like to know who exactly. All images were taken in the Yaroslavl region.
picture: DSC01652_2.jpg
picture: DSC02238_1.jpg
picture: DSC02360_1.jpg
picture: DSC02385_3.jpg
picture: DSC02520_2.jpg
picture: DSC02522_2.jpg
picture: DSC02544_1.jpg
picture: DSC02608_2.jpg
picture: DSC02775_3.jpg
picture: DSC03028_1.jpg

09.03.2009 18:40, Bad Den

5,6,8-Calopteryx virgo (5-female)
Likes: 1

09.03.2009 19:03, Guest

Bad Den, thank you for identifying the beauties!

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