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Callipogon relictus

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCallipogon relictus

Anthicus, 09.08.2007 10:57

I received the most interesting letter yesterday-the Callipogon relictus offer (see below). You can talk about it. How badly is the beetle caught if you catch it?

84.5mm: 1200$/only 1male

A0.05 quality, 79.5mm: 450$/only 1female
82mm: 500$/only 1female
A1 quality male
No. Male 80mm 900$/only 1ex
A1 quality female
No.2 82.8mm 500$/only 1ex
No.3 75.8mm 450$/only 1ex
No.4 74mm 400$/only 1ex
No.5 72.8mm 350$/only 1ex
No.6 66.7mm 250$/only 1ex


09.08.2007 11:49, Tigran Oganesov

Likes: 3

09.08.2007 11:58, Bad Den

Ah, comrade Lee... smile.gif
But these beetles are from the North. Of course, but how often it is caught in our country is another question. Probably not more often, though

This post was edited by Bad Den-09.08.2007 12: 11
Likes: 4

09.08.2007 12:07, Vadim Yakubovich

I've never seen it in nature, although there are some gifts from the northern Primorye region. Ready to sell for the above prices. Just kidding, you need them yourself.

09.08.2007 12:21, Aleksandr Safronov

Probably colleagues from the Far East should know the situation for this type. According to the CC, it belongs to category II-a declining species. The limiting factors are still the same - deforestation of old forests and sanitary
"cleaning" of forest lands. I saw a couple of copies in a friend's collection, not very large. True caught for a long time.
I think the beetle is not worth such "freaky" money and, with a strong desire, you can find people on the DV to exchange. But such a price for dealers from entomology will do a bad service for the preservation of the species. frown.gif
Likes: 1

09.08.2007 12:34, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Previously caught, but also not very often.
As far as I remember, the problem with them is that they are caught only in primary mature forests, which now remain almost exclusively in nature reserves. Well, like everyone else, the" mass nature " of the meeting depends on the year.

09.08.2007 13:53, omar

As far as I know, now the beetle is very rare, the number has decreased very significantly compared to the 80 years of the last century. Almost all caught specimens collected on our farm go straight to Japan at prices close to the specified ones. The Japanese really pay so much money for it! The same Zhuravlev, from entomagazine No. 1, told me that when he tried to buy a freshly caught copy for$ 100, the bug catchers almost laughed in his face.
Likes: 4

09.08.2007 14:23, Anthicus

As far as I know, now the beetle is very rare, the number has decreased very significantly compared to the 80 years of the last century. Almost all caught specimens collected on our farm go straight to Japan at prices close to the specified ones. The Japanese really pay so much money for it! The same Zhuravlev, from entomagazine No. 1, told me that when he tried to buy a freshly caught copy for$ 100, the bug catchers almost laughed in his face.

So that's why C. relictus is so rare in Europe for sale - they all go to Japan! Somehow I didn't think of it myself. Comrade Lee, of course, was lucky with the Korean beetles-it will be cooked smile.gif

09.08.2007 14:30, omar

Moreover, they told me that it is our Far Eastern beetles that are particularly expensive for the Japanese... No wonder they cling to the Kuril Islands. wink.gif

09.08.2007 14:31, Anthicus

Moreover, they told me that it is our Far Eastern beetles that are particularly expensive for the Japanese... No wonder they cling to the Kuril Islands. wink.gif

Means. in Korea, the beetle is caught more often. Probably...

09.08.2007 17:22, Pavel Morozov

I'll go and catch it, catch it.
Likes: 1

09.08.2007 19:07, Aleksandr Safronov

I'll go and catch it, catch it.

That's right, Morozzz, while there will be a discussion about how rare it is, it's easier to go and catch it. Practice shows that if a person is interested, they will always find the desired view! wink.gif
Likes: 1

09.08.2007 20:59, Pavel Morozov

tongue.gif If I'm up to something, then keep me seven.

This post was edited by Morozzz - 09.08.2007 21: 05
Likes: 2

09.08.2007 21:51, Bad Den

  tongue.gif If I'm up to something, then keep me seven.

That's right, we need to compete with the ubiquitous Chinese! smile.gif

11.08.2007 16:12, Dinusik

Probably colleagues from the Far East should know the situation for this type. According to the CC, it belongs to category II-a declining species. The limiting factors are still the same - deforestation of old forests and sanitary
"cleaning" of forest lands. I saw a couple of copies in a friend's collection, not very large. True caught for a long time.
I think the beetle is not worth such "freaky" money and, with a strong desire, you can find people on the DV to exchange. But such a price for dealers from entomology will do a bad service for the preservation of the species. frown.gif

The beetle is really rare. I haven't caught it myself yet. But I've heard from my colleagues who often swear at expdits that they are extremely rare, and our collections only have a few copies. In the Amur region, there were finds in the Khingan and Norsky Nature reserves.
At the beginning of the summer, I received a letter from one of the Moscow cadres, who offered me to catch them for an exchange. I wrote that this year their mass release is expected lol.gif lol.gif lol.gifIn Moscow, which is probably more visible lol.gif

This post was edited by Dinusik - 08/11/2007 16: 14
Likes: 4

11.08.2007 23:35, Aleksandr Ermakov

Ловить живьём и разводить. Интересно, виварный материал столько же стоит?
А вообще, жаль, приговорили зверушку....
Likes: 1

11.08.2007 23:45, Bad Den

  Ловить живьём и разводить.

Нереально, ИМХО...

12.08.2007 0:15, Tentator

Про этого жука есть презабавное стихотворение, сочиненное лепидоптерологом Ионом. Вернее, стихотворение не про жука, а про описавшего его знаменитого энтомолога. Это очень злое стихотворение (возможно, в т.ч., из-за ожесточенной дисскусии в печате между автором стихотворения и этим энтомологим, дискусии о необходимости использовать признаки гениталий в систематике бабочек; смешная тема, хе-хе), но метко отражающее энтомологическую жизнь Зоологического института в начале 20 в., деятельность наиболее замечательных ее представителей.

Собранья день. Народ спешит
В храм дорогой науки,
Но тайно сердце мысль щемит,
Что впереди ждут муки.

Выслушивать потоки слов
Ненужных и знакомых
До одуренья будь готов,
Любитель насекомых.

На заседаньях каждый год
Все об одном лишь речь идет --
Callipogon relictum.

Что ни открыл бы ум пытливый
В работе долгой, терпеливой:
О миграционных циклах тлей,
О варьететах ли шмелей,

О скорпионов ль яде сильном,
О лёте одонат обильном,
О железах в брюшке жуков,
Номенклатуре ли клопов,

На то припев, на то ответ:
Э..., э... (стократ), все ж лучше нет
Callipogon relictum.

Об анатомии бескрылых,
Сперматофорах прямокрылых,
Строеньи половых путей,
О хетотаксии у тлей,

Загадке вредных короедов --
Друзей ученых-лесоведов,
О скучном майском ли хруще,
Весеннем ли календаре,

Один лишь вывод: "Смысл сего,
Что нет важнее ничего
Callipogon relictum".

Зевают. И на лицах всех
Печать тоски смертельной,
Кой-где лишь слышен слабый смех --
Терпенья взрыв предельный.

Средь насекомых нет вредней
Реликтового зверя.
Избавиться бы поскорей,
(Не велика потеря).

Энтомологи, вам пора с
Стряхнуть с себя раз-навсегда
Callipogon relictum.
Likes: 6

12.08.2007 5:20, Dinusik

  Ловить живьём и разводить. Интересно, виварный материал столько же стоит?
А вообще, жаль, приговорили зверушку....

Обсолютно не реально. Для личинок нужна древесина погибших ясеней, лип, ильмов. Развивается личинка 3-5 лет. Имаго питаются древесным соком, выступающим на стволах деревьев. Я не представляю как можно создать такие условия искуственно.
Likes: 1

12.08.2007 6:28, Vadim Yakubovich

You can create something, but what will be the cost of these beetles

12.08.2007 14:30, Cerega

I caught the relic, and more than once, but the animal is really very rare, more than two pieces per season could not be caught. For life, he needs elms drying up on the root, the more the better, very small beetles come out of the fallen, but pre-populated ones. There are many habitats in Primorye, but it is very rare everywhere. Females are more common because they are prone to migrating, and such a huge flying cross can be seen from afar, you just need to be on the trajectory of its flight, and the seaside taiga is not small, you can sit and wait near the brood trees, if you know any, and the beetles at this time have a desire to hatch. About the mass summer, I agree with Dinusik complete nonsense. As for the cost, this year I met an aboriginal in Kamenushka, who joyfully reported that he sold such a beetle for$ 300, but not in e that year, but in general, people who came like vyshekhlestavshihsya comrades, having pushed around Primorye for a month, are ready to buy relictus or rosalia at any prices. For cultivation, if someone is ready to manipulate logs in two girths, then I do not think that the cost of the beetle will decrease.
Likes: 3

12.08.2007 14:54, amara

I, for example, did not know before this message that in Russian elm (Ulmus) can be called elm. Now I know.

12.08.2007 16:42, mikee

  Я, например, до этого сообщения не знал что по-русски вяз (Ulmus) можно называть ильмом. Теперь знаю.

"ИЛЬМ, род листопадных, редко вечнозеленых деревьев (семейство ильмовые). Свыше 30 видов, в умеренном, реже тропическом поясе Северного полушария. Преимущественно высокие деревья с раскидистой кроной. Живут 80-120 (иногда 400-500) лет. Применяются в защитном лесоразведении и озеленении. Древесину используют в строительстве и мебельном производстве. Многие виды ильмов известны под названием вяз, берест, карагач. " (http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc1p/19398)
Я в чьих то воспоминаниях читал, что жук вылуплялся из тополя Максимовича. Причем, именно из стоящих на корню высоких пней.

12.08.2007 22:17, Bad Den

  Я, например, до этого сообщения не знал что по-русски вяз (Ulmus) можно называть ильмом. Теперь знаю.

Кстати, весьма известный фильм "Кошмар на улице Вязов" - "Nightmare on Elm street"

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