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Buy or catch?

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsBuy or catch?

bahurin, 14.06.2008 19:50

I think that buying butterflies is not sporty. The process is important: go to nature to catch up, catch up, then spread out. This is the meaning of the collection. Then you look at the butterfly under the glass and remember how you caught it and proudly tell who the thread is. And if you buy, then butterflies can be equated with a piece of sausage, which you can go and buy in the store, and then eat, but you will not get pleasure from such collecting. Although this is my personal opinion and I do not pretend, and do not impose, but only express, which is exactly what peacock eye asked for. In general, this message is 100% SPAM.


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14.06.2008 20:15, guest: Saturnia

Mr. Bahurin,
you are wrong.
First, do not overfishall insects, but there are some that amaze the imagination and cause an unrestrained desire for possession.
Secondly, I think that it is stupid to buy ordinary things on the Internet, but unique unusual ones are not. Have you ever fished in China?

14.06.2008 20:48, bahurin

I haven't fished in China, but if I want to add to the collection of butterflies from China, it's better to spend the money and go to China and catch them personally. For me, this is a rest you understand and not a business, and I do not consider money in this matter, but I get pleasure. I count my money in other areas.
On the other hand, you can't really catch all the butterflies, but you can't buy all of them, so this argument doesn't work either.
I can recognize the exchange of a butterfly for a butterfly as a way to add to the collection, because this is also getting pleasure from communicating with a fellow collector. And anyway, you wanted to know my opinion - you know it. If it does not match yours, then this is basically your problem, but I wrote at the top that I do not pretend and do not impose. And I ask you not to impose anything on me either. I didn't create a post where to buy butterflies.
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14.06.2008 21:10, guest: Saturnia

Mr. Bakhurin,
If you think that catching butterflies in China will bring you great pleasure, then, according to the owner of the site, who spent two years in China, you are deeply mistaken. He believes that just talking to the Chinese is worth a lot. I do not impose my opinion on you either, but I consider it my duty to express my own. I'm very sorry that it doesn't match yours. However, if everyone thought the same, then there would be a universal melancholy, wouldn't there?

14.06.2008 21:25, bahurin

that's why the owner of the site didn't enjoy catching butterflies in China, because he sells them - this is his job, and work doesn't bring pleasure. And if seriously pleasure-to climb into the swamp to get wet, stink, feed mosquitoes and ticks and get a completely ordinary yolk, Ask on the forum you will be confirmed that this is a real pleasure that can never be compared with the pleasure of buying, although probably you and your owner will not understand this. And I talked to the Chinese - normal people if they are human (all people are normal if they are human, I'll tell you a secret). Even I am normal to your great surprise if you treat me like a human being, and do not try to impose an online store with butterflies.

14.06.2008 21:52, Guest

Mr. Bakhurin,
In fact, I didn't want to get an opinion on buying butterflies, the ethical and hunting side of the issue, but only on buying them on the Internet. It's just that I once bought insects at burse in Prague and I find that everything is a bit chaotic there, but here you can think, look and choose something without a doubt. By the way, if you looked at this site more closely, it would become obvious that Andrey Gorodinsky is your colleague who has already left his mark in entomology. Many insects have already been named after him.

15.06.2008 20:43, bahurin

But when you come to nature-there is no confusion and jostling. Birds sing in the fresh air, butterflies fly jump.gifnot like in Prague or Paris wink.gif. And in this situation, it becomes all the same somehow, who and where there inherited, who was called by whose name-it's alluvial. Have you read the Bible, why did Cain kill Abel?

16.06.2008 0:36, RippeR

1) Catching butterflies is definitely cooler than buying. Although to whom as..
2) Spotted correctly, just not overfishing.
3) It is a matter of choice and opportunity for everyone. For example, some entomologists make collections only on the basis of their own fees, they never buy or change. This is everyone's choice. There are some that collect only insects of a certain region.. etc. There is no better or worse, there is only what is closer to a person.
4) You can't build a complete collection by yourself. In any case, you will have to change or buy all the places if you want to collect a complete collection.
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16.06.2008 10:31, Acdestis

Sergey, I will absolutely support you. This is the real thing. 100% so.
But the opponent still has no real information, both in places and in people, believe me.
(Not everything that has a sign on it is one.)
But there is joy and learning, and then there is business, and then there is "ownership."

16.06.2008 12:15, Nilson

Of course, the process of hunting is much more exciting - here, I believe, no one will argue. As for the commercial figures offering insects, I take them calmly. I don't see anything wrong with such purchases. What to do - you can't go everywhere. Another thing is that the number of unscrupulous comrades in this field is simply off the scale. This is especially true for online businesses. However, this is typical, in general, for almost all Online purchases - you never know what you will get as a result.

This post was edited by Nilson - 06/16/2008 12: 16
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18.06.2008 19:39, andros

Without buying all the same in any way. Here are the subspecies of the swallowtail, but there is no saccharicus.What to do?Look , that's what I'm looking for, I don't want to go to Libya, and I don't have so much cash.But on foreign sites with an Arab met, maybe that will happen..

18.06.2008 20:31, Grigory Grigoryev

To andros:
Yes, in fact, no one says that buying is bad smile.gif
Simply, as many people, so many opinions. Everyone has their own "problems and gadgets". And this is normal, as it should be. Buy on health!
In fact, the desire to buy something usually appears when a person reaches a certain level, and, in my opinion, when the collection takes on a "systematic" appearance. Your swallowtails are an example of this. In fact, you can't catch all the taxa yourself for a variety of reasons.
Good luck!!

18.06.2008 20:35, RippeR

In order to collect all the elements of a small group, it seems to me that you need to make 2-4 trips every year, do 1-2 purely for commercial fishing, in order to pay for all the trips in a year at once, then there will be time for other trips. Probably so you can collect something.. And then, even so, everything will be out of the realm of fiction..

19.06.2008 10:26, Guest

Sometimes I'm just amazed by the coolness of site visitors...
"I'll go to China to catch butterflies myself.".. "Go and fish more pleasantly yourself"
What to catch? Where?How? Something with tvets is too tight...
In the section on fishing in the tropics and outside of Russia, some incompetent empty graters.
Have you fished there? Do you think it's easy? Can you do it? The question is that you don't know how to catch horseradish, and you don't know how to catch it. Ask Amosov if it was good in an Indian prison...
And it's easy to talk about your coolness and ability to catch yourself when you catch in Melitopol or Zhmerinka.
Buying is often your chance to get an insect, while catching which you can simply die or sit down. Such things.
Good luck to the brave hunters.
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19.06.2008 11:14, omar

You look - on the forum, no way Indiana Jones himself. Very cool and very competent. smile.gif
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19.06.2008 12:07, Другой гость

It seems that the previous guest is not Indiana Jones....
You can just see that the person himself worked in different places. That's why he speaks out!
When catching insects (now I'm just talking about "catching"), you need professionalism plus experience, just like in any other business. If, of course, the result is interesting, and not just "go, see".

19.06.2008 12:35, Monstr

Buying is often your chance to get an insect, while catching which you can simply die or sit down. Such things.
Good luck to the brave hunters.

Well... a little harsh, but I agree in general. Especially about "die or sit down", there is a chance.

19.06.2008 15:10, Frantic

Pancake.. Some kind of clo(y)new attack on the sitefrown.gif
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19.06.2008 15:56, Bad Den

And what is the subject of the dispute?
If there is an opportunity/desire/need to catch - it is necessary to catch. If there is an opportunity/desire/need to buy , you should buy. If there is an opportunity/desire/need to buy and catch-go ahead.
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19.06.2008 16:08, Frantic

Apparently, some people think that you need to buy more activelysmile.gif))

19.06.2008 17:29, omar

And don't risk your life in vain - otherwise you never know what... Then there will be no one to buy teapot.gif
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19.06.2008 17:50, Dinusik

Mr. Bakhurin,
If you think that catching butterflies in China will bring you great pleasure, then, according to the owner of the site, who spent two years in China, you are deeply mistaken. He believes that just talking to the Chinese is worth a lot. I do not impose my opinion on you either, but I consider it my duty to express my own. I'm very sorry that it doesn't match yours. However, if everyone thought the same way, then there would be a universal melancholy, wouldn't there?

And what exactly is so terrible in terms of fishing in China? Of all my friends who went there, all are alive and well and happy with themselves. It seems to me that wherever you go, the main thing is not to turn fishing into poaching and then you will be happy! Although, this does not concern merchants, they are just trying to take out everything that moves from there. Actually, communication with the Chinese is not so annoying.
Naturally, everyone decides for themselves whether to catch or buy. It all depends on the nature and size of your wallet. I personally find it more interesting to catch than to buy. I wouldn't trade the chance to get out into nature for anything. But if you want something very exotic, you'll have to buy it.
But the harsh statements of the so-called guests have been annoying lately. Gentlemen, have the courage not only to shake the air with loud phrases, but also to call yourself.

This post was edited by Dinusik - 06/20/2008 07: 11
Likes: 2

19.06.2008 18:07, Monstr

And don't risk your life in vain - otherwise you never know what... There will be no one to buy later teapot.gif

Cool joke.

19.06.2008 20:45, Nikolaj Pichugin

I don't really understand the argument. confused.gif
How many people, so many opinions, desires and opportunities. Everyone solves their own problems depending on this complex. For example, I have a desire to purchase a Carabus avinovi. Why don't I go to Sakhalin for her?!?
I don't have the time or money to do this. Naturally, I will try to buy it or exchange it. beer.gif
Therefore, buying or selling an insect is a personal matter, depending on many factors. umnik.gif
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19.06.2008 21:26, RippeR

I would fly to sakhalin lol.gif

20.06.2008 6:55, Vadim Yakubovich

I would fly to Sakhalin lol.gif

And I flew and caught! jump.gif I'd like to get to Moneron again.
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20.06.2008 6:59, Dinusik

And I flew and caught! jump.gif I'd like to get to Moneron again.

What are your years! I'm 100% sure you'll get smile.gifthere
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21.06.2008 11:33, Nikolaj Pichugin

I would fly to Sakhalin lol.gif

Me too, I would fly!
Especially since I've been there before. Unfortunately, this is not currently possible.
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23.06.2008 16:53, Pavel Morozov

There is an opportunity to go catch - go and catch.
If you can't go, find it and buy it.
Why do we bother with such trifles? As if there's anything wrong with buying the material. In the end, European entomologists do just that, buying dozens and hundreds of mattresses from collectors. And science is advancing, and collectors are rewarded.
Well, I don't want to go to, say, China yet (since the Middle Kingdom has already been touched upon), and there is not much opportunity yet either. I'd rather buy something that I'm interested in, if it's "interesting" for sale.
"It's better to go and catch it yourself" - well, well, and if a person is steaming in the office from morning to night, not seeing a vacation?
On the contrary, I believe that material dealers allow not only to add to the collection, but also to make the dream of many, many people come true.
In Soviet times, the iron Curtain was only slightly opened in the direction of Cuba, well, or Vietnam. The exchange of material was a good addition to our own collections. But it was impossible to buy something "overseas". Just as the Soviet entomologist used to dream of tropical butterflies - morpho, urania, and birdwings! Now these uranias and birdwings are on sale, even in bulk, and even hatched! And no one, except for the producers of souvenirs, is particularly needed now. A lot of sites offer the most diverse material.
There was a time when I used to drool over some Onithoptera priamus in a souvenir frame.
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23.06.2008 17:14, RippeR

Everything is right.
I think this dispute arose due to the fact that everyone is affected by something in the previous post. Everyone already forgets what to talk about at all and the argument "we must defend ourselves" begins. A common practice is to argue for the sake of argument.
Naturally, everyone acts according to their own choice - and there is no good or bad choice.
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24.06.2008 10:04, Guest

"There is an opportunity to go catch - go and catch.
If you can't go, find it and buy it."

This is the difference between an amateur entomologist and a philatelist.

24.06.2008 10:15, Pavel Morozov

"There is an opportunity to go catch - go and catch.
If you can't go, find it and buy it."

This is the difference between an amateur entomologist and a philatelist.

Let's also add numismatics here. smile.gif

24.06.2008 10:51, Dabr

It's time to create a survey - "who is, in your understanding, an entomologist?" smile.gif

24.06.2008 11:06, Tach1218

It's time to create a survey - " who is, in your understanding, an entomologist?" smile.gif

I think it's not necessary smile.gif,there is certainly nothing wrong with buying insects, but if there is an opportunity, it's better to have more of your own practice wink.gif

24.06.2008 11:15, RippeR

I think it is better to avoid such questions, otherwise there will be heated debates about how everyone philosophically imagines this concept smile.gif

04.08.2008 22:51, bugslov

I like to catch more, but I've also bought some banal stuff from the Palearctic. I tried to catch Osmoderma for 8 years: I was in Austria and Poland (though passing through), in the Tver region. I was about to look for it on sale, when I found it : I beat off my leg, skinned my hands, but I'm happy!!! jump.gif
The purchase would not have been such a pleasure!
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05.08.2008 1:01, Shofffer

I would like to note that you can actually buy representatives of very few, so-called commercial groups of insects.
If you need, say, cicadas or proctotrupids, you still don't know which will be easier - go yourself and catch them, or find someone who sells such material.
If there is no demand , there is no supply.
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05.08.2008 13:56, Victor Titov

The purchase would not have been such a pleasure!

Definitely! Not only the fact of possession is important, but also, not least, the process itself!!!
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05.08.2008 19:34, RippeR

Sometimes I really want to buy some of our fatheads, or Asian ones, but no one sells them, except for a couple of types of Osipov, but it's expensive and not interesting smile.gif

10.08.2008 0:02, DIMID

Yes, the topic is very sensitive,for example, I really have two collections, one is
scientific in nature(inventory of the PMR), and the second is just the tropics for beauty
that were bought. cool.gif

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