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Sending insects

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsSending insects

Coelioxys, 20.07.2008 9:31

In the near future, it is necessary to send entomological material from Vladivostok to Edinburgh. Specifically, galls with nuts made from oak leaves (the package is impressive, about 5 kg). If someone has encountered such forwarding , please advise them on how to do it with the least problems. The main problem is whether you need to get permission for live material or another way is possible, including courier mail, etc
. Please advise practical things, and not scratch your tongue, as is customary almost everywhere on this forum. Thank you in advance.


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20.07.2008 13:34, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Will you send it as an individual or from an organization?
I had to officially send insects by mail, but from an organization.

20.07.2008 17:25, Coelioxys

Of course, from the organization (RAS), the whole question is that the material is live. We send dry goods without any problems, with the appropriate papers, of course.

08.08.2008 10:10, BUTTERFLY

Tell me, has anyone sent packages or parcels with insects from Russia to Kazakhstan, Belarus and vice versa? Is it even real? or right now a ban on all kinds of herbariums and animals?

08.08.2008 11:33, RippeR

you can send everything, but you only need a certificate from the quarantine service.
Hemaris won live material from Belarus and sent to Bularus, so everything is OK. I won't say anything about Kazakhstan, but everything should be fine, too.
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08.08.2008 12:22, bahurin

according to the law Russian post prohibits sending live insects, but there are a number of exceptions. It is necessary to consult call them on the toll-free phone 8-800-2005-888 they will tell you exactly what docks to prepare.

08.08.2008 12:52, RippeR

I think it's not about live insects, but about the cracker, and the cracker is free, if only to have a certificate. And in Russia, you don't even need a certificate.

11.08.2008 8:52, bahurin

a little off topic, but I once called the post office on the phone and said:
- Girl I have an unexpected question..
- I'm listening to you (in a respectful tone)
- Tell me what documents you need to prepare in order to send a collection of butterflies to the Republic of so-and-so (cis).

Pause for a few seconds...
- what do you want to forward eek.gif? BUTTERFLIES?
- yes, a collection of dry butterflies tongue.gif
I couldn't stand
it - HELLO !!! wink.gif
"just for a second, I need you to stay on the phone... confused.gif
left for 5 minutes came back and said that dry can be if they do not fly away!!! wall.gif
Likes: 6

11.08.2008 11:40, Hemaris

If you collect papers, you will be able to send them in 10 years, if there are no garters. The secret is very simple. Send the material in as small packages as possible. Firstly, it is much cheaper, and secondly, they are rarely opened. While parcels are opened almost always, often for the purpose of banal profit, and not control. In addition, you need to remember that problems usually arise not when sending abroad, but when receiving. These recommendations work for Russia and Belarus. In Ukraine, for example, everything is much worse. In the countries of Central Asia, it is even worse, because there drug trafficking is constantly monitored and terribly stupid laws related to the capture and export of insects.

This post was edited by Hemaris - 08/11/2008 16: 28

11.08.2008 12:03, Bad Den

People, don't slow down. If you collect papers, you will be able to send them in 10 years, if there are no garters... These recommendations work for Russia and Belarus.

I advise you not to make global generalizations smile.gif

11.08.2008 12:32, Coelioxys

As I expected, everything turned into a banal chatter...

I ask the moderator to close the topic.

The necessary information was suggested by really knowledgeable people in this matter. I am very grateful to them for this.

12.08.2008 0:09, Raptor

Selfishness!...the topic is really interesting!.I've been working on how to send or receive insects in Kazakhstan since the moment of registration.I think this is suitable for the topic of sending abroad?My dear comrades, tell me good people the whole process of my actions, what should I do if I want to send you a bunch of pupae.and what to do if I want to buy stick insect testicles from you.??????????? mol.gif mol.gif mol.gif I've even had the moderator scold me for asking so hard.

12.08.2008 9:26, bahurin

One more time. You CAN'T use Russian Post!!!! (see link above) send live insects (obviously, both pupae and eggs are not dead). Dry ones please, but not from the red book. To send dry insects, you need to pack them, fill out a declaration (when I sent them, I just wrote a collection of butterflies n pieces) and I got it without any problems. no other docks are required for individuals. The transfer of live insects, pupae, etc. is possible between organizations, but I don't know here, because the person is an individual. If you are going to send it through an organization, then find out what you need to fill out there.

If you want to try it then write to my guestbook let's try to forward something to the thread. We have experience in the CIS countries. let's try it first, and then how it goes.

This post was edited by bahurin - 12.08.2008 09: 29

12.08.2008 10:30, Hemaris

Officially, it is forbidden to send live insects by Belarusian post without the permission of an authorized person, but in practice everything is possible.

12.08.2008 10:54, bahurin

Officially, it is forbidden to send live insects by Belarusian post without the permission of an authorized person, but in practice everything is possible.

if only they do not catch you, but imagine the caterpillars will spread out - you can raise such a boil up to the article terrorism, if the caterpillars suddenly turn out to be poisonous (remember what you were boiling with letters)

12.08.2008 13:30, Hemaris

Well, I wouldn't risk sending caterpillars from the CIS to Europe. Shipping takes about 10 days on average.

12.08.2008 15:04, Raptor

I think if the pupae are packed accordingly, then you can easily send a small banderole.well, for example, wrap it under candy.after all, hardly anyone will try tongue.gif smile.gif tongue.gif.bahurin-I'll be proud to try it!
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12.08.2008 15:05, Raptor

And about eggs and in general there is no speech.there are many shorter options.

12.08.2008 15:20, Hemaris

Saturn eggs are usually sent very successfully. Especially in the autumn-spring period, when it is cool.

03.07.2009 10:24, Bad Den

There is important information for anyone who sends or receives packages from abroad.
Since July 15, 2009, the List of regulated products subject to state quarantine phytosanitary control comes into effect (http://www.fsvps.ru/fsvps/laws/1177.html).
Dry insects (HS code 0511 99 809 9)are not included.
This means that import of this cargo into the territory of the Russian Federation does not require an import quarantine permit and a phytosanitary certificate.
However, when sent abroad, a phytosanitary certificate may be requested by the plant quarantine organization of the destination country.

This post was edited by Bad Den - 14.04.2018 19: 40
Likes: 7

08.07.2009 6:42, Karat

I can't download this file. Writes that it has been deleted.

08.07.2009 9:20, Bad Den

Re-uploaded file

08.07.2009 10:31, Pavel Udovichenko

Thanks! But, alas.... there are "collections and collectibles on zoology and botany". I wonder how you can prove to a quarantine or customs officer that this is not a collector's item, but a subject of scientific study. And where is this line and whether it exists at all! So, nothing has changed, just the wording has changed. frown.gif

This post was edited by Entoterra - 08.07.2009 10: 36

08.07.2009 10:35, Pavel Udovichenko

Yes, and it's even worse.... Now it is possible to import not only with an import quarantine permit, but also only accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate of the exporting country, unlike a number of things listed in the second part of the document! So, everything is sad.....

08.07.2009 10:50, Bad Den

Thanks! But, alas.... there are "collections and collectibles on zoology and botany". I wonder how you can prove to a quarantine or customs officer that this is not a collector's item, but a subject of scientific study. And where is this line and whether it exists at all! So, nothing has changed, just the wording has changed. frown.gif

The face is very clearly defined by customs: collection-if on pins.
And if the declaration says something like "... for scientific study" , then this is definitely not a collectible.

08.07.2009 19:06, Pavel Udovichenko

And is there an instruction for customs that clearly defines "collections" or is this an assumption? After all, each customs officer will interpret in his own way... And we all know what kind of customs we have. And then, customs and quarantine are completely different departments that have nothing to do with each other! For example, in Moscow, the parcel is detained by customs to determine the content, if there are doubts. Then calls the quarantine officer. It DELAYS the parcel and transfers it to a temporary storage warehouse. Then, IF IT WANTS, it informs the recipient that its cargo has been delayed and the proceedings begin... And if HE DOESN'T WANT TO, the parcel is returned after the time required by law! If you manage to negotiate with the quarantine, that is, pay a fine and get "release allowed", then the parcel gets back to customs, where the customs office tells me in the window that it will not be released, because it is necessary to provide a document about its value. On the objection that this is scientific material, after all, not on pins.... the customs officer reasonably notes that pins are only a way to store a collection (for example, in Thailand, if you know, insects are pressed on cotton wool with glass even in large boxes, and they do not cease to be a collection). You prove that you are not a camel by submitting documents about transfers and scratching them out... if you're lucky...And all this only if the quarantine and customs authorities report the detention, and this does not happen in 80% of cases! At least in Moscow! Yes, small shipments often pass, but this is only the negligence of customs...
So if you have a manual for customs authorities that defines the term "collection" and provides criteria for distinguishing it from scientific material, then post it, and at least it will be something to wave in front of the customs officer's nose. And then, I doubt that our customs will also persuade us that this is a scientific material, and not a collection. Rather the opposite...

08.07.2009 19:11, Pavel Udovichenko

Yes, and in your opinion, what is the difference between scientific material and a collection???? That the ZINA collection is no longer scientific material??? And Tsvetaev's mattress collections are not an integral part of his collection. And the huge number of Cicindelinae in matchboxes, carefully labelled, on cotton wool at Cherkasov's - what is this? And how should the customs officer qualify this? How many insects are collected and how many are not yet?
By the way, an interesting topic! You can select it separately...

08.04.2010 12:13, Дзанат

No one has any experience sending live beetles? How do I keep them alive when forwarding them?
I can probably find out about the documents that are needed at the post office. confused.gif

08.04.2010 16:29, Papaver

Tell me-maybe someone in the know-how to send material from Greece?

This post was edited by Papaver - 08.04.2010 18: 00

10.04.2010 9:12, Дзанат

It's clear. Maybe someone used FEDEX mail? is it convenient? Very expensive?

15.04.2010 14:52, rhopalocera.com

Tell me-maybe someone in the know-how to send material from Greece?

from Greece without any problems.

15.04.2010 14:52, rhopalocera.com

It's clear. Maybe someone used FEDEX mail? is it convenient? Very expensive?

comfortable. but expensive. but very convenient.

15.04.2010 15:52, Дзанат

Yeah, thanks. Very convenient! Already checked smile.giffor two days and I have a parcel from Germany.

15.04.2010 16:27, Yakovlev

What are the problems of our colleagues in the European Union??? You what. 2-3 days and a parcel. I lost 4 books from the Czech Republic (mine). 2 months on the road. Lost butterflies from Stas Korb from Chile (from Chile for the second time loss!!!). Huge problems with our mail. Sending and receiving up to 100 packages a year, I have quite heavy statistics. You only need to send it in small packages. In the cost column, write from 0 to 20 E. In the shipment, DRY, DEAD, ETYMOLOGICAL MATERIAL, FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH HAS NO COMMERCIAL VALUE, IS NOT PROTECTED. 15 years of experience. And it is important not to break it. God forbid you get caught with Apollo. Don't expose yourself and your Western (Eastern) colleagues.
And not the word "Collection, collectible material". It's taboo!!!!

This post was edited by Yakovlev - 15.04.2010 17: 07
Likes: 3

15.04.2010 16:41, barko

My parcel with butterflies (spread out) from Hungary to Belarus took about two months.

15.04.2010 17:06, Yakovlev

At least 1 day's drive!
I remember my parcel to Chelyabinsk from Barnaul went 29 days. I would have walked the 1,300 km distance in 25 days. With proper nutrition and compensation. Is the mail in the Russian Federation carried on foot or dragged by weakened pigeons?
And the most interesting thing is that the tariffs have reached almost the European level.
For example, today I sent 20 kg (!) by air mail to the Russian Federation for 67 E (ground it would be 45E). I don't think it's very expensive.

15.04.2010 17:06, Yakovlev

Today I received a parcel from Lithuania. I'm in Munich right now. The parcel was delivered for 4 days

15.04.2010 18:43, Yakovlev

Another important aspect of forwarding. Almost EVERY parcel, and this is a fact, for example, is inspected in Germany, and often our correspondents have problems clearing this cargo. This is an absolute fact - and not only our customs are bad, but also the German ones, for example. Here's the mail, yes... our company is the leader in idiocy, and customs often helps it. For example, the EMS (47th from Prague) went 19 days to Barnaul. The mail took 5 days. She spent 14 days among our valiant customs officers. It was a BOOK. Not hard to miss. No test tubes, no live worms, no Al Qaeda flyers. The book...
Shipment from the so-called Central Asian countries is still difficult, as well as there. Shipping to Australia, as well as from there, contrary to idle speculation, is simple. I received dozens of packages from there with honest declarations. No problem at all.

15.04.2010 19:02, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

I explain to all my foreign colleagues about our situation - do NOT SEND anything of minimal value by regular mail. Some people already call me an enemy of the people: "we ask you to send them, but here are some like you... but they sent it to me and everything got there...". The material is more expensive for me.

Offtop. From my own experience :" You just don't write the word cockroaches on the form. Write Dictyoptera instead. In order to avoid".
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15.04.2010 22:22, Yakovlev

Unfortunately, as experience shows, it is mail that we have to trust a lot. Otherwise, we simply won't be able to work.

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