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Creating a basic price list

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCreating a basic price list

taler, 21.09.2008 13:37

I decided to find out how relevant the topic with price lists is, so that in the future I would do something or not do


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21.09.2008 16:07, Albatus

What is the point of creating such a price list? smile.gif

21.09.2008 16:40, RippeR

The point is to negotiate the exchange, purchase, sale of insects at uniform prices, so that no one inflates prices as they like, etc., etc.
This is especially popular for those who buy insects from merchants, who sometimes set exorbitant prices for unclear reasons.. And also for exchange with similar merchants, who consider their material during the exchange as the most precious material, and yours is considered for insignificant types, from which everyone except this merchant loses ((
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21.09.2008 18:04, Bad Den

The point is to negotiate the exchange, purchase, sale of insects at uniform prices, so that no one inflates prices as they like, etc., etc.
This is especially popular for those who buy insects from merchants, who sometimes set exorbitant prices for unclear reasons.. And also for exchange with similar merchants, who consider their material during the exchange as the most precious material, and yours is considered for insignificant types, from which everyone except this merchant loses ((

This price list is useful because it gives an estimated cost of an insect.
But, it is customary to bargain on the market smile.gif
And then, if you don't like the price, you can always buy from another seller, no?
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21.09.2008 20:52, Shofffer

The point is to negotiate the exchange, purchase, and sale of insects at uniform prices, so that no one inflates prices as they like, etc., etc.

Antimonopoly Service? In entomology?
Maybe we should also start the tax police?
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21.09.2008 21:26, taler

Antimonopoly Service? In entomology?
Maybe we should also start the tax police?

we won't talk to the police yet.But the service of free commercial ads should be reviewed.But this is more a matter for moderators.On many sites, tugriks are paid before placing a commercial ad.

21.09.2008 21:44, okoem

This is especially popular for those who buy insects from merchants, who sometimes set exorbitant prices.

If someone buys something from merchants at exorbitant prices, then at the sight of this price list, no merchant will reset their prices. And then, you need to take into account the geographical component. I can assume that some banal, for example, Far Eastern view, in the European part may cost some money.
In general, IMHO, the idea is idealistic. Each seller is still free to set (and will set) its own price.

21.09.2008 21:56, RippeR

It is clear that not everyone will be guided by it, but manogye, especially molbiolovtsy will be!
It is clear that merchants are unlikely to drop the price, BUT
if one person sees the prices of insects, the question immediately arises-is it expensive or normal - is the merchant setting too high a price? And then they will be able to look at the "average" prices in the price lists and decide for themselves whether it is worth taking or better to refuse and wait for new offers.
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21.09.2008 22:02, Grigory Grigoryev

As they say, the whole idea (if this is a business) is to find a buyer for the maximum "money". This is elementary, and "nothing personal".
The topic is SUPERFLUOUS on this forum. Any negotiations, as I believe, should go with the "personal account".
THE buyer AGREES to buy for some specific money and HAPPILY parts with the money, getting pleasure from this expenditure, and not a reason to suffer whether they were deceived or not. If money is a pity, then there is no conversation.
And the attempt to create a single price list will not lead to anything clever - the entomological business has done fine without our forum before,and it will continue to do so. Forum participants are such "cool" buyers and sellers ..... smile.gif
If someone from forumchan believes that some kind of there is offered for sale for too much money, well, do not buy, and that's it!

In general, I suggest not to breed demagoguery.
And at the expense of a single approximate price list - there are up to a dozen commercial sites on the Internet, they were not created by fools, their business lives and (probably) thrives. Why waste your time?

Sincerely, cajarc
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21.09.2008 22:18, taler

It's nice to hear all the opinions.And do not forget that we are talking about a SINGLE APPROXIMATE price list.No one forces you to selluychange in accordance with it
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21.09.2008 23:56, Albatus

we won't talk to the police yet.But the service of free commercial ads should be reviewed.But this is more a matter for moderators.On many sites, tugriks are paid before placing a commercial ad.

Ads for selling / exchanging insects for tugriks? It's absurd... Can you give us some examples of such sites? lol.gif
As for creating a single price list , the person creating such a list must be competent in beetles, butterflies, and other animals from ALL regions. It is unlikely that such people can exist in principle. And if we assume that the price list will be created by a group of people, then most likely there will be serious disagreements in the prices of some items ( for obvious reasons). In my opinion, the creation of such a price list is utopia smile.gif
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22.09.2008 0:17, RippeR

I'm going to ten

22.09.2008 19:56, bahurin

In my opinion, a single exchange and sale portal would be much more interesting, so that anyone can advertise for purchase and sale. you just need to provide a convenient navigation and search system. The price list would serve as a guide for everyone, filtering out those who want to warm their hands.
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23.09.2008 10:50, Трофим

Support. It will be especially interesting to create a table with prices for example, one column rus. insects com, the other narod.ru or something else. You will be able to navigate.

23.09.2008 10:54, Трофим

And at the expense of a single approximate price list - there are up to a dozen commercial sites on the Internet, they were not created by fools, their business lives and (probably) thrives. Why waste your time?

Sincerely, cajarc

And I would be grateful if these up to a dozen price lists were sent to me in word format by mail with a link to these sites. I'd be very happy to. I only know the two previous ones I wrote about.

23.09.2008 11:12, Bad Den

And I would be grateful if these up to a dozen price lists were sent to me in word format by mail with a link to these sites. I'd be very happy to.

How much money will you pay for this? wink.gif lol.gif
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23.09.2008 12:18, Ironbutt

"He who seeks,let him find..." citation

23.09.2008 20:02, taler

How much money will you pay for this? wink.gif  lol.gif

lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

24.09.2008 22:00, Bion

The idea is good, and then before all sorts of things, such as "Admiralov"mad.gif, were sold to young people during the exchange... And then you see the price of uranus is umnik.gif

25.09.2008 4:25, Salix

If there are young idiots who buy admirals, then they (young idiots) deserve it. In general, it is surprising that there are no posts like "Commerce in entomology is a universal Evil", "A real entomologist should not defile himself with money", etc. Well, in fact, the survey - why is it necessary here? What does the price of insects have to do with entomology, which is supposedly dedicated to the forum?

This post was edited by Salix - 09/25/2008 04: 28
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25.09.2008 9:21, omar

We are not talking about admirals here, but about a certain "Admiralov" lol.gifAlthough, as it seems to me, this forum is not intended to insult each other for old sins, even if "Admiralov" once deceived someone. Further. It depends on what kind of commerce. For example, what's wrong with buying entomological equipment or live insects to keep in the house as pets? Why is it not considered bad to buy cats and dogs in this case? Yes, I don't buy insects for my collection. But why can't I find out how much a peacock-eye culture costs, for example?
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25.09.2008 17:47, Pavel Morozov

Something I didn't understand eek.gif
HOW MANY SPECIES, subspecies, and forms of insects do you want to cover in this "single price list"?
Don't you think it's too much to do?
Who will be in it? Aglais urticae and Carabus nemoralis? and how exclusive is Parnassius apollo?

Who will decide what price to set for each type?
Guys, why all this, when there are price lists at dealers, our and foreign. For one, something will cost more, for the other it will be cheaper. Yes, there are no uniform prices, but there is a certain range. Well, no one will think of selling Papilio maackii for$100!
Will this PRICE LIST be valid within the forum or in general?
This question that arose in my mind generally led me into the wilds-what, in this way, should I try to dictate prices to experienced and long-time trading dealers?
In order to create such a price list, you need to have many types on sale. What if the client wants Ornithoptera alexandrae, and even a gynandromorph?
One thing can be assumed: prices will be formed as the range is updated. But the base for this is colossal.

this is not necessary, because there are already a large number of sites for the sale of insects. I will not advertise them, they are already known to many.

Now about the equipment: In order to have a single price list for both equipment and literature, you need to ensure uninterrupted supply of goods for sale. And here prices will constantly dance, because the selling price will depend on the purchase price.

Here, I quote Ripper: "The point is to agree on the exchange, purchase, sale of insects at uniform prices, so that no one inflates prices as they like, etc., etc.
This is especially popular for those who buy insects from merchants, who sometimes set exorbitant prices for unclear reasons.. And also for exchange with similar merchants, who consider their material during the exchange as the most precious material, and consider yours as insignificant types, from which everyone except this merchant loses"
WELL, this is to some extent inevitable. This is normal practice. Many butterflies are bought on the spot from hunters for pennies (sorry, cents), and in Europe, for example, they are sold for tens and hundreds of pupaars and euros.
How precious the material of each exchange is will reveal the demand for this material. Of course, you can face deception, anything is possible. However, in order not to be buratina, you need to be very well versed in prices, supply and demand. This is necessary if you do not want to feel like a savage who gave up gold in exchange for glass beads, a mirror and a bell. Maybe someone already offered the same material as you for cheaper. Why should the buyer take it more expensive?
Should I use this price list as a code in this case? delusion.

And then: I went to my hard-earned money, I was afraid of, say, snakes, ticks, leeches, and other "horrors", brought the material and offer it for sale or exchange. And " Syndicate "(I didn't find another word, sorry, I ate incorrectly), sitting at the computer monitor, dictates prices to me.
How, normally?

This post was edited by Morozzz - 09/25/2008 18: 37
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27.09.2008 18:02, Pavel Morozov

And in general, we now have market relations. Trying to unify everything smacks of a scoop wink.gif
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27.09.2008 18:52, RippeR

the topic can be closed, in my opinion ))
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01.10.2008 16:11, Aleksandr Ermakov

Or you can turn a little in a different direction.
The topic of "prices of live goods" touched me only once, when it was necessary to translate the amount of biosphere damage into economic figures, i.e., to put it crudely: how to convert the number of lives lost to rubles. With plants and vertebrates, everything is clear, there are methods, there are prices. But for invertebrates (even rare, "red book") - a vacuum. But if there were legalized price lists, then we would collect money from the polluter's enterprise for reclamation work. However there are other problems here: how to calculate the absolute number etc etc
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01.10.2008 16:13, Aleksandr Ermakov

Trying to unify everything smacks of a scoop wink.gif

And you need to wash the dustpan. At least occasionally... smile.gif
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01.10.2008 18:24, okoem

But for invertebrates (even rare, "red book") - a vacuum. But if there were legalized price lists, then we would collect money from the polluter's enterprise for reclamation work.

In the Red Book of Ukraine, it seems that there are prices for all cases. In general, IMHO, it is necessary to collect not for the number of ruined bakarashkas, but for hectares of destroyed biotopes.
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02.10.2008 7:24, Aleksandr Ermakov

And for this, too, they are charged. Only, sometimes the polluting enterprise is forced to carry out reclamation of" spent " territories. they poke at the pines and say that's what happened. And the fact that there are a couple of hundred species completely disappeared, and even fifty "eurybiont" ran up - this is not taken into account.
However, I am far from all this, just had one case.
And the Red Book price lists are probably for customs. Americans don't have such numbers.
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26.10.2008 17:16, Андреас

"Good! - A direct question - to the point. I want (regardless of the fact that some of the forum members will find my desire immoral) to replenish my collection with individuals who do not live in my region.
- Where should I view the" real"," dealer", or practiced in Russia prices for this product (coleoptera)? confused.gif cool.gif
- In addition, I want to address you, colleagues, with this specific offer (for purchase). "Who has anything to offer?" - (excuse me, - that I again do not know - in what topic you can handle this).
Sincerely, Andreas. smile.gif

26.10.2008 18:01, okoem

I don't know what topic you can use it in.

Learning to read.

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26.10.2008 18:28, Андреас

"I think so... "this information is invaluable. Therefore, I will do only "unreadable" - since it translates as "please, I beg" - and in fact depicts "worship of the village of intelligence" - a smiley face mol.gif

This post was edited by Andreas - 10/26/2008 18: 30

15.11.2008 17:42, Cerega

Guys, all this would be good, such a price list would simplify the exchange, especially among people who are not familiar with it. It's a pity, but this is utopia. On oil, trading every day, and here are thousands of positions, and thousands of factors affecting them. (an outbreak of population, fashion trends, war in the region, finding a new point, improving collection methods, a good collector went to the place of residence, someone smuggled contraband successfully, reduced the cost of tickets, allocated money for nature protection, etc.). So there is no chance, go to the bazaar-look for a cheaper one... Option one-rummage around the web, look for cheaper places, make friends...

15.11.2008 19:10, swerig

Yes, there is no special place to rummage. And the price list, I agree-UTOPIA

16.11.2008 16:34, RippeR

I like the idea.. This kind of collection of information on who sells and how much and how to get to those people so as not to buy material for expensive, when you can take it at a normal price smile.gif

16.11.2008 18:09, swerig

In my opinion, it is necessary to raise prices for our butterflies ( and probably not only butterflies), and then when exchanging with foreigners, it turns out that a butterfly flying near their house is much more expensive than our real rarities!!!!
Lots of examples!!!!

16.11.2008 19:24, RippeR

or reduce their prices?
Naturally, in a country where the trolleybus fare is 2 euros, even icarus will cost more..
And in a country where travel costs 2 rubles, what are the prices?
Therefore, countries with relatively similar levels of economy can sell cheaper for each other, and much more expensive for foreign countries smile.gif
Or it turns out that foreign entomologists catch and sell under the house for a lot of money, and in order to sell something normally, we have to go far away and spend only more on the trip than these butterflies cost..

Anyway, who invented the word justice? This is a MYTH smile.gif
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16.11.2008 19:33, swerig

Only they will not reduce prices - it is not profitable for them!

24.11.2008 19:21, Трофим

Sometimes it's our own fault that we give our goods away for a song. Here I have for example read from the Ripper statements that the excelence of Gorodinsky 12 euros is almost heavenly price. But this is a national treasure, like akimerus useferi, vernalis, morimus. And the price is everywhere not much less from 8-12-there is no cheaper. Sometimes it is useful not only to create one price list, but also to make a common sales market in one small region. Although waiting for communistic associations based on the collective farm principle is probably an even greater myth. Where everyone will tell you how much, where and to whom they sell the material. Although I would like to believe it.

24.11.2008 22:18, rpanin

Sometimes it's our own fault that we give our goods away for a song. Here I have for example read from the Ripper statements that the excelence of Gorodinsky 12 euros is almost heavenly price. But this is a national treasure, like akimerus useferi, vernalis, morimus. And the price is everywhere not much less from 8-12-there is no cheaper.

Eh, where would I get my 300-400 pcs? sell tongue.gif

25.11.2008 3:21, RippeR

since when did excellence, and even more so vernalis and scheffery, become a national treasure..? They're just beetles, just species.. You can't even put the label "National Treasure" on them.. It would be too nitionalistic to call what belongs to nature national.

The national treasure is the Nagomatulin collection, which our museums and the academy do not want to buy, because the money is spent on garbage, and the state does not allocate money in principle, because they smile.gifreally want half a century of work to be presented, so that "National Treasures of the World" are presented for nothing..

PS. 12 euros = 18 bucks. By comparison, Osipov avinovi - red book, rarity, coolness, beauty, costs 12 bucks. But if the last real rarities are few and few people have, then the first, I apologize for the outgrowth, gomna, is full not only in our country, but also reaches Russia, which is through 3 borders, which is not a trifle.
And also Aulonokarabus kurylensis 4 bucks. Maybe it's super banal there, I don't know, but try to get caught on the same Smokes.. So excellence 12 bucks is not worth it.

Teaching staff. in general, vernalis has a huge range, only it is not frequent everywhere, but in Europe it is full of it, and it seems that it does not go badly to the southeast.. So you can't even call it ours.
The best man's range is no less large, although it is rare everywhere. In Moldova, it is officially known only from this year.. What other assets are we talking about!?
morimus is more local and narrow in distribution, but it comes to Ukraine and Romania a little.. And there is a similar species that many people reduce to synonyms, ganglbaueri, in my opinion, I don't remember exactly. And funereus is now considered only a subspecies of asper, because many feathered forms have been found that are very similar to funereus. So you can't call it superconstancy..

What is really interesting is that Cortodera moldovana is clearly endemic at the species level. All sorts of rare dorcash. And all sorts of possible species, which, unfortunately, have not yet been found..

PSS. Communism is dead. Collective farms are nothing. Entomocolkhoz is a heresy.
It seems that we have already decided that even the idea of a single price list is too left-wing (the price for a separate type cannot even hold out for a stable year), where to find regular customers, etc., etc.
So Bolivar, close the topic, otherwise we will grind the keys in vain smile.gif

PPSS. There is only one thing on the entomologist's side - time. If you want to collect a large good collection-make expeditions, change, buy, and then something can be collected, and even more so there will always be even the most delicious animal, BUT it is clear that not immediately under the table for 3 rubles. Sometimes collectors of very rare species spend their whole lives waiting and catching, and not everyone is lucky.

ooff-report finished ^_^
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