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Butterfly collection for sale!

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsButterfly collection for sale!

RippeR, 28.11.2008 1:19

Mikhail Nagomatulin decided to sell his collection of butterflies (Moldova, Chisinau).
The collection includes 724 species (including subspecies) of diurnal butterflies (3,644 specimens) + 1,570 specimens of moth moth (dipper moth, moth moth, moth moth, hawk moth, peacock moth, silkworm moth)
Diaries are all defined, in a few days I will post a list of species. Nocturnal birds are not defined, except for dipper bears (hawkmoth, peacock eyes also seem to be defined)

Price: 35000 green, negotiable.
Conditions: pickup.

Other details when making a request.

If you have any friends who are interested in purchasing the collection, please let them know. The collection has a lot of value, so help in preserving it will be invaluable!

This post was edited by RippeR - 11/28/2008 11: 18


Pages: 1 2

03.12.2008 1:03, RippeR

Promised list of views in WORD ' 03 format


download file SPIS_vidov.doc

size: 68k
number of downloads: 824

03.12.2008 19:46, taler

Rip,do you really believe that someone will buy it?!

03.12.2008 21:19, Michail M

It seems to me that for such a price no one will buy...
For example, we bought for UNI a collection of insects (within the former USSR) in 7500 copies. in which there were most species, subspecies and many forms of day and macro-nocturnal butterflies, as well as large and bright beetles (such as callipogon, ground beetles, etc.) for only 10000 UAH (2000 green pupaars).
So I don't know...

04.12.2008 15:27, RippeR

I understand everything, but I'm not the one selling it. I only notify at the request of a good friend.
If anyone has their own suggestions about the price, offer them, and I'll pass them on.

Maybe someone has friends in Europe who might be interested in the offer.

04.12.2008 18:21, taler

Oh Rip...If I raise my connections in Europe, you will be left without a share tongue.gif lol.gif

05.12.2008 11:22, RippeR

Raise wink.gif

07.12.2008 11:27, igorbiol

Nagomatulin's collection is a good one and costs more than this money,the man collected
it for forty years .Its price is fully acceptable, of course, if there is money,and as a rule
amateurs and professional etomologists do not have this money,and it's a pity
that Mikhail from Zaporozhye,we can say that the institute was just lucky for 2000 rubles.e
buy 7500 copies, but now a more or less interesting view is less than 5 cu. e is not worth
Callipogon at all probably now 300-400 cu.e So who has the desire and ability to take, especially since the price is negotiable
Likes: 1

07.12.2008 22:24, Трофим

Igor, you would have registered, otherwise, like a ghost-appeared, disappeared. With best wishes. smile.gif

07.12.2008 23:42, Michail M

Nagomatulin's collection is a good one and costs more than this money,the man collected
it for forty years .Its price is fully acceptable, of course, if there is money,and as a rule
amateurs and professional etomologists do not have this money,and it's a pity
that Mikhail from Zaporozhye,we can say that the institute was just lucky for 2000 rubles.e
buy 7500 copies, but now a more or less interesting view is less than 5 cu. e is not worth
Callipogon at all probably now 300-400 cu.e So who has the desire and ability to take, especially since the price is negotiable

Well, the fact that we were lucky, it's true... the "Author" of this collection was offered more, but so we chatted him up... Yes, and he turned out to be a patriot, so to speak...

The fact that the Nagomatulin collection is worth that money and even more, I have never doubted, just stated a settled fact... such money will not be given for it (unfortunately)...Unless you sell it in parts...

08.12.2008 0:07, Konstantin Shorenko

I think this forum is not the place where people are willing to spend that kind of money. Let me explain my position - first of all, this forum is mostly attended by amateurs and professionals from the CIS. And in the CIS, few people are willing to pay such an amount for a collection. And to be honest, I think Mr. Nagomatulin would also like his collection to be safe. Therefore, I suggest that varinat send out letters to the world's leading museum and educational institutions. This will be more correct, and if the collection interests them, it will certainly be purchased for museum needs-this is world practice!
Likes: 1

10.12.2008 22:42, RippeR

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have many connections with other countries.
Internet connection is only through me, and my only connection is molbiol smile.gif

That's why I'm asking for help - if anyone has any friends who might be interested in this - from Russia, Europe, or somewhere else.

Latest news:
He is ready to sell the collection in parts (families)
The price, who has a desire to purchase, offer your own, you can negotiate.

11.12.2008 1:06, Bad Den

And how "from zabugorye" to make a pickup? I don't mean the CIS, but Europe or the United States, for example?

11.12.2008 11:31, RippeR

What does it cost to come to Moldova and back from Europe?
I met a businessman from Germany at the beginning of the year, who is engaged in agricultural thingssmile.gif, so he constantly travels all over Europe and to Moldova in his car.. A person who has money and desire, I think, will not skimp on the road.
And from the states, of course, it will be more problematic..

11.12.2008 16:17, taler

lol.gif It is difficult to come to Moldova from Russia,let alone from Europe...Especially the registration of all sorts of phytosanitary papers.Rip, take it to Europe for the fairs.You're probably already in the market,so ask for a bigger percentage.Here is such a German find, and take out.

11.12.2008 17:04, RippeR

Since when is it problematic to come to Moldova? Just a foreign passport and that's it. But sending a parcel to Russia from Moldova is a problem.. And now it may be problematic and not only to Russia, because the last time I received butterflies I was shipped there as if it was impossible, etc.

11.12.2008 18:04, Pavel Morozov

Nagomatulin's collection is a good one and costs more than this money,the man collected
it for forty years .Its price is fully acceptable, of course, if there is money,and as a rule
amateurs and professional etomologists do not have this money,and it's a pity
that Mikhail from Zaporozhye,we can say that the institute was just lucky for 2000 rubles.e
buy 7500 copies, but now a more or less interesting view is less than 5 cu. e is not worth
Callipogon at all probably now 300-400 cu.e So who has the desire and ability to take, especially since the price is negotiable

Well, I didn't notice callipogon in the list of species, and the price is such (as for an SUV), if it really is 35 thousand US pupaars, it's surprising.
Well, if there are only standard instances, which is also unlikely.

11.12.2008 23:43, RippeR

so, we're done.. Just if someone is interested or may be interested - offers its price. I do not know the price criteria.

12.12.2008 1:43, Konstantin Shorenko

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have many connections with other countries.
Internet connection is only through me, and my only connection is molbiol smile.gif

I don't understand. What is worth getting into the search engine and finding links to leading foreign museums + a letter in broken English smile.gif. Here you are, Mr. RippeR, and take up the promotion for a percentage, so to speak, of course smile.gif.

12.12.2008 10:45, RippeR

OK, I'll try to dig up something, search, write.

12.12.2008 17:34, Nikolaj Pichugin

If you now buy a similar collection in different places and individually, it will be more expensive than 35 thousand. Another thing is that there are not many collectors who can dump such a sum at once.

20.12.2008 22:56, DISAF

Dear friends, I was alerted that the collector has collected 3644 copies in 40 years! I personally know amateur entomologists who have increased fees per season by more than 1,000 copies. I've had similar seasons myself, and without tropical countries.

21.12.2008 1:01, RippeR

firstly, the conversation is not about the tropics, and secondly, the conversation is only about straightened copies in boxes (if you divide it, it turns out an average of 5 copies per view).. He only has a couple of hundred bremers on his mattresses, but you can't spread them all out! 0_о

21.12.2008 8:11, taler

And these bremers are not disclosed?I didn't find them in the list.And the list is really weak.You'd better post a photo of the collection instead of a list.As they say,the product is a person.If he sells a collection ,then the quality of distribution and exhibits will be important here.
Likes: 1

21.12.2008 13:02, RippeR

it won't be easy to click through the collection, but I'll try ) At least the whole boxes.

21.12.2008 13:44, AntSkr

Dear friends, I was alerted that the collector has collected 3644 copies in 40 years! I personally know amateur entomologists who have increased fees per season by more than 1,000 copies. I've had similar seasons myself, and without tropical countries.

As far as I understand, the collection consists mainly of daytime items and is based on daytime items, and there are not many of them compared to night items... therefore, 3,5 thousand in total...

21.12.2008 14:53, Pavel Morozov

There are collections from the day (former USSR) numbering tens of thousands of copies

22.12.2008 1:00, RippeR

you never know what there is )

22.12.2008 1:43, swerig

And the list is really weak.

What a weakling that is!!! Probably only for Israeli collectors weak. For me - CLASS
Likes: 1

22.12.2008 3:15, RippeR

from the list of diaries of Moldova, there are almost no rare species (at least of special value..)
If I take all our species and spread out 10-20 pieces, then on average I will get a collection of 1000-2000 butterflies.. there will probably be a beautiful and large collection of gov * * * * s butterflies smile.gif
In the absence of rarities, I will take the average price of one straightened butterfly at 5 bucks and get a collection worth 5-10 thousand bucks..

Now let's compare what I could get and what is offered, there is a difference, right? and the price is quite decent for a similar collection with similar views wink.gif

22.12.2008 7:47, taler

Everything is correct Rip, except for wholesale tongue.gifYou have already been told that individual copies at retail and more expensive, probably, can turn out, but you will not sell everything, because as you say yourself, I don't know who can sell shitty butterflies for 5 bucks.But it's not about that-the owner gave his price, his business.You came to my photo, it seems the client is getting stuck.

22.12.2008 7:55, taler

What a weakling that is!!! Probably only for Israeli collectors weak. For me - CLASS

Well, what else to call it?A person has been traveling for 40 years, catching,probably changing, And the list "lacks" quite ordinary butterflies from the same places as those listed in the list.Most likely, the list is simply not complete.

22.12.2008 9:38, RippeR

the list is complete, perhaps he decided not to sell some ordinary butterflies?? Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this, as well as why exactly those types, etc.

I will try to make a photo during the week, although I do not promise, since the session; /
in general, as soon as possible)

22.12.2008 19:25, Pavel Morozov

from the list of diaries of Moldova, there are almost no rare species (at least of special value..)
If I take all our species and spread out 10-20 pieces, then on average I will get a collection of 1000-2000 butterflies.. there will probably be a beautiful and large collection of gov * * * * s butterflies smile.gif
In the absence of rarities, I will take the average price of one straightened butterfly at 5 bucks and get a collection worth 5-10 thousand bucks..

Now let's compare what I could get and what is offered, there is a difference, right? and the price is quite decent for such a collection with similar views wink.gif

the average price of one straightened butterfly is 5 bucks????? eek.gif

Yes, especially Aglais urticae, Pieris napi, Maniola jurtina etc.
A normal price tag will be

22.12.2008 20:11, RippeR

well, according to rumors, in Europe the prices are exactly like smile.gifthat, i.e. there is most of the money for the very rasp..
Here is a vinibredik obtained wink.gif

To be more convincing, I looked at the prices from yarmoroki smile.gif
well, for example, a pair of pigeons straightened and the price is 3 euros. It's probably not a straightened ekz worth that much? They will not spread out all of them, but only for the example of a couple.. And in general, the same photo says callimachus - 20 euro pair.. This is too much smile.gif
No one will spread a butterfly and sell it for 2 euros - it's more expensive for themselves if they have only 2 euros of tram fare.. Therefore, the labor spent on straightening each butterfly should be worth at least a little (and probably higher than a single trip on public transport) wink.gif

PS heh, poor little tropical beetles for 5 euros ^_^

22.12.2008 22:03, taler

the average price of one straightened butterfly is 5 bucks????? eek.gif

Yes, especially Aglais urticae, Pieris napi, Maniola jurtina etc.
A normal price tag will turn out

Pash, don't worry,this is such a business in Moldovan.I wonder how it will all end...?! confused.gif
Likes: 1

22.12.2008 22:15, Pavel Morozov

Andrey, if you exhibit butterflies from Moldova at a fair in Europe at an average price of 5 CU, passing visitors will at best be moved by the prices and butterflies.

but they won't buy it

23.12.2008 1:37, Bad Den

No one will spread a butterfly and sell it for 2 euros - it's more expensive for themselves if they have only 2 euros of tram fare.. Therefore, the labor spent on straightening each butterfly should be worth at least a little (and probably higher than a single trip on public transport) wink.gif

Andrey, this is capitalism - no one owes the driver anything "for nothing", no matter how much the fare costs smile.gif

24.12.2008 1:41, RippeR

we're going in the wrong place. smile.gif let's get back to the question, otherwise we'll argue again on stupid topics that are not accurate..

And the hryvnia is already equal to lei, and earlier the hryvnia was 2 and a half times more.. Now insects are cheaper! smile.gif)))))

16.01.2009 17:21, Трофим

And how much does it cost to spread it out? Interesting?

Pages: 1 2

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