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Mattress storage containers

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsMattress storage containers

Black Coleopter, 06.12.2013 22:46

Today I got some plastic containers in Auchan, and I want to use them for storing matasiki. But before that, I read somewhere that storing material in plastic," non-breathing " containers is evil, because insects in them become very moldy. It's as if there was no such topic, so let's talk about it.

This post was edited by Black Coleopter - 06.12.2013 22: 46


06.12.2013 23:30, Bad Den

Well dried - in plastic.
With svezhepoymannymi - plastic, but with an open lid

And do not use vinyl and flezeline wallpaper for making mattresses smile.gif

07.12.2013 11:44, Andrey Ponomarev

Today I got some plastic containers in Auchan, and I want to use them for storing matasiki. But before that, I read somewhere that storing material in plastic," non-breathing " containers is evil, because insects in them become very moldy. It's as if there was no such topic, so let's talk about it.

In the lid with a needle, pierce several holes and the plastic will breathe without letting pests pass.
Likes: 1

07.12.2013 17:09, Black Coleopter

To Gennadich: what size needle is better to pierce? What should be the diameter of the holes?

This post was edited by Black Coleopter - 07.12.2013 18: 14

07.12.2013 18:50, Andrey Ponomarev

To Gennadich: what size needle is better to pierce? What should be the diameter of the holes?

Use a regular sewing needle to prevent leatherworm and moth larvae from getting through the holes. smile.gif
Likes: 1

11.12.2013 13:20, vafdog

I keep them in mail boxes made of corrugated cardboard, which you can buy as much as you need at the post office. selected size 200x120x90mm

15.12.2013 19:31, Black Coleopter

And why is the Chief of Staff silent?

15.12.2013 22:47, Sergey Rybalkin

I keep them in mail boxes made of corrugated cardboard, which you can buy as much as you need at the post office. I chose the size 200x120x90mm

I also use Russian Post boxes, only larger, convenient, you can always buy a new one, just wrap them with tape so that they don't get wet, they can withstand several expeditions in a backpack.

12.01.2014 16:31, Romyald

The Chief of Staff tries to store insects in pixels and in memories. For the rest (real collectors), the rules have not been canceled-a rack, a wooden entomological box according to Gost of the Russian Federation, a pin with an exact label and the name of the species.

13.01.2014 0:33, Black Coleopter


In my opinion, the cabinet is better.
Likes: 1

13.01.2014 11:45, Victor Titov

The Chief of Staff tries to store insects in pixels and in memories. For the rest (real collectors), the rules have not been canceled-a rack, a wooden entomological box according to Gost of the Russian Federation, a pin with an exact label and the name of the species.

Everything is absolutely true if we are talking about mounted material. But the topic, in fact, is about something else: about storing fees on cotton mattresses (both in the field and after - not all the material is mounted, some of it is stored on cotton wool for quite a long time: for exchange, sale (who sells wink.gif), reserve for mounting when collecting significant batches, etc.) .
Likes: 2

13.01.2014 15:18, Romyald

In my opinion, the cabinet is better.

In the cabinet you need to store boxes made not according to GOST of the Russian Federation wink.gif, the rest is still better in open shelves (so cheaper and more convenient).

13.01.2014 15:28, Romyald

I was asked, and I answered. The best storage of material is a photo matrix umnik.gif. Otherwise, you know better, because you are professionals mol.gif.

14.01.2014 12:27, DISAF

.. the rest is still better in open shelves (so cheaper and more convenient).

The "chief" without a staff started talking about "IT'S CHEAPER THIS WAY"... This is for Epiphany frosts! wink.gif

14.01.2014 18:26, niyaz

I keep it in a shoe box. I don't see any reason to spend money on buying special individual boxes. There are enough costs as it is.

15.01.2014 15:30, Romyald

In some cases, you really think about "how to get cheaper"confused.gif.

picture: disaf.jpg
disaf.jpg — (6.95к)

15.01.2014 15:31, Romyald

And indeed, no one canceled the Epiphanywink.gif, only after a slight thaw umnik.gif.
That's what I came here for mol.gif. I'll take a dip in holy water and then go back to the steam room.

_____________099.jpg — (339.63к)

15.01.2014 17:04, AGG

And indeed, no one canceled the Epiphanywink.gif, only after a slight thaw umnik.gif.
That's what I came here for mol.gif. I'll take a dip in holy water and then go back to the steam room.

lol.gif this catch requires a large container
[attachmentid ()=191729]

This post was edited by AGG - 15.01.2014 17: 16

15.01.2014 20:09, Bad Den

  lol.gif this catch requires a large container
[attachmentid ()=191729]

Why do I need a container or frying smile.gifpan

15.01.2014 20:49, AGG

Why do I need a container or frying pan? smile.gif

better skewer shuffle.gif

16.01.2014 15:50, Romyald

It's funny to you, but then we were the catch. We can say that those who are in the photo are entomologists and even the one who is still an entomologist, but the one who takes this photo is a potential contender for the "mattress", with the preservation of the skull in the local collection.
Actually the photo was taken by the Chief of Staff ( then just starting their career) in West Irian 2009. ( 100 km from Jayapura). Caught almost all night. Nothing special arrived. But I was extremely surprised to find that most of the Papuans also didn't sleep a wink, and in the early morning they continued to laugh contagiously. When I asked one of them how they managed to whinny all night and then carry our luggage back to the base as if nothing had happened, he simply took a small box out of his pants and rolled a fruit in white powder and put it in his mouth. Everything became clear. Here it is a natural Energizer! I feel sorry for these sincere people who ruin their lives with drugs.
I don't even know where to go anymore. I want to see these guys and meet new ones.
The kid on the left is my friend Yesaya ( from Womena), the one in the center is the local Boss (greedy guy), and on the right is his assistant.
I always think of Yesaya. He could have scalped any of us without batting an eye, probably a small one, he still saw his father do it. But then we became friends, and the talisman around his neck might have been mine.… I couldn't accept it, it's a very personal subject with a deep history. Perhaps our paths will cross again, and we will still seek adventure? God grant you all good health!!!
Likes: 10

19.01.2014 10:18, Black Coleopter

the one who lies down

And yet, who is it?

19.01.2014 14:31, Romyald

And yet, who is it?

You never know in Papua… Pedrov?! You can't remember them all! confused.gif
What a curious man Your Coleopter is!… This is something!

19.01.2014 21:51, Black Coleopter

What a curious man Your Coleopter is!… This is something!

Yes, we are!!! shuffle.gif

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