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Geotrupini tribe

Community and ForumInsects imagesGeotrupini tribe

Bad Den, 16.03.2007 2:02

Geotrupes (s. str.) spiniger Marscham, 1802
Kyrgyzstan, Jumgal-Too village, V. Seok gorge, 3075 m, 24.07.2000
Judging by the literature, it goes east only to Kopetdag. But according to Nikolayev, this view is obtained
user posted image

Geotrupes (s. str.) jakovlevi Semenov, 1891
Kyrgyzstan, SV macroslope of the Ferghana region, 18 km. SWZ pos. Kazarman, 1540 m, 14-16. 07. 2000
user posted image

Geotrupes (s. str.) stercorarius (Linnaeus, 1758) ?
Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas-rn, St. Pustyn village, 22-28. 06. 1997
I'm not sure about it. By what characteristics can it be distinguished from G. baicalicus?
user posted image


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16.03.2007 2:07, Bad Den

Trypocopris vernalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Vladimir region, Gorokhovetsky district, Eskino village, 01.06.1993
user posted image
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16.03.2007 2:09, Bad Den

Anoplotrupes stercorosus (Hartmann in L.G.Scriba, 1791)
Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas-rn, St. Pustyn village, 22-28. 06. 1997
user posted image
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16.03.2007 2:11, Bad Den

Glyptogeotrupes impressus Gebler, 1841
Kyrgyzstan, Jumgal-Too village, V. Seok gorge, 3075 m, 24.07.2000
user posted image
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16.03.2007 2:15, Bad Den

Phelotrupes auratus Motschulsky, 1857
Primorsky Krai, Nadezhdinsky district, bl. s. Gornoye, podn. Chernykh Gory, 21.07.1993
user posted image
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16.03.2007 13:50, Dmitry Vlasov

How rare is spring dung beetle in the Lower region?
In YAO , there has been only one beetle in the last 20 years...

16.03.2007 13:53, Dmitry Vlasov

I join the question about stercorarius-baicalicus. Are these synonyms (as Gusarov claims), or not?

16.03.2007 14:49, Bad Den

How rare is spring dung beetle in the Lower region?
In YAO , there has been only one beetle in the last 20 years...

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, I have never met it myself, but once while watching a certain documentary about the Ichalkovsky Forest (we have such a relict forest in the Perevozsky district), this view flashed on the screen. But I've never been there in the spring, and of course I haven't seen it in the summer.
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16.03.2007 14:57, Nimrod

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16.03.2007 19:01, RippeR

Trypocopris vernalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Moldova, Razeni, 10.08.05. forest edge on litter, dead already, 5-10 m from the road.

Anoplotrupes stercorosus (Hartmann in L. G. Scriba, 1791) Moldova, Sarato-Meresheni, 25.04.06, in the turd like, but I did not catch.

picture: IMG_0032.jpg
IMG_0032.jpg — (148.75к)

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17.03.2007 8:59, Dmitry Vlasov

2Bad Den Spring dung not quite "spring", my copy. caught in mid-July. Ext. some of the old collections are also collected mainly in the summer months, so you should not "bother" with searching for it in the spring, but you should also look for it in the summer.
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17.03.2007 10:16, RippeR

it's just that "spring" probably starts running earlier than everyone else - somewhere in early-mid-April or earlier..

17.03.2007 10:21, Bad Den

2Bad Den Spring dung not quite "spring", my copy. caught in mid-July. Ext. some of the old collections are also collected mainly in the summer months, so you should not "bother" with searching for it in the spring, but you should also look for it in the summer.

Thank you for the information!
I actually focused on the "green determinant" where it says "March-June", but in the summer it did not come across. confused.gif
"We will search for..."(c) smile.gif

17.03.2007 22:38, RippeR

today we caught 2 stercorarii.. early enough.

19.03.2007 15:29, Nimrod

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19.03.2007 15:30, Nimrod

In stercorarius, the prong on the underside of the forelegs (see side) is connected to a broad, sharp blade. It is determined quite normally. I came across only typical uniforms in the training camps (dark green or green-blue, but never purple or blue).
spiniger-3rd from the top, the outer prong of the forelegs is sharply curved downwards. (There is a lot of this" comrade " everywhere, and, as a rule, it is always dark, or brown-blue, purple-blue up to black).
baicalicus-the 4th outer tooth of the front tibia from the top is thickened and about twice as thick as the adjacent teeth. (This "infection", for I can't think of any other word, is similar to everyone, even to G. olgae(Ols.). Therefore, it is most likely to focus on the distribution and not pay special attention to the color of this species).
But since there are also deviations among them, you should catch them in series - the more, the better, especially when you are not sure about the definition. According to Nikolayev, the genitals of this group do not work - they are almost identical to each other. I didn't check, because I have very little material on this group and some European species are missing.
P.S. Nikolaev also included in this list G. doueiGory., known from the North. Africa, Sicily, Sardinia, on the basis of the identity of the genitalia of males of this species with the species of the specified group, which is hardly justified, since it differs sharply from all other species in that there are no grooves on the elytra, there are strongly developed teeth along the outer edge of the jaws, angular cheek protrusions and armament of the front thighs of males. Therefore, it is advisable (from the point of view of taxonomy) for this species to remain monotypic in the genus StereopygeCosta.....
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20.03.2007 13:45, guest: mikepride


According to baikalikus, the probability of this trait as a species was very high, as I remember, and in the opinion of some it fell into the species variability.
But I don't know what toch is since then...
Although the beetles are clearly different.
I will try to scan and post Nikolayev's work on the sensostrict subgenus one of these days...
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20.03.2007 17:34, Nimrod

23.03.2007 13:28, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Here, review Nikolaev on the sensostrict subgenus Geotrupes.

This post was edited by mikepride - 03/23/2007 13: 28
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13.09.2007 21:46, Nilson

Enoplotrupes bieti Оber., 1883
Nepal, Langtang Nat. Park, Laurebina Yak, h=3600
Leg. Vaksov K.

picture: Enoplotrupes_bieti_fem_dors.JPG
Enoplotrupes_bieti_fem_dors.JPG — (132.43к)

picture: Enoplotrupes_bieti_fem_ventr.JPG
Enoplotrupes_bieti_fem_ventr.JPG — (126.45к)

picture: Enoplotrupes_bieti_m_dors.JPG
Enoplotrupes_bieti_m_dors.JPG — (137.25к)

picture: Enoplotrupes_bieti_m_ventr.JPG
Enoplotrupes_bieti_m_ventr.JPG — (136.34к)

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14.09.2007 14:01, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Handsome of course... but not ours smile.gif

24.10.2007 15:37, Трофим

Moldova. Hincesti district Sarata-Meresheny, born TLD 15/05 17.05.07.

picture: Odonteus_armiger.JPG
Odonteus_armiger.JPG — (109.38к)

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24.10.2007 15:42, Bad Den

Only it is from a different subfamily / family wink.gif

24.10.2007 16:14, Трофим

Yes? And yesterday I determined by Bey-Bienko it was all geotrupins. Or it is an outdated systematics. confused.gif

24.10.2007 16:39, Bad Den

It seems like yes, old data.

25.10.2007 8:17, treator

how often is Trypocopris vernalis found? interested in all regions

25.10.2007 12:59, Nimrod

Likes: 6

26.10.2007 12:45, Трофим

how often is Trypocopris vernalis found? interested in all regions

In Moldova, in some places mass and in some places there is no vose. So for example from about 15 points where it was centered. Only in one place mass. Although I just stayed there a little longer than usual. But in general, it is still rare, except for a pile of caught at a time in the spring from exactly that point. However, this year there was no opportunity. frown.gif I have frown.gif
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26.10.2007 13:09, omar

In the Moscow region, spring dung is an exceptional rarity. The last known specimen was collected 9 (10) years ago (I don't remember exactly). But I can clarify the label, if anyone is interested.
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26.10.2007 15:33, RippeR

We have, correctly, only in one point occurs en masse. Only on one forest path. In other places, he himself did not meet, except for 1 copy of a dead Vernalis..
According to someone else's data, there are still places where they are quite common, but still not in the same way as in that place.. (although I won't say for sure about other places.. It is possible that there are single instances, it's just that the period was quite large, or a lot of points were captured..)
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27.10.2007 0:54, Nimrod

Yes, I completely forgot...
Mr. Trofim a has a female Odontaeus armiger Scop. ab. testaceus Muls in the picture. Its typical shape is black, or black-brown.
Basically, this message can also be considered as a clear example of how often it is difficult to determine whether a beetle is under - colored, or it is a color form. Link to the topic:
Under-colored beetles....

By Trypocopris vernalis. The species has been drastically reducing its numbers, especially in recent years. This is mainly directly related, unfortunately, to the rapid human activity. G. stercorarius also decreases in number, gradually being replaced by a more plastic G. spiniger..... In some places, of course, these types can be typed in thousands, but you still need to find it. And it's not a fact that the next day this place will no longer be there - you never know who will put their eyes on the site.
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28.10.2007 15:41, Victor Titov

how often is Trypocopris vernalis found? interested in all regions

In the Yaroslavl region, I know of one reliable find. Ironically, it was found in my (Rostov) district near the village of Itlar, but not by me, but by Elizar.
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08.11.2007 10:45, Nilson

Phelotrupes auratus Motschulsky, 1857
Primorsky Krai, zap. Kedrovaya Pad, wed. current of the Kedrovaya River, Aug. 2007

This post was edited by Nilson - 08.11.2007 11: 12

picture: Geotrupes_auratus1_dors.JPG
Geotrupes_auratus1_dors.JPG — (129.37к)

picture: Geotrupes_auratus1_ventr.JPG
Geotrupes_auratus1_ventr.JPG — (131.96к)

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08.11.2007 17:34, rpanin

Moldova. Hincesti district Sarata-Meresheny, born TLD 15/05 17.05.07.

Odonteus_armiger. How rare is this beetle,and how valuable is it?

08.11.2007 17:50, omar

It all depends on the area. I think you should have quite a lot of money in Ukraine. The beetle is attached to broad-leaved forests. It is rare in the Moscow region, and even rarer further north. But here, I think, dear Nimrod will enlighten everyone better.

This post was edited by omar - 08.11.2007 17: 53

09.11.2007 15:13, Nimrod

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09.11.2007 15:49, omar

Does the imago feed on what? As for na or b, philologists and linguists, experts in the Russian language are unanimous in their opinions in relation to the breadbasket of Ukraine - in Russian only na and correctly. In Ukrainian, as it will be true to judge I do not undertake, but the forum is Russian-speaking...And the way politicians and journalists mock the Russian language does not mean that it is good. One even said, if you remember: "The main thing is to start, and then deepen and form." And after all, there were some who adopted his disgusting speech.
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09.11.2007 17:10, Nimrod

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09.11.2007 17:54, RippeR

This year, a female came to me in the capital.. In other cases, I met only once, in the light, in a forest clearing. Friends also collected traps. In general, you can detect it.

09.11.2007 19:04, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Pages: 1 2

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