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Notodontidae (more than 500 photos!)

Community and ForumInsects imagesNotodontidae (more than 500 photos!)

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31.07.2018 14:55, Zhuk

Clostera anastomosis (Linnaeus, 1758)
China, Sichuan, Kangding, h=2700m, июль 2018, Zhuk leg.

picture: IMG_8517Clostera_anastomosis.JPG
IMG_8517Clostera_anastomosis.JPG — (233.59к)

picture: IMG_8487Clostera_anastomosis_habitat.JPG
IMG_8487Clostera_anastomosis_habitat.JPG — (428.63к)

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31.07.2018 22:49, Pavel Morozov

And now how cool it will be to compare the preimaginals!

31.07.2018 22:56, Zhuk

And now how cool it will be to compare the preimaginals!

gus are now eating to the fullest, the process is underway)
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05.09.2018 23:47, Zhuk

Here are the results for the removal of Chinese Clostera anastomosis smile.gif
The caterpillars developed on the willow tree from July 30 to August 14, and grew very quickly. I didn't notice any external differences from our Moscow suburbs.
On August 20, the first butterflies came out.

picture: 001Clostera_anastomosis.jpg
001Clostera_anastomosis.jpg — (552.78к)

picture: 002Clostera_anastomosis.jpg
002Clostera_anastomosis.jpg — (297.06к)

picture: 003Clostera_anastomosis.jpg
003Clostera_anastomosis.jpg — (291.66к)

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06.09.2018 10:30, Pavel Morozov

Tolya, pretty boy!
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01.10.2018 14:31, СаняМухолов

Tell me who it might be. March 1, 2017 Sumatra.

picture: HNcvpxUuum0.jpg
HNcvpxUuum0.jpg — (318.46к)

07.10.2018 17:55, Pavel Morozov

Phalera procera (formerly P. cossoides)

08.10.2018 11:00, СаняМухолов


07.11.2018 20:22, Sergey Rybalkin

Epinotodonta fumosa from Sakhalin

picture: DSC08035.JPG
DSC08035.JPG — (299.6к)

picture: DSC08025.JPG
DSC08025.JPG — (297.58к)

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07.11.2018 20:35, Sergey Rybalkin

Is it Ptilodon hoegei or Ptilodon okanoi?

picture: DSC08039.JPG
DSC08039.JPG — (391.12к)

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08.11.2018 22:03, Pavel Morozov

This is Ptilodon saturata hoegei
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11.11.2018 11:49, Sergey Rybalkin

For the Japanese, it is positioned as an independent type

This post was edited by Alexanor - 11.11.2018 11: 53

12.11.2018 1:19, Pavel Morozov

Yes, there was a case, so they thought.
Schintlmeister established that this is a subspecies of saturata. See Notodontidae of the Palearctic'08.
Japanese websites don't always have up-to-date information.Moreover, they are full of errors.
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11.04.2019 14:08, NicoSander

Can you tell me if this is Cascera irrorata? The second one has the same label..

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (232.86к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (300.98 k)

11.04.2019 23:59, Pavel Morozov

Yes, it is SHE
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15.04.2019 9:25, NicoSander

Please specify the types...Omichlis - W. Papua Arfak reg. Mybri area 9.2014

picture: Omichlis.jpg
Omichlis.jpg — (240.25к)

picture: Gargettiana..jpg
Gargettiana..jpg — (162.48 k)

15.04.2019 9:27, NicoSander

Pasha, look again, please

picture: post_22065_1447146456.jpg
post_22065_1447146456.jpg — (497.24к)

picture: post_22065_1447146474.jpg
post_22065_1447146474.jpg — (499.08 k)

15.04.2019 20:57, Pavel Morozov

Omichlis pratti
Gergettiana nomo

about Sulawesi, I can only say that it is Cerasana
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21.04.2019 15:41, Sergey Rybalkin

Is this a female Ptilodon robusta?
Or maybe something new? I wouldn't be surprised...
There are similar species living in Hokkaido, these are Ptilodon kuwayamae and Ptilodon jezoensis.

21.04.2019 15:41, Sergey Rybalkin

Is this a female Ptilodon robusta? Collected on Kunashir.
Or maybe something new? I wouldn't be surprised...
There are similar species that live in Hokkaido, these are Ptilodon kuwayamae and Ptilodon jezoensis.

picture: DSC08415.JPG
DSC08415.JPG — (283.91к)

picture: DSC08416.JPG
DSC08416.JPG — (296.21к)

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24.04.2019 20:11, Pavel Morozov

in my opinion, robusta
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24.06.2019 21:53, Sergey Rybalkin

And from Sakhalin, what kind of view?

For comparison, it was shot near Kunashirsky.

27.06.2019 7:55, Bianor

Found the same Z. tukuringra far from the point of description-almost 300 kilometers west of the Zeya Nature Reserve.

user posted image
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28.06.2019 0:06, Pavel Morozov

Finally! Congratulations! beer.gif

28.06.2019 0:08, Pavel Morozov

And from Sakhalin, what kind of view?

For comparison, it was shot near Kunashirsky.

Both are Robusta, I think.

01.07.2019 10:48, Sergey Rybalkin

Both are Robusta, I think.
It is necessary to dissect

Ptilodon robusta is not known from Sakhalin. What, another new find?

01.07.2019 20:29, Pavel Morozov

I'd take my time. Dissect need

26.09.2019 12:13, Andrey Ponomarev

Astrakhan region, Akhtubinsky district, settlement Bolkhuni, 13.04.2019
picture: IMG_2652.JPG
picture: IMG_2649.JPG
62 mm.
picture: IMG_5153.JPG
picture: IMG_5156.JPG
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26.09.2019 18:48, AGG

I have similar butterflies, only Dosang on May Day, but Mr. Morozov seems to be on the road and does not respond to emails frown.gif
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28.09.2019 8:23, Pavel Morozov

Well, what kind of master am I?

This is Cerura intermedia

28.09.2019 11:10, AGG

what should you pay attention to? external signs, genitals, geography, phenology?

28.09.2019 19:50, Pavel Morozov

In the topic above.
The interlude has a thinner pattern, the wavy lines are more pointed, and the apex of the forewing is more elongated.
In females, the hindwing is whitish (in female vinula, it is dark gray). But the most reliable sign is the structure of the egg. In the interlude, it more closely resembles that of Erminea. So you can check it out.

29.09.2019 8:27, AGG

and can you look at the male's personal belongings in comparison with vinula ?

04.10.2019 9:28, Pavel Morozov

You can only do it later.
They differ little (as well as some others).

08.10.2019 21:44, Pavel Morozov

Let's do it for now.
I quickly made you a collage with "phenotypically traditional" Cerura intermedia (p. Iran), C. przewalskii (SE Kazakhstan), C. vinula (Moscow region), and C. felina (Sakhalin).

This post was edited by Morozzz - 08.10.2019 21: 47

picture: Cerura.jpg
Cerura.jpg — (288.46к)

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18.03.2020 21:51, MIV

Please help me deal with Cerura'mi from Krasnoyarsk.

1. The male has Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, Kacha station, taiga. 29.06.13.
user posted image

2. Here is such a female freak-Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, Kacha station, taiga. 11.06.2000.
user posted image

3. Male - Khakassia, Shirinsky district, Black Lake settlement. 12.06. 03.
user posted image

4. Female-Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, from a caterpillar (on a willow). Released on 11.04.17
user posted image

The post was edited by MIV-18.03.2020 21: 53
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21.03.2020 15:05, Pavel Morozov

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12.06.2020 22:00, MIV

Here's another fresh Cerura from ocd. Krasnoyarsk. 25.05.20.

user posted image

14.06.2020 17:16, Pavel Morozov

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25.04.2021 6:01, Bianor

Likes: 3

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