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Subgenus Cratocephalus Kirsch, 1859 (Carabus)

Community and ForumInsects imagesSubgenus Cratocephalus Kirsch, 1859 (Carabus)

Bad Den, 13.11.2007 1:33

Carabus (Cratocephalus) corrugis Dohrn, 1882

Kyrgyzstan, Chui region, Tash-Debe, 1200 m. 13-23. V. 1993.
Male and female, 25 mm
Thanks to Nikolai Pichugin for the material.

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13.11.2007 9:22, omar

I'll ask you now. What do carabuses of this species and other similar life forms eat? With those big, blunt jaws?

13.11.2007 13:24, алекс 2611

I'll ask you now. What do carabuses of this species and other similar life forms eat? With those big, blunt jaws?

Well, what can karabus eat in the Chui region?... jump.gif

This post was edited by alex 2611-13.11.2007 13: 25
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13.11.2007 13:29, omar

Is it really chuikami?

13.11.2007 17:20, Nikolaj Pichugin

There's a huge amount of fat slugs, so they probably eat them.
I am very glad that my material is not idle.

13.11.2007 17:30, Bad Den

I'll ask you now. What do carabuses of this species and other similar life forms eat? With those big, blunt jaws?

I assume that shellfish preferentially

13.11.2007 23:17, Nilson

And ventrally

picture: Cratocephalus_corrugis_fem_ventr.JPG
Cratocephalus_corrugis_fem_ventr.JPG — (104.46к)

picture: Cratocephalus_corrugis_m_ventr.JPG
Cratocephalus_corrugis_m_ventr.JPG — (102.79к)

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14.11.2007 10:16, omar

I guess not, not shellfish. And certainly not slugs. Slim and sharp jaws are necessary for slugs. And blunt and thick ones are needed either for crushing shells, or for feeding other prey. For example, highly chitinized.

14.11.2007 17:24, Nikolaj Pichugin

Adding another beast:
Carabus (Cratocephalus) chan Breuning
Kyrgyzstan, Chui region, Tash-Debe, 1200 m. 13-23. V. 1993. leg. Pichugin N. Y.
Male and female
Insects are small and nondescript in appearance, but they are extremely rare.

image: ___. jpg
___.jpg — (135.1к)

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14.11.2007 17:36, Bad Den

How do they differ?

14.11.2007 18:03, Nikolaj Pichugin

Well, first of all, the size. Like I said, the animals are small and nondescript.
Further, the habitat range, different structure of elytra. Not to mention the genitals.
When, Denis, you come to visit me in Vladimir, I will show them to you. Take it in your hand and see for yourself the difference.
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14.11.2007 18:08, Bad Den

Here! What size is it? smile.gif
And the range at least in 1 point they have the same wink.gif

14.11.2007 18:10, omar

What source was used to specify the area?

14.11.2007 18:12, Nikolaj Pichugin

Somewhere around 20-23 mm
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14.11.2007 20:22, Mylabris

from Kryzhanovsky's monograph.


download file corrugis_et_chan.pdf

size: 691.5 k
number of downloads: 511

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14.11.2007 22:35, RippeR

This subgenus of carabus looks great! Yes, and small, does not mean bad! In my opinion, small bites are often more cute than many large ones..

14.11.2007 23:59, Bad Den

Mylabris, and there was no thought to scan this monograph? shuffle.gif
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15.11.2007 11:08, Nikolaj Pichugin

I have several other species of this genus. I'll have to do some photography.
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15.11.2007 11:13, Mylabris

I have it scanned, now I'm thinking where to upload it - to my page in Zinovsky or Rapidshare?

15.11.2007 13:33, omar

Definitely to the beetles.

15.11.2007 16:34, Bad Den

Definitely on www.zin.ru
Write to Lobanov?

16.11.2007 19:18, Mylabris

I already wrote it. It's about 12 Mb out, waiting for a response about getting it. The problem is that the mailer, in my opinion, does not skip large files. I broke it into 8 parts. As soon as Andrey gives the go-ahead, I'll send everyone a link. But I will post better in the topic "Scans of books with entomological topics".
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16.11.2007 22:54, Nikolaj Pichugin

Adding another view:
Carabus (Cratocephalus) solskyi Ballion
Kazakhstan, Ketmen, Temerlik, 24.04.91, leg. Obydov D. V.
Special thanks to Obydov for the material.

picture: ________.jpg
________.jpg — (142.52 k)

picture: ________1.jpg
________1.jpg — (145.74к)

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17.11.2007 1:08, RippeR


27.11.2007 8:01, Mylabris

Dear colleagues: I have finally scanned Oleg Kryzhanovsky's monograph on the karabuses of Central Asia. Despite its long-standing publication, it continues to be an important work on the Central Asian region. I hope that it will be useful for many people, because it has already become a rarity. You can download it here: http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/kolovbib.htm
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01.12.2007 13:40, Nikolaj Pichugin

Thank you Mylabris for the scanned book, I think it will be interesting to many. Today I digitized part of my slides, I want to introduce you to the places where these carabuses run and those who collected them.
1. Kyrgyzstan, Tash-Debe, Raspberry gorge. Carabus chan and C. acinini 2 are found in these rashes
. In the same place. Under the stones of C. corrugis, C. erosus
3. Collectors of this good: Obydov D., his wife Olga and your humble servant.
4. Misha Shestopalov and Andrey Plutenko.

picture: 15.jpg
15.jpg — (135.98 k)

picture: 19.jpg
19.jpg — (137.17к)

picture: 16.jpg
16.jpg — (138.86к)

picture: 14.jpg
14.jpg — (134.94к)

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06.12.2007 13:00, Nikolaj Pichugin

Today I have printed out Oleg Kryzhanovsky's monograph on the Karabuses of Central Asia. I'll give it back to you tomorrow. It turned out to be a gorgeous rare book jump.gif.
Many thanks to Mylabris for the scan beer.gif. And who knows where to download something similar on the barbels of Central Asia? Specifically, the Dorcadion ranges of Kyrgyzstan are needed mol.gif.

06.12.2007 13:20, omar

I think that this is where we should turn to Mr. M. L. Danilevsky. And so-on coleopterologists there is a fairly good, but outdated version of Plavilshchikov.

07.12.2007 9:50, Nikolaj Pichugin

I think that this is where we should turn to Mr. M. L. Danilevsky.

Apply how? Personally or to his works?

07.12.2007 9:53, omar

I would prefer to book it.

07.12.2007 10:55, omar

Tribe Lamiinae fauna of the USSR Books need to be bought, they are printed in France.

12.12.2007 22:51, Nikolaj Pichugin

Adding another Asian beetle from my collection.
Carabus (Cratocephalus) cicatricosus Fischer
Kazakhstan, khr. Ketmen, Bolshoy Ketmen settlement, 20.04.87, leg. Pub

picture: cicotricosus1.jpg
cicotricosus1.jpg — (144.15к)

picture: cicotricosus.jpg
cicotricosus.jpg — (135.5к)

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12.12.2007 23:31, Aleksandr Safronov

Some authors ' checklists in the West consider C. corrugis to be a subspecies of C. cicatricosus. I wonder what our experts think about this? Maybe there is some information about this? I didn't see the genitals of males of both species, is there a fundamental difference? And are there differences in biotopes?

17.12.2007 10:22, Guest

I found out what these carabuses and others of a similar appearance eat. They feed on snails, and such mandibles are used for crushing shells.
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17.12.2007 10:23, guest: omar

it was me.

17.12.2007 18:42, Mylabris

If it comes in handy, here's a cicatricosus penis. I don't have any Corrugis.

picture: cicatricosus_penis.jpg
cicatricosus_penis.jpg — (50.26к)

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18.12.2007 20:11, Nikolaj Pichugin

I don't have any Corrugis.

I can help you with that. If you are interested,write to the soap, we will make an agreement.

07.01.2008 17:17, Aleksandr Safronov

Maybe someone will be interested-endophallus Carabus (Cratocephalus) corrugis Dohrn, 1882 wink.gif

picture: end_corrugis.jpg
end_corrugis.jpg — (83.68к)

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11.02.2008 22:39, Nikolaj Pichugin

Today I got through to Mikhail Shestopalov, who has been back from Madagascar for three days. Sent him your greetings, he sends greetings to everyone who remembers him.

03.07.2013 13:53, Lafa

I found out what these carabuses and others of a similar appearance eat. They feed on snails, and such mandibles are used for crushing shells.

Beetles of the subgenus Cratocephalus do not crush, but gnaw the shell.
I once grew C. cicatricosus from Kazakhstan and saw how beetles do it. If I find old photos of gnawed shells, I'll send them to this forum.

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