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Community and ForumInsects imagesDorcadionini

KDG, 17.12.2007 18:23

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) argonauta Suvorov, 1913-Turkey, prov.Kars
D. (C.) saulcyi javeti Kraatz, 1873-Turkey,
Mardina district D. (C.) inspersum Holzschuh, 1982-Turkey, prov. Van
D. (C.) deyrollei Ganglbauer, 1884-Van Province, Turkey

This post was edited by KDG-18.12.2007 23: 40

picture: argonauta.jpg
argonauta.jpg — (145.13к)

picture: saulcyi_jaeveti.jpg
saulcyi_jaeveti.jpg — (128.54к)

picture: inspersum.jpg
inspersum.jpg — (131.06к)

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deyrollei.jpg — (125.41к)


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17.12.2007 18:32, rpanin

Carinatodorcadion fulvum Scopoli, 1763
Body length-20 mm
Lviv region. Zolochiv district, Slovita village district, 17.05-4.06.06

We need to move the topic to "Images of insects"

This post was edited by rpanin - 17.12.2007 18: 34

картинка: Carinatodorcadion_fulvum__Scopoli__1763_.jpg
Carinatodorcadion_fulvum__Scopoli__1763_.jpg — (130.33к)

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18.12.2007 23:39, KDG

we continue:
D. (Cr.) dimidiatum Motschulsky, 1838-Armenia, Shorzha
D. (Cr.) bistriatum Pic, 1898-Armenia, Jermuk
D. (Cr.) petrovitzi Heyrovsky?, 1964-Turkey, prov.Merzin

picture: dimidiatum.jpg
dimidiatum.jpg — (123.95к)

picture: bistriatum.jpg
bistriatum.jpg — (120.76к)

picture: petrovitzi_male.jpg
petrovitzi_male.jpg — (126.15к)

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26.12.2007 0:53, KDG

female-D. (Cr.) petrovitzi Heyrovsk?, 1964-Turkey, prov.Merzine
Iberodorcadion ghilianii (Chevrolat, 1862) - Spain
Iberodorcadion hispanicum (Mulsant, 1851) - Spain-Spain
Iberodorcadion neilense (Escalera, 1902) - Spain

This post was edited by KDG - 26.12.2007 00: 59

picture: hispanicum.jpg
hispanicum.jpg — (137.5к)

picture: ghiliani.jpg
ghiliani.jpg — (137.93к)

picture: petrovitzi_female.jpg
petrovitzi_female.jpg — (121.41к)

picture: neilense_female.jpg
neilense_female.jpg — (134.83 k)

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17.02.2008 3:11, rpanin

Neodorcadion bilineatum Germar, 1824
♀Body length-16 mm.
Odessa region, Kominternovsky district, near the village of Leski Leg.Demidov G. 28. V-10. VI. 2006
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion ) equestre Laxmann, 1770
♀Body length-17 mm.
, Dnipropetrovsk region. Pavlograd district of the village of Bulakhovka. Leg.Dementiev S. V. 9-14.V. 2007
Одес Odessa region, Ananyevsky district, okr, Dolinskoe village 1-4. V. 2002 Leg, Samoileinko S. A.
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) sericatum Sahlberg, 1823
Body length-15mm.
South-To the Crimea, ROC.Pike Perch Leg.Vashchenko S. 1-5. V. 2004
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) holosericeum Krynicki, 1832
Body length-15mm.
Lvivskayao region.Zolochevsky district roc of the village of Gologorki 19. V. 07
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) tauricum Waltl, 1838
♀Body length-17 mm.
Kherson region, Tsyuryupinsky district, okr S. Antonovka. Dnipro River Bank Leg.Vashchenko S. 1. V. 1995

This post was edited by rpanin - 18.08.2009 11: 47

картинка: Dorcadion__Neodorcadion__bilineatum_Germar__1824__16_mm.____________.__________________________.__.________Leg._________._28.V_10.VI.2006_.jpg
Dorcadion__Neodorcadion__bilineatum_Germar__1824__16_mm.____________.__________________________.__.________Leg._________._28.V_10.VI.2006_.jpg — (137.04к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Pedestredorcadion__equestre_Laxmann__1770___17_mm..jpg
Dorcadion__Pedestredorcadion__equestre_Laxmann__1770___17_mm..jpg — (145.67 k)

картинка: Dorcadion__Pedestredorcadion__sericatum_Sahlberg__1823___15__.______________._______Leg._________.1_5.V.2004.jpg
Dorcadion__Pedestredorcadion__sericatum_Sahlberg__1823___15__.______________._______Leg._________.1_5.V.2004.jpg — (137.09к)

картинка: Dorcadion_holosericeum__Krynicki__1832________________._______________.______.__________19.V.07__..jpg
Dorcadion_holosericeum__Krynicki__1832________________._______________.______.__________19.V.07__..jpg — (123.55к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__tauricum_Waltl__1838.__17_mm.________________.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__tauricum_Waltl__1838.__17_mm.________________.jpg — (204.16к)

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17.02.2008 15:15, KDG

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17.02.2008 19:53, Cerambyx

And why did you lower poor Neodorcadion in the rank? Gender, as a gender...

By the way, it is very interesting if this is the case - why is Carinatodorcadion here as a genus? You and M. L. also had it as a clear subgenus, in the revision? The Europeans - yes, but what about us?smile.gif

17.02.2008 23:47, KDG

By the way, it is very interesting if this is the case - why is Carinatodorcadion here as a genus? You and M. L. also had it as a clear subgenus, in the revision? The Europeans - yes, but what about us?smile.gif

I don't knowsmile.gif. By the way, I also wanted to make it by birth - M. L. mass crushed lol.gif
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18.02.2008 0:06, rpanin

And why did you lower poor Neodorcadion in the rank? Gender, as a gender...

Just learning. shuffle.gif
So how do you sign all these dorkashas?

18.02.2008 20:07, RippeR

why all of them?. only Neodorkash-like genus, the rest are all dorcadions, subgenus Pedesredorcadion

18.02.2008 21:33, KDG

Just learning. shuffle.gif
So how do you sign all these dorkashas?

Don't listen to Ripper - all others like Cribridorcadion

19.02.2008 14:13, RippeR

what's the new feature with cribrodorcadions? Have you always been a pediatrician???? Yes, and Danilevsky wrote them to me as a pediatrician, and not Cyborgdorkadions..
I was looking crookedly again. That's right, I have written cribridorkadion. Spreading evil rumors by mistake ^_^

This post was edited by RippeR - 01.08.2008 18: 31

19.02.2008 15:32, KDG

what's the new feature with cribrodorcadions? Have you always been a pediatrician???? Yes, and Danilevsky wrote them to me as a pediatrician, and not Cyborg Dorcadions..

M. L. Danilevsky, D. G. Kasatkin, A. A. Rubenyan
Revision of the taxonomic structure of the tribe Dorcadionini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) based on the analysis of the endophallus structure
Russian Entomological Journal, 2004, vol. 13, N 3: 127-149.
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23.02.2008 12:55, RippeR

and who then to pedestredorkadionov belong???????

23.02.2008 16:24, Cerambyx

and who then to pedestredorkadionov belong???????

Andrey, you can see everything from Danilevsky in the lists on the site: http://www.cerambycidae.narod.ru
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23.02.2008 17:50, Трофим

Honestly, I'm already tired. Just get used to Kama-the generic name, then in synonym, then prefix. frown.gif . For me, all dorcadions will remain dorcadions, and phytoecia will go there as well. I seem to have already got used to leptures, they generally smashed the genus to the fullest. It's good that at least the specific name remains for the species, otherwise there would be confusion at smile.gifall

23.02.2008 22:25, RippeR

If the selection is necessary, then of course, nothing can be done... Linnaeus did not think at all about doing more than 3 genera in barbels, but now it is "in parentheses".. We are not used to it, because we first got used to one system, and now to a completely different one, more complex, that's our dissatisfaction smile.gif
It is interesting only on what grounds they are distinguished into different genera/subgenera.. And then they don't release new qualifiers and think what and where, but follow the literature.. it is not possible frown.gifWhere and when it is released..

24.02.2008 3:43, rpanin

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) cinerarium Fabricius, 1787
♀12 mm.
Николаев Mykolaiv region, Snigirevsky district, Kalindorfa district Leg. Vashchenko S. 29.IV.2000.
, Dnipropetrovsk region. Pavlogradsky district of Bulakhovka village .. Leg.Dementiev S. V. 9-14.V. 2007
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) cinerarium gorodinskii Danilevsky,1996
♀-14 mm.
Kherson region.Holopristansky district, Ribalche village district, steppe 15. VI-3. V. 1996 Leg. Vashchenko S. N.
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) panticapaeum Plavilstshikov, 1951
♀-12 mm.
Kherson region, Genichesky district, Chonhar village, Kuyuktuk Island. Leg. Mishustin R. 26. IV-5. V. 1996
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) pusillum Kuster, 1847
♀-12 mm.
g Kherson, western outskirts of Leg. Mishustin R. 28. IV. 1998

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__cinerarium___Fabricius__1787___12_mm.________________._______________________.___________Leg.__________._29.IV.2000.____________________________.__a_______________.____.__.______.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__cinerarium___Fabricius__1787___12_mm.________________._______________________.___________Leg.__________._29.IV.2000.____________________________.__a_______________.____.__.______.jpg — (130.33к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__cinerarium_gorodinskii_Danilevsky_1996___14_mm.______________.________________________.__._________________15.VI_3.V.1996__._Leg.__________._.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__cinerarium_gorodinskii_Danilevsky_1996___14_mm.______________.________________________.__._________________15.VI_3.V.1996__._Leg.__________._.jpg — (141к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__panticapaeum_Plavilstshikov__1951_______________.____________________._._______________________._Leg.___________._26.IV_5.V.1996.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__panticapaeum_Plavilstshikov__1951_______________.____________________._._______________________._Leg.___________._26.IV_5.V.1996.jpg — (138.48к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__pusillum_Kuster__1847__12_mm.__.__________________________Leg.___________._28.IV.1998.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__pusillum_Kuster__1847__12_mm.__.__________________________Leg.___________._28.IV.1998.jpg — (135.7к)

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24.02.2008 11:22, RippeR

it would not be bad to go for Gorodinsky and pantikapayum in the Kherson region.. smile.gif
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28.05.2008 18:51, RippeR

Eodorcadion humeralis trabeatum (Jakovlev, 1901)
Amur region, Blagoveshchensk district, 06.07.07, Dina Rogatnykh leg.
picture: Eodorcadion_humeralis.JPG
Eodorcadion tuvense (Plavilstshikov, 1958)
Tuva, okr. Shagonara, 22.07.002, A. Ivanov leg
picture: Eoorcadion_tuvense.JPG
Neodorcadion billineatum
Moldova, 03.05.05 and 20.05.06
picture: Neodorcadion_billineatum.JPG
Politodorcadion politum shapovalovi, Danilevsky, 2006
окр. Orenburg, 22.04.06, Cerambyx leg.
picture: Politodorcadion_politum_shapovalovi.JPG
Politodorcadion eurygyne, Suvorov, 1911
Kazakhstan, okr. Ust-Kamenogorsk, A. Shapovalov leg
picture: Politodorcadion_eurygyne.JPG
Dorcadion glycyrrhizae striatum (Goeze, 1777)
Orenburg region, Pervomaisky, 14.05.06, A. Shapovalov leg
picture: Dorcadion_glycyrrhizae_striatum.JPG
Dorcadion glycyrrhizae guberlensis, Danilevsky, 2006
Orenburg region, 18.05.06, Andrey Shapovalov leg
picture: Dorcadion_glycyrrhizae_guberlensis.JPG
Dorcadion glycyrrhizae nemkovi, Danilevsky, 2006
Orenburg region, 07.05.96, V. Nemkov leg
picture: Dorcadion_glycyrrhizae_nemkovi.JPG
Dorcadion holosericeum tristriatum, Suvorov, 1913
Stavropol Krai, 18.05.05, V. Kuzminykh.
picture: Dorcadion_holosericeum_tristriatum.JPG
Dorcadion pedestre (Poda, 1761)
Interesting pubescent female
Moldova, Razeni, 26.04.06
picture: Dorcadion_pedestre.JPG
Dorcadion pussilum
Moldova, Coban village, 17.04.04
Dorcadion elegans (Kraatz, 1873)
Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk region, 9-14.06. 07, Sergey Dementiev leg.
picture: Dorcadion_pussilum_elegans.JPG
Likes: 12

29.05.2008 1:53, Guest

Very certainly good and beautiful ,but there is a topic already on dorkasham.

29.05.2008 16:48, RippeR

I didn't find it..

30.05.2008 16:59, RippeR

too late..
in any case, it doesn't get clogged.. it's already packed..
I looked at almost 1.5 pages, dropped everything, searched through the search and created a new topic smile.gif

03.06.2008 13:48, Serg Svetlov

Adding : arietinum-Kazakhstan, Zalanash. h-1300m 15.04.91.Danilevsky leg, uvarovi-Kazakhstan, Aktyubinsk region, Gaigachinsky district, okr. pos. Points 10-12. 05.97. Smirnov leg, oryx-Mongolia, Arbai-khere, h-1800m 19/07/2002 Churkin leg, dostojewskii-Kazakhstan, Mangyshlak, 24-27. 04. 99 Smirnov leg, lutshniki Tuva, Hadin Lake district 06.97 Avdeev leg, maurum-Tuva, Hadin Lake district 06.97 Avdeev leg.

картинка: Acutodorcadion_arietinum_ssp._zhalanash_Danil.jpg
Acutodorcadion_arietinum_ssp._zhalanash_Danil.jpg — (106.81к)

картинка: Dorcadion_glicyrrhizae_ssp._dostojewskii_Sem.jpg
Dorcadion_glicyrrhizae_ssp._dostojewskii_Sem.jpg — (135.89к)

picture: Dorcadion_glicyrrhizae_ssp._uvarovi_Suv.jpg
Dorcadion_glicyrrhizae_ssp._uvarovi_Suv.jpg — (114.69к)

picture: Eodorcadion_oryx.jpg
Eodorcadion_oryx.jpg — (124.09к)

картинка: Eodorcadionmaurum_ssp._quinquevittatum_Hamm.jpg
Eodorcadionmaurum_ssp._quinquevittatum_Hamm.jpg — (150.51к)

картинка: Humerodorcadion_lutshniki_ssp._lutshniki_Plav.jpg
Humerodorcadion_lutshniki_ssp._lutshniki_Plav.jpg — (114.11к)

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09.01.2009 23:47, rpanin

Dorcadion carinatum igrenum Danilevsky, 1998
Donetsk region, Stone Graves, steppe, leg. Glotov I. 26. VII. 2004
Dorcadion mokrzeckii Jakovlev, 1902
Crimea, Kerch 22. IV. 2001 leg. Kurinny D.

This post was edited by rpanin - 18.08.2009 11: 49

картинка: Dorcadion_mokrzeckii_Jakovlev__1902_1_.13__.___________22.IV.2001_leg.___________..jpg
Dorcadion_mokrzeckii_Jakovlev__1902_1_.13__.___________22.IV.2001_leg.___________..jpg — (119.05к)

картинка: Dorcadion_carinatum_igrenum_Danilevsky__1998_____________1_.________________________leg._________._26.VII.2004.jpg
Dorcadion_carinatum_igrenum_Danilevsky__1998_____________1_.________________________leg._________._26.VII.2004.jpg — (98.3к)

Likes: 9

13.05.2009 22:08, Archypus

Tell me, are there any permanent (reliable) signs that can distinguish D. panticapaeum from pubescent D. cinerarium, such as D. cinerarium gorodinskii, for example? I can see differences in the pattern of pubescence and coloration, but how constant are these signs? Can you rely on them? The question is of fundamental importance, because I would like to know what we caught in Taman

13.05.2009 22:56, RippeR

it seems that panticapame is now a subspecies of cinerarium?
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13.05.2009 23:28, Archypus

That's really news! Yes, indeed, it is necessary to look at the page of Mikhail Leontievich more often! I would like to hear more comments or get a link to the article

14.05.2009 6:57, RippeR

I didn't find the article on his website, so I probably didn't search well. But the lists say so - cinerarium ssp. panticapaeum.

10.09.2009 23:05, rpanin

Dorcadion aethiops aethiops (Scopoli, 1763)
female, 21mm
Transcarpathian region Beregovsky district, Muzhievo village, 15. V. 2009 leg.Kanarsky Yu.

picture: Dorcadion_aethiops_aethiops__Scopoli__1763__21mm.jpg
Dorcadion_aethiops_aethiops__Scopoli__1763__21mm.jpg — (112.71к)

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30.01.2010 17:02, palvasru4ko

I was checking out boxes of beetles, and I thought maybe someone would need it - "for a point" in the area of Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion ) equestre Laxmann, 1770. Moreover, it is not specified in the new CC for Simferopol
picture: P1110746.JPG picture: P1110748.JPG

This post was edited by palvasru4ko - 30.01.2010 17: 03
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30.01.2010 18:29, Shapik

My point from the other outskirts of Simferopol is Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion)equestre Laxmann, 1770 Crimea,Simferopol,Beloe village, 19.04.2008
Pavel, and what is the closest point to Simferopol indicated in the CC?

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__equestre_Laxmann_1770.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__equestre_Laxmann_1770.jpg — (86.63к)

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30.01.2010 18:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

Soul rastravili!!! To the Crimea definitely!!! And we only have D. holocericeum is also possible (and even then in the very south of the region).
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30.01.2010 19:15, palvasru4ko

Pavel, what is the closest point to Simferopol indicated in the CC?

I don't even know how to respond. Here's the map:
picture: KARTA22.jpg
Simferopol - green. Finds listed in the CC are marked in red.

This post was edited by palvasru4ko - 30.01.2010 19: 21
Likes: 1

08.02.2010 21:19, Алексей Сажнев

I will also add a couple of dorcadions from the Saratov region (I apologize for the quality of the photo). All the beetles were collected in the spring on the territory of the state farm "Spring" by Igor Kryukov, some of which he gave to me, and so the number of collected individuals is many times more-dozens of copies.

1. Dorcadion (Carinatodorcadion) carinatum carinatum Pallas, 1771

Saratov region, Saratovsky district, s-z "Spring", 2-4. V. 2006 (1 copy) I. V. Kryukov leg., A. S. Sazhnev det., collection of A. S. Sazhnev

2. Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) equestre equestre (Laxmann, 1770)

Saratov region, Saratovsky district, s-z "Spring", 2-4. V. 2006 (3 copies) I. V. Kryukov leg., A. S. Sazhnev det., collection of A. S. Sazhnev

3. Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) holosericeum holosericeum Krynicki, 1832

Saratov region, Saratovsky district, s-z "Spring", 2-4. V. 2006 (1 copy) I. V. Kryukov leg., A. S. Sazhnev det., collection of A. S. Sazhnev

картинка: Dorcadion__Carinatodorcadion__carinatum_carinatum_Pallas__1771_.jpg
Dorcadion__Carinatodorcadion__carinatum_carinatum_Pallas__1771_.jpg — (279.59к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__equestre_equestre__Laxmann__1770__.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__equestre_equestre__Laxmann__1770__.jpg — (258.86к)

картинка: Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__holosericeum_holosericeum_Krynicki__1832.jpg
Dorcadion__Cribridorcadion__holosericeum_holosericeum_Krynicki__1832.jpg — (255.52к)

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14.02.2010 14:34, RippeR

Alexey Sazhnev:
are all Equestria and holosericeums like this in CO?
By the way, can I ask you to put together a small series of holosericeums for me? And then they are different everywhere.

14.02.2010 15:00, Алексей Сажнев

In the photo, only 1 male, and so they are very diverse in the picture, there is a clearer cross, there is a split into 2 spots, females are sometimes lighter.

At the expense of collecting the series, I think this is very possible, just in the place where all these three specimens were collected, there are quite a lot of them in the spring, although holosericeum is relatively less common, but this is as it should be, year after year it is not necessary.

18.02.2010 17:18, PG18

We are trying to deal with the Armenian dorcadians, but unfortunately we are not very successful.
There are three pairs below.
The upper one is probably Dorcadion scabricolle. There are many of them. Everyone is similar. Collected north of Ekhegnadzor at altitudes of 1400-1600 m.
Average. We want to determine this. Also numerous, also north of Ekhegnadzor, but higher than 200-300 meters, that is, about 2000 m.
Bottom pair-only a few beetles are collected. Also north of Ekhegnadzor, at an altitude of about 2000 m.

picture: Dorcadion_scabricolle.jpg
Dorcadion_scabricolle.jpg — (184.22к)

picture: Dorcadion.jpg
Dorcadion.jpg — (190.92к)

picture: Dorcadion__scabricolle_.jpg
Dorcadion__scabricolle_.jpg — (183.35к)

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26.02.2010 9:36, Serg Svetlov

This is all scabricolle, only the last 2 pics are scabricolle ssp. sevangense Rtt.

29.04.2010 8:56, grendaizer

In the subject, from Georgia.

D. (Cribridorcadion) auratum Tournier, 1872 (length 12-14mm)

D. sulcipenne Küster, 1847 (length 15-18mm)

D. sulcipenne ssp. Caucasicum Küster, 1847 (length 15-16mm)

D. (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle Dalman, 1817 (length 16-18mm)

D. striolatum Kraatz, 1873 (length 16-18mm)

D. (Cribridorcadion) klavdiae Danilevsky, 1992 (length 18-20 mm)

D. (Cribridorcadion) mniszechi Kraatz, 1873 (length 20-23mm)

picture: auratum.jpg
auratum.jpg — (245.2к)

picture: sulcipenne.jpg
sulcipenne.jpg — (229.69к)

picture: sulcipenne_Caucasicum.jpg
sulcipenne_Caucasicum.jpg — (221.57к)

picture: scabricolle.jpg
scabricolle.jpg — (128.95к)

picture: striolatum.jpg
striolatum.jpg — (246.9к)

picture: klavdiae.jpg
klavdiae.jpg — (227.44к)

picture: mniszechi.jpg
mniszechi.jpg — (224.71к)

Likes: 13

Pages: 1 2

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