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Subgenus Archicarabus (Carabus)

Community and ForumInsects imagesSubgenus Archicarabus (Carabus)

rpanin, 14.12.2010 21:29

Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis nemoralis Muller, 1764

1) Lviv region, Zolochiv district, district S. B. Olshanitsa, Lysaya Gora, beech-hornbeam forest, 16-30. V. 2009
2 )Belarus, Vitebsk region, Shchepkino 2006, leg. Solodovnikov I. A.
In Western Ukraine is rare and local.

This post was edited by rpanin - 14.12.2010 21: 30

picture: _Archicarabus___nemoralis.jpg
_Archicarabus___nemoralis.jpg — (76.3к)

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_nemoralis_Muller__1764.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_nemoralis_Muller__1764.jpg — (189.39к)

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_Mueller__1764.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_Mueller__1764.jpg — (219.91к)


15.12.2010 11:33, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis prasinotinctus Heyden, 1880
SC France, AUDE.Pic de Nore, h=1200m.IX.2005, A. Laforgue leg.

Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis lamadridae Born, 1895 (n.layrei Tarrier, 1975)

NW-Spain, León Province, Acebo, V.2007, Pascal Stefani leg.

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_prasinotinctus_Heyden__1880..jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_prasinotinctus_Heyden__1880..jpg — (196.45к)

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_lamadridae_Born__1895_n._layrei_Tarrier__1975.25mm.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_lamadridae_Born__1895_n._layrei_Tarrier__1975.25mm.jpg — (97.33к)

Likes: 12

15.12.2010 12:50, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) gotschi gotschi Chaudoir, 1846
Armenia, Ashotsk distr., Bandivan, 8-21.X.1991 P.V.Kazaryan leg.

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus___gotschi_gotschi_Chaudoir__1846.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus___gotschi_gotschi_Chaudoir__1846.jpg — (206.23к)

Likes: 11

15.12.2010 21:05, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) monticola fontanae Born, 1906
N-Italy, Piemonte, Bielmonte, h1350 m, 14-15.VI.2010, Pascal Stefani leg.

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__monticola_fontanae_Born__1906.23_mm.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__monticola_fontanae_Born__1906.23_mm.jpg — (177.73к)

картинка: Archicarabus_monticola_fontanae_Born__1906.jpg
Archicarabus_monticola_fontanae_Born__1906.jpg — (122.04к)

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18.12.2010 11:40, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus montivagus blandus Frivaldsky, 1865
S-Slovakia, Région de Nitra Plastovce viil.,1.V.2009, Rudolf Kmeko leg.

Carabus (Archicarabus) montivagus montivagus Palliardi, 1825
female, 26 mm
SW-Romania: Banat, Caras-Severin Reg., Sasca Montana-Stinapari, 21. V. -5. VI. 2010, Krause Rene leg.

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus_montivagus_blandus_Frivaldsky__1865.23mm.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus_montivagus_blandus_Frivaldsky__1865.23mm.jpg — (100.74к)

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__montivagus_montivagus_Palliardi__1825.26mm.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__montivagus_montivagus_Palliardi__1825.26mm.jpg — (178.82к)

picture: Archicarabus_montivagus_montivagus.jpg
Archicarabus_montivagus_montivagus.jpg — (108.05к)

Likes: 13

18.12.2010 21:19, omar

Are there any clear external signs that distinguish Carabus (Archicarabus) monticola from Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis?

20.12.2010 0:55, rpanin

Are there any clear external signs that distinguish Carabus (Archicarabus) monticola from Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis?

I find it difficult to answer. eek.gif

20.12.2010 17:24, I.solod

1 The width of the metapistern is larger than the length. Nadkr. with a triploid sculpture, distinctly convex, occasionally the grooves are doubled. The primary spaces are formed by small bumps separated by distinct small pits (depressions). Of course, different aedeagus. Black, the sides of the prsp and nadkr. are brighter with a metallic blue or bronze tint of 18-27 mm....................................................montivagus

- The width of the metapistern is less than the length. Nadkr. with weakly defined secondary spaces, more or less smooth or very weakly granulated, less often very gently wrinkled, distinctly convex. ………………………………………………….….... 2

2 Prsp with 3 edge bristles. Posterior corners are longer and sharper...... 3
-Prsp with 2 marginal setae. The posterior corners are less long and rounded, the lamella of the aedeagus is more rounded. Coriaceous or black-brown, the edges of prsp and nadkr with a bright metallic green or blue luster. …………………………..…….monticola

3 Here the genitals rule type 1. The primary spaces are poorly defined with barely noticeable very small bumps separated by small pits (depressions) that may disappear. Black boka prsp and nadkr. and their colors are bright with a metallic blue, green, purple-red or bronze tint of 18-27 mm.....................................................................................nemoralis
- Here the genitals rule. 2 ......................................... pseudomonticola

This post was edited by I. solod - 20.12.2010 18: 03

picture: 201220102929.jpg
201220102929.jpg — (121.49к)

Likes: 5

17.01.2011 15:09, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) pseudomonticola Lapouge, 1908
26 мм
NE Spain, Catalonia, Sant Jaume de Frontanyà, h=1000 m, V-VI.2010, Pascal Stefani leg.

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__pseudomonticola_Lapouge__1908.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__pseudomonticola_Lapouge__1908.jpg — (87.05к)

Likes: 9

04.05.2011 18:06, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) victor wiedemanni Ménétriés, 1836 (n. burgassiensis Apfelbeck, 1904)
22 mm
SE-Bulgaria:Burgas env. Tsarevo (Michurin), 10-15.VII.1981, J.Slaba leg.

картинка: ______Carabus__Archicarabus__victor_wiedemanni_Menetries__1836_n._burgassiensis_Apfelbeck__1904.22m.jpg
______Carabus__Archicarabus__victor_wiedemanni_Menetries__1836_n._burgassiensis_Apfelbeck__1904.22m.jpg — (96.25к)

Likes: 9

01.09.2012 14:27, Dmitry Vlasov

My son was on vacation with his grandmother in Issyk-Kul, of course, he was ordered to collect beetles. The most unusual thing that he brought-two copies of Carabus nemoralisjump.gif jump.gif jump.gif, which he collected in Karakol (Przhevalsk) in the garden!!! Unfortunately, both copies of the female and compare the genitals with Yaroslavl will not work confused.gif...
Are there any publications about the finds of Carabus nemoralis in Central Asia?
PySy for the photo please do not kick mol.gif...

picture: c.nemoralis.jpg
c.nemoralis.jpg — (77.15к)

Likes: 8

01.09.2012 18:57, scarit

There is work by Kabak and Kolov on ground beetle finds in central and southern Kazakhstan. There is also C. nemoralis. Work in the Eurasian Entomological Journal for 2010, No. 1.
Likes: 1

14.09.2013 18:47, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) steuartii Deyrolle, 1852
21 mm
NW-Spain, Pontevedra prov., Serra do Candán Mt range, 1.III.1992, S. Devesa leg./det. S. Sobrino

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__steuartii_Deyrolle__1852.21_mm.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__steuartii_Deyrolle__1852.21_mm.jpg — (85.05к)

Likes: 9

15.09.2013 3:58, Dmitry Vlasov

My son was on vacation with his grandmother in Issyk-Kul, of course, he was ordered to collect beetles. The most unusual thing that he brought-two copies of Carabus nemoralisjump.gif  jump.gif  jump.gif, which he collected in Karakol (Przhevalsk) in the garden!!! Unfortunately, both copies of the female and compare the genitals with Yaroslavl will not work confused.gif...
Are there any publications about the finds of Carabus nemoralis in Central Asia?
PySy for the photo please do not kick mol.gif...

As an add-on...


download file _______._.__________._.__2012_________________________________Carabus_nemoralis_______________________.pdf

size: 379k
number of downloads: 524

Likes: 1

14.01.2014 18:37, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) monticola roccae Born, 1923
NW-Italy, Liguria:Savona env., Monte San Giorgio, 30.X.1977, Monauzzi leg.

This post was edited by rpanin - 14.01.2014 18: 38

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__monticola_roccae_Born__1923.23mm.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__monticola_roccae_Born__1923.23mm.jpg — (309.56к)

Likes: 9

10.04.2015 23:42, rpanin

Carabus (Archicarabus) phoenix Lapouge, 1924
female, 23 mm
C-Lebanon, Byblos /Jbeil Distr.,Kfardebian env., h=1200m, XI.2014, C. Reuter leg.

picture: Archicarabus_phoenix_Lapouge__1924.jpg
Archicarabus_phoenix_Lapouge__1924.jpg — (155.9к)

картинка: ______Carabus__Archicarabus__phoenix_Lapouge__1924._female_23mm.jpg
______Carabus__Archicarabus__phoenix_Lapouge__1924._female_23mm.jpg — (278.17к)

Likes: 8

03.10.2015 8:55, Honza

Carabus (Archicarabus) pseudomonticola sorredensis Reymond, 1935

картинка: Carabus__Archicarabus__pseudomonticola_sorredensis_Reymond__1935.jpg
Carabus__Archicarabus__pseudomonticola_sorredensis_Reymond__1935.jpg — (294.12к)

Likes: 7

22.11.2016 14:27, Musson max

Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis subs. nemoralis
A little bit from my personal collection

картинка: 234_2014_Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_subs._nemoralis_male.jpg

картинка: 233_2014_Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_subs._nemoralis_female.jpg

картинка: 235_2014_Carabus__Archicarabus__nemoralis_subs._nemoralis_female.jpg
Likes: 13

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