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Whiteflies (Pieridae)

Community and ForumInsects imagesWhiteflies (Pieridae)

TEMPUS, 26.03.2013 15:58

I suggest in this topic to post photos of butterflies from the family of whiteflies (Pieridae) of all subfamilies: Pierinae, Dismorphiinae, Coliadinae. Any photos are welcome: butterflies, pupae, caterpillars; taken in nature and collectible material-everything is good! Both Russian and exotic!

The only point: in this topic, you should not post photos of Colias sp., for which there is already a separate topic on the forum http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=214195&st=0.

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 26.03.2013 16: 00


Pages: 1 2

26.03.2013 16:06, TEMPUS

Euchloe ausonia (Hubner, [1803])
02.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Gavrilovo-Posadsky district, Zagorye village neighborhood, roadside, agricultural field outskirts
picture: P1220974.JPG
picture: P1220978.JPG
Likes: 9

26.03.2013 17:59, AGG

Рieris napi kamtschadalis Röber, 1907


picture: Image1.jpg

This post was edited by AGG - 26.03.2013 18: 05
Likes: 11

26.03.2013 19:17, TEMPUS

Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)
07.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village area, mixed forest outskirts
picture: P1220919.JPG
picture: P1220930.JPG
picture: P1220944.JPG
picture: P1220959.JPG
Likes: 11

26.03.2013 20:29, Ihar

Belarus, Grodno region, Zelvensky district, vicinities of d. Zoloteyevo
Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758) 1.09.2012
image: ___. jpg
Leptidea morsei (Fenton, 1882) 4.08.2010г.
image: ___. jpg
Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) 26.04.2011г.
image: ___. jpg
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26.03.2013 21:36, I.solod

And who determined the material on Leptidea morsei (Fenton, 1882) from Belarus? genitals checked?

26.03.2013 22:59, Ihar

And who determined the material on Leptidea morsei (Fenton, 1882) from Belarus? genitals checked?

If you can find out more precisely, I can send you the material. Just tell me where."

27.03.2013 0:37, Sergey Feoktistov

Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758)
, Moscow
picture: post_288981_1364333186.jpgpicture: post_288981_1364335182.jpg

This post was edited by S. Y. Feoktistov - 27.03.2013 02: 29
Likes: 6

27.03.2013 13:03, Svyatoslav Knyazev

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27.03.2013 14:04, TEMPUS

Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777)
first generation
26.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1220815.JPG
picture: P1220823.JPG
second generation
14.06.2008 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1220832.JPG
picture: P1220842.JPG
18.06.2010 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220851.JPG
picture: P1220860.JPG
third generation
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220869.JPG
picture: P1220881.JPG
picture: P1220892.JPG
picture: P1220906.JPG
Likes: 6

27.03.2013 18:19, Ihar

So far, I will not be able to give out the person who identified that belyanochka as Morsay,but for comparison, the same butterflies.
picture: ________.jpgimage: _______. jpg
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27.03.2013 18:42, Fyodor

So far, I will not be able to give out the person who identified that belyanochka as Morsay,but for comparison, the same butterflies.

These butterflies are either sinapis or juvernica. With regard to these species, it is impossible to say anything for sure without a genital analysis.
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28.03.2013 14:42, TEMPUS

Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758)
05.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Teykovsky district, Zolotnikovskaya pustyn village, mixed forest outskirts
picture: P1220427.JPG
picture: P1220430.JPG
10.06.2012 Ivanovo region, Yuzhsky district, near the village of Mosta, the outskirts of sosnovy bor
picture: P1220440.JPG
picture: P1220445.JPG
picture: P1220463.JPG
26.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Yegoriy, river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1220472.JPG
picture: P1220476.JPG
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30.03.2013 8:45, Лавр Большаков

If you can find out more precisely, I can send you the material. Just tell me where."

Of course, there is nothing in common with L. morsei in these photos.
This is more likely the L. sinapis summer morph. And what is lower with equal probability can be L. juvernica (reali auct.) - spring morphs of these species are almost indistinguishable, and summer morphs are distinguishable with an accuracy of about 50%.
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30.03.2013 8:48, Лавр Большаков

After that - what is in your second batch under No. 2 with an 80% probability of L. juvernica.
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30.03.2013 14:03, TEMPUS

Leptidea sp.
spring generation
26.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Klochkovo, shoulder of a dirt road
picture: P1220998.JPG
picture: P1230007.JPG
07.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1230028.JPG
picture: P1230047.JPG
summer generation
17.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1230056.JPG
picture: P1230070.JPG
19.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1230080.JPG
picture: P1230091.JPG
20.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1230103.JPG
picture: P1230119.JPG
Likes: 8

31.03.2013 14:17, TEMPUS

Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)
11.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Klochkovo, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1230127.JPG
picture: P1230136.JPG
picture: P1230141.JPG
picture: P1230148.JPG
Likes: 5

01.04.2013 19:24, TEMPUS

Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758)
first generation
18.06.2007 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220485.JPG
picture: P1220492.JPG
18.05.2008 Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, Afanasovo village
picture: P1220499.JPG
picture: P1220508.JPG
second generation
20.07.2007 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the edge of a mixed forest
picture: P1220518.JPG
picture: P1220529.JPG
29.08.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220537.JPG
picture: P1220546.JPG
Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758)
first generation
26.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Klochkovo, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220560.JPG
picture: P1220571.JPG
31.05.2008 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, river bank. Teza, water meadow
picture: P1220584.JPG
picture: P1220592.JPG
second generation
23.08.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220608.JPG
picture: P1220617.JPG
picture: P1220627.JPG
picture: P1220592.JPG
third generation
16.09.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220644.JPG
picture: P1220655.JPG
17.09.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Sergeyevo village neighborhood, dirt road shoulder
picture: P1220673.JPG
picture: P1220681.JPG
Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)
first generation
07.05.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220692.JPG
picture: P1220701.JPG
picture: P1220710.JPG
picture: P1220715.JPG
second generation
06.07.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, a clearing in a mixed forest
picture: P1220724.JPG
picture: P1220738.JPG
picture: P1220761.JPG
third generation
22.08.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Polki, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220771.JPG
picture: P1220780.JPG
29.09.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, sukhodolny meadow
picture: P1220795.JPG
picture: P1220805.JPG

This post was edited by TEMPUS-03.04.2013 14: 34
Likes: 4

07.11.2013 1:47, being

Pontia beckerii (W. H. Edwards, 1871) Pontia beckerii from the family Pieridae
North.America, Idaho, C. J. Strike Reservoir, Mountain Home, August-September 2013
picture: ko_687.JPG
In flightpicture: ko_737.JPG
picture: ko_742.JPG
picture: S.st_345.JPG
picture: ko_683.JPG
Someone said: "Born to crawl - can't fly!"
This isn't about butterflies! smile.gif picture: ko_724.JPG

This post was edited by being-07.11.2013 22: 20
Likes: 5

07.11.2013 12:47, Alexandr Zhakov

Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777) - Rapeseed whitefly, or pontia reseda, from the family of Whiteflies ( Pieridae)
North.America, Idaho, C. J. Strike Reservoir, Mountain Home, August-September 2013

You are mistaken, in Idaho, Pontia edusa does not live, it is an Old World species. Of the 4 species of the genus Pontia that live in this state, Pontia beckerii (W. H. Edwards, 1871)is the most suitable for the image
Likes: 2

01.12.2013 17:14, alex242

Gonepteryx rhamni ssp. tianschanica (Nekrutenko, 1970)

South-To Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Tekeli city. Dzungarian Alatau, gorge of the river. Tekelinka vys. 1493m. northern wet slopes, thickets of buckthorn. [6.10.2013]

картинка: Gonepteryx_rhamni_ssp._tianschanica__Nekrutenko__1970__male.jpg

картинка: Gonepteryx_rhamni_ssp._tianschanica__Nekrutenko__1970__female.jpg
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01.12.2013 17:29, alex242

Pontia callidice (Hübner, 1805)

South Kazakhstan, Almaty region. Dzungarian Alatau, gorge of the Kora River height 1462m. flowering mixed grasses. [07.1998]

picture: Pontia_callidice__H__bner__1805__male.jpg

picture: Pontia_callidice__H__bner__1805__female.jpg
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15.04.2014 18:31, alex242

Aporia leucodice (Eversmann, 1843)

South Kazakhstan, Dzungarian Alatau, Almaty region, Tekeli city. northern wet slopes. [21.06.2013]

picture: Aporia_leucodice_male.jpg

picture: Aporia_leucodice_female.jpg
Likes: 12

15.04.2014 19:38, Igar

Leptidea reali Reissinger, 1989
Zoloteyevo village, Zelvensky district, Grodno region, Belarus. 4.08.2010г.
picture: ____________031.jpg
picture: ____________040.jpg
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15.04.2014 20:34, vafdog

Leptidea reali Reissinger, 1989
Zoloteyevo village, Zelvensky district, Grodno region, Belarus. 4.08.2010г.

Did you digest a lot of copies? what species do you have?

15.04.2014 21:06, Andrey Bezborodkin

Leptidea reali Reissinger, 1989

Now it seems to be L. juvernica (Williams, 1946).
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16.04.2014 10:25, Natura

Please tell me how to distinguish P. napi from P. bryuniae in the field?

16.04.2014 10:52, Andrey Bezborodkin

Please tell me how to distinguish P. napi from P. bryuniae in the field?

No way. The status of P. bryoniae on the territory of the Russian Federation has not been reliably studied. It is known from the Alps, allegedly present in Turkey, etc. I would like fresh research.

16.04.2014 12:34, Igar

Did you digest a lot of copies? what species do you have?

Not much, they fly only sporadically. I caught it, another person dissected it.
And from Leptidea, so far only sinapis and (as corrected by fraudatrix) juvernica have come across in my area.
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16.04.2014 13:55, Andrey Bezborodkin

Not much, they fly only sporadically. I caught it, another person dissected it.
And from Leptidea, so far only sinapis and (as fraudatrix corrected) juvernica have been found in my area.

For the Leningrad region, according to some data, the number of juvernica in the first generation is higher than that of sinapis. Moreover, for some reason, sinspis in the second generation was not observed at all during the entire observation period.
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16.04.2014 16:14, Igar

For the Leningrad region, according to some data, the number of juvernica in the first generation is higher than that of sinapis. Moreover, for some reason, sinspis in the second generation was not observed at all during the entire observation period.

According to my observations and collections (in my area), the number of sinapis of the second generation is slightly higher than the first, but juvernica is noted only in July-August.

16.04.2014 17:33, Andrey Bezborodkin

According to my observations and collections (in my area), the number of sinapis of the second generation is slightly higher than the first, but juvernica is noted only in July-August.

Yes, there is an increase in the number of sinapis in the southern direction. About juvernica, however, unexpectedly.
Likes: 1

17.04.2014 17:19, Арунас

Anthocharis cardamines
Lithuania 2014.04.12

This post was edited by Arunas - 17.04.2014 17: 20

picture: MC2.jpg
MC2.jpg — (260.74к)

Likes: 15

17.04.2014 21:01, alex242

Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758)

South of Kazakhstan, Dzungarian Alatau, Almaty region Taldy-Kurgan, villagePrigorodny [11.04.2014]
The first, spring generation. Male

picture: DSC01874.jpg
Likes: 10

26.05.2014 18:00, Евгений88

A little lemongrass wink.gif

This post was edited by Yevgeniy88-26.05.2014 18: 02

picture: 20140519_225605_1_.jpg
20140519_225605_1_.jpg — (287.61к)

picture: 20140525_170539_1_.jpg
20140525_170539_1_.jpg — (287.69к)

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03.06.2014 7:45, alex242

Zegris fausti (Christoph, 1877)

SE Kazakhstan. Almaty region, 40 km from the island.Balkhash, 1 km SE from Kuraksu village. The sands of Kushikjal. [03-05-2014]
picture: DSC02467_1000x383.jpg

This post was edited by alex242 - 03.06.2014 12: 47
Likes: 15

03.06.2014 19:10, Евгений88

Ausonia is gaining weight

This post was edited by Yevgeniy88-07.06.2014 18: 01

picture: 20140531_172055_1_.jpg
20140531_172055_1_.jpg — (296.29к)

picture: 20140603_200049_1_.jpg
20140603_200049_1_.jpg — (294.07к)

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04.06.2014 8:21, Penzyak

Evgeny, what were your ausonia caterpillars collected in nature and what is the food plant in nature and you have when feeding? I have seen such caterpillars but did not feed them - now I think I will need to collect diary caterpillars and determine their food plants. Preimaginal data on CPR in the Russian Federation is a big problem - it will even be possible to write separate articles on this topic. There is no need to rewrite the Traps - it's time to find out for ourselves the food preferences of our butterflies.
Here is an egg of meadow yolk on alfalfa sown.
P.S. I apologize for the error came out-this is definitely a multi-colored vyazel.

This post was edited by Penzyak - 01.10.2014 12: 10

picture: _________________________________________.jpg
_________________________________________.jpg — (294.47к)

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04.06.2014 22:13, Евгений88

Hus Ausonii were collected on field mustard, less often on common ground beetle.Butterflies prefer open terrain, gives one generation less often the second in size 2 generation Bolshev Belgorod region is rare met locally in the photo spring and summer formspicture: 20140604_230741_1_.jpg
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05.06.2014 6:07, rhopalocera.com

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, E. ausonia is actively expanding to the north, just as Melanargia russiae was once dispersed - now ausonia is already recorded within the city of Nizhny Novgorod (materials of last year).

Pages: 1 2

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