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Who will show more than mine! Oryctes nasicornis (Linnaeus,1758)

Community and ForumInsects imagesWho will show more than mine! Oryctes nasicornis (Linnaeus,1758)

Megacefal, 06.03.2016 9:51

Moldova, May 14, 2015, size 4.3 cm

picture: IMG_3960.JPG
IMG_3960.JPG — (267.88к)


06.03.2016 9:52, Megacefal

He is

picture: IMG_3962.JPG
IMG_3962.JPG — (342.05к)

Likes: 1

06.03.2016 9:53, Megacefal

he is

picture: IMG_3963.JPG
IMG_3963.JPG — (291.4к)

Likes: 1

06.03.2016 10:54, Black Coleopter

Challenge accepted! wink.gif
Likes: 5

07.03.2016 5:44, rhopalocera.com

Agrippina chtoli post...

07.03.2016 18:07, komaroff

.. At the moment, the largest insect is the stick insect Phobaeticus chani (Chang's Megapalochnik, Chang's Phobetikus) from the insects of the stick family (Phasmatidae). The length of this insect reaches a length of more than 50 cm. This giant entomologist scientists discovered in the jungles of the Malaysian state of Sabah.

picture: 0_8fc51_d40e15d7_orig.jpg
0_8fc51_d40e15d7_orig.jpg — (368.68к)

08.03.2016 4:31, ИНО

.. At the moment, the largest insect is the stick insect Phobaeticus chani (Chang's Megapalochnik, Chang's Phobetikus) from the insects of the stick family (Phasmatidae). The length of this insect reaches a length of more than 50 cm. This giant entomologist scientists discovered in the jungles of the Malaysian state of Sabah.

In the photo - never phobetikus, and Ctenomorpha chronus. And I once grew phobetikus from an egg a long time ago, though not chani, but serratipes, but also a noble animal.

08.03.2016 14:09, Victor Titov

Given the fact that the rhinoceros was followed by horns and even stick insects, and the proposal to expose Agrippina, maybe it was not worth opening a new topic, but limiting it to an existing one for a long time: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...%F1%EC%E5%ED%FB ?
In my opinion, moderators or topicstarter could move all posts there...

This post was edited by Dmitrich-08.03.2016 14: 10

10.03.2016 17:31, sebastes

You're probably right.
Rogach moved to the rogachs.
Likes: 1

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