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19.07.2006 22:36, Pirx

I do not know such students. In general, with diptera, as well as with straight-winged ones, we have a problem at the department.

Except for my wife, no one else is engaged in Orthoptera, and seriously did not.

For more information about diptera, please contact Yuri Arzanov (yarzanov@yandex.ru). Write to them in detail what you are doing and want to do. Ask your questions directly.

A belated but sincere thank you! I will contact Arzanov.

20.07.2006 19:46, Pirx

By the way, we have empty summer houses at the biostation. I think you can settle for free (if you are a student or employee of a university). There are several natural monuments nearby (steppe), the Don Delta (almost all of it is visible) and the Tanais Museum-reserve. Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, Nedvigovka village area.

And I was there in 1989, the places are cool. However, I had to spend the night in the museum-reserve. Even the presence of a lady did not help, and a rainy night was spent in the cab without the windows of an old broken truck. It would be better to go to the biostation! But I didn't know what a good place it was then... But it's true, lyrica. We got there by train from Rostov.
But, Alexey, how well are the steppe areas preserved there today? Are there bulbous ephemeroids, for example?

23.07.2006 21:11, Aleksey Adamov

And I was there in 1989, the places are cool. However, I had to spend the night in the museum-reserve. Even the presence of a lady did not help, and a rainy night was spent in the cab without the windows of an old broken truck. It would be better to go to the biostation! But I didn't know what a good place it was then... But it's true, lyrica. We got there by train from Rostov.
But, Alexey, how well are the steppe areas preserved there today? Are there bulbous ephemeroids, for example?

From the steppe areas there is a natural monument "Priazovskaya Steppe" (over the past decade, mesophytization of the monument has been observed). This monument is unique in that it consists of several sites of different ages of fallow land (from the 30s to 2002). My entire thesis was devoted to herpetobiont beetles of these sites.
There are still practically virgin areas in the area of the transition of the plakor to the floodplain terraces of the Dead Donets River (up to 3 terraces). These terraces and the floodplain + kamennaya balka (reserve of rare medicinal herbs) were allocated to the entomological refugium (butterfly markers). By A. N. Poltavsky and Co. ("Entomological refugiums in landscape farming systems. Ph/D. 2005").
According to Arzanov Yu. G. (who prefers the Caucasus to our places), he believes that the territory of the RSU biostation deserves great attention, despite the fact that it has been dripping there for 40 years. Unique variety of habitats, etc. in a small area...

24.07.2006 23:58, Pirx

From the steppe areas there is a natural monument "Priazovskaya Steppe"...


28.08.2006 16:51, unicum

Good afternoon! I have the opportunity to invite you to a night light fishing trip in the Kaluga forest district in Bor (20 min. from the city on foot), but leaving the house at night is a problem. Wife, one-year-old daughter, i.e. no way frown.gif
But Kaluga is not so far from Moscow, and I really want to talk to a LIVING insect collector... With an advance agreement, fishing is possible almost any day.

This post was edited by unicum - 29.08.2006 11: 13

25.12.2006 13:00, guest: andrewins

I am going to spend part of the 2007 field season (most likely July) in Abkhazia, in order to collect collection material on various groups of insects (mainly coleoptera) and pulmonate mollusks. I will be glad to see anyone who wants to join this expedition. Write to your email address andrewins@mail.ru (I put 3 @ icons against spam programs that extract email addresses from forums. You need to write as to a regular address with a single @icon).One really would not want to go, knowing the current morals of some strata of the population of this republic. If anyone is interested - write.

25.12.2006 14:03, KDG

In the field season of 2007 (most likely in July) I'm going to Abkhazia. I will collect material mainly on coleoptera and molluscs. One really would not want to go, knowing the current morals of some strata of the population of this republic. If anyone is interested - write.

Normal morals... I've been to one of them several times, and it's all right.

26.12.2006 23:28, andrewins


How long have you been there? A friend of friends smile.gifwho have recently been there says the attitude towards foreigners there has changed significantly over the past 5 years. Even, he says, they only had to walk along the ridges, bypassing local villages for kilometers, practically not going down into the valleys.

27.12.2006 3:01, Tigran Oganesov

A friend of mine had one last year - no problem. The people there are quite adequate, they love Russians. They don't like Georgians, they do. But here, you know, the political situation.

27.12.2006 9:37, KDG


How long have you been there? A friend of friends smile.gifwho have recently been there says the attitude towards foreigners there has changed significantly over the past 5 years. Even, he says, they only had to walk along the ridges, bypassing local villages for kilometers, practically not going down into the valleys.

In 2005-2006, I went to the Musser Reserve alone. On Gege he lived with the locals, and on Mamdzyshkhe he visited them. A friend and his wife went to Gumista - everything is OK.
The main thing is not to meddle with svans and not to climb on mines.

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