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Movies about insects

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Nilson, 29.03.2006 8:27

Now sometimes I come across films with entomological themes. I don't think many people want to waste time on any semi-fantastic stuff. I suggest you share your impressions from watching documentaries (and maybe even feature films) about insects. Still, the documentary from National Geographic, and, say, Discovers-almost all in the upper price category, and titles like "Hornets from Hell", "Alien World" and so on. somehow scare.


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29.03.2006 8:29, Nilson

Something translit I made a joke about National Geographic and Discovery smile.gif

29.03.2006 8:55, Bad Den

I was once given the movie "Microcosm" (http://www.videoguide.ru/card_relis.asp?id_relis=5623). I liked it, especially the music.

29.03.2006 10:26, Nilson

Microcosm is a classic, of course!
I recently watched "Blue Butterfly" about morpho hunting in the tropics. This is a rather pleasant feature film, but the recording quality is very lame.
In my opinion, it was shot by Canadians, based on real events, and for a non-documentary film there is a lot of interesting stuff about insects.

29.03.2006 14:59, RippeR

The microcosm is good.
The BBC also released a good series of 6 films, called Empire of Strangers. True, not all parts are so interesting, but in general it's not bad! And some of the good insects that I saw in the photos were actually even better.. And the facts are good.

29.03.2006 16:41, Nilson

Oh! Exactly, exactly, not the "alien world", but the empire! A good movie? I kept thinking yesterday: take it, don't take it? Today, then, I will take smile.gif

03.04.2006 8:40, Nilson

I watched Alien Empire. Really - six episodes. The movie is quite good and quite stylish, like all the VVS-shnoe. There are a lot of great moments - what are the shots of dragonflies hunting spiders worth! I didn't like the following:
1. Unqualified Russian translation. Callimorpha quadripunctaria is called a bear butterfly, and so on, with an emphasis on "disgusting venom, ""terrible predator," etc
. 2. The idea of the film itself. Basically, the relationship between humans and insects is shown. I was hoping to see more wild shots, and there the background is constantly flashing factories, landfills, cities, attics.

Overall rating - good!

03.04.2006 11:24, Bad Den

1. Unqualified Russian translation.

Rather than a translation, but a retelling...
It is in almost all movies like frown.gifthis

25.05.2006 13:58, Nilson

Yesterday I got the movie "Life in the Microcosm" (Life in the Undergrowth, I think, in the original). Five parts on two discs, produced by BBS, with Attenborough in the background. I liked it - a great movie about arthropods. Quite a lot of information on spiders and social insects. In style, it is designed in the spirit of " Plant Life "(if I do not misinterpret the name) with the same Attenborough.

25.05.2006 14:28, Helene

Mikrokosmos RULIT jump.gif
Nice to watch, especially in winter smile.gif

And as for names like "Alien Empire" - well, what can I say, a concession to consumer psychology... In general, you read the names of popular science films and especially articles - it seems that these names were invented after eating too much fly agaric... and brown ones at that lol.gif
It is just advisable to take a look at the film itself (at least a piece), and not make up an opinion, focusing only on the title.

Translation/retelling - a separate SONG eek.gifHere on the forum there is a topic "Jokes in translations" - there we already mentioned about fluffy from the American children's encyclopedia on CD (the translator called her a fool... cotton), and about the photo album with "butterflies and moths"... Because previously, when translating popular science articles, they used the services of consultants, but now-this will do. frown.gif
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25.05.2006 14:31, Nilson

Helene [and about the photo album with "butterflies and moths"...]
Which one is this? Paul Sterry, perhaps? There are just pearls!

25.05.2006 14:37, Helene

Helene [and about the photo album with "butterflies and moths"...]
Which one is this? Paul Sterry, perhaps? There are just pearls!

I don't remember, but most likely yes. Pearls there-yes, and everything is on the conscience of the translator.
If I were Sterry, I'd have to sue him, because what a mess they made of his work! eek.gif
And by the way, about the benefits of national names: tracing paper from American English led to the fact that all blue butterflies, regardless of the family, "became" pigeons.

This post was edited by Helene - 05/25/2006 14: 40
Likes: 1

25.05.2006 14:56, Bad Den

I don't remember, but most likely yes. Pearls there-yes, and everything is on the conscience of the translator.
If I were Sterry, I'd have to sue him, because what a mess they made of his work! eek.gif

Either to court, or send money to the Goblin - to transfer smile.gif

06.09.2006 17:20, Tyomochkin

Oh, that's right, not the alien world, but the empire! A good movie? I kept thinking yesterday: take it, don't take it? Today, then, I'll take it smile.gif

I have all the pieces! I don't know where or how to post it! Please tell me!

06.09.2006 21:53, Bad Den

You can go to www.rapidshare.de

18.09.2006 9:29, KingSnake

And I have " Life in the microcosm "(BBC), all the parts. If someone needs it, I can exchange it (by mail, parcel) for other documentaries about animals or nature. There is also a "Big Sting" (VVS), about poisonous insects and other animals. "Hornets from Hell "(National Geographic), about hornets from Japan. See the most complete catalog here - http://herpeto-volga.apus.ru/Katalog_DVD.doc
PS On rapid or other file sharing sites it is not possible to upload, as I sit on dialup'e.

21.09.2006 19:54, Apis

Has anyone heard about the film Mir near mir far released in the USSR approximately 197*g in response to the Western doc film about insects.

25.09.2006 9:42, Aleksandr Ermakov

I found only this information: "The world is near, the world is far "(1975) directed by G. Zhvania. But no more.
There are a lot of mandibles in Georgia....

25.09.2006 13:06, RippeR

I found the same information.. Probably the site was the same..

25.09.2006 19:14, Apis

I found only this information: "The world is near, the world is far "(1975) directed by G. Zhvania. But no more.

There is a 16 mm copy of this film, I did not see it myself, but they say that it was shot very well for that time. When I have time, I will try to digitize it, if there is no other option - this is a very dreary business.

05.10.2006 9:03, Aleksandr Ermakov

If we are talking about insects and movies here, tell me what the hell did the black bodies (Blaps, if I'm not mistaken) on the submarine U-571 .
I've been tormenting myself with this question for a very long time. You can't call them synanthropic species...
Attached file - a frame from the movie U-571

 the image is no longer on the site: жуки.јрд bugs.jpg — (31.4 k) 05.10.2006-19.10.2006
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05.10.2006 12:29, Bad Den

And this is probably because (versions):
1) afftars of the film heard that in the diet of sailors there is such a thing as crackers, which you need to tap on the table before you eat, because they very often contain larvae of khrushchaks, from the family, respectively, Tenebrionidae. So they found the first black chicks they saw and filmed them; smile.gif
2) somewhere I read that some insects (maybe even black-bodied beetles) are used to control the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air on a submarine (at a slightly higher concentration, they seem to die together);
3) these are specially trained naval black-bodied animals smile.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den - 10/05/2006 12: 32
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05.10.2006 12:48, RippeR

Ah perishing chernotelok hardly! (regarding the 2nd point) These animals are so tenacious that I have 2 black heifers without grub in a closed box kept alive from about May to the end of August, until I threw them out smile.gif
So all the sailors will have a rest there, if the boat goes to the bottom, in half a year they will pull the boat to dry land, and there will be smile.giflive blackbirds And in general such blackbirds are as immortal as four-point bears and four-point lichens, which you squeeze so that they already have all the insides out, and they get up and crawl on.. The only difference between chernotelko is that if you run them down, the latter will not get up.

05.10.2006 13:55, Guest

3) these are specially trained naval warblers smile.gif

That's right, and I get the impression that these are pets-the captain's favorites. Still, away from land and family, in the cold depths, I want a little affection and warmth, to take care of someone. So the captain took two beetles on a voyage. And what... they eat and breathe (it happens on a submarine) a little, you don't need to walk (they don't eat much and just put a navigation map on it, it's also easy to evacuate (in your pocket).
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05.10.2006 15:01, Proctos

I once saw the plot Insects and Hollywood, and they showed that the species composition is very limited. Only large, non-flying, sedentary, and easy-to-breed species. Remember who falls out of corpses, monsters, coffins, and so on. Just a laugh!

05.10.2006 16:11, Bad Den

Remember who falls out of corpses, monsters, coffins, and so on. Just a laugh!

Yes, most cockroaches are Gromphadorhina portentosa smile.gif
When I first watched the film "Mummy", I was also pleased with scarab beetles with "grinders" instead of mandibles lol.gif

On the other hand, in "The Silence of the Lambs" quite natural hawk moth flew (although very shabby - for many takes, apparently). But there, apparently, the director approached the matter responsibly.

This post was edited by Bad Den - 05.10.2006 21: 39

05.10.2006 20:15, RippeR

Bad Den: lol.gifThat's right, super! Especially the scarab beetles dinastiinae, which bite into the skinlol.gif, It was necessary to put a bloodthirsty Pentodon idiota, which by the end of the film would crawl to the victim lol.gif

Or scary movies where a person bites into a bun, and there is flour krushchak-That's not a good idea to eat in Korean fast food lol.gif

Guest: "gadyut is not enough and it is enough just to spread the navigation map"
And I thought these are the names on the map lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

08.02.2008 19:24, Nilson

I watched "Ants Attack" the other day.
So-so, more "no" than"yes". A movie about wandering African ants. Filming, in principle, is not bad, but the impression is quite strange. The text (in any case, the Russian translation) is designed for not very smart housewives in terms of semantic load. What they cost: "...Unlike ants, termites can see the", "perfectly...Who can move by himself-leaves the battlefield", all sorts of "nightmarish", "terrible", "monstrous" - at every step. The narrator's mentoring tone and monosyllabic infernal music are already depressing in the fifth minute. The film is packed with scenes of dismembering slugs and earthworms, eating live crabs from the inside and other delights.
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10.02.2008 22:01, VBoris

We have a series of programs called "Passion for Insects"on local TV. New, of course, is not enough, but what a great shooting!
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10.02.2008 22:04, VBoris

By the way, about the Microcosm. I first watched it on TV with Drozdov's comments (I liked this version better), and then I got it on disk without comments at all - it's a bit boring, although the video is just lovely! What version did you see?

19.02.2008 19:44, Victor Titov

I accidentally came across this on the Internet http://soft.mail.ru/pressrl_page.php?id=27075
Here are some short films about insect sex from Isabella Rossellini. Popularization, however...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 19.02.2008 19: 49

19.02.2008 21:11, Konstantin Shorenko

By the way, about the Microcosm. I first watched it on TV with Drozdov's comments (I liked this version better), and then I got it on disk without comments at all - it's a bit boring, although the video is just lovely! What version did you see?

I watched it without translation in French. Very entertaining. And there are practically no comments there. I haven't seen it with Drozdov, but of course I would like smile.gifto .

11.03.2008 13:50, guest: Stan

Once on the 1st program they showed a documentary about avtokrator and other Parnassians - "Butterflies of the Highlands" what... Our people did. I wish I could find him.

12.03.2008 11:40, entomolog

Once on the 1st program they showed a documentary about avtokrator and other Parnassians - "Butterflies of the Highlands" what... Our people did. I wish I could find him.

Title: Butterflies of the highlands
Abstract: In the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau of Kazakhstan, among mountain lakes and meadows, there are preserved butterflies of the sailboat family, which are listed in the Red Book. The film colorfully shows the stages of the butterfly's biological development from caterpillar, cocoon, to butterfly.
Genre: popular science
Production: Kazakhfilm Kazakhstan Tel: - Fax:
Year: 1986
Commissioned by: Gosteleradio USSR
Timekeeping: 0: 19: 25
Written by: Mukhamedgalieva L
Director: Mukhamedgalieva L
Cinematographer: Belyalov V.

12.03.2008 12:03, entomolog

And you can order a copy here:


12.03.2008 16:46, americanecz

Do you remember the series "Animal Dilogies" - about night fishing in South America???
There were Harlequins! Still a bunch of all sorts of whoppers!!! Even Titanus like!

13.03.2008 21:08, andros

And where can I watch about morpho?Very interesting, the tropics are particularly interesting.

21.08.2008 19:53, Андреас

Microcosm is a classic, of course!
I recently watched "Blue Butterfly" about morpho hunting in the tropics. This is a rather pleasant feature film, but the recording quality is very lame.
In my opinion, it was shot by Canadians, based on real events, and for a non-documentary film there is a lot of interesting stuff about insects.

- Stupidity and kugutstvo + golimaya deshovka. "I was spitting. I only liked the fact that a man left a woman for entomology.

This post was edited by Andreas - 08/21/2008 19: 53

21.08.2008 20:05, Андреас

When I first watched the film "Mummy", I was also pleased with scarab beetles with "grinders" instead of mandibles lol.gif

- Yes.... - after this film, I made good money on scarabs... wink.gifBut to ship and potdakivat idiots-buying, inspiration quickly ended. I'll never forget that feeling... - How BUD BETRAYED Fabre weep.gif lol.gif

21.08.2008 20:14, Трофим

And no one tried to make money on butterflies after the song glucose, butterflies in my head. Our society has a huge interest in insects and wakes up only after they are profigured in a song or in a movie. And the scarabs in the mummy, it's fear, you have to think of such a thing. The only interpretation not of insects but of arthropods is true, I liked it in the movie about King Kong, where a hefty scolopenlra is very realistically depicted, I liked it.

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