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X-treme collecting insects

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsX-treme collecting insects

Bad Den, 03.05.2006 11:27

By the way, has anyone tried chasing butterflies in the mountains (2.5-3000 m)? wink.gif This, I'll tell you, is hunting so hunting. Altitude+ butterfly flight + wind + ground roughness = azt occupation rolleyes.gif smile.gif


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04.05.2006 7:54, Dmitry Vlasov

I tried it... Once on Issyk-Kul , on the "hills" (height 2800-3000), I tried to catch a swallowtail. Immediately with one swing did not catch, and foolishly rushed after him as if on a plain. Twenty meters later, he collapsed and lay there for fifteen minutes, gasping for air until the blackness in his eyes passed. A black calf is nothing, it is easy to collect at such heights, the main thing is not to run, but to go slowly, slowly.

04.05.2006 9:51, sealor

Yes, it also happened! We really don't have such heights, but I had other "aggravating circumstances". In a large ravine with an abundance of additional gullies, I chased some kind of draughtsman, and she flew over the hills and through the gorges - I didn't catch up, because of the sweat I couldn't see anything anymore and there was practically nothing to breathe with, then I barely caught my breath. As it turned out later, at that time (310705) there was an effective temperature of approx. +50C with absolute calm....

04.05.2006 11:33, Bad Den

I tried it... Once on Issyk-Kul , on the "hills" (height 2800-3000), I tried to catch a swallowtail. Immediately with one swing did not catch, and foolishly rushed after him as if on a plain. Twenty meters later, he collapsed and lay there for fifteen minutes, gasping for air until the blackness in his eyes passed. A black-calf nothing, it is easy to collect at such heights, the main thing is not to run, but to go slowly, slowly.

And it also happens that marmot holes come across. Suddenly smile.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den-05/04/2006 11: 33

08.05.2006 17:47, dabb

at an altitude of about 2000 meters, I chased after all sorts of erebies and checkers. That's really a "buzz". There are hills everywhere, cobblestones underfoot, some terribly prickly plants scratching.... For what a joy it is when at last, tired, unhappy, scratched and bruised, I put in the stain what I was chasing jump.gif
And around the same borderless mountains, quiet, taintsvennye, huge, fresh air and wind, the mood increases))
Another thing is to go for a few hours uphill at a temperature of 40C, while from time to time running after an insect, sweaty, angry, and this creature also flew somewhere mad.gif

10.05.2006 16:23, Nilson

I suggest you share your impressions of catching insects in "extreme" conditions. Actually, the continuation of the topic in Z. polyxena.
I also caught on three thousand, although I didn't have any special breathing problems. Yes, and the butterflies there tried, after flying a little, to hide in the moraine. It was too bad on the slopes, in the "green" and about five thousand, but there are a lot of insects lying already frozen in such snow pits-just collect them.
The worst part was when I wandered into a thicket of nettles in the floodplain of the Berezina river about two meters under - the heat is about thirty, a T-shirt and shorts – wow, the condition!

10.05.2006 16:35, Helene

I fished at 3000 m, and in a dry steppe in forty-degree heat, and on a peat bog overgrown with pine (boots get bogged down, twigs under my feet...)
But nothing compares to the extreme invasion of simulids!!! eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif
This has happened twice in my life. It is impossible to work in principle: these bastards are clogged in the eyes, nose, and ears... A complete mess of midges!
And do you know where this happened? Not in the Magadan region and not in Ugra. The first time-near Novosibirsk, the second time - in the Voronezh region. Here and there-the steppe. Just a massive outbreak of this very midge. wink.gif

10.05.2006 16:43, Nilson

The midge is a noble thing. The funny thing is that they also did not bother me very much on Kola, although there was a sea of them there, and the heat was under 25 for two weeks! A full out occurred on the river Ptitch, in Belarus, in the month of May-those raids of mosquitoes and midges will not forget! In addition, there was an invasion of some moths in Dubnyaki. They completely covered the tent awning in half an hour, falling from a tree, in some places in two layers.

10.05.2006 16:53, Helene

The midge is a noble thing. The funny thing is that they also did not bother me very much on Kola, although there was a sea of them there, and the heat was under 25 for two weeks! A full out occurred on the river Ptitch, in Belarus, in the month of May-those raids of mosquitoes and midges will not forget! In addition, there was an invasion of some moths in Dubnyaki. They completely covered the tent awning in half an hour, falling from a tree, in some places in two layers.

Well, at least butterflies don't bite! smile.gif
And what kind of moths? Go to www.leps.it (photo gallery of butterflies in nature): can you recognize it?

11.05.2006 8:29, Nilson

Well, at least butterflies don't bite! smile.gif
And what kind of moths? Go to www.leps.it (photo gallery of butterflies in nature): can you recognize it?

I didn't specify - they were still caterpillarssmile.gif, I took a few of them (we drove a dozen more hares), but none of them survived. Maybe I'll look it up in the caller ID at home.
By the way, the most extreme, perhaps, was the capture of A. bredowii (there were several dozen of them flying there) in California in front of an active member of the society of nature lovers smile.gif

11.05.2006 15:28, Pavel Morozov

It was a very long time ago, in Lermontovo, (between Dzhubga and Tuapse) at the very end of June. I saw an oak hawk moth sitting on a farm shed. I didn't want to go over the fence. I tried to call the owners, I thought, I'll explain in a human way - they'll let me in. No one responded. I quietly climbed over the fence, but before I could get close to the butterfly, the owner's dog noticed me. I jumped back like Sergey Bubka!

11.05.2006 16:49, Nilson

Yeah, I had a similar experience, only in Virginia, and the owner came out with a Winchester - it was a good thing that the barn was somehow out of the way and not fenced. Moreover, I also tried to catch a hawk moth smile.gif. The host was, however, a rather pleasant bourgeois. I then often caught there.

06.06.2006 17:25, Aleksey Adamov

I had an extreme experience that lasted 1.5 years. I lived on the territory of the RSU Educational and Experimental Farm, 1 km from the nearest village. Besides me, a couple of drunks lived there (in the next house). The houses there are not residential-thin walls, plasterboard ceiling without insulation, water in 50 meters in the spring, heating "manual" - "Russian oven" occasionally you could use electricity (the first year it was not at all), toilet on the street (20 m).
I lived there for the sake of scientific work, because all this farm is surrounded by fields, deposits of different ages (PP "Steppe Priazovskaya"), on the other hand - the delta of the Don River. In general, I worked there all year round. In the summer it is normal there. But in winter... worse. At the same time, I studied at the university: I got up at 5: 30, went to the train (1.5 km), studied, at 17:00 or 20:00 - back to the train and at 19: 00 or 22: 00 I'm home. And in winter, it's dark at this time... And go through plowing (field diagonally-so faster)... And the plowing is frozen and I'm in my shoes and weekend clothes... And at home, at best, +5. Night... The stove eats a bag of firewood... There is no firewood, we need to go to the forest belt and chop.... Night... If you cut it, then by 00:00 in the house +30. In the morning +5... at 5:30 I get up, undress (I slept in T-shirts, a sweater, and two pants), put on normal clothes and go to uni.

And from autumn to spring there are still mice come to spend the winter - this is generally tryndets....
I shot them from the air and crushed them with crushers. For 1 hour (in the evening), 20-30 mice were killed. The noise of the crushers made it impossible to sleep. Mice lived in the system unit of my computer, they dragged bread there... (but the computer worked).

This is true... briefly and without listing the consequences.

06.06.2006 20:04, sealor

Oh, my God!! Really scary! Given my fear of the cold, it's not the distance, but the schedule that's creepy for me! This is not everyone's phenotype, however! But on the other hand, what is there to do in winter, because all the entomofauna is in suspended animation?

06.06.2006 21:18, Aleksey Adamov

Over the summer, I accumulated a lot of materials, settled there, made a lot of equipment, cut off communication with the city and those apartments in which I rented rooms. In addition, money was tight for renting a room.
I lied to my parents (in the village) that I would be better off there (they didn't see anything about it).

Despite the small health costs (acute respiratory infections and kidney stones: already out), I do not regret this experience.

By the way, when I lived there, a lot of my classmates envied me (native residents of Rostov) that they say " I can do what I want and when I want... completely free and the hut is there." And then I offered them this place, so that my things would be guarded for one thing, while I lived in the dorm... they abruptly changed their minds about being envious.

06.06.2006 22:07, sealor

In general, in principle, if you adjust several parameters-an ideal place to work. It is necessary to have a stable electric power supply, then the microclimate is not a problem and health problems will go away, literature, tools, devices, a minimum of the human factor and you can work just fine.
True, mice, on the one hand, it's great when kaya's animals run around, but it's all about quantity, the main thing is that they don't eat anything and don't go to bed. Well, the material and the bed can be isolated somehow, you can isolate the room itself, plug the holes.

07.06.2006 8:22, Nilson

Yes, in what conditions are scientists forged cadres!

In general, in principle, if you adjust several parameters-an ideal place to work. It is necessary to have a stable electric power supply, then the microclimate is not a problem and health problems will go away, literature, tools, devices, a minimum of the human factor and you can work just fine.
True, mice, on the one hand, it's great when kaya's animals run around, but it's all about quantity, the main thing is that they don't eat anything and don't go to bed. Well, the material and the bed can be isolated somehow, you can isolate the room itself, plug the holes.

A little financial injection - and you look grew a mansion smile.gif
I don't quite agree about the mice. When they run around the barns, and if you want to talk to them-please, but when on your face-forgive me for all my love for animals... I had mice at home in Adygea and spent nights chasing walnuts behind the cabinet-persistently until four in the morning. No love, believe me.

07.06.2006 9:01, Bad Den

Mice and kidney stones are all bullshit! A person under such conditions was not only engaged in science, but also able to get married smile.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den-07.06.2006 09: 02

07.06.2006 10:05, Dmitry Vlasov

The most important thing is that the mice are not infected with any nasty things - tuleryamia, hemorrhagic fever, etc. Compared to these sores, kidney stones and getting married are really nothing!

07.06.2006 13:21, Aleksey Adamov

The most important thing is that the mice are not infected with any nasty things - tuleryamia, hemorrhagic fever, etc. Compared to these sores, kidney stones and getting married are really nothing!

By the way, just in this place (where I lived) there is the largest focus of tularemia in Russia. But all students must be vaccinated against it.
And there were mice everywhere. We ate beetles on pins, tore apart layers, and in the morning you could find a mouse in a loaf of bread. They didn't climb on my face (although I could sleep soundly... smile.gif ), but the pillows were dissected. There was no way to fill up the burrows, otherwise they would have made new walls.

A little bit of the mice helped the cat. I took it after 3 months of hell. A Persian kitten in its 3-4 months has learned to smother them in packs. Only then did the mice begin to be afraid of something.

07.06.2006 13:30, Guest

By the way, has anyone tried chasing butterflies in the mountains (2.5-3000 m)? wink.gif This, I'll tell you, is hunting so hunting. Altitude+ butterfly flight + wind + uneven ground = nice activity rolleyes.gif smile.gif

And you tried to run for a swallowtail in a rise in 14 degrees, you can try, you will like it, I assure you jump.gif

07.06.2006 16:08, Bad Den

And you tried to run for a swallowtail in a rise in 14 degrees, you can try , you will like it, I assure you jump.gif

Can I count on that for sure? smile.gif

07.06.2006 19:00, Pavel Morozov

Worse than any natural factors - human.
I heard that a Czech from China flew in with nothing more than a bottle of Coca-Cola.

Even the equipment was taken away.

07.06.2006 21:50, Aleksey Adamov

About the human factor. When I lived in UOH RGU, no one touched me, although the conditions were suitable for smashing up there, and there is a lot of trash going around there.
Self-taught botanists from Rostov come there every summer to make various potions from canaplets. There it is in bulk and no one touches them.

07.06.2006 22:40, sealor

The fact that the human factor is creepy is for sure. Here you can distinguish between direct and indirect influence. Indirectly, most of the public wasps of their genus Vespula settle in human buildings, and for frequent access to the nest, nothing needs to be permanently broken. But.. I was especially hit for trying to remove thermal insulation from pipes and for moving slabs in flower beds.
And because of the direct influence, I still "hesitate" to go night fishing, since there is no one with whom, and one in our "night forest" does not feel comfortable, few people will fly to the light. smile.gif

"When I was living in WOH RSU, I wasn't touched by anyone"
I wonder why? Iron fist or RSU on the house saved but anti-aircraft gun in the yard put? smile.gif

08.06.2006 9:39, Bad Den

Most likely, this is why- " Self-taught botanists from Rostov come there every summer to brew various potions from canapli. There is a lot of it there and no one touches them."
It happens. For example, when you use a net to mow through vegetation, and then use an exhauster to pick it out, you get the impression that you are inhaling some fumes - sometimes they take

08.06.2006 9:53, sealor

"They took me for the same", but it follows then that the company could well ask for a house, but there, I don't know how it is accepted there, to blow for the company or whatever it is called smile.gif
Once a patrol clung to me - I was smoking honeybees out of a pillar, in general, it was necessary, and the pillar was overgrown with bushes from below, and I was blowing smoke over them there. Asked to leave -what do you do, what do you smoke? "I smoke out bees - what bees?"??
If they climbed into the bush, there were a lot of tools lying there, tweezers, scissors, but most importantly, there were a lot of bees hanging and flying. In general, the doblesnaya militia backed away from the bush, and quickly disappeared in an unknown direction smile.gif

08.06.2006 10:54, Dmitry Vlasov

The human factor has to be taken into account constantly. But it is not always possible to insure against fools. I once collected beetles in the valley of a small river, and next to a peony. So I decided to shorten the path by passing through its territory. I'm coming, there's no one here, there's a shift change. The grandfather watchman climbs out-where they say. I was picking mushrooms, I got lost, I'm going to the road. He's lucky for you, my dear, that the guards left, otherwise they beat strangers first. and then they ask who, why, etc....

08.06.2006 11:20, Aleksey Adamov

"When I was living in WOH RSU, I wasn't touched by anyone"
I wonder why? Iron fist or RSU on the house saved but anti-aircraft gun in the yard put? smile.gif

I don't know. But there were no anti-aircraft guns, that's for sure smile.gif

Maybe they respected me for living in the same shit as they did.
Or maybe they were afraid... like, " fuck knows what kind of guy he is. He doesn't live in the city, he's hiding from someone or something ...".

Around my neighbors-drunks constantly a bunch of local spun (from neighboring villages: Bruise, Nedvigovka). Sometimes they came to chat and asked me what I was doing and why the fuck I needed beetles. And everything. And mass drinking parties, fights, etc. were arranged right in front of my door. But I wasn't drawn in. We were woken up a couple of times at 2:00 and 4:00. Once a neighbor who was beaten to pieces asked the police to call her, yelled like a cut, and the second time a drunk man showed up with a smashed face, asking for rags, water and bandages.

08.06.2006 11:31, RippeR

My friend and I were poking at stumps in the park in the winter, and there were cops there. So they come up and ask-what are you doing here (their bewilderment was probably great when they saw 2 guys picking at stumps and other rubbish when Snego is lying on the street). We said we were collecting insects, but it took them a long time to understand what we were doing. Until they showed the test tubes with insects, then they fell behind, laughing.

13.06.2006 18:24, sealor

Today I was attacked by dogs during a trip out of town. I was driving in a field along a wooded strip, and I saw a woman with a large dog like a bulldog, and two smaller dogs like a mongrel running around among the trees. So these two little ones attacked like that, they started not only barking, but also grabbing with their teeth. The bulldog also wanted to join, but for some reason he was offended and was not allowed to participate smile.gif
And how can you protect yourself from this? There was once a discussion in a conversation about an ultrasound generator for scaring dogs. I wonder if he will go against the bulldog, and even works? Maybe carry firecrackers or something?

13.06.2006 19:53, Pavel Morozov

From dogs, they say the stun gun helps.

13.06.2006 20:31, sealor

You can't wear a taser here. In addition, if it is already gnawing at you, then you can still use it, but not at a distance. Yes, and it is expensive.
Here are two articles ( 1 2 ), where there is a description of this problemma. Most of all I liked about shag with pepper, you need to make smile.gif

13.06.2006 21:44, Bad Den

Very well helps drin thicker and stronger, tested.

13.06.2006 21:55, Pavel Morozov

One year before last, I was catching butterflies on the lawn, and an old man was walking a big dog next to me. I folded the hoop just in case, left the aluminum holder. I caught up with them, the dog came to me, I asked the old man, they say, will not bite? "Don't swing the stick, then it won't bite."
At the sight of the "dog" there was no desire to swing a stick even in self-defense, despite the fact that I am a dog lover with experience.

If the dog is with the owner, then it can be trained and grab the hand if you swing at it. If one or two mongrels - then a stick, probably you can hit.
But if a pack with a bitch in heat or something like that, then it's better to go away.

13.06.2006 21:55, Pavel Morozov

That's how you will swing a net, and you don't know what the dog has in mind.

13.06.2006 21:59, RippeR

The best weapon against dogs is legs! smile.gif

13.06.2006 22:44, sealor

RippeR, it depends on how you understand smile.gifkicking-it's dangerous. Even a small dog is dangerous with a bite, it will bite on the leg, then you will think whether it is rabid or not. And if this is in the sense of "11 karate moves"- then it is not always possible to run away from not every dog.
A net to hit again, only for small mongrels. And drin - is that a baseball bat to carry with you or a golf stick:) Sticks aren't everywhere. And if on a bicycle, then almost everyone tries to bark at least. And it happens that they bite on the wheel or on the legs of the pants. In general, the question is ethological - what is it that dogs do not like so many bicycles, it is necessary to ask in classical biology smile.gif

14.06.2006 0:36, RippeR

1) dogs are afraid of stones, if you throw, then at least it will pull, and then it will be easier to understand
2) a blow with any object on the nose - the dog is no longer an opponent.. The best thing is to hit with the foot (it is easier to hit and the probability of being bitten on the foot is very small. Of course, you need to act confidently, and not barely)

14.06.2006 7:49, Dmitry Vlasov

Yes, and before hitting the dog on the nose, it's also good to pull the kirzachi heavier on your legs.

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