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Share information about catching in Papua New Guinea

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsShare information about catching in Papua New Guinea

Сергей Королев, 14.07.2009 16:39

If someone has had experience fishing in New Guinea (West Papua)-please share. The place is not enough to say, abandoned. So any first-hand information is worth its weight in gold. Specifically interested in:
- the attitude of local (people and authorities) to fishing;
- Security checks for local flights in West (Indonesian) Papua;
- police control in cities and jungles;
- the region of the trip is Manokvari. Arfak Nature Reserve surroundings.


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14.07.2009 17:00, taler

As far as I know, fishing and export of any fauna in any condition is strictly prohibited.The laws are harsh and there are no indulgences for foreigners.

14.07.2009 17:12, Сергей Королев

14.07.2009 23:16, swerig

If about irian (Indonesian part)- no problem - the problem is knowing the crocs, where and what to catch. In the jungle, you can climb for months and not see anything!!! Absolutely nothing. Papuan children eat insects (only children!!!!) . You can buy them for a penny (mostly stick insects and beetles). There are no international flights to Irian ( or there were no flights 3 years ago) from Sumatra. take the guide tracker at the airport. no way without them. grub is not included in their price. you will have to feed yourself, you can give what remains after you. take strong shoes and a lot of Band-Aid - blood gushes at a small cut. like a dead boar. export without any problems. the main thing on arrival is to pay some money to the police. tracker guides will tell you everything. be careful with the cars, they're really dead. everything on Irian is three times more expensive than on the other islands. shop in the city guides will carry everything themselves. Papuans don't know the value of money. they can charge 10,000,000 bins for a stickman.
in short, if you have something specific to ask - wellcome. I haven't been to Png. A friend told me. that even in Port Moresby, it's best not to go out at night. all hotels are fenced with thorns. but whores bring free
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15.07.2009 5:11, guest: proctos

On the Zin website, there is a report about the expedition of D. Telnov, not quite the same, but still...
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15.07.2009 11:08, Сергей Королев

Dear swerig,
I sincerely appreciate your valuable information. Any additional questions:

1. Neponyatka with permitami-they can only be obtained in Jayapura and Jakarta, or you can on arrival in Manokwari (this is about paying the police money)? Or do you mean a bribe for the opportunity to take it out?

2. How will the guide react to the fact that I will swing a net in front of his eyes? He might want to turn me in to the police later. Or do the guides not care, as long as they pay for their services?

3. Which airport is better to take a guide - in Jakarta or Manokwari (In Sumatra or already in Irian Jaya)?

4. What is the regime in the Arfak Mountains Nature Reserve?

5. Are there any police posts on the jungle roads and how do the police look at people with nets?

6. Limit yourself to Lariam or get another yellow fever shot? Is there any danger in the water in the hotel (amoebas, etc.)? It is necessary to lie down a little after flights.

15.07.2009 11:15, Dr. Niko

If someone has had experience fishing in New Guinea (West Papua)-please share. The place is not enough to say, abandoned. So any first-hand information is worth its weight in gold. Specifically interested in:
- the attitude of local (people and authorities) to fishing;
- Security checks for local flights in West (Indonesian) Papua;
- police control in cities and jungles;
- the region of the trip is Manokvari. Arfak Nature Reserve surroundings.

Sergey, as they say, nothing personal, but still very curious to know who you work for, or at least in what field? smile.gif

15.07.2009 11:18, Сергей Королев

Associate Professor-I teach economics, plus a bit of business in the field of audit and accounting services.

15.07.2009 14:11, mikee

Dear swerig,
I sincerely appreciate your valuable information. Any additional questions:

1. Neponyatka with permitami-they can only be obtained in Jayapura and Jakarta, or you can on arrival in Manokwari (this is about paying the police money)? Or do you mean a bribe for the opportunity to take it out?

2. How will the guide react to the fact that I will swing a net in front of his eyes? He might want to turn me in to the police later. Or do the guides not care, as long as they pay for their services?

3. Which airport is better to take a guide - in Jakarta or Manokwari (In Sumatra or already in Irian Jaya)?

4. What is the regime in the Arfak Mountains Nature Reserve?

5. Are there any police posts on the jungle roads and how do the police look at people with nets?

6. Limit yourself to Lariam or get another yellow fever shot? Is there any danger in the water in the hotel (amoebas, etc.)? It is necessary to lie down a little after the flights.

Since you are from Moscow, do not be too lazy to drive to the Bird Market and talk to Boris Zhuravlev at the entomological store. As far as I remember, he went to the exact places you're going to this spring. According to him, not everything is sweet there and there are problems with guides, equipment, local population and fishing spots. It is better to call in advance (phone number on the website) and ask about the presence of Boris ain Moscow and in the store.

15.07.2009 15:15, Сергей Королев

Boris Arkadyevich's business card is just lying in front of me smile.gif
I was going to call him the other day. Only he was in Borneo in the spring. And Borneo and Irian are completely different regions of Indonesia.

15.07.2009 15:30, mikee

Boris Arkadyevich's business card is just lying in front of me smile.gif
I was going to call him the other day. Only he was in Borneo in the spring. And Borneo and Irian are completely different regions of Indonesia.

He told me about a trip to Indonesia's Papua, if I remember correctly.

17.07.2009 17:24, Сергей Королев

But even the "papuan" knows how to catch in the jungle...
image: ___. JPG
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17.07.2009 19:25, El Cazador

And why is he interested in the fabric is bright red, maybe he's a communist? lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

18.07.2009 11:35, Сергей Королев

Those who were butterflies in a previous life say: "Butterflies can distinguish between red, yellow and green."..

What do you think about the fact that butterflies are also communists:
picture: ___2.JPG

This guy is also a communist:
picture: ___3.JPG

I'm not laughing. Scour the jungle for a month in a muddle, return home without a trophy, and then look at these photos. You'll cry weep.gif!!! After all, all you have to do is spread out a rag.
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20.07.2009 0:56, Pavel Udovichenko

Boris Arkadyevich's business card is just lying in front of me smile.gif
I was going to call him the other day. Only he was in Borneo in the spring. And Borneo and Irian are completely different regions of Indonesia.

Dear Sergey, Zhuravlev really was in Papua (in Irian, in the Sentani region) in the spring on my tip! In addition, he went immediately after the Sinyaev-Romanenko-Zamesov expedition, which worked for two months (December-January) in the same place, plus the central territories. I can give you the coordinates of the person on Irian who will arrange everything for you. Write to my email address: entoterra@mail.ru.

21.07.2009 7:35, Karat

I apologize for the offtop.
Only birdwings fly on red cloth? Or is it also relevant in the conditions of Siberia?

21.07.2009 10:45, Сергей Королев

I didn't check it myself... Who do you want to attract there? If there aren't enough colors and the object is sailboats, it should work.
Everything has its own characteristics. Thus, in the Pamirs, male avtokrators "pecked" well on a piece of toilet paper on a stick stuck in the ground.

21.07.2009 10:50, Karat

I didn't think that the Parnassians could be lured.
other species of this genus will fly to something similar? tenedius, Eversmann for example?

21.07.2009 11:52, Сергей Королев

Well, with Eversmans, it's not such a problem to catch without bait. Here are the autocrats and some SSPs. charltonius (for example, mistericus) very quickly fly on steep slopes. So it is very difficult here without bait.

05.09.2009 12:39, Сергей Королев

So I came back from West Papua (Papua Borat).
In principle, everything is not very complicated... And birdwings are also not difficult to find (Papuans with red nets are a clear sign of their presence nearby).
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 5.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
Vehicle (oddly enough, but not worse than a jeep properla on very blurry mountain roads):
picture: 7.jpg
Simple "Ryazan guys":
picture: 6.jpg

This post was edited by Sergey Korolev - 05.09.2009 12: 41
Likes: 19

09.09.2009 14:46, Сергей Королев

If any of the forum participants decide to go to West Papua , I strongly recommend that you contact me for advice. I'm sick!!!
All travelers and butterfly catchers in Papua follow the "popular" law invented by the Papuans that whites without a guide should not go anywhere, drive a car on their own. And everywhere they have "pajak" - that is, a tax for passing through the territory of " kampung "(village). I managed to talk to a member of the Papuan parliament (who sits in Jakarta) - of course, there is no official law.
I personally drove everywhere myself, walked around the lands without guides and interpreters (although the province of Manokwari, the Arfak Mountains are not such impassable territories. In the interior of the island, Papuans can be more aggressive). When an impudent, trinketty face just demanded "pajak" - I always answered:" saya tidak tahu, " - that is,"I don't understand shit." For 3 weeks, I gave only 15,000 rupees (45 rubles) to the trinkets.
Some nature lovers (Japanese, Dutch) give Papuans 50-100 pupaars a day just like that! After such tourists, it is very difficult to send local golodran. Don't teach people to get paid just for living on the land. LABOR MADE OF ... (we observe political correctness, you know who) of a PERSON. Let them learn to work, not extort money!
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09.09.2009 19:52, El Cazador

Judging by the abundance of red in the clothes of "ordinary Ryazan residents", these are the most important bird-wing catchers. lol.gif
But seriously, you yourself have tried to catch butterflies on the red color, which in addition to birdwings comes across. Yes, and you can post photos of mattresses, it's terribly interesting!!!!

09.09.2009 20:47, Сергей Королев

The material is in envelopes, so you won't be able to upload photos - you can't see anything.
And the red is not something that flies, but some species react. Almost all avian bats (paradisea, tithonus, priamus) plotted their trajectory over the red rag, but most of them were at an altitude of 3-5 meters. Therefore, the nets of Papuans are very long (see photo). Troides obloruacalatus reacted 50-50.
In addition to birdwings, various sailboats (Ulysses, Papilio lorquinianus) and graphiums reacted to red. But the same Papilio Ulysses and lorquinianus are much more effective to attract to the wings. Where Papuans are caught, all streams are littered with various levels of decomposition of the remains of wing baits.

When you get your hands on what you've collected, there will also be photos. Not now, but the time will come...
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13.09.2009 12:36, Сергей Королев

Not strictly by family, but still:
Delias-just sobbing looking at them. It is necessary to live there for months and catch only them. So, parasites, fly fast. Here's just what came up along the way. Alcides agathyrsus is not uncommon, but I have long dreamed of seeing it in nature:
Who's that?" Help:

This post was edited by Sergey Korolev - 13.09.2009 12: 46
Likes: 15

13.09.2009 13:16, Tomas.Adzkee

And the beetles? where are the beetles?

13.09.2009 13:34, Сергей Королев

13.09.2009 21:03, swerig

And this is like
Miyana moluccana (Felder, 1860)
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14.09.2009 20:17, El Cazador

And where are the birdwings?

14.09.2009 21:45, omar

No need for birdwings! You never know...

15.09.2009 4:35, Guest

No need for birdwings! You never know...

Come on! If the dead ones were lying around, why not show them? smile.gif

15.09.2009 9:00, omar

Come on! If the dead ones were lying around, why not show them? smile.gif

How can you prove it later? smile.gif

15.09.2009 11:08, chebur

Did you catch the light?

15.09.2009 15:56, Сергей Королев

http://www.nagypal.net/foerstes.htm - this is for those who want photos of birdwings.
"I was passing by and didn't come in," some kind of kindergarten. If you do not put birdwing fishing on the stream like papuans (I am actively against this approach), then it is cheaper to buy them legally with all permits. I was more interested in observing them in nature, rather than catching them.

I didn't catch it in the light. You need to know or search for places. Time was short, so it would not be right to bother with the generator. But where I was (of course, it was places above 500 m not on the coast) on the headlights generally arrival 0.

PS This is not all the material, but only what I managed to make out. To be continued...

15.09.2009 19:50, swerig

Sergey!!! Were there any satires???

16.09.2009 12:20, Сергей Королев

Of course, there were satires, but not many interesting ones...

16.09.2009 12:25, Victor Titov

As a result of the trip, not a single beetle was injured eek.gif-! joke!
But in a short period of time (21 days of pure time), without a clear goal, there is nothing to brag about beetles.

[url=http://www.nagypal.net/foerstes.htm] PS This is not all the material, but only what I managed to make out. To be continued...

Looking forward to it! jump.gif Only show beetles if possible... Well, those that can't be bragged about... shuffle.gif

16.09.2009 18:10, swerig

Of course, there were satires, but not many interesting ones...

Damn for me, they are all interesting there!!!

16.09.2009 19:34, Сергей Королев

I don't think that, for example, Melanitis leda is particularly interesting...

As I will sort, and there will be photos. Life isn't just about butterflies...

16.09.2009 19:38, swerig

Hyalodia tenisquamosa was not found by chance???

16.09.2009 21:22, Сергей Королев


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