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Entomology - public education

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsEntomology - public education

Трофим, 12.08.2009 16:44

Such a question is who is on the forum who conducts educational entomological activities among the general population. I know that Alexey Benediktov led, I don't know if he is now leading a circle of etymology, Papis did exhibitions. I'm interested in a plan for an entomology class. Last year, I taught an entomology class for three months. One guy even started taking a serious interest in insects. The age categories were different. But practice has shown that you need to take children from grades 2-8 (who are not yet particularly busy in sections and have more free time), although it is more convenient for me to work with teenagers, they are smarter and they can be interested in speech. The most pleasant thing after classes is to hear thanks for stories about insects, to see smiles and interest in the eyes of people who previously did not even wonder who insects are and why a person is so dismissive or hostile to them. Now, when I also visited an environmental camp in the house of pioneers in the summer, I noticed the following after one of the conversations. Among teenagers, you can see reflection when they are interested in what you are telling them, but younger children 3-4 grade (I do not speak a scientific language) they still do not keep up and you need to stop asking leading questions so that they actively participate arrange some games they can not be configured only with the help of speech. Considering that the lesson lasts 2 hours with a break of 15-20 minutes, it's not easy for me to talk for only 2 hours, zero equipment (not even a board), no aquariums, no styrofoam, I carry everything from home in a backpack, and they don't allocate funds for this either. I need to create 72 popular science topics. About 46 I have. I once tried to conduct classes on families, but this is generally a jungle, especially without a projector.

I appeal to everyone who has experience of such work, has plans, has links to circles, interesting literature in the style
of Dmitriev D. Yu. Neighbors on the planet. Moscow: Children's literature.

Who can give advice, link. I have already downloaded a lot of works on September 1, on http://www.ecosystema.ru/ , I tell stories about the trip and excursions that we have in our country. But we need more. Interested in interesting facts from the life of insects, myths, legends. I build my lesson in the style of Air Force films, popular science, but, unfortunately, without a projector yet, although I also shoot a little myself.

This post was edited by Trofim - 04.04.2011 23: 40


12.08.2009 16:49, Трофим

Here's how it was:

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12.08.2009 23:27, Konstantin Shorenko

I really didn't think that someone would follow this path smile.gifWell, hello, colleague! I have been training young people for a long time. basic information about our center is available here http://www.on-line.crimea.ua/active/intellect.html about the small Academy of sciences the link is like this, http://www.on-line.crimea.ua/active/intellect_man.html (izvestiya can be downloaded in pdf format)
If you need something else, go to the mailbox feo_intellekt@ukr.net
Likes: 1

13.08.2009 18:42, Трофим

Thank you Konstantin, I am still far from reaching the level of your circle. But now I'll know who to turn to for advice.

14.08.2009 22:56, Konstantin Shorenko

always happy to help smile.gif
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15.08.2009 7:11, PVOzerski

Try contacting Alexey Kupriyanov (Saint Petersburg) - http://tinea.narod.ru/

And if you are interested in clubs that are not only entomological, then here are two more addresses:

http://www.hydrola.ru (Laboratory of Marine Benthic Ecology, created by E. A. Nienburg and now directed by his students V. M. Khaytov and A. V. Poloskin; Palace of Youth Creativity, St. Petersburg)

http://youngbotany.spb.ru - laboratory of Botany, head I. V. Cherepanov. It is also based there.

This post was edited by PVOzerski - 08/20/2009 18: 08
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15.08.2009 8:29, entomolog

There were three circles in St. Petersburg, in the Palace of Pioneers, in Zina (A. K. Zagulyaev), and in Uni (A. V. Kupriyanov). But now there is only one functioning, Leshi Kupriyanov. Take a look here:
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15.08.2009 16:28, Yakovlev

The experience of the Petr Ustyuzhanin Children's entomological club in Novosibirsk is interesting. Raised 3 candidates...
write to petrust@mail.ru
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24.08.2009 13:15, Трофим

Thank you all for the links. Today I submitted a plan for 72 topics. smile.gif Now you will need to strain your brain what to tell in these topics for 2 hours and what to do with children in the complete absence of equipment. wall.gif

23.04.2010 15:33, Cerega

He worked at the Yunnatov station for more than ten years. I started out as an entomologist, but switched to field ecology. If you work mainly with such children as in the photo, field practices and expeditions are very important, this is the only way to create a backbone. Age psychology, you can't keep them in the office. Individual research projects are a big deal. You need to participate in competitions and Olympiads. This is very important for children. Lectures, even very interesting ones, will not get them hooked. They don't need school.
Likes: 2

23.04.2010 15:43, Cerega

Here, I found a link to my article. http://www.abitu.ru/researcher/practice/pr...l/a_1510e5.html
It may come in handy.

23.04.2010 18:30, Андреас

Such a question is who is on the forum who conducts educational entomological activities among the general population.

- Maybe a little off topic... - In Moscow, Viktor Vasilyevich Sinyaev leads an entomological circle or even a "whole circle" for schoolchildren....

23.04.2010 21:07, Wild Yuri

He led an entomology circle at the Yunnatov station during the Soviet era. Most of all, the children liked to grow butterflies. We feed and nurture the caterpillars, and then such a beautiful result! Once they even bred Apollons and tried to create an artificial population. They grew swallowtails in winter, driving out carrots... It was an interesting time!
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23.04.2010 21:59, london

Hi Vitalik!!!
It's been a long time since I've seen you, so tell me where your club is." I don't seem to be so busy and as far as possible I will be able to visit and help in case of something and post material for young people and organize hikes as it will be more interesting, I have knowledge of the location and flora of our forests after all, I have a lot of practice and will be able to cooperate.
Yes! and let's go on an anti-terrorist operation hike somehow I forgot how to walk with you. there are so few of us and we don't even communicate with each other

23.04.2010 22:03, RippeR

By the way! Or maybe we'll cut down the hike all together, take the interested young people?
They will see how to catch what and where, etc.))

23.04.2010 22:27, london

I am absolutely in solidarity with Andryukha, let's Trofim think, we are waiting for

30.04.2010 16:39, Трофим

He worked at the Yunnatov station for more than ten years. I started out as an entomologist, but switched to field ecology. If you work mainly with such children as in the photo, field practices and expeditions are very important, this is the only way to create a backbone. Age psychology, you can't keep them in the office. Individual research projects are a big deal. You need to participate in competitions and Olympiads. This is very important for children. Lectures, even very interesting ones, will not get them hooked. They don't need school.

I'm currently working with the 4th grade. The fact that field practice is very interesting is something I know, but unfortunately here a number of problems come to my head:
1) small children who can walk not only 1 km in the forest, they are even tired of walking around the museum on excursions in the museum
2) Poor discipline of the younger generation. I have to give my best. In the evening, when preparing a lesson, I can sit for a presentation until 1-2 nights. I bring collections, I bring material for distribution, the guys make collections and already determine the quality of the material (A-now you can't cram smile.gifit in ) I come up with games and developments, now I want to hold a lottery for beetles. Time is terribly short. But there should be 15 people in the group (idiotic rules) and you need to work with each one individually. Otherwise, there will always be a buffoon and a clown and everything is on the smart side. This means that it should keep the children's attention for the entire lesson for 2 hours.
3) RESPONSIBILITY. With bad discipline in nature, and you need to take everyone (again idiotic rules = 30 people) like death! I don't want to go to jail yet.
4) There is no TRANSPORT to put all the Arava on the bus where we can normally go to point A, sit down again at any time when the children's legs hurt smile.gifand come back home.
5) the 10th grade went as I understood not for the sake of entomology smile.gif(what you can see above in the photo) and therefore they were already eliminated after 2 months.
6) I begin to implement research gradually - this is time (for development), money (which no one gives), the absence of even a board (I don't think I should say anything more about the equipment).
7) Entomologists do not become, but are born (probably so)

P.S. But no one canceled the rules, I have to lead 30 people. Thank God that I collected them, with the complete lack of modern children to know anything at all. And most importantly, issue # 2, which I lead, slowly reveals young nature lovers. I do not set the task of raising entomologists (this is unlikely), I focus on environmental education, where my favorite entomology acts as a tool. Many children began to relate completely differently to the world of nature, learned several Latin names, are able to distinguish between orders and some families, begin to understand how important the role of insects in nature is-it seems to be a little, someone will say in 8 months with 1 one lesson per week, but not all at once. All this is probably worth the difficulties that I face and slowly overcome.
Likes: 7

30.04.2010 16:48, Трофим

Hi Vitalik!!!
It's been a long time since I've seen you, so tell me where your club is." I don't seem to be so busy and as far as possible I will be able to visit and help in case of something and post material for young people and organize hikes as it will be more interesting, I have knowledge of the location and flora of our forests after all, I have a lot of practice and will be able to cooperate.
Yes! and let's go on an anti-terrorist operation hike somehow I forgot how to walk with you. there are so few of us and we don't even communicate with each other

entomology-md.narod2.ru -here is all the information.
In communication, it's not a question, only I call you more often.
Camping with me is boring, I like to dig in the shit lately, poke around stumps, take pictures of everything in detail, write it down in a notebook. So while I'm idle, you'll have to vacuum everything in front of you. lol.gif
You and Andryukholya are more temperamental to go for a walk. And about the hike, I want to study some petrophilic eco-sites next week (on weekdays) - say Cricova or Goyan, there are other ideas - but I don't know if transport goes there.

P.S. Visit please, still grab people, but only the time is not convenient, a lesson for the senior group 1 time a week on Saturdays (and there I have 5-7 class).

30.04.2010 18:22, london

It's not boring, but I need to chat, I don't have the phone, I don't have time for it all the time, and it wouldn't be bad to sit in a clearing filled with dorkash trees in person. Ch that about rocky slopes still early because nothing but gnaptorov and T-shirts there is not particularly walking, maybe some crunch but no more.
I know because I have been cleaning these lands for six years and have already adapted to its character and the time of release of interesting beetles, although now I have seen colias gone, polyxenes, podalirii, etc.

30.04.2010 18:27, london

what about posyacheniy hardly because the season is in full swing and every free hour is worth its weight in gold
but Andryukha and I will definitely look in

30.04.2010 18:42, RippeR

Yes, I need to go in somehow.
And you can really get out into nature - especially if you go to the steppe, where you can not go much, the same Krikovo, for example..

30.04.2010 19:07, london

wait Andrew pilemia wait and trample like soroncha)))

30.04.2010 20:17, RippeR

pilemia with pilemia, and communication with communication ))

30.04.2010 20:25, london

And matches are reincorporation of trees.
stop talking - let's get the bug wet

30.04.2010 21:01, RippeR

cho wet, they are not dry yet..

02.05.2010 1:14, Cerega

Dear Trofim, you will have to adapt to the system. Working in the mode that you described is a feat. You will either be completely disappointed or ill. If you really want to achieve something, then you will have to act not because of the system (it was created by officials and for officials), but in spite of it.
1 You need to create your OWN group of children, but taking an existing one (for example, all children from the same class) is an error.
2 You can approach interesting children at various city (district) Olympiads, conferences, and environmental events and INDIVIDUALLY invite them to join the circle. If you don't have them, you can organize them yourself.
3 My main focus when recruiting was on grades 7-8. But 11th graders also came.
4 When you start to take prizes, at the city and regional level, the administration will start to turn a blind eye to attendance, there are also no fools working there. It's just that their work is different, and they REALLY need indicators. But plans, logs, reports, and other paper crap should be perfect. The sacred cow of officials cannot be touched. Or rather, a little bit is possible, this is when you bring the first places from the capital (or Russia, or whatever they are more related to).
5 If the system is similar to that in Russia, then the winners of regional level Olympiads can be trained individually (this is 6 hours per week for one person).
These are not rules, this is my experience. Everyone has their own way, whether to use it or not is up to you. If anything..., always ready to help. In the meantime, excuse me, we need to go fishing for ludorphs, at the request of the workers.
Likes: 3

03.05.2010 11:34, Penzyak

Every summer I work with children in the field school ecological camp "Visiting nature" (tent), it is mentioned in the branch "Tales of an entomologist", the story of Igor Kryukov (Saratov)"Meeting on Belaya". They had their own website with a bunch of photos and materials (Russian Federation, Penza region, Kuznetsk), but I think I found the address: www.ekoshkola.seki.ru

But if students are interested in entomology, they come to my university, and in the summer - trips. hiking and adventure... wink.gif

This post was edited by Penzyak - 24.06.2010 16: 00

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03.05.2010 15:29, Cerega

They are doing a great job! And the site is good and honest. It's great that you're helping them! It is very difficult to get scientists into a children's eco-camp. But, with a certain skill, you can. Once I managed to lure a bunch of Zinovites for a week, and a camp in the Seaside taiga (Blue Ridge, who knows). Among them are Sinev, Krivokhatsky, Makarov. We had great classes, and simple, informal communication with such people is very good for children.
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13.05.2010 15:29, Garricos

Yes... In such a circle as you have Trofim, I would still be like. I remember everything was simpler here. And there were two groups-some small 5-6 class and older 7-8 class. It is clear that only 2-3 people from each group were really interested, but the teacher also came to tell 2 people. Well, it was easier to go to nature. Moreover, from the whole circle, apparently only I was left with entomology, and then with a break of years on 15.
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29.05.2010 17:28, Odonata

Colleagues, hi,
I created the website "Dragonflies of Moldova", although I still plan to improve it in many ways, strengthen it, translate it into different languages, etc.
Maybe this can be used for a circle of young entomologists.

Here I send my work on dragonflies of Moldova, there are photos of interesting biotopes, you can download it here:

And here is the address of the site itself: https://sites.google.com/site/odonatamoldova


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29.05.2010 19:24, Kharkovbut

Here I send my work on dragonflies of Moldova, there are photos of interesting biotopes, you can download it here:



04.06.2010 17:50, Odonata

Thank you all very much, I will inform you about the updates of the website "Dragonflies of Moldova".

There is still a lot of work to be done, field research, but something has already been done smile.gif
I will be glad to meet my colleagues who are also interested in this issue.

07.04.2011 12:37, Трофим

Recently, there have been more frequent reports about exhibitions and extracurricular activities. So we share and develop the topic smile.gif
Something from the archive (good memories), I haven't put it on the site yet. Spring 2010.
They released Zaropsis spinimanus (which was brought to me at the university, and which stayed with me all winter). The event smile.giftook place on the same day, several boxes were quickly made of glass at the lesson, now I look at my handwriting and am horrified, but then in the rush of the lesson, it was like not up to it.

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