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Fourth International Congress of the Forum

Community and ForumOffline eventsFourth International Congress of the Forum

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25.07.2010 22:05, Pavel Morozov

then Black Coleopter
I think you should not sign up for a pub-we will solve everything on the spot.We will order for 50-60 people.+
Although...Frozz rules the game.

Op-pa. It's normal to do this. Need a banquet hall. beer.gif
Likes: 1

25.07.2010 22:16, Pavel Morozov

Updated the list (it's in green font on this page). Please check carefully, otherwise I might have messed up again.

This post was edited by Morozzz - 07/25/2010 22: 31
Likes: 1

26.07.2010 15:38, taler

Hm..I already think that you should book a pub for 100 people...
Oh, and what about the badges?Preferably with forumchan nicknames

This post was edited by taler - 26.07.2010 15: 41
Likes: 1

29.07.2010 13:43, Yakovlev

Eh... And we are far far away

30.07.2010 18:40, Pavel Morozov

If you need a hotel, but don't see yourself in the list of those who need a hotel, PLEASE unsubscribe!

31.07.2010 21:56, london

Tovareshi! Piu for those who are going to rent a room... there are two local for 950 rubles. from the head, let's who don't be with me mol.gif mol.gif

01.08.2010 11:35, алекс 2611

Tovareshi! Piu for those who are going to rent a room... there are two local for 950 rubles. from the head, let's who don't be with me mol.gif  mol.gif

I'd like a double....
I just really want a non-smoking neighbor. But a drinker. smile.gif

01.08.2010 16:31, london

I'd like a double....
I just really want a non-smoking neighbor. But a drinker. smile.gif

No problem, I will go outside smile.gif

03.08.2010 8:58, Pavel Morozov

Dear friends!
there are two free tables left. We have a limit on tables, so hurry up if anyone is still thinking.

04.08.2010 13:42, Victor Titov

Updated the list (it's in green font on this page). Please check carefully, otherwise I might have messed up again.

Wonderful are your works, O Lord! The first letter of registration was sent to entoterra on 22.04.2010. However, I didn't find myself in the original list of registered users. I duplicated it to Pavel on June 23. I'm still not on the list. Please understand correctly: no offense is out of the question! But I got some information to think about. Good luck to all!

04.08.2010 13:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

Wonderful are your works, O Lord! The first letter of registration was sent to entoterra on 22.04.2010. However, I didn't find myself in the original list of registered users. I duplicated it to Pavel on June 23. I'm still not on the list. Please understand correctly: no offense is out of the question! But I got some information to think about. Good luck to all!

Victor, do not be offended (apparently some overlays really)beer.gif.
Guys, please add Dmitrich to the list!

04.08.2010 14:28, Serg Svetlov

Wonderful are your works, O Lord! The first letter of registration was sent to entoterra on 22.04.2010. However, I didn't find myself in the original list of registered users. I duplicated it to Pavel on June 23. I'm still not on the list. Please understand correctly: no offense is out of the question! But I got some information to think about. Good luck to all!

Dmitrich! Yes, you are not the only one on this list is not present, I was also forgotten.And Max Smirnov.I think it's sabotage!!! Or Entoterra, in the rush for sponsors, I forgot everything.Or maybe Muscovites are afraid that we will bring a "light" from neighboring regions to Moscow???
Likes: 1

04.08.2010 14:44, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dmitrich! Yes, you are not the only one on this list is not present, I was also forgotten.And Max Smirnov.I think it's sabotage!!! Or Entoterra, in the rush for sponsors, I forgot everything.Or maybe Muscovites are afraid that we will bring a "light" from neighboring regions to Moscow???

Well, you shouldn't have said that guys, we have enough light of our own right now (there's nothing to breathe with). But we are waiting for you and will be very happy to see you at the congress! After all, entomologists have no borders and should not be!

04.08.2010 14:47, Victor Titov

Victor, do not be offended (apparently some overlays really)beer.gif.

And no one is offended! Anticipating the possibility of such an interpretation of my post, I have already emphasized:
  no offense is out of the question!

Guys, please add Dmitrich to the list!

Vasily, but this is superfluous: petitions are not appropriate here.

Dmitrich! Yes, you are not the only one on this list is not present, I was also forgotten.And Max Smirnov.I think it's sabotage!!! Or Entoterra, in the rush for sponsors, I forgot everything.Or maybe Muscovites are afraid that we will bring a "light" from neighboring regions to Moscow???

I don't know, I don't know... Just stating a fact. No comments.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 04.08.2010 14: 49

04.08.2010 14:50, vasiliy-feoktistov

Victor, I'm so fucked up just seeing all this.

04.08.2010 16:20, Pavel Morozov

So, calmly, everyone is on the lists and registered.
no swearing.
Without the kindergarten cry.


if you have any questions, write to the person who registers.

about the sponsor:
Guys, it's not serious.

The sponsor gave 150 thousand rubles. The estimate of the event is 291 t rub
141 t rub Entoterra gives out of his own pocket (I quote, because at the moment I am writing and talking with Pavel on the phone)


Besides, we haven't fully decided on the hotel yet. A letter was sent to those in need of a hotel room, where they were asked to respond urgently, because at the beginning of THIS week (Mon-Tue was meant), reservations will be made.

To those who answered in time-Thank you very much, who later answered-also thank you, to those who did not answer - please urgently write to me (Frozzu) in the personal account.

The number of budget rooms is limited. They are ALL reserved. There are still more expensive, but at quite reasonable prices, rooms, for example, a single room for 2450r.
In short, write and ask. I'll answer all of them.

And, back to those who didn't see themselves on the list.
It's all right, don't worry.

And, chur, without yernichanya.
Likes: 2

04.08.2010 16:20, Pavel Udovichenko

Dmitrich! Yes, you are not the only one on this list is not present, I was also forgotten.And Max Smirnov.I think it's sabotage!!! Or Entoterra, in the rush for sponsors, I forgot everything.Or maybe Muscovites are afraid that we will bring a "light" from neighboring regions to Moscow???

Damn, I don't have a conscience. I already pay 140 pieces of my PERSONAL (and not EXTRA ones) for renting 42 tables, a hall, extensions, printing a Macro Club photo exhibition, fabric for tables, 200 posters, 300 badges, security guards and cleaners, a buffet, paying for the hotel in advance for 20 people....
One hall costs 150 (this is just the sponsor's money). Of these, 62 t. for the tables will go to him.
I CLEARLY wrote that I do not respond to emails with registration, I did not promise to post any lists at all! Pasha Morozov helps and many thanks to him for this!!! But, apparently, we have, as usual, the initiative is punishable...
ALL those who wrote to me, plus additions from Morozov, are registered!!!!!!!!!!
I WON'T post any lists! As in the rest of the world at similar events, you can see the lists at the entrance. And if you object that you want to see it earlier, please send your materials, and we will publish them in a separate booklet ("Materials of the 4th Congress"). smile.gif

This post was edited by Entoterra - 04.08.2010 18: 24
Likes: 4

04.08.2010 17:11, Victor Titov

So, calmly, everyone is on the lists and registered.
no swearing.

And, chur, without yernichanya.

So, since this conversation started with my post today, I consider it necessary to explain myself.
1) Personally, I didn't swear. I only stated the fact of my absence in the repeated version of the list published on 25.07.2010.
2) CALMLY IN THE PERSONAL Morozzz(y) I already wrote (22.04.2010), when I discovered that I was not included in the first version of the list. And I got a reply that everything is fixed. However, on July 25, despite the appearance of new registered persons in the list (compared to 22.04.2010), I did not see myself in it again. I believe that under such circumstances, my appeal directly to the forum, and not again to the personal account of one of the organizers, looks quite logical and correct.
3) I fully support the call to do without yernichanya. Therefore, I suggest that you refrain from making statements in the style of "no kindergarten cry".
PS But all sorts of arguments about the "search for sponsors" addressed to Pavel (Entoterra), I am sure, are inappropriate and, indeed, can be offensive. People really invested a lot (both morally and financially) in the event on their own initiative, for which we thank them very much! And we'll see what happens. And success doesn't just depend on them.

This post was edited by Dmitrich-04.08.2010 17: 13
Likes: 5

04.08.2010 18:32, Black Coleopter

And who is the sponsor???????????????

04.08.2010 19:59, taler

The sponsor does not advertise itself.
The request to find yourself in the lists has been hanging for a long time.Once again, I strongly ask you to check your names in the lists(to tell the truth, this is no longer easy-they have passed a hundred)
If you don't find it,send it to Morozzzu or me(or rather me and Morozzzu together) in PM.

Those who are on my ICQ and Skype lists (they won't let you lie) -personally strongly asked/demanded to sign up.

For Pavel (Morozza), special thanks to him for his active help in the preparation process.I'm going through a difficult period,I can't always control the people who signed up, and help from Frozz was very helpful.thank you!!!

In short, 3P (Pavel) rules.

This post was edited by taler-04.08.2010 20: 03
Likes: 2

05.08.2010 10:54, Pavel Morozov

Yes, just because you didn't see yourself listed on the forum doesn't mean you haven't registered yet.
In the database, any application and any changes are entered immediately
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05.08.2010 13:42, Serg Svetlov

I absolutely support Dmitrich in his last statement.This is not the case at all in the list(okay, let's leave it).Those who do not understand jokes, you need to be a little friendlier umnik.gif, and respond to the joke with a joke - "Damn guys, sorry, you are in the list with the hidden textsmile.gif" There are no problems!!!The materials of the 4th congress will be photos, impressions, purchased and exchanged material, great acquaintances and meeting with "old" (again, do not misunderstand-this is not age smile.gif) friends.
To Entoterra - and you, Mr. Chewall.gif, were enraged -unexpected.If you find my joke offensive(which I sincerely doubt wink.gif)-then I APOLOGIZE mol.gif

05.08.2010 17:12, taler

That's it, calm down.I saw another list-a big,juicy one.The one in the archives was smile.giffull of people!!!What a hundred-almost 2nd!!!Everything is there,both those that I wrote and those of Pavel.And indeed, an international congress is being planned!And which regions of the Russian Federation will be represented by representatives-a fairy tale!!!Moscow,of course, steerssmile.gif, that is,meets!!!Thank you all, have a nice trip and have a great time!!!

With such lists, you can already create a batch! smile.gif
Likes: 2

05.08.2010 19:17, Pavel Morozov

I absolutely support Dmitrich in his last statement.This is not the case at all in the list(okay, let's leave it).Those who do not understand jokes, you need to be a little friendlier umnik.gif, and respond to the joke with a joke - "Damn guys, sorry, you are in the list with the hidden textsmile.gif" There are no problems!!!The materials of the 4th congress will be photos, impressions, purchased and exchanged material, great acquaintances and meeting with "old" (again, do not misunderstand-this is not age smile.gif) friends.
To Entoterra - and you, Mr. Chewall.gif, were enraged -unexpected.If you find my joke offensive(which I sincerely doubt wink.gif)"then I apologize mol.gif

as jokes go, so do the answers.
You can't tell the emotional and facial components from the text.

Anyway, thank you for your vigilance. wink.gif
I'll publish the list a couple more times (I hope I'll be more careful myself), so keep an eye on the topic.
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05.08.2010 22:49, Pavel Udovichenko

I absolutely support Dmitrich in his last statement.This is not the case at all in the list(okay, let's leave it).Those who do not understand jokes, you need to be a little friendlier umnik.gif, and respond to the joke with a joke - "Damn guys, sorry, you are in the list with the hidden textsmile.gif" There are no problems!!!The materials of the 4th congress will be photos, impressions, purchased and exchanged material, great acquaintances and meeting with "old" (again, do not misunderstand-this is not age smile.gif) friends.
To Entoterra - and you, Mr. Chewall.gif, were enraged -unexpected.If you find my joke offensive(which I sincerely doubt wink.gif)"then I apologize mol.gif

Nothing,nothing, I will publish the materials, you will go as editor-in-chief, so, my dear, and know that you will not get away with it wink.gif
But everyone cheered up. Naturally, no one is offended, otherwise I would not have baked the "pancake" in the beginning. Just our humor is subtle and English.... smile.gif
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08.08.2010 8:10, fayst79

of course, all this is fine,but how to get to the forum congress.
I'm from out of town,I'm not interested in buffets.
and this face control somehow does not apply correctly to other
all the best fayst79

08.08.2010 8:31, vasiliy-feoktistov

of course, all this is fine,but how to get to the forum congress.
I'm from out of town,I'm not interested in buffets.
and this face control somehow does not apply correctly to other
all the best fayst79

Do you want to get in? So register (this is normal).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 08.08.2010 08: 47

08.08.2010 9:43, Pavel Morozov

of course, all this is fine,but how to get to the forum congress.
I'm from out of town,I'm not interested in buffets.
and this face control somehow does not apply correctly to other
all the best fayst79

There is no face control. There is a normal registration for organizing this event.

Register, no one demands money from you.

08.08.2010 16:07, fayst79

Friends who live west of Tula and will come to the congress. Bring me a dozen Melolontha melolontha. shuffle.gif Unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), this" rare " beetle is not found here.
In the collection there is a pair sent from France, but there is no one of their own (even a shame!) shuffle.gif

Hello Nikolay!
if you remember, we changed in 90 years.
viktor from Ulyanovsk

10.08.2010 22:28, Black Coleopter

There is no face control. There is a normal registration for organizing this event.

Register, no one requires money from you.

And they won't let you in without registration, even as a guest??? It's already a secret society of some sort...

11.08.2010 7:02, Pavel Morozov

And they won't let you in without registration, even as a guest??? It's already a secret society of some sort...

And what, it is difficult to write in a personal account: "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, I want to take part in the event. Table/hotel needed/not needed"

It smacks like negativism. No, well, it will be possible to do without registration and registration, but then everything will be like on European flights. For a little money. For example, in Prague in October 05, admission cost 400 CZK per day and 750 for two, if I'm not mistaken, or even more. Crown, approximately 1.2 rubles.

However, this topic was raised earlier, not hozza again.

Keep an eye out for information on organizational issues, it will be available soon.

11.08.2010 13:27, Екатерина Валентиновна


I'd like to get some dried beetles at the convention.
Is it possible?
If so, do I need to register?
If not, where is the best place to buy it?

Purpose of purchase, a gift for my son aged 6.
Bugs should be scary and big ).

Thank you in advance.

11.08.2010 14:31, Pavel Morozov

better registration

12.08.2010 13:04, london

Gentlemen, I apologize , but!
Who knows where Vasily Feoktistov disappeared???

12.08.2010 13:06, scarit

He emailed me from his cell phone. He has no internet now.
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14.08.2010 8:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Gentlemen, I apologize , but!
Who knows where Vasily Feoktistov disappeared???

He emailed me from his cell phone. He doesn't have an Internet connection right now.

Here, men, I appeared. However, I don't know for how long-whether (the situation is a hemorrhoid: one provider with another I can not understand in any way ). As a result, I suffer. beer.gif

14.08.2010 8:11, guest: omar

drive both of them in the neck and choose the third one

14.08.2010 8:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

drive both of them in the neck and choose the third one

And the third one is not normal in my city (I don't want to switch to a modem or a skylink of some kind).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 14.08.2010 09: 08

14.08.2010 17:59, Dmitrii Musolin


in the spring, in a separate topic, I asked you to send, if anyone has any extra ones, insects that are relevant for forestry (topic and list: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=40&t=393398). Two people have already handed over good fees, for which we thank them very much! Yakovlev and RippeR expressed their willingness to share the material at the congress. The problem is that I won't be coming to the congress from St. Petersburg myself.

So the question is: who will be from St. Petersburg and could get this (most likely not at all voluminous) material and bring it to St. Petersburg, and then we would already agree on how to pick it up ?

If there is such a person, then maybe someone else is ready to share the material with the educational process?

16.08.2010 13:02, алекс 2611


in the spring, in a separate topic, I asked you to send, if anyone has any extra ones, insects that are relevant for forestry (topic and list: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=40&t=393398). Two people have already handed over good fees, for which we thank them very much! Yakovlev and RippeR expressed their willingness to share the material at the congress. The problem is that I won't be coming to the congress from St. Petersburg myself.

So the question is: who will be from St. Petersburg and could get this (most likely not at all voluminous) material and bring it to St. Petersburg, and then we would already agree on how to pick it up ?

If there is such a person, then maybe someone else is ready to share the material with the educational process?

If something extraordinary doesn't happen(ugh-ugh-ugh), I'll be at the convention.
In principle, I do not see any problems with the transportation of material for you.

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