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Problems of pedagogy

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28.02.2010 1:22, Pirx

Dmitrich, respect. I have just written in my diploma: "Biologist. Teacher of biology and chemistry". At first, the main thing seemed to be "Biologist". But with each passing year, the feeling of inferiority of oneself as a person who can (can?)become more and more acute. give your children something that sad teachers don't give them. But! "You don't have to write - don't write!". While I can't honestly say to myself that I can't not teach at school. As long as the salary is the limiting factor, I get more at the botanical garden. I try to realize myself pedagogically (outside, in addition to the family) at least by actively conducting excursions for schoolchildren who come to the Garden every year. Up to several hundred people are covered per year. Soon we will be holding a Bird Day, for the first time in many years. Let's see what happens... And let them laugh.
Likes: 7

28.02.2010 1:43, Victor Titov

Dmitrich, respect. I have just written in my diploma: "Biologist. Teacher of biology and chemistry".

And I have smile.gif beer.gif

... And let them laugh.

Yes, let them! I feel sorry for them, those who laugh. And you-good luck!
Likes: 4

28.02.2010 2:41, Фиалка трехцветная

I'm afraid to make any generalizations, so I'll write specifically about my personal teaching experience.
In Murmansk, after graduating from 2 years (before the decree), she worked with school students in environmental circles, at the same time taught 5 biological disciplines in college, and at the same time was a tutor. She only crossed paths with the school as the head of the research work of one of the students of this school. So I got a little experience in the field of pedagogy. I want to share my own experience of existing problems.

1. I agree with the opinion expressed that they pay little, I would even say negligibly little, even despite the allowances for young specialists. I was often asked by my peers why they should work 3 jobs and earn 3-3. 5 times less than they do, working 1 job with 2 days off a week and without home preparation for lectures and classes. And I answered: the reason is interest. However, you won't last long on just one enthusiasm. And many young people in Murmansk now have quite high(or maybe even normal)requests for their standard of living: rent an apartment, it is better to have a private car, even if it is the most modest and domestic, cafes and bars, wardrobe updates, etc. Therefore, only 3 people have ever worked in the education system (namely in school) from my classmates. Other people who have connected their fate with biology work as a leading engineer, a leading agrochemist, and a methodologist. The rest are outside the scope of educational activities.

2. Many teachers and teachers of Murmansk, with whom I was able to discuss this topic, note a tendency to reduce the level of training of school graduates. I agree with that. Perhaps this is partly due to the general decline in the birth rate in the post-perestroika years, since the competition of applicants (and not only biologists) for places has almost halved compared to the years of my admission. Accordingly, it is not the best, but the majority of those who submitted documents (comparison: in my years, among the medalists, the competition at the interview consisted of 5 people, and 1 did not enter, and later it was the 4 who entered that turned out to be objectively the strongest students of the course). In my first year of college, I was surprised that students (former graduates of grades 9-11) did not remember even approximately the simplest and most basic things that, for example, I was told at school in the middle level. Regarding the discussion of the level of teacher training, I can say that everyone is different.

3. My biologist was considered at one time one of the most powerful teachers, and indeed from my class a lot of people entered the capital's meds. Universities, and I had enough school knowledge to get bored in all the profile disciplines of 1-2 courses (from the 3rd year, at least something began to appear that I did not know before). Then this teacher left for Moscow - I mean, there is also a problem of the outflow of the best teachers from the peripheral cities to the center.

4. A general decline in the interest of a wide range of the Murmansk public in environmental and biological issues. My colleagues point out that at one time it was even fashionable to be an ecologist, but now parents of children, who are often the initiators of the chosen direction for admission, openly say: "We need prospects." And they're partly right. The problems of employment and the work of an entomologist have already been discussed (in a separate topic), and the same applies in many other areas of biology. My peers probably consider working with genes and genomes of plants and animals to be the most promising area.

PS And I liked to conduct an internship with university students. Unlike college students, they still have a slightly different attitude to studying. And students (and I also remember from my classmates) feel very well when the teachers themselves approach the matter without a soul, not seriously, or even (oh horror!) for personal reasons, they are too lazy to explain anything. But if you are responsible and work to the limit of your abilities and desire, students immediately feel it. And when you feel the interest and emotional impact, you will begin to enjoy the process without noticing it. Therefore, dear Roman Yakovlev, I sincerely wish you to have mostly bright memories from your practice with students.

This post was edited by Violet Tricolor - 02/28/2010 03: 15
Likes: 6

28.02.2010 5:57, Yakovlev

Roman, apparently, the episode with KK that came up in your memory took place in the year 1987, didn't it? Actually, these years are not connected with my childhood memories (my son was already growing smile.gifup). And here's a coincidence: around that time, I also purchased the KK of the USSR, only it cost me more: each of the 2 volumes (plants+animals) for 25 wooden ones. But all the same, I remember very well that 15 rubles in those days for a teacher's salary is not a huge amount, of course, but, let's say, noticeable: books then, by the way, on average cost 5 times, if not more, cheaper. Therefore, the feelings of this woman who did not refuse (let's be fair) It is quite understandable for you to work with the CC, but only for those who were happy for its safety and pristine appearance (I emphasize that they are understandable, and not justified, since we are talking about a teacher). And what, did your desire to work with KK, which was then completely absent from the free market, fade away from the condition set by the geography teacher? confused.gif Believe it or not, when I was like you then, 13 years old, I would have been grateful for the opportunity to touch the pages of a book. And I wouldn't be offended at the teacher's lack of faith in my accuracy.

I agree - I overreacted. But I have only good memories of schoolteachers from the writer. He was a good guy. His truth in the 90th was killed by gopnik for long hair...
In general, to be honest, I was very upset then - the biologist promised to give me a book, and he himself took books from our library many times... and the stupid woman forbade him to give me a book and also scolded me. Of course, I then copied everything I needed from this CC - that is, all the essays about insects! Laughter and sin to remember.
Then I met Pyotr Ustyuzhanin , a man who had been leading the Young Entomologist circle in Novosibirsk for 20 years. I was so sorry I didn't know him as a schoolboy.

28.02.2010 9:33, Shtil

My friends.
I will not now stipulate anyone but ... By the 9th grade, I knew more than our biology and geography teacher.
I think of school with a sneer...

It's familiar. When we started geography at school (I don't remember the fifth or sixth grade), the geographer gave me a hard time, because I dared to correct her in class, specifying that Christopher Columbus sailed to the New World not three, but four times. Well, there was a lot of similar nonsense. It's a shame, isn't it?

28.02.2010 13:46, Фиалка трехцветная

It's familiar...my geography teacher gave me a hard time, because I dared to correct her in class...It's a shame, isn't it?

I witnessed similar situations a couple of times during my time at school. It is difficult to judge the justice of the story told by Shtil without knowing all the circumstances. When I was there, this happened for 2 reasons:
1. The tone of the correcting teacher was too bold. It was said something like this (from the spot and without raising your hand): "Don't you know that...?!" In this situation, the teacher also gave a " 3 " for behavior, considering it probably not as a desire to demonstrate their knowledge or enlighten other students, but as an elementary insubordination (i.e., simply rudeness). As you know, the teacher can set grades in the lesson not only for specific answers, but also for behavior.
2. It looked like a remark made by a student to a teacher in front of witnesses. It seems to me that it would be better for the student to approach the teacher personally after the lesson and say something like this: "And I read there that ...Is it really written wrong in the book?"Such a statement of the question does not offend the teacher, but it lets him know that he made a mistake. If the error actually occurred. Just now I have come across the fact that in many textbooks on ecology, for example, there are obvious mistakes and quite gross ones. In the same textbook of the USSR (author - Polyansky) there are a couple of controversial statements, in many new textbooks.
You just have to imagine that you are conducting, say, a tour, telling something. And from the crowd of listeners, someone periodically corrects you (of course, not with the aim of insulting you, but in order to get to the bottom of the truth). But from the outside, i.e. to other listeners, it will immediately seem that the narrator from you is incompetent, and therefore, it is not interesting to listen to you. Of course, in such a situation, you will not give a top three to anyone, but it will not be very pleasant for yourself.

This post was edited by Violet Tricolor - 02/28/2010 13: 51
Likes: 1

28.02.2010 14:42, Victor Titov

I'm afraid to make any generalizations, so I'll write specifically about my personal teaching experience.
In Murmansk, after graduating from 2 years (before the decree), she worked with school students in environmental circles, at the same time taught 5 biological disciplines in college, and at the same time was a tutor. She only crossed paths with the school as the head of the research work of one of the students of this school. So I got a little experience in the field of pedagogy.

Then I met Pyotr Ustyuzhanin , a man who had been leading the Young Entomologist circle in Novosibirsk for 20 years. I was so sorry I didn't know him as a schoolboy.

I would like to note that working in environmental circles, "Young Entomologist" circles, tutoring activities, directing research work of schoolchildren, etc.are all very special cases in relation to teaching activities in general. Of course, here (well, perhaps, with the exception of tutoring) there is also an educational component along with the educational one. But after all, who goes to the clubs, chooses a biological topic for research work at school? 99.9% are children interested in biology (entomology in particular). And to work with enthusiastic children who follow every word, every gesture of their leader (if, of course, he has something to convey to them) and with an ordinary class in high school in biology class-this is, as they say in Odessa, two big differences. During my very short time working at the school, I even felt the difference between working in high and middle classes. I was lucky, about 10 graduates then planned to enter universities, where biology was also among the entrance exams. I taught an elective course, and the guys I worked with became winners and prize-winners of the city biological Olympiad. And this, first of all, is not because I am so capable, but because they themselves needed this knowledge! But the lessons in the 5th and 6th grades I remember as a nightmare, my nerves were on edge. Engaging biology students who don't care about stamens and pistils and why a spider isn't an insect is a feat that I'm sure even the vast majority of academicians and doctors of science can't do. That's why I left school at that time, realizing that pedagogy and I were two incompatible things. Yes, the level of knowledge of the subject of many biology teachers (and why, in fact, only biology?) not high compared to, say, a number of forumchan. What's so strange about that? For these teachers, biology was never a hobby, they simply chose such a profession for a number of objective and subjective reasons. Many of us, working in areas far from entomology, and being very busy people, nevertheless find time for what we love to do, and some, despite the fact that entomology, by and large, is their hobby, and here they have become recognized, respected specialists. And these teachers outside the school walls at best find time for home preparation for lessons, and then out of necessity. In short, the situation in the field of school education should be changed, the state should create conditions (primarily material) under which enthusiastic, capable people, without thinking about how and what they will live on, would like to go to pedagogy. In the meantime, only a few of these people get into schools who are passionate not only about the subject as such, but also do not think of themselves without working with children (there are such oddities that I respect, honor and praise to them!).
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28.02.2010 15:08, Victor Titov

1. The tone of the correcting teacher was too bold. It was said something like this (from the spot and without raising your hand): "Don't you know that...?!" In this situation, the teacher also gave a " 3 " for behavior, considering it probably not as a desire to demonstrate their knowledge or enlighten other students, but as an elementary insubordination (i.e., simply rudeness). As you know, the teacher can set grades in the lesson not only for specific answers, but also for behavior.
2. It looked like a remark made by a student to a teacher in front of witnesses. It seems to me that it would be better for the student to approach the teacher personally after the lesson and say something like this: "And I read there that ...Is it really written wrong in the book?"Such a statement of the question does not offend the teacher, but it lets him know that he made a mistake.

The analysis of the causes is, in general, exhaustive. But in my opinion, it only explains the teacher's reaction, but in no way justifies it. First, I absolutely disagree with the fact that the teacher has the right to evaluate a student in the classroom with a mark in the progress log not for knowledge, but for behavior. The behavior rating is set separately, for each quarter. And the rating in the journal (diary), issued for the work in the lesson (answer at the blackboard, control, etc.), should reflect only the level of knowledge of the subject. Secondly, it is both incorrect and illogical to demand from a student (child!) more tact and ability to behave in society (including in class) than from a teacher, leaving him the right not only to be offended by the student ( no.gif!!!), but also publicly demonstrate it. And putting a rating in a magazine not for knowledge, but for a student's public humiliation of a teacher is just a demonstration of their feelings, an adult's revenge on a child, unworthy of a teacher, the right to which he has no right. Can't you hold back, find a decent way out of the situation? Then you should understand that working at school is not for you. But, once again, it is easy to talk about this from the outside. But once on the teacher's seat...
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28.02.2010 15:11, Shtil

It is difficult to judge the justice of the story told by Shtil without knowing all the circumstances.

Circumstances dictate circumstances, but at that tender age I didn't care much about the appropriateness of what was said. What mattered was that the person called to teach was not telling the truth. And to underestimate the grade, even for a public but fair remark to the teacher, is at least mean.
In general, as an example of teacher's inattention and indifference, I will give another example. I won't mention any names. From the sixth to the tenth grade, a person studies in a district city in an ordinary school. With the biology teacher in kontra, because he asks a lot of questions (for example, the teacher could not answer in class what a hiccup is, and why it is needed). As a result, in the report card 3-4. In the 11th grade, the same person moves to a large regional center, and at the first district Biology Olympiad in the central district takes first place. What else can I say?

You just have to imagine that you are conducting, say, a tour, telling something. And from the crowd of listeners, someone periodically corrects you (of course, not with the aim of insulting you, but in order to get to the bottom of the truth). But from the outside, i.e. to other listeners, it will immediately seem that the narrator from you is incompetent, and therefore, it is not interesting to listen to you. Of course, in such a situation, you will not give a top three to anyone, but it will not be very pleasant for yourself.

Due to the duty of my work, I regularly and not for the first year conduct excursions for various categories of ordinary people. And from the crowd of listeners, in fact, someone periodically corrects me (of course, not with the aim of insulting me, but in order to get to the bottom of the truth). There was never any awkwardness or shy shuffling of the foot, because you need to know exactly what you are talking about, and if you are not sure about something, it is better not to mention it.

By the way, a riddle? What plant do students most often ask about when visiting a botanical garden? I think everyone can easily guess. smile.gif
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28.02.2010 15:13, Фиалка трехцветная

Educational, educational and training components should be present (at least, so we would like) in any pedagogical process.
I remember that I conducted an internship at school, as a student, with 7-graders. A sea of fantastic pleasant experiences. I still communicate with many people, because I care about their fate. Students often receive interns very well and remember them for a long time afterwards. But even those 2 of my former classmates, who now work at the school all the time (and with the middle level), get along very well with these teenagers. Any door can be opened, you just need to work hard to find the key.
So I think all situations are very subjective. They depend on many factors, including the teacher's personality. As the saying goes, if a person does not believe in his own strength and does not fight, then very few people will believe in him.
For example, I try to focus as much as I can on the educational aspects that can be found in almost any topic in biology. It seems to me that forming an attitude to something is sometimes even more important than remembering certain facts about phenomena and processes in nature. My subjective opinion is that very much in our life depends on our own attitude to what is happening to us and around us, on whether we remain indifferent to it or try to be more tolerant, as objective as possible, attentive to others.

I agree with Shtil that you need to understand what you are talking about. Only it is impossible to know everything, and there will always be people who know something better and more detailed than you. And I agree that it is necessary to perceive this adequately.

This post was edited by Violet Tricolor - 02/28/2010 15: 16

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