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African cave crickets

Community and ForumInsects breedingAfrican cave crickets

Arnau, 03.11.2005 19:42

Dear friends!

Can someone sell me some of these crickets?

I bought 12 of them, but almost all of them were males.

If you don't have them, then M. B. who do you recommend?



04.11.2005 20:56, andr_mih

Ask around again here on this forum:

07.11.2005 20:27, Arnau

Thanks! I've already searched here , but no one responded.

07.11.2005 20:40, andr_mih

Once upon a time, the Department of Entomology at Moscow State University had a culture of these crickets.
Whether they stayed or not, I don't know.

07.11.2005 23:58, Arnau

Is there a contact?
I'd really appreciate it.

09.11.2005 14:06, andr_mih

Try to get in touch with the people who were at the last exhibition, and with its organizers:
They probably have up-to-date information.

09.11.2005 22:07, Arnau

And who are the organizers?
Don't have any contacts?

10.11.2005 12:46, andr_mih

Unfortunately, I was not at this exhibition - as always, I only found out about it when it ended : - ((

10.11.2005 13:03, Tigran Oganesov

2 Arnau
I'm going to take a look at it one of these days.
Likes: 1

10.11.2005 22:21, Arnau

Just let me know!

11.11.2005 0:02, Tigran Oganesov

Yes I will smile.gif

11.11.2005 20:49, Tigran Oganesov

Unfortunately, the culture of Phaeophilacris bredoides at the Department of Entomology has ceased to exist frown.gif

14.11.2005 19:06, Arnau

2 Bolivar, thank you for your reply!
Don't they have grasshoppers?

15.11.2005 17:27, Potekhin

Phaeophilacris bredoides culture is supported in the Moscow Zoo, a public exhibition in the pavilion "Fauna Indonesia" on the 2nd floor. In the center of the pavilion is a butterfly garden. The main "breeding" of invertebrates is under the winter monkey house.
Likes: 1

15.11.2005 20:03, Tigran Oganesov

2 Arnau
It's the same story with grasshoppers. And the zoo has smile.gif

15.11.2005 22:10, Arnau

2 Potekhin, thank you! can I buy them?
2 Bolivar. In the Zoo in Insectopia, I only saw Mecopoda sp/ Or there are others there?

15.11.2005 22:28, Tigran Oganesov

I haven't been there in a long time, I can't say for sure. But something was.

21.11.2005 18:21, Potekhin

Alas! At the zoo, the cave also went extinct, as did... something else while they were working on butterflies. Human resources have a limit, and the wage fund-even more so.
But Tropidacris are there now. By the way, the Cambodian Mecopoda is from the zoo and went to collections.

22.11.2005 20:32, Arnau

2 Potekhin. Thanks! It's a pity that the cave is extinct, but at the same time I bought 11 more crickets, so now I will breed smile.gifthem .
So a new challenge is to find tropical grasshoppers somewhere.

19.03.2006 22:26, Arnau

My colony of Phaeophilacris bredoides is developing successfully, many young people have appeared. If anyone is interested in young Phaeophilacris bredoides, please send us a link arnau@inbox.ru

09.04.2009 16:55, guest: Юлия

Go to Abkhazia to Gagry there in my garden they are probably not visible.Yes, not only I have them everywhere full: -) smile.gif

10.04.2009 20:25, vlad-veras

Can I ask you to post a photo, Yulia?

10.04.2009 21:03, PVOzerski

I wonder if some Dolichopoda in Gagra has moved from the caves to the kitchen gardens. By the way, what a wild similarity between Phaeophilacris and Raphidophoridae! - although even different superfamilies. Evolutionary parallelism, similar life forms - but not to the same extent... smile.gif

11.04.2009 7:21, Tigran Oganesov

It is unlikely to go to vegetable gardens, they do not like it. But Gryllomorpha dalmatina quite.

11.04.2009 10:48, PVOzerski

Then, in general, some Leptophyes will turn frown.gifout, however, what to guess... Let's wait for Yulia's response.

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