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Johnsonbl4, 16.08.2015 20:57

The children brought a caterpillar of lilac hawk moth. Can you tell me if it makes sense to feed (for educational purposes)? or release it immediately?


16.08.2015 21:04, Nick444444

The children brought a caterpillar of lilac hawk moth. Can you tell me if it makes sense to feed (for educational purposes)? or release it immediately?

Why not try to feed her confused.gif? What, someone forbids wink.gif.

16.08.2015 21:13, ИНО

Hawk moth caterpillars are usually quite easy to feed and butterflies are obtained without problems. However, there is a nuance: instead of this butterfly, a bunch of parasitic flies can come out of the pupa. Here's how lucky you are.

16.08.2015 21:42, Johnsonbl4

Why not try to feed her confused.gif? What, someone forbids wink.gifit .

pity forbids it. if you don't feed him, he'll die. zhaaaalko weep.gif.

16.08.2015 22:05, Nick444444

pity forbids it. if you don't feed him, he'll die. zhaaaalko weep.gif.

Then take it to the landing with lilac and release it, there the caterpillar will definitely not disappearwink.gif.

17.08.2015 15:33, ИНО

There is also the question of whether it is necessary to feed it at all. Most often, hawk moth caterpillars come across at the moment when they are looking for a place to pupate. And one more detail: are you sure that the hawk moth is lilac? After all, there are a lot of similar caterpillars, you can't take them to another plant yet.

This post was edited by ENO-17.08.2015 15: 34

17.08.2015 16:03, Alexandr Zhakov

are you sure that the hawk moth is lilac? After all, there are a lot of similar caterpillars, you can still take them to the wrong plant.

And with whom can the lilac caterpillar be confused?

17.08.2015 19:42, ИНО

It depends on who will confuse you. Even with a dead head. I suspect you're not with anyone. And I don't know anything about the experience of detecting Johnsonbl4 tracks, so I ask a question. It will be a pity if suddenly a caterpillar is released from humanistic motives on the wrong plant and it will bend there. It's better to play it safe.

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