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Community and ForumInsects breedingFormicarium

Bear, 07.05.2018 9:12

Colleagues, has anyone bred ants? what types? In what formicariums?


19.05.2018 18:37, vitimof

Currently I keep: Messor structor, Camponotus nicobarensis, Camponotus leonardi, Camponotus sp. "Israel", Camponotus sp. "Cambodja", Camponotus grandidieri, Camponotus maculatus, Pheidole sp. "Thailand", Odontomachus simillimus, Vollenhovia sp. Tetramorium bicarinatum. The queens were brought by friends from trips to the tropics. Formicariums are different, depending on the needs of the type: gypsum, yotong, wood. I made everything myself.
Likes: 1

25.05.2018 9:14, Bear

I made everything myself.

Teach us!

14.01.2019 16:46, KCN

At my dacha (Ukraine, steppe zone, 150 m from the river) live Camponotus sp., in an old stump from a cherry tree with a diameter of 45 cm. I found it while uprooting a stump to install a fence, it was on the border. The uterus lived at the very bottom, in a chamber inside a tree stump. I decided not to destroy the ants.
I dug a hole 60 cm deep in a convenient place, placed the stump obliquely so that the sun from the south warmed the side surface, covered it with bark and logs (there were many moves between the bark and the wood), and buried everything at 30%, formed a hill with a gentle southern slope. Mulched with green hay.
After the "move", I fed a month with sugar syrup, as for bees 50% sugar, 10 ml per day.
As a result, the goosebumps did not go hungry for the winter.
I hope to meet you in the spring.

Later, when clearing the remains of a wooden fence, I found temporary Campanotus dwellings in old poles, but they were empty. They were cavities connected by tunnels.

In general, during my school years I kept a black garden ant in a 3-liter jar with 50% black soil and 50% coarse river sand. I closed it with an ordinary nylon lid with a hole to which a metal mesh from some kind of filter is glued.
Murashi lived happily ever after and even had years of winged males and females. He fed me sugar syrup, diluted honey, and white boiled chicken. Eat dog / cat / fish food.
Likes: 1

14.01.2019 16:49, KCN

Lasius niger

14.01.2019 16:53, KCN

Yes, if you keep it Lamer, like me, then do not forget to water the earthen substrate sometimes - goosebumps can die from drought. To control the optimal humidity, I planted an outgrowth of a houseplant there.

15.01.2019 12:47, KCN

Buy a ready-made farm and colony:

Amateur clubs:

You can view it and make it yourself.
Reaper ants are recommended for beginners and those who go on vacation for a long time (Messor(from 4 to 30 USD depending on the size of the colony).
As for the black garden, you do not need to buy anyone - just during the summer in the middle of summer, closer to August, you need to catch a couple of wingless (fertilized) queens, and put them in a formicarium (jar with earth). Only one will survive, the black Sadovs always have one queen, but she lives up to 28 years.

15.01.2019 13:28, KCN

Also for beginners, the already mentioned Lasius niger is well suited, due to its survivability and unpretentiousness:

14.07.2019 0:45, ИНО

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