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For those who upload photos

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Peter Khramov, 03.12.2015 18:04

1. Now, photos can be assigned not only to species, but any taxa at all, including subspecies, genera, families, orders, etc.
2. People who are interested in only one taxon (eg, butterflies), may limit the output of data on the site (including pictures) thereby taxon.

So, please, assign new photos at least to order (or any other taxon level) — then it will be seen by those who are interested in this taxon. If you leave your photo withous identification whatsoever, the taxon specialists may or may not see you photo, it depends on their personal Insecta.pro settings.

If something is unclear — do not hesitate, ask.


04.12.2015 7:54, Alex Dumchus

Peter. For example, I only interested in butterflies. And writing on undefined butterflies in a row definition - "Lepidoptera"?

04.12.2015 11:02, Peter Khramov

Alexander, it's not what people are interested in, which loads foty. The fact is that now when booting you need to write the definition of at least up to the order (or family, etc.) to the people who look only butterflies, see your foty.

04.12.2015 21:32, Alex Dumchus

Got :)

05.12.2015 11:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov

At the moment all uncertain to type photos (including those who were in moderation) has placed for the convenience of the higher taxa.
I ask all to follow the request of Peter when downloading photos.

05.12.2015 14:15, Peter Khramov

Basil, and as we now seek views from the admin? ..))

05.12.2015 16:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Provided also that moment.
See. Comments. Each Fota signed: "extracted from the admin."
Example: https://insecta.pro/gallery/42898
Finally. What are they already lie motionless?

05.12.2015 16:37, Peter Khramov

Ok, I commentaries can find and add views as you have time. Or help the curator if appears specials for the same bugs. Then all the rules.

05.12.2015 16:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It's time to add. Especially all types defined.
And when were you going? ........
And let the best admin occupy the tasony have someone with whom to engage in at the moment.

05.12.2015 20:01, Peter Khramov

I was going to when the next major update to the database. However, since it is delayed, it seems, will have to add the most right-handed. And in the future - just the kinds of taxa without curator of the admin is not cleaned. I would add.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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