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03.06.2008 12:04, Sergey Didenko

Need some help. Who caught in the Tambov province, pestles are already flying? and in what area (field, forest, undergrowth, forest edges, near rivers, etc.). I will go from June 10 to 13. What else can you find interesting during the day? With the night mode, it is clear that what arrives will arrive.

13.06.2008 15:43, Nikolaj Pichugin

I was yesterday on business in the Gusevsky district, accidentally came across a population of Parnassius mnemosine. Today I was going to take pictures and, as if for evil, it was raining and overcast all day. I didn't see Parnassus, of course. I started gutting cow cakes and made 2 discoveries for myself at once umnik.gif:
It turns out that there are Geotrupes vernalis and Copris lunaris in the Vladimir region.
There was only one Vernalis, and one copra male and one female. The rest is all as usual: Stercorosus, stercorariusus, various aphodia and ontophages.
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13.06.2008 19:59, El Cazador

And here are my mnemosynes. Yaroslavl, Chebakovo station

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13.06.2008 20:09, El Cazador

St. Chebakovo 12 hours later

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14.06.2008 18:59, Fornax13

Magdalisov could not be collected because of the abundance of mosquitoes that have stuck his son, and Eucnemis capucina, apparently, has not yet flown…

Most likely, you can build it already. You just need to find a suitable tree.

14.06.2008 19:30, Nikolaj Pichugin

Finally, the weather is nice today. Photographed mnemosyne.
It turns out that it is not so easy to photograph insects in their usual conditions. I take my hat off to those who do this successfully.
I lost two hours until I got a few acceptable shots.
Uvarovo village, Vladimir region
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14.06.2008 21:12, bahurin

I recently returned from a trip 30 km from Ryazan, met an amazing place, found a population of Colias myrmidone, poplar tapeworm limenitis populi and hawthorn apria crataegi, but most of all I was struck by euphdryas maturna, which just swarmed on the sand.

1.jpg — (181.83к)

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15.06.2008 20:58, mikee

Ryazan region, Kasimov district, June 12-14, 2008. Podaliriyas are still flying (I saw them for the first time on May 17), the first-generation mirmydone is finishing flying, poplar tapeworms and hawthorns have flown, but there are no perelivnits yet. There are many different draughtsmen and golubyanki. More or less night fishing began. Below is a list of the brightest and largest species, night and day butterflies and a few beetles. Something that raises doubts about the definition, posted in the relevant sections "Definition of insects".

Rhyparia purpurata - 1
Arctia villica -3

Macrothylacia rubi - >10
Dendrolimus pini - >10

Mimas tiliae - >10
Smerinthus ocellata - 3
Sphinx pinastri - >20
Hyles gallii - 1
Deilephila porcellus - >10

Cossus cossus - 1

Cerura vinula - 1
Notodonta ziczac - 1
Pheosia tremula - 4
Phalera bucephala - 2

Angerona prunaria - 1
Biston betularia - 5
Geometra papilionaria - 1

Iphiclides podalirius - >5
Limenitis populi - >10
Thersamonolycaena alciphron
Satyrium pruni

Oryctes nasicornis - 1
Hydrophilus piceus - 1
Necrophorus vespilloides
Silpha perforata
Monochamus sutor/galloprovicialis ?
Buprestis mariana
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17.06.2008 10:48, Dmitry Vlasov

2Fornax: Eucnemis, s have already flown... 15 06-took a couple of pieces, and then there will be more.... Need them???
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17.06.2008 13:09, Necrocephalus

Eucnemis, s have already flown... 15 06-took a couple of pieces, and then there will be more.... Need them???

Dear Elizar, how do you catch them? Please tell us.

17.06.2008 14:04, Fornax13

2Fornax: Eucnemis, s have already flown... 15 06-took a couple of pieces, and then there will be more.... Need them???

I will not refuse wink.gifAnd I will try to catch it myself this year. And what groups are you interested in in terms of exchange?

17.06.2008 14:10, Fornax13

Dear Elizar, how do you catch them? Please tell us.

I caught it myself only once: I found a half-dead hollow maple tree and hollowed out the dust from the hollow-this friend alone also caught 2 Mycetochara species.
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17.06.2008 20:54, Necrocephalus

I caught it myself only once: I found a half-dead hollow maple tree and hollowed out the dust from the hollow-this friend also caught 2 Mycetochara species.

It seems to me that Elizar has some other method of fishing. Considering that after catching two beetles, he counts on a larger number... Maybe window traps? confused.gif

18.06.2008 0:27, Fornax13

Maybe... As I understand it, this species flies earlier than most other euknemids, but I couldn't put windows before mid-July... frown.gif

18.06.2008 8:25, Dmitry Vlasov

2Necrocephalus, Fornax13: Wrong guess! I collect them by hand - just in the okr. my house in the forest belt has a lot of poplars of an indeterminate type or shape with a bunch of dry roads. Beetles came across me from the beginning to the end of June (according to data from different years) in places of fractures of trunks and on dry roadsides of live trees, were most active in the afternoon hours (18-19). With a successful scenario on one dry road in 10-15 minutes up to a dozen beetles...
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18.06.2008 8:51, Tyomochkin

The last 2 weeks I fished in the Kashira region (130-159km from Moscow, Korostelevo settlement) and in Michurinsk (Tambov region). Years went only from June 9 (strange). I caught 8 hawkmoth, but I haven't identified one yet. There is one very large privet hawk moth (wing 5.5 cm). There are quite a lot of Arctia villica, if anyone needs - I can catch a couple.
Summing up everything-I went for years, but something was somehow weak!

18.06.2008 9:59, Sergey Didenko

Report on a trip near Tambov from late evening 11.06.08 to morning 13.06.08.
Well, first of all, I didn't see anything interesting during the day, probably because it was hot, about plus 32 in the shade, and even in the sun…Things are much better at night. I already mentioned a large spider – here are its pictures, who knows what kind of monster it is? There were also rhinoceros beetles flying around, even without horns, but I didn't see any deer beetles. Now about the butterflies.
From the hawk moth flew:
Deilephila elpenor (>10)
Deilephila porcellus (5)
Hyles euphorbiae (2)
Hyles gallii (1)
Laothoe populi (1)
Mimas tiliae (>10)
Smerinthus ocellatus (5)
Of the Macrothylacia
rubi cocoonworms, there are many females, only one male.
From the tufts
of Drymonia dodonaea (1)
Notodonta dromedarius (5)
Notodonta ziczac (5)
Pheosia gnoma (5)
Pterostoma palpina (5)
Gluphisia crenata (1)
Cerura erminea (2)
Furcula furcula (1)
Of the scoops, the most memorable
are Tyta luctuosa, in the part of the MO where I catch them,they do not fly,
another Heliothis ononis, I have not seen more memorable of the scoops, as well as yellow-winged (in my opinion interposita), hoodworms, etc
. From the moth taken by me, in the photo from top to bottom
the first row
of Epirrhoe pupillata
Rheumaptera hastata
stegania dilectaria
Tephrina arenacearia
Catarhoe cuculata
second row
Lithostege farinata
Ascotis selenaria
Therapis flavicaria
Rhodostrophia vibicaria
Bears, in addition to white, only purple (a lot), scented woodworms. What has already dried, then attach photos. If pyadenits identified it incorrectly, please specify. What kind of hoods on the pictures, any ideas?

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18.06.2008 10:04, Bad Den

The spider looks like some kind of Lycosa
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18.06.2008 10:08, Sergey Didenko

The spider looks like some kind of Lycosa

Not toxic?

18.06.2008 10:09, Bad Den

Not toxic?

Tarantula of some sort wink.gif

18.06.2008 10:13, Sergey Didenko

Some kind of tarantula wink.gif

Laughter is laughter, and the feeling is not the most pleasant...catch-catch, and all around such monsters crawl! And if they don't crawl, but jump off trees? smile.gif

18.06.2008 10:39, Necrocephalus

You didn't guess right! I collect them by hand - just in the okr. my house in the forest belt has a lot of poplars of an indeterminate type or shape with a bunch of dry roads.

In the vicinity of my house, too, there are such poplars...
Well, I think I'm changing my plans for tonight... smile.gif
Although, probably, the view is local. Not found everywhere. But you can still search. smile.gif

18.06.2008 12:57, RippeR

It looks like a South-Russian Trantula spider? Or do we still have other species?

there is nothing wrong with such monsters - harmless animals ^_^ They don't jump from trees because they don't climb, and we don't have such large tree climbers.
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18.06.2008 14:08, Sergey Didenko

Yes, I already realized that this is Lycosa singoriensis, but they are also poisonous, but it seems that they are not dangerous for humans, they bite like hornets.

18.06.2008 14:23, svm2

[quote=sdi,18.06.2008 09:59Epirrhoe pupillata
Rheumaptera hastata
Stegania dilectaria
Tephrina arenacearia
Catarhoe cuculata
второй ряд
Lithostege farinata
Ascotis selenaria
Therapis flavicaria
Rhodostrophia vibicaria


Are you sure that Rheumaptera hastata?, in my opinion Epirrhoe tristata or hastulata

18.06.2008 14:40, svm2

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18.06.2008 15:01, svm2

And it seems to me your Heliothis is plain viriplaca

18.06.2008 17:37, Sergey Didenko

And I think your Heliothis is a regular viriplaca

It may be quite shabby, but I usually caught viriplaca during the day, they are somewhat larger. Do you know any clear signs of their difference?

18.06.2008 17:39, Sergey Didenko

[quote=svm2,18.06.2008 14:23]

21.06.2008 21:17, mikee

June 21, Kirzhachsky district, Vladimir region. A trip in search of the Colias palaeno station, a copy of which I accidentally caught (I went to the pioneer camp to visit my son) in those parts 12 years ago... An empty trip, there are not many butterflies at all, and even those are commonplace frown.gifMass years of hawthorns, single pigeons, maturns finishing their years, fresh V. urticae, quite a lot of L. populi (but only males), while there are no perelivnits, overwintered lemongrass still fly. The goal of the trip has not been achieved, especially since the landscapes are becoming increasingly polluted by human activity. Forests in many places repeatedly burned. All the open spaces were overgrown with lupine. Along the road, the local population sells the first mushrooms-aspen and podberezoviki, quite a lot, but in the forest they almost do not come across - as always, you need to know the places smile.gif
Likes: 18

22.06.2008 8:08, El Cazador

Venerable ones, what about the summer of Apollo in the Vladimir region? Last year, at this time, he was already flying. It's time to get ready for it.

22.06.2008 20:59, mikee

Venerable ones, what about the summer of Apollo in the Vladimir region? Last year, at this time, he was already flying. It's time to get ready for it.

I hope to find out on Wednesday. Although not in the Red Lighthouse, but the region is the same. If the Internet still works, I'll let you know.

23.06.2008 13:35, Tyomochkin

Yes, Zhukov generally nima (Tambov region). Here I'm going to go to the place of summer Mnemosyne-R. Ilovay, the village of Ilovay-Dmitriyeskoe (also Tambov region, Pervomaisky district).

24.06.2008 15:22, Serg Svetlov

We were in the Saratov province from 20 to 23 June, unfortunately the weather failed, although we managed to catch something.I give a list of barbels, because I am more interested in them, but I would like to note that in the area of really normal forests (there are no plantings left), a little in the north, and very little in the south and around Saratov, it's a shame. The fauna is extremely interesting, judging by the barbels, there are intersections, eastern and western species, see the list for yourself, and of course photos.
Stenocorus meridianus, Brachyta variabilis, Dinoptera collaris, Alosterna tabacicolor, Vadonia unipunctata, Pseudovadonia livida, Anoplodera: rufipes;sexguttata, Stictoleptura maculicornis, Anastrangalia:sanguinolenta;reyi, Lepturobosca virens , Pachytodes:erraticus;cerambyciformis, Macroleptura thoracica(very strange shape, completely black),Leptura quadrifasciata, Lepturalia nigripes( with red elytra, usually found beyond the Urals, i.e. much to the east), Strangalia attenuata, Rutpela maculata, Stenurella: melanura; bifasciata, Necydalis major, Ropalopus macropus, Plagionotus: detritus; arcuatus, Chlorophorus:varius;herbsti;figuratus,
Xylotrechus: antilope; arvicola;capricornis;rusticus, Cyrtoclytus capra( my friend's head popped up primorye, almost confused where it is.Хе-хе)Clytus rhamni,
Mesosa myops, Cribridorcadion holosericeum(some belated female),Anaesthetis testacea, Aegomorphus: clavipes; wojtylai (but you need to dig better with these, the series is decent, we'll pick at the sexual devices), Leiopus nebulosus, Exocentrus adspersus???( You need to take a closer look, maybe another one, but definitely not lusitanus), Tetrops praeustus,
Saperda perforata, Phytoecia: nigricornis; cylindrica, Opsilia coerulescens( unfortunately, I had to mow a little, the grass was constantly wet, and in the forest)Agapanthiella: dahli; villosoviridescens, Smaragdula violacea;intermedia (intermedia was much larger). Well, that's all it seems. I haven't forgotten anything. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

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24.06.2008 16:54, RippeR

Can I ask you to postpone Vadonia unipunctata, Stictoleptura maculicornis, Macroleptura thoracica, Xylotrechus arvicola, capricornis if there are spare parts? Later we will exchange with smile.gif

25.06.2008 13:59, Serg Svetlov

2 RippeR, unfortunately only 2 banal species Vadonia unipunctata, Stictoleptura maculicornis can be postponed, arvicola and capricornis are a problem, capricornis(a) itself caught for the first time in 15 years, arvicola seems to be there, but not enough. And thoracica should be looked at on seaside mattresses, there were many, but I don't promise
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25.06.2008 16:05, Sergey Didenko

This weekend, no one is going to Kr.Mayak? I really want to get involved (with the car).

25.06.2008 19:26, El Cazador

I'm going to go from Yaroslavl. But I would like to know more about the possibility of an Apollo summer. Does anyone have any information?

26.06.2008 21:14, mikee

I'm going to go from Yaroslavl. But I would like to know more about the possibility of an Apollo summer. Does anyone have any information?

Today was non-flying weather, I hope I will give you accurate information tomorrow.

In the north of the Ryazan region (the border with Vladimir), the apollons flew. Today is almost the first day, the butterflies are fresh and even slightly yellowish. Poa are only males, but larger than last year. They fly only in the sun, because it is quite cool (~20 gr.). You can safely go to the Red Lighthouse. Good luck!

This post was edited by mikee - 27.06.2008 19: 51
Likes: 3

27.06.2008 23:24, mikee

Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district It warmed up only by 12 o'clock. I went to look for a local swamp (here they are not very good). I found, unfortunately, a low-lying swamp completely overgrown with stunted birch and tall grass. All this is surrounded by a pine forest. A lot of blueberries, quite a lot of lingonberries, I also found blueberries, but I hope I haven't found Colias palaeno weep.gifyet. Near the swamp, small pigeons fly in the mass, I attach a photo, help (MTS-GPRS works somehow, there are no reference books with you). For me, so Vacciniina optilete. By the way, for the Ryazan region. - Red Book view. And there are hundreds of them...! Interestingly, I met quite a lot of Diacrisia sannio on the blueberry patch along the edge of the swamp, although it is "meadow" smile.gifOn the roads near puddles in the mass of shashechnits of different species, male pigeons P.argus, finally, flew perelivnitsy A. ilia. In forest clearings, there are only a few different mother-of-pearl flowers. I wrote about apollonovs in the previous message. Podaliriyas are still found, in the mass - hawthorns, myrmidons (2nd generation) we haven't really flown yet. At night, the wind is weak, because the nights are bright and short, and it's cold. Banal hawkmoth flies (porcellus - en masse, pinastri and ocellatus - only a few), a few different tufts, scoops, moth flies, a hefty female cossus flew (how it flies is generally unclear), ordinary cocoonworms (but one Gastropacha populifolia flew - an infrequent guest in my area). It is curious that the DRL-250 does not fly better on a chipped one than on a whole one, especially if you additionally turn on a bactericidal lamp). Moreover, Geometra papilionaria, for example, flies in a mass to a non-split one, but not a single one flew to a split one at all. What doesn't exist at all are the dippers. Villica and purpurata were probably already flying away, but caja was still too early. From beetles-in the mass of bronzes. I've never seen anything like this, they eat all the flowers in a row. Actually, that's all for now, there are still 5 days of short-term vacation left...

This post was edited by mikee - 27.06.2008 23: 31
Likes: 10

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