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28.06.2008 0:00, Kharkovbut

For me, so Vazziniina optiliete.

She is.

28.06.2008 20:09, El Cazador

Vladimir region, Andreevo village. The Apollons really just started moving. I found three pieces drying wings on blades of grass. In the mass fly shashenitsy (especially Phoebe and mathurna), but very few chervonets. Last year, I remember, in damp places, the fires flew in clouds. I haven't even seen them today. Perelivnits also did not see any of them.
I'm not sure, but it seemed to me that when leaving Vladimir on the Murom road, apollons also flew along the highway. Maybe they are located directly under Vladimir? confused.gif

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28.06.2008 21:02, mikee

There are appolonchiki, there is smile.gifToday checked the population on the Oka, it is small, but it is preserved. Added a couple (male and female) from another population to refresh the blood. I found another small population near the main one. Today, females have also appeared. By the way, I checked what time the Apollos fly - I met the last one at 6 pm, while the sun was in a strong haze.
He examined an oak grove in the floodplain of the Gus River. Oaks can be found up to a meter thick. But many are damaged by fungi and the local population, which strives, for some reason, to build bonfires right under the oaks frown.gifOn many oaks abundant sap flow from cracks and some other damage. But the bronze caught only one, but healthy and beautiful (see the definition of beetles). There are no butterflies on the sap at all, only a small number of wasps and hornets.
In search of other stations, Apollonov traveled through the forest. Unfortunately, it was late afternoon. Along the way, he shook all the oaks in the fields of oak marshmallows. Alas, I never found one... But finally, I caught Colias palaeno and found a riding swamp where they breed! Only one, but I saw another one, and it was already evening. If there's any weather, I'll go there again. By the way, and in this swamp (see yesterday's report) in the mass fly V. optilete. And this is a rare butterfly? It's just a pity, they're already badly flown.
Likes: 4

02.07.2008 11:46, Sergey Didenko

27 on Friday was in Kr Mayak. Due to bad weather (sometimes rain, sometimes clouds), it flew poorly, but I caught two apollos (sps to Pavel for an accurate tip, yes, I was probably wrong, the apollos are fresh). Quite a lot of mother-of-pearl and draughtsmen flew-Aurelia, Avrinia, Phoebe, dia, titania, aglaia, Selene. In the forest mushrooms - chanterelles and buttermilk. I returned from there to my dacha near Orekhovo. Both at night and during the day, mostly banals:
during the day, diamina and athalia shashechnits, dia, aglai, paphii mother-of-pearl (strangely, the most numerous species of cinxia was not present);
at night, pine, poplar, medium and small wine, eye - shaped, lime; cocoonworms-oak-leaved, plum, euphorbia, ringed, grass (but all much less than always, plus some species it wasn't there at all). Crested - bicolored, alder, zigzag, gnome, tremulae, lunae, capuchin, large and white harpies, bifids and furcula, beech fork-tails. From the amazing Lycia hirtaria and it's June 29th. Plus caught a scoop, which in my opinion has nothing to do in the MO (see photo)

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02.07.2008 12:37, Pavel Morozov

Why is there nothing to do?
Quite suitable for the Moscow region swamp lover Hyppa rectilinea,
I even caught it near Zvenigorod.
Although, the butterfly is quite rare

02.07.2008 12:55, Sergey Didenko

Why is there nothing to do?
Quite suitable for the Moscow region swamp lover Hyppa rectilinea,
I even caught it near Zvenigorod.
Although, the butterfly is quite rare

That's right, it can fly. I was guided by the book scoops of Ukraine and there the area is indicated only in western Ukraine, plus I have never flown here and made a mistake.

02.07.2008 13:57, svm2

Just like a swamp lover, 31.05 in the Polessky nature Reserve (northern Ukraine-almost Belarus) near the upper swamp caught, a dozen flew in-a couple of myself chose. Previously, somehow, too, did not come across, however, and about the swamps caught only at the end of August.

02.07.2008 21:22, mikee

Finally, the forum is working! I returned from a short vacation (Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district). I caught it every night, regardless of the weather. In the end, I got the impression that the same specimens arrive nightlysmile.gif, and the variety is extremely small. For some reason, neither poplar nor medium-sized wine hawks arrived at all, although in previous years they were also in decent numbers. Of the bears, only speckled and meadow males. In general, weakly, and that on the pricked, that on the non-pricked DRL-250, exactly the same.
Apollo this year is smaller than in previous years, but, on the other hand, they are found singly almost throughout the forest where they roamed. Yesterday, the weather allowed us to go to the discovered station C. palaeno. Everything is fine, I caught both males and females. Males are mostly frayed (let go) and completely faded. Females are much fresher. Interestingly, males willingly sit on flowers, but females-only on grass. In general, these yolks are significantly inferior to their relatives in mobility and flight speed. General view of the swamp - in photos. Jaundice fly not on the swamp itself, but on the nearest forest clearings and roads. Estimated to be no more than 500 m from the swamp. But V. optilete flutters both in the swamp itself and in the immediate vicinity. I even caught one on an oak tree (I thought Neozephyrus quercus).
And, finally, a random, but very joyful capture (see photo), which I did not expect. I took my wife to pick meadow strawberries (to the point of figs this year), and he found an unexpected joy. In combination with C. palaeno, I couldn't help but wonder whether you get more joy and satisfaction from a thorough search with a preliminary study of habits and maps of the area, or from chance smile.gif
Mushrooms slowly begin: chanterelles (in the mass), buttermilk, boletus, white. The meadows on the Oka River are blooming and smell absolutely wonderful... But I didn't manage to go fishing, however, I don't particularly regret it.
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02.07.2008 21:51, Дзанат

27 on Friday was in Kr Mayak.

Please tell me the name of the butterfly in the 4th photo, which is the first in the first row and the 4th in the last.

02.07.2008 22:31, mikee

Please tell me the name of the butterfly in the 4th photo, which is the first in the first row and the 4th in the last.

As far as we can see, this is Diacrisia sannio (Linnaeus, 1758) - Meadow bear (males)
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03.07.2008 7:23, Sergey Didenko

Then mikee.
And in the Tambov region Suvorov herds!

03.07.2008 10:04, mikee

Then mikee.
And in the Tambov region Suvorov herds!

So then in Tambov : -) And I caught in the very north of Ryazan.

03.07.2008 14:29, алекс 2611

We were in the Saratov province from 20 to 23 June, unfortunately the weather failed, although we managed to catch something.I give a list of barbels, because I am more interested in them, but I would like to note that in the area of really normal forests (there are no plantings left), a little in the north, and very little in the south and around Saratov, it's a shame. The fauna is extremely interesting, judging by the barbels, there are intersections, eastern and western species, see the list for yourself, and of course photos.
Stenocorus meridianus, Brachyta variabilis, Dinoptera collaris, Alosterna tabacicolor, Vadonia unipunctata, Pseudovadonia livida, Anoplodera: rufipes;sexguttata, Stictoleptura maculicornis, Anastrangalia:sanguinolenta;reyi, Lepturobosca virens , Pachytodes:erraticus;cerambyciformis, Macroleptura thoracica(very strange shape, completely black),Leptura quadrifasciata, Lepturalia nigripes( with red elytra, usually found beyond the Urals, i.e. much to the east), Strangalia attenuata, Rutpela maculata, Stenurella: melanura; bifasciata, Necydalis major, Ropalopus macropus, Plagionotus: detritus; arcuatus, Chlorophorus:varius;herbsti;figuratus,
Xylotrechus: antilope; arvicola;capricornis;rusticus, Cyrtoclytus capra( my friend's head popped up primorye, almost confused where it is.Хе-хе)Clytus rhamni,
Mesosa myops, Cribridorcadion holosericeum(some belated female),Anaesthetis testacea, Aegomorphus: clavipes; wojtylai (but you need to dig better with these, the series is decent, we'll pick at the sexual devices), Leiopus nebulosus, Exocentrus adspersus???( You need to take a closer look, maybe another one, but definitely not lusitanus), Tetrops praeustus,
Saperda perforata, Phytoecia: nigricornis; cylindrica, Opsilia coerulescens( unfortunately, I had to mow a little, the grass was constantly wet, and in the forest)Agapanthiella: dahli; villosoviridescens, Smaragdula violacea;intermedia (intermedia was much larger). Well, that's all it seems. I haven't forgotten anything. smile.gif  smile.gif  smile.gif

In the 90s, he often spent summers in the Volsky district of the Saratov region. I also collected a lot of barbels. In principle, the list of species is roughly the same, only the absence of Cerambyx scopolii is surprising. In the 90s, the view was quite common. Or did I just miss it?

06.07.2008 21:12, Славл

On the light DRL-250 caught two nights-4 and 5 July. Kalacheyevsky district of the Voronezh Region. I was particularly surprised by the different colors of the wings of Toplev hawkmoth - from soft cream to black-brown; pine cocoonworms this year are much more plump than last year's specimens; for the first time I caught a Pine hawkmoth, which, however, are not uncommon in this area surrounded by pine trees; a female deer beetle and a beetle flew in- rhino, also saw a dead male stag beetle on a country road under poplars/willows in the afternoon.
Cold nights this year and the years aren't too intense, but it's still great!
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under the wing of a strong company

This post was edited by Slavl-06.07.2008 21: 18
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07.07.2008 15:21, mikee

Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district Caught only on the light and only one night from Saturday to Sunday. It was the darkest and warmest night of the season. And, as a result, everything that flies at all flew to the light. Another question is that nothing, in my opinion, was particularly interesting. A couple of rhinoceros beetles (male and female) arrived, a huge number of hawkmoth (Hyles gallii-1, Hyles euphorbiae - 1, Deilephila porcellus - >50, Sphinx pinastri - >20), for the first time this summer Deilephila elpenor-4 and Laothoe populi-3), a lot of scoops of various kinds and sizes (I don't get carried away, but there were two beautiful species with a malachite-gray pattern, one with yellow lower wings with a black sash, several types of metalloids - if you want, I can post photos of some). Under the curtain at 2 am (it started to rain and I wanted to sleepsmile.gif), a fresh Callimorpha dominula flew in, which I had never seen in those parts before. During the day, there are no changes, Apollons fly, but Argynnis paphia is still not there, a fresh generation of lemongrass and admirals has flown, already worn camillas and pigeons are fluttering through the forest, i.e. some are already very worn, others are just starting to fly. I saw, after all, an oak marshmallow, but already in a completely obscene form...
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07.07.2008 15:26, Vlad Proklov

[ ... ] if you want, I can post photos of some [...]

Of course, it would be interesting to look at the pictures!

PS Thank you! /about CC/

07.07.2008 17:17, mikee

Of course, it would be interesting to look at the pictures!

PS Thank you! /about the CC/

In the evening.

PS. Thank you still early/about QC/ smile.gif

07.07.2008 23:01, Fornax13

Today I returned from the south of the region. In general, I climbed quite well:
From Karabid - for the first time in the Middle Volga region Chlaenius aeneocephalus!!! + a couple of Carabus stscheglovi, Calathus fuscipes, 2 Notiophilus (most likely 2 species - laticollis and hypocrita - I haven't looked yet). Another mutant steed smile.gif
From lamellicorns-a pair of Protaetia fieberi, a pair of P. aeruginosa, Gnorimus variabilis, Onthophagus illyricus, to the window of Odontaeus armiger. There were a lot of deer - I didn't take them.
There were a lot of goldsmiths, including a good series of Cratomerus diadema-previously there was only one specimen from the region. 2 species of Anthaxia-rossica (in the mass) and something even more interesting. I typed Acmaeoderella - maybe even more than one species. + a bunch of motley Agrilus, including some cute ones.
Half a bucket of mordellid, of course smile.gif smile.gif
From a pleasant trifle - Lissodema (Salpingidae) (in my opinion, there was no such genus from the St. region), in the windows - 2 dozen different leiodina, a dozen of all sorts of palps (from Euplectini), Stenichnus a few pieces, scored a bunch of some terrible Lathridiidae.
All in all, it's fun.

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08.07.2008 0:28, mikee

Of course, it would be interesting to look at the pictures!

See the definition of butterflies

10.07.2008 0:11, Bad Den

On Monday, a sudden scheduled inspection of one flour mill was carried out. Among the usual (for such enterprises) species, an interesting weevil was found - Cossonus parallelepipedus. And, contrary to the "green" - not in rotten wood, but in grain bait with poison for rats and mice.
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10.07.2008 1:16, Victor Titov

Cossonus parallelepipedus is a cute bug! But I found them on the dry roads of the old (old!) poplars in our city.
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14.07.2008 10:39, Solarway

12.07 was in the vicinity of Pereslavl-Zalessky. Here's who we caught:
Apatura ilia (their name is Legion) smile.gif
Limenitis populi(female), I haven't seen more of it in a day.
Limenitis camilla (flew not in such a mass, as perelivnitsy)
Melitaea athalia
Argynnis paphia (males fly in perfect quality, a little)

The mother-of-pearl jewelry listed below was only a single instance of it.
Argynnis niobe
Argynnis adippe
Brenthis ino
Boloria aquilonaris
Boloria dia
Boloria euphrosyne
Boloria selene

Lopinga achine
Aporia crataegi
Plebejus argus
Autographa bractea was found sleeping in the grass.
That's how my day went, for myself I consider it very successful, because at once to catch 7 types of mother-of-pearl, which were not yet in my collection-it's just a gift! smile.gif
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16.07.2008 1:10, guest: Tyomochkin

I catch everything in Tambov, now in Ilovay-Dmitrievsky... The last three days were attacked, and this is an understatement, by small black beetles... They were already in the house somehow! The butterflies are not allowed to sit on the fabric, and I am not allowed to approach... So the fishing subsided... Now I'm breeding 138 caterpillars of the bear Kaya... If anyone needs it, I can give you a couple!

16.07.2008 8:31, omar

We need little black beetles. smile.gif Wouldn't mind a couple of

16.07.2008 13:38, Serg Svetlov

here I took a walk with my son around the dacha on July 10, Vladimir region, boring in the middle lane, a couple of photos, I hope that you can see something on them

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16.07.2008 13:49, omar

If you collect only barbels and goldsmiths, it is undoubtedly boring. smile.gif

16.07.2008 14:04, Serg Svetlov

smile.gif no words

16.07.2008 19:40, Victor Titov

I catch everything in Tambov, now in Ilovay-Dmitrievsky... The last three days were attacked, and this is an understatement, by small black beetles... They were already in the house somehow! The butterflies are not allowed to sit on the fabric, and I am not allowed to approach... So the fishing subsided... Now I'm breeding 138 caterpillars of the bear Kaya... If anyone needs it, I can give you a couple!

And what, Kaya has become so rare?

16.07.2008 19:49, Victor Titov

here I took a walk with my son around the dacha on July 10, Vladimir region, boring in the middle lane, a couple of photos, I hope that you can see something on them

Why is it boring?! Zlatka in the fourth (top) picture, Necydalis major - not bad at all!
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17.07.2008 12:14, guest: Tyomochkin

What kind of beetles-I don't know, I only know about butterflies... Recently caught a beetle, with the hope that it is not banal, at the sawmill, next to a pine tree, mustache about 5 cm, gray... I'll come, take a picture, post it. Butterflies were not enough, against the background of all the beetles, so the beetles also attacked the house (I have relatives ) ). Kaya is not uncommon, but there are usually a lot of people who want to withdraw... I'm looking for spurge hawks and caterpillars myself... It's strange, you can't see them this year...

17.07.2008 12:44, Трофим

Now I'll try to guess Acanthocinus aedilis.

18.07.2008 15:57, guest: Tyomochkin

No, it doesn't seem to be him... I'll post the photo in early August...

20.07.2008 13:51, El Cazador

Terebra comes across every year here in Yaroslavl. Fly to the light with the message.

20.07.2008 14:03, El Cazador

On the night of July 19-20, I was fishing in a village near Yaroslavl for light. The conditions were very similar - calm, warm (+20 at night), the moon in clouds-but nothing special went on the lamp. clouds of midges and small beetles. The most common moth at this time is A. grossulariata and then 2 pieces. The scoop is a couple of types. Cocoonworms and hawk moth are gone. But after one o'clock in the morning went A. caja. In 40 minutes, 28 pieces arrived (I counted them on purpose). On sugar and beer baits flew one fulminea. Overall rating - so-so, it could have been better.

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20.07.2008 22:46, Vlad Proklov

Terebra comes across every year here in Yaroslavl. They fly into the light along with soss.

And where exactly in Yaroslavl? I can slap a point, but Yaroslavl occupies several points...

In the night from July 19 to July 20 caught in the village near Yaroslavl on light.

Actually, the same question. You can contact us in PM smile.gif

21.07.2008 6:37, Victor Titov

And where exactly in Yaroslavl? I can slap a point, but Yaroslavl occupies several points...
Actually, the same question. You can go to your personal account smile.gif

I know for certain one point in the Yaroslavl region (I personally caught terebra, back in the late 70s) - Uglich district, the YarSU biostationary center (the confluence of the Uleima and Yukhot rivers). But this, of course, does not mean that it is nowhere else in the Yaroslavl smile.gifregion .

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 07/21/2008 06: 39
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21.07.2008 17:02, Vlad Proklov

I know for certain one point in the Yaroslavl region (I personally caught terebra, back in the late 70s) - Uglich district, the YarSU biostationary center (the confluence of the Uleima and Yukhot rivers). But this, of course, does not mean that it is nowhere else in the Yaroslavl smile.gifregion .

And this is not the same copy that was mentioned in M. Klepikov's article in the last Eversmannia?
Mat.: Uleima, 1 copy. (without the collection date). Currently it is in the collection of the Biofactory Department of Yaroslavl State University.

21.07.2008 21:44, Victor Titov

And this is not the same copy that was mentioned in M. Klepikov's article in the last Eversmannia?
Mat.: Uleima, 1 copy. (without the collection date). Currently it is in the collection of the Biofactory Department of Yaroslavl State University.

It is possible that the other one. In the 90s, I gave my copy to an employee of the Zoology department of the university, who collects butterflies. But my copy was with an indication of the month (July) and year (now I don't remember exactly, 1978 or 1979) of capture. I'll check with Max, we meet regularly.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 07/21/2008 21: 47
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21.07.2008 21:50, mikee

Finally, I found the time smile.gifAs always, Ryazan region, Kasimovsky district, Gus-Zhelezny. Two nights and one day (Saturday). The first night is warm, dry, without wind, but with a full, though low, moon. The second is humid, windless, and moonless, but with a large and rapid (1.5 hours) drop in temperature. And the composition of living creatures in the world is largely different. In particular, on the first night there was no Deilephila porcellus at all, but they were in the mass on the second. On the first night, there was a lot of small carabids and N - point ladybirds; on the second night, there were almost no ladybirds.
I write a list of the most notable and well-known species (in parentheses - photo number, if removed), the rest-in the "definition of butterflies/beetles/caterpillars"...

Hawk moth:
Deilephila porcellus (a lot, and fly for 1.5 months, still fresh)
Deilephila elpenor (several pieces)
Laothoe populi (a pair of shabby ones)
Sphinx pinastri (wild number, very badly frayed)

Green motes (images in "Defining..."):
Thetidia ?smaragdaria (590)
Hemithea ?aestivaria (550)
Geometra papilionaria

Odonestis pruni (plum 659)
Malacosoma neustria (annelid 650)
Euthrix ?potatoria (herbal 575)

Cossus cossus (one ragged male)

Khokhlatki (pictures in "definition..."):
Phalera bucephala
Pheosia gnoma/tremula

The dippers:
Miltochrista miniata (629)
Arctia caja (in bulk)
Coscinia striata
Phragmatobia fuliginosa (huge number)
Spilosoma ?lutea (576)

Callopistria juventina (568)
Catocala fulminea (3 pieces, 660, no hawthorn in the vicinity!)
Noctua ?fimbriata (662)

During the day:
Everything is banal. Apollons still come across very decent quality. Fresh pafia males, no females. There are few males of the second generation of Myrmidon, but no females yet. Individual Pontia edusa. Numerous A. crataegi. Fresh swallowtails. Remains of A. ilia. Etc. etc., off-season, shorter smile.gif
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21.07.2008 23:17, RippeR

I've never seen such flowers before.. Acid rain, I guess..

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