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Central, South and East Asia outside the former USSR

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCentral, South and East Asia outside the former USSR

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01.03.2014 18:52, swerig

Swerig, molodcy, chto polovili, no chisla = sezon - predpolozhitelno iz daty vashego posta?
tolko february, koroche?

from February 14 to 20.

01.03.2014 18:53, swerig

Dmitry, did you come across any thin shells?

It didn't seem to be there.

15.03.2014 10:40, AGG

we hope, believe and wait beer.gif

18.03.2014 13:54, Guest

swerig, sps! uxovertki klassnye - pryam xochetsa escho pozhit' chtob ix ubit' ili pomenyatsa... Esli escho kto imeet takix prepodobnyx - predlozhenie obmena deystvuet.

And I'm scratching my head-who asked for earwigs?

18.03.2014 23:12, Dracus

Kostya, mantises are awesome in the first photo-Parathespis humbertiana Saussure, 1869.
The grasshopper on the last one is Mecopoda sp. , I assume.

20.03.2014 17:33, CosMosk

And I'm scratching my head-who asked for earwigs?
Hello, anonymous! Peshi in PM!)))

Kostya, mantises are awesome in the first photo-Parathespis humbertiana Saussure, 1869.
The grasshopper on the last one is Mecopoda sp. , I assume.

And besides the Mecopoda with the letter A, do you remember the genus? - I forgot,but the association is a persistent *horse name*)
Thank you for Thank You! - as a photo)))
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-these are the 2 views that are shown in the first photo just above. next - Orissa, Lake chilika.
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"there are some with or without wings.
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Lepidopterologists, and who else? - andhra Pradesh, karawadi.
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sorry for the mega-photo - then I'll rub it all out and make it better.

This post was edited by CosMosk-20.03.2014 17: 39

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20.03.2014 21:09, Dracus

Judging by the OSF, only the mecopoda from this tribe lives there.
The second photo above shows an even steeper praying mantis-Cheddikulama straminea Henry, 1932, the most primitive representative of Toxoderidae, below-the nymphs Didymocorypha lanceolata (Fabricius, 1798) and some Hierodula (here it is almost impossible to reach the species)

06.04.2014 6:45, Garricos

A short report on a trip to Thailand from March 14, 2014 to April 2, 2014. After moving back to Krasnoyarsk in the cold, to be honest, I couldn't stand it, and after the first opportunity and finances appeared, I immediately decided to go.
The route was chosen as follows: first to Chang Island, then north through Chang Mai to Pai village.
On the first day after arriving on the island, having missed the warmth and butterflies, I rushed to the waterfalls in the jungle. I caught almost nothing, but I was unaccustomed to heat stroke, which, accompanied by spicy Thai food, did not give a very good result - I got sick and went to bed for a couple of days.
After acclimatization, I finally got out to catch.
By the way, on the island it is not so easy to find a suitable place for fishing - either a lot of people (for example, on waterfalls), or wastelands where no one is there, but no one flies. However, armed with a motorbike and driving around half the island, after a few days I managed to find a couple of places where I could catch something. It's already starting to rain on Chang at this time of year, so you could count on some interesting insects being present. At least compared to the previous trip in February to the same places, now the jungle was much busier - even some beetles were collected. But it was also very restless on the part of all sorts of poisonous animals - when collecting horses, I disturbed a very large snake, which resembles a cobra in silhouette(I know for sure there is a king cobra on the island). I also saw a squashed centipede on the road, if you don't lie about 30 cm in length! During the night gathering, scorpions crawled out, actively trying to hide from the light of the lantern in my things. Well, in the jungle on a hike to the waterfalls, periodically met some small thin snakes.
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06.04.2014 6:53, Garricos

Here is a photo of mattresses from Koh Chang. I apologize for the quality of the photos)
Later I will write about the North of Thailand
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06.04.2014 14:45, Garricos

Then I took buses through Chang Mai to a small village called Pai. I must say that spring, as it turned out(well, I was warned), is not the best time for fishing in the North. The whole forest is very dry, there are fires in some places in the jungle, there is constant smog and the smell of tar in the air. There are few butterflies, no flowers. All the finds are mostly random in nature. All kinds of lures that I knew(wine with beer and sugar, fermented fruit with sugar, honey, Coca-Cola, etc.) did not work. However, we managed to catch something near the reservoirs. Night fishing in the reserve was also interesting, but around one o'clock in the morning I saw lanterns approaching in the dark, which was fraught with material loss and other problems, as I thought. As it turned out later, local tipsy Thais with guns were going to hunt wild boars).

Here is such a drought there:
Share price:
Jungle at dusk:

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06.04.2014 14:48, Garricos

And mattresses:
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06.04.2014 14:55, Garricos

Here's another one with a little bit of a night:
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07.04.2014 2:59, Transilvania

Some photos from Borneo Island, November-December 2013.

On Mount Kinabalu, some difficulties awaited me, as I was spoiled by the cheapness of Thailand and Vietnam. It was also cold and wet at night (rainy season), but no one tried to steal, as in Cambodia.

Transport was sometimes scary - when a local wreck (I caught it in Ranau) crawled up to the Mesilau track, it seemed that the door would fall off in one direction, and the wheel-in the other.

But at night, butterflies clung to the entire roof under the lamps - it was a shock. Pleasant. smile.gif

I almost always wear a cap, otherwise heat stroke is guaranteed, but the foggy mountain did not threaten me with anything, but the raincoat came in handy.


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This beetle larva fascinated me. I was walking in pitch darkness through the forest, and suddenly I saw a line of glowing dots on the ground!

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The parasitic plant Balanophora reflexa blooms.

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Near the village of Kokob, Rafflesia keithii just bloomed - it was a great luck, because the flower looks so-so in a few days.

This one is fresh. I didn't smell it. The size is about 80 cm.

After a lecture on Rafflesia taxonomy and Attenborough films, it seemed to me that there should be a queue for the flower.

But no, the only other person who came to see it was a lone American tourist.
There is a bus service to Kokob from Ranau, but I didn't find it.
Moreover, all taxi drivers answered questions about Kokob that they did not know such a village.
Barely got there.

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Thyas coronata? confused.gif confused.gif
Some of them just had black spots on their wings, and some of them also had this yellow border around the spots.

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I found this one in the woods this afternoon. I don't even know what gender. confused.gif

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At night, the hawk moth Megacorma obliqua arrived. His eyes are like saucers-huge!

Fresh. There were others on the ground that were already battered, and the whole path around the lodge looked like a graveyard of insects that had flown away. I was particularly impressed by a cicada the size of my palm. smile.gif

It was nice that no one stared at me and asked me why I was crawling around the lodge or picking someone off the roof with a mop. lol.gif

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Orchids grow everywhere in the forest on the mountain. Calanthe.

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Lobelia borneensis is a gardener's dream.

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Duliticola paradoxa (Trilobite beetle). Just lovely, in my opinion. They say that in Laos such bright pink live. I'd like to see it.

This "dinosaur" was a big surprise for me, because earlier friends complained that they could not find this beetle.
I found three of them, one sitting on the path and the other two on a rotten stump.
They're so calm, they look like robots.

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This Parepicedia fimbriata fell in love with a lamp near the lodge. Everything flew around.

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It's not the first time I've seen such a beautiful predator. But what kind is it?! confused.gif

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Like a ray of light in a dark realm, this Speiredonia mutabilis scoop shimmered right on the door of the Chinese woman who lives in Kinabalu Lodge rose cabin.

The lodge isn't very good, but I did meet a Chinese ornithologist who gave me a couple of rides back and forth. It's hard to catch a ride on the mountain.

He drove American birdwatchers, and they only looked through binoculars, not photographed. With my obsession with shooting everything, it's a bit unusual.

This nice man said that he had never seen Russians who did not drink beer at night, but rather rummaged through the forest with lanterns. wink.gif

To be continued... wink.gif
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07.04.2014 23:08, Transilvania

Continuation. Kinabalu.

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Amerila astreus.
Many bears flew into the world. Black and yellow, black and orange. This one seems particularly elegant to me.

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I wanted to take a picture of moths with transparent" windows " on their wings, but they didn't come. frown.gif But this one is also interesting.
Celenna festivaria.

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At night, an "ominous shadow" appeared over the heads of the lodge's guests - it turned out that a large rhinoceros, Chalcosoma moellenkampi, was sitting on a beam under the roof. jump.gif

This beetle will appeal even to those who are not a fan of insects. Of course, I've already been asked if he bit me. lol.gif

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Young Eupterote asclepiades were flying overhead, but this one was already weak.

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The neon coloring of the little Glyphodes stolalis impressed me. smile.gif

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Funny inflorescences-pompoms of the Poikilospermum suaveolens tree.
The tree was covered with ants!

If you believe a foreign article, then there are two species living in one tree nest-the big ones protect the small ones, and the small ones feed them with nectar.

And they also carry seeds of different types of poikilospermum (I would risk translating this as "krivosemyannik", but I haven't seen the Russian name yet).

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The" puppy " of the long-toothed snake was crawling about its business. Some took it for an earthworm. lol.gif

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Green cocoonworm Trabala ganesha. It looks like something out of a chicken.

I have always admired green butterflies, and I was surprised to hear the remark of a person far from biology: "Marsh-colored butterflies - just think, nothing interesting."

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Theretra nessus was sitting high up under the roof, but he didn't refuse to crawl over to the stick that was held out to him.

That's not all - there will be a sequel. smile.gif
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10.04.2014 2:35, Transilvania

More Kinabalu.

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A predatory endemic is Edwards ' nepenthes, on which sits a brooding haymaker.

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"Auntie, don't offend me!
"Well, I won't. lol.gif

The cicada Dundubia vaginata. Here the cicadas sat modestly on the street, but in Bako they all broke into my house as soon as I opened the door, and tried to commit suicide against the fan blades on the ceiling.

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In the morning, crowds of Dysdercus Redcaps hung out in the flowers outside the lodge.

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Lyssa zampa-my favorite size and shape of wings is beautiful.

From Mount Kinabalu, I went to Sukau on the Kinobatangan River. First I took one bus, then another, then another car. I drove for a total of six hours.

There are many cheap and comfortable lodges in Sukau. It's a nice place, but there aren't enough butterflies.

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Ascalaf is an unknown species to me.

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Cosmolestes picticeps / Reduviidae

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Small kingfisher Alcedo meninting sleeps at night on a branch above the Kinobatangan River.

This post was edited by Transilvania - 10.04.2014 03: 03
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10.04.2014 3:01, Transilvania


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From Sukau, I went to Sepilok, where the private Labuk Bay Nature Reserve is located nearby.

I had already observed nosers in the Bako forests and along the Kinobatangan River, but I wanted to get to know them better. And in Labuk Bay, it's possible. jump.gif

This was the end of my trip to Sabah, but I also visited Sarawak. Not far from Kuching is the Bako National Park, which can be reached by boat.

Nice place and very cheap.

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Platystomatidae cf. Scholastes sp.

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Impudent macaques are everywhere. Two macaques took away a package from a German student-they thought there was something delicious, but there was just a bottle of water.

This macaque was shouting, blocking my way-demanding cookies.

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Bako has steep cliffs - you need to walk slowly so as not to fall over. Crawling over another boulder, I saw a caterpillar of unearthly beauty.

The slug moth Setora nitens.

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At night, you can wander in pitch darkness along the route along the seashore.
Large stick insects Haaniella echinata wake up and crawl in the bushes.

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This small relative of the lamplighters walked backwards. wink.gif

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At night, it was sometimes possible to highlight the lanterns of Penthicodes farinosa in the trees.

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Wild bearded pigs grunted, allowed themselves to be petted, and helped themselves to fruit from the canteen.

One pig took my umbrella for fruit and broke it. It was a piggish thing to do. mad.gif

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Blue dream-an alluring crab. smile.gif
For a long time I kept watch for crabs near the minks on the shore - they are very timid.

Mud jumpers of various sizes were also jumping there.

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Kufiya Hagen was unruffled by night or day. I almost buried my macro lens in it, but without fanaticism - the snake is poisonous.

These are the most beautiful places in Borneo. smile.gif
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10.04.2014 11:19, OEV

Olga many thanks for the report, photos and comments to them, I had a great pleasure. Special respect was given to the competent definitions of all living creatures cool.gif

This post was edited by OEV-10.04.2014 11: 21

10.04.2014 15:08, Romyald

I join in the acknowledgements. I would like to complete the sensations of photos of the surrounding landscapeswink.gif.

10.04.2014 17:58, Valentinus

And I join in...
Extraordinary erudition!
Great pictures!
Great comments!

10.04.2014 20:25, Dracus

Thank you so much for the report, Olga! And how did you just identify all of them?

10.04.2014 22:03, Transilvania

Thanks!. My joy in meeting insects will be truly understood only here. smile.gif

As for landscapes , I have a macro lens for insects and a telephoto camera for birds, and the wide angle is already somehow difficult to carry around, so you rarely get your hands on landscapes. Yes, and it's hard to make out two thousand images.

But sometimes I still shoot waterfalls, rocks, and trees. By the way, I almost broke the lens for the first time, I was lucky that it was intact. Some people have a phobia about insects, and I have a phobia about breaking my camera. I even dream of it breaking down. lol.gif

I didn't identify many of the spiders - my arachnologists didn't recognize them either. The rest of the animals can be identified if you study Malay catalogs and collections for a long time.
Alexey Yakovlev, an expert on the flora of Borneo, helped me identify the lamplight and some endemic plants. umnik.gif

I bought a separate book on stick insects there - the Malays just love these insects. A Malay doctor is so keen on them that he has described several new species and published a book.
I often buy various books on the spot, but I didn't dare drag 5 volumes of Lepidoptera from Thailand - it's terribly hard. rolleyes.gif

By the way, the seller said that the third buyer who licks his lips on these books is from Russia.

The steepest cliffs in Bako -

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13.04.2014 13:14, MAX67

A short report on a trip to Vietnam in February of this year.
The trip was purely tourist. We decided to relax for a week under the palm trees in Mui Ne province. I was looking for insects, of course, but not successfully. I'd say it wasn't thick at all. The time and place were not exactly entomological. The weather is dry, and the place is too much developed by tourists. Everything that was caught in the net had a rather "pale appearance". Almost all the butterflies are battered.
Quite a "lot" of butterflies flew along the coast. Some things were even very interesting (ornithopters, for example). But the situation (a large number of vacationers on the beach) was not conducive to waving a net and racing on distillations. smile.gif And rare attempts, as a rule, ended in favor of butterflies. They're too fast under the southern sun. wink.gif
There were no butterflies at all at night. frown.gif Only green crunches and healthy nutcrackers came into the world. Once an ordinary green flower mantis arrived, which was brought alive to Moscow and lived at home for a month and a half, eating pieces of meat.
Some of the captured items, unfortunately, did not make it into the frame. But it was already shot in Moscow, on my return. To be added to the report later by V. I. Gumenyuk.
In general, I enjoyed the rest. Considering the local prices and color. But for butterflies, you need to go in another season and in other places.

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15.04.2014 18:03, MAX67

A small addition to Vietnam. Something that has already been photographed in Moscow.
On the last photo - something that was managed to straighten out in a more or less decent condition.

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13.05.2014 14:10, Yopidou

Spent a week in Thailand, Chang Mai. The beginning of rain and regular power outages allowed to shine only four nights. I post a meager catch.

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13.05.2014 14:48, Victor Titov

Spent a week in Thailand, Chang Mai. The beginning of rain and regular power outages allowed to shine only four nights. I post a meager catch.

Well, to put it mildly, not so poor (considering that only for four nights)! wink.gif

13.05.2014 15:35, Pavel Morozov

This is a very good catch!
hawk moth Morwennius decoratus, and even more than one, and even a female is!
There are also tufts of interest
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29.06.2014 19:26, Victor Gazanchidis

I recently returned from an expedition to Southern Tibet, where I spent 3 weeks. We visited Lhasa, Gyandse, Shigatse, Sakya, Tsetang, Everest Base Camp, Namtso Lake, etc. We made many radial exits in the vicinity of the above places at altitudes from 4200 to 5500 m. Met Parnassius acco, acdestis, schultei, hunningtoni, cephalus. Colias nina, fieldi, nebulosa, Sinopieris kozlovi, Pieris canidia, etc.
I haven't really sorted out any photos or butterflies yet, so I'll post them as soon as I'm ready.
However, the first showdown was awarded to scoops, which I took only when they came across, I didn't catch them on purpose. I would be extremely grateful if the specialists recognize someone. Lhasa, 02-03. 06. 14, one that is lower right-Everest Base Camp, 5200 m.

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29.06.2014 20:26, barko

Recently returned from an expedition to Southern Tibet...
1, 2 Agrotis atridiscata Hampson, 1918
6 Cucullia fantastica Yoshimoto, 1995
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30.06.2014 14:41, Romyald

Viktor, don't forget to post the most important photos – natural biotopes surrounded by snow-capped mountains.

08.07.2014 11:36, Victor Gazanchidis

Posting it. smile.gifP. hannyngtoni liliput Bryk, 1932 and the ubiquitous Aglais ladakensis (Moore, 1882) are temporary habitats of Moscow entomologists on the scree of surrounding slopes. Well, in the background - His Majesty Everest.
To be continued....

This post was edited by vicgrr-08.07.2014 11: 40

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11.07.2014 17:20, barko

Recently returned from an expedition to Southern Tibet...
3 Resapamea tibeticola (Varga & Ronkay, 1992)
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26.08.2014 19:56, Victor Gazanchidis

I'll continue. Unfortunately, there are not so many photos of nature, so it is inconvenient to carry a backpack, a net, and even a hefty camera at 5000m. Look for butterflies in the themes of parnassus, yellows, whiteflies, dippers, and aberrants. Nature and mountains were sometimes filmed on an iPhone, I'll post it later, but in the meantime, the views and life of Tibet, so to speak, through my eyes. smile.gif

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26.08.2014 20:00, Victor Gazanchidis


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18.12.2014 21:03, Nikolai Rubin

December 2014, Thailand, Trat Province, Koh Chang Island.

There were quite a lot of great reports on South-east Asia on this site, so I won't go into too much detail. So only, general impressions from the first trip to the tropics. Moreover, the focus was on a holiday at the sea with his wife, and not grandiose fees. Although, of course, when choosing a place, the main task was to see something new for yourself. Therefore, all sorts of Egyptians and Turks fell off immediately. But South-east Asia in this respect is a completely different nature, not seen before. Therefore, we chose a place that was accessible, but not strongly affected by the" beneficial " influence of humans – after a long search in Google Earth, we got Chang Island near the border with Cambodia. A mountainous island with a single perimeter road and virtually unaffected plantation slopes. Well, the main component at the moment is the sea at your side. Of course, the north of Thailand is more interesting from the point of view of entomology, but there is no sea there. I didn't take a macro lens with me, so there will be almost no insect photos. In the first place rest, rest and rest again… beer.gif



We have six days to spare. The daily routine was planned as follows-breakfast and the forest for a couple of hours, while there is no such heat. Then soaking in the " sea " and watching the underwater world. In the evening, "cultural program" - exploring the assortment of local souvenir shops. Dinner and relaxation on a sun lounger on the hotel veranda. And if we take into account that the sun sets already at 18.00, then we do not have much time.

Our village
Our house
Our roommate
Our sea

The forest is just a ten-minute walk away. But here's the bad thing – and it's not something to get into. Well, nothing. You need either a small bulldozer or, at the very least, a bigger machete. We didn't stock up on anything like this, and whether it's worth going there - the darkness under the canopy is complete – the camera snatches three meters out of the darkness when it flashes. Without flash, it doesn't see anything at all. Moreover, the lens fogs up at times. Therefore, all traffic on the country road between small villages. Or it's just one village with gaps of a hundred meters each. Like there is a house, then again you go through the forest, then two or three more houses with small plantations of bananas or hevea and so on for several kilometers.

The forest is just a ten-minute walk away. But here's the bad thing – and it's not something to get into. Well, nothing. You need either a small bulldozer or, at the very least, a bigger machete. We didn't stock up on anything like this, and whether it's worth going there - the darkness under the canopy is complete – the camera snatches three meters out of the darkness when it flashes. Without flash, it doesn't see anything at all. Moreover, the lens fogs up at times. Therefore, all traffic on the country road between small villages. Or it's just one village with gaps of a hundred meters each. Like there is a house, then again you go through the forest, then two or three more houses with small plantations of bananas or hevea and so on for several kilometers.

The actual forest
One of its inhabitants

The main flight of butterflies, of course, along the edges of old clearings. Only here half of the animals fly high enough-a kind of "bird" will fly out of the crown, float over you about four meters away and again get lost somewhere in the branches. Just swipe your eyes and lick your lips. We tried to walk along a small river, but without success - the stones are slippery and you can easily roll something for yourself. As it turned out later, the most productive method was fishing in bananas. They are lower and between them there are still open heated lawns with flowers. There, the Troides were already able not only to be considered in flight, but also to catch them. True, there were no fresh ones at all. And actually, there aren't many butterflies – it's winter, or something. And with beetles absolutely tears. Of course, the novelty of the fauna and the ignorance of biologists of tropical insects affects.

Forest river
Welcome to the darkness of the rain forest

As it turns out, catching insects in the tropics is hard work. The humidity is wild, it feels like you're breathing water. Even at noon in the shade, the leaves are wet. Sweat streams from you in five minutes, your shirt is wet (and completely) in half an hour, your pants in an hour. And if you consider that it's +35 outside, then you start to get angry at the whole world, and especially at the pigeon that had the stupidity to get caught and now you need to somehow get it out of the wet net with wet hands and, preferably, not damage it. Well, it turned out, and did not even turn out, and at this moment, a drop of sweat falls from her nose, so tender – then unprintable expressions follow for the whole forest.

Listen, do you have any water left
A tree that is pleasant to smoke under
This guy is about half the size of a palm

As a result, the following technique was developed. You occupy a strategic post in the shade under a banana, aha, there it flies-throw-and quickly take it out again in the shade. If all the time in the sun - after half an hour, some glitches begin. And this is after twenty years of expeditions to Central Asia. And this is in winter – when, by local standards, it is cool and the beginning of the dry season (although it was watered every day anyway). I can imagine what happens there in the summer. But the impressions are the brightest. Especially pleasant impression is made by the local population. After all, if you catch almost in the village, then you should expect increased attention. It didn't happen at all. No one runs to you, doesn't point fingers, everyone smiles sweetly and even tries to help, pointing to another butterfly flying right on the veranda of their own house.

013 Strategic post in bananas
You can get some extra strength if you jump in
It's hard for everyone in this heat

And in general, the country left a very pleasant impression. Especially the self-esteem of the people. No homeless people, no drunks, no beggars. I was particularly surprised by the lack of speed limits on the roads and generally prohibiting signs. Moreover, the traffic is very intense and speeds up to 130-150 km. And Pattaya got caught in rush hour and even on the king's birthday. There are traffic jams all over the city, but no one is pressing the horn, which is actually surprising for Asia.

From fishing left a twofold impression-quite quickly lost motivation. Probably, it affects the fact that I am only interested in the Palearctic and am not familiar with the local fauna. But I don't think this will be the last adventure. To see scorpions 15 centimeters long in nature, spiders a little smaller, troides hovering over trees, pigeons, followed by a plume of several tails longer than the butterfly itself-it was worth it. With a larger fauna to meet almost failed-not counting elephants, the largest animal was some kind of monitor lizard meter-long, ubiquitous frogs and small water snakes or runners. Moreover, the latter hunted the former directly on the territory of the hotel. There were also some brown squirrels and, of course, a lot of birds. Well, after humans, geckos are probably the second most populous, with a family on every streetlamp or billboard.

The last night of this frog

But that elephants walk really noiselessly, I saw for myself. Wandering along their jungle trails, I once or twice heard the talk of tourists riding on them. I turn around, and the slot is already ten paces away. By the way, the elephant dung is empty. Turned over, probably, with two dozen piles of different freshness-nothing. That is, some minks were, of course, about four millimeters in diameter, but digging out any aphodia from this viscous red clay in this heat with an improvised stick is not fun. Of course, if you get a couple of buckets, find a deeper pond and wash it – something would probably wash up. Maybe next time.

Elephant Trail
Butterflies on site
picture: 019_______________________________.jpg
We don't have flowers growing out of rocks

Well, actually, a modest catch. If someone has a desire to exchange or purchase something, please write to your personal account. I think I can determine what I caught in a month (it will become clear from the quality). But with beetles, I ask for a little help, although there are very few of them.

Likes: 34

20.12.2014 23:48, Kemist

Bronzerka-Glycyphana horsfieldi

21.12.2014 0:20, Victor Titov

December 2014, Thailand, Trat Province, Koh Chang Island....
But with beetles, I ask for a little help, although there are very few of them.

Four leaf beetles to the right up from the stick beetle (between two ladybirds) - Aulacophora indica (Gmelin, 1790).
The ladybug, which is lower on the mattress, to the left down from the leaf beetles, is Coccinella transversalis Fabricius, 1781 (=Coccinella repanda Thunberg, 1781).

This post was edited by Dmitrich-12/21/2014 00: 21

21.12.2014 12:54, Nikolai Rubin

Four leaf beetles to the right up from the stick beetle (between two ladybirds) - Aulacophora indica (Gmelin, 1790).
The ladybug, which is lower on the mattress, to the left down from the leaf beetles, is Coccinella transversalis Fabricius, 1781 (=Coccinella repanda Thunberg, 1781).

Victor, thank you very much!!

21.12.2014 23:32, Bad Den


Second from left - Xystocera globosa
Far right-Chlorophorus annularis

22.12.2014 8:27, Nikolai Rubin

Second from the left - Xystocera globosa
Far right-Chlorophorus annularis

Well, I've dealt with these myself, but the lamiins are an ambush. In any case, Denis, thank you for your feedback.

05.01.2015 22:57, Tomas.Adzkee

Good evening to all! I'm going to the Sunda Islands. End of February - first half of March. For 3 weeks somewhere. My goal is to catch insects in Borneo, choose between Malaysia and Indonesia. The prices for tickets are the same, the prices for life, as far as I understand, are the same. Interested in budget housing, good snorkeling, pristine wilderness and its borders (clearings). I'm going alone with a friend. First time in those parts. I really hope for the advice of experienced entomologists. From a purely objective point of view, I am inclined to Malaysia, since I will not fly to Papua, Borneo belongs to both countries, and a visa is not required to Malaysia.

I will collect beetles and butterflies (less experience with them, but it's impossible to miss them). I want to collect as many interesting things as possible, so that there is something to share smile.gif
Such things. I am very much looking forward to your comments, dear entomologists!

This post was edited by Tomas. Adzkee-08.01.2015 22: 31

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