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31.01.2015 16:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38798

The 18th of January bore definition Irina vaguely remembered that somewhere already seen this vredina :) And finally he found himself in the bins .....

31.01.2015 15:46, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #38797

I looked in the internet. I will say now that it is the male Colias eurytheme

31.01.2015 15:44, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #38795

In my painting is female.

31.01.2015 14:42, Yakovlev: comment on

Молодец ПАВЕЛ!!! Крепко жму руку. Хинкали стынут

31.01.2015 14:40, Yakovlev: comment on Congratulations to Roman Yakovlev!

Уважаемые друзья! Спасибо за добрые слова. Всем привет. И Питеру. И СПбГУ!

31.01.2015 13:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38791

Removing unnecessary bracket at the end of sentences.

30.01.2015 12:59, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #38768

I looked briefly, found in google just one shot http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iphiclides_podalirinus Distribution of China, Tibet.

30.01.2015 1:08, John-ST: comment on Your opinion

  Честно говоря, сильно пожалел, что обратился на этот сайт за помощью. Всего то попросил определиться с насекомым, а в ответ огрёб кучу дерьма. Спасибо! И уж тем более не о чём разговаривать с человеком, который на ...

29.01.2015 18:59, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #29021

There is even more interesting :) Maybe too shabbyCucullia pustulata?? http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=190139&view=findpost&p=825364 (Although to me it seemed like all over Europe.Cucullia lactucaehttp://catocala.narod.ru/noc211.html But lactucae after further Zabaikalye not?)

29.01.2015 17:55, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #29019

Sasha, and other 2nd hope for help, not sure that there is the same kind now write.

26.01.2015 15:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Anthophilopsis baphialis

Yeah, ready.

26.01.2015 9:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #35496

Geography then confused :)

25.01.2015 17:00, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #38521

I may be wrong in something)

25.01.2015 0:24, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #33863

Museums with collections will bend / sold off in the nineties. What will survive - survive on enthusiasm.

24.01.2015 22:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38687

Just in case: http://www.mothsofborneo.com/part-15-16/serrodes/serrodes_2_8.php http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/Digital_Moths_of_Asia/90_NOCTUOIDEA/02_EREBIDAE/15_EREBINAE/019_Avatha/Avatha%20tepescens/Avatha%20tepescens.htm

24.01.2015 0:07, Luchik5508: comment on the caterpillar of the scoop Helicoverpa armigera hatched.

спасибо! надеюсь хоть немного поживет .. )

23.01.2015 23:35, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #38636

Podmoreny slightly (

23.01.2015 22:31, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #32124

It expressed at lepiforum.de Jürgen Rodeland the assumption that the image belongs to the species Tegostoma lepidalis. (there are two photos). I looked at boldsystems.org, really it looks like, but still in the family Anthophilopsis.

23.01.2015 17:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Conistra ardescens

Of the 6 species of this genus for the 37 and 40 region, only 6 species, of which only looks like this :) But is only 40 region. It is desirable to clarify.

23.01.2015 14:13, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Utetheisa varians

And this Utetheisa abraxoides?

23.01.2015 11:00, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #20787

Written descriptions described in the two years (1854-1855) 4 types with one and the same name varians, And Trilocha varians described either in 1854, or 1855 to various sources. Another smash his head with entering it on the site :))

23.01.2015 9:16, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #38629

Well, replace it, and it will remain so with trembling hands. :)) And rotate 7 degrees clockwise :))

22.01.2015 18:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Gangarides gigantea

Note to the form Gangarides gigantea (removed from the base of 22.01.2015 21:20): At the top of the page, in the left; Tribe Dicranurini → kind Euhampsonia → kind Gangarides gigantea . Disorder. Probably some kind of glitch :)

22.01.2015 16:07, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #30720

The basis for the transfer by the author comments.

22.01.2015 13:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38620

What I think is familiar place .... I served the first six months in the army, 20 km away. to the east of the station Yablonovy :) True Parnas not seen butPapilio xuthusflies ..... Oh, the army: special and catch something once (and that collected in kaptёrke died later ( The sadness and nostalgia ....

22.01.2015 4:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #38622

The name is taken from the label. But what has to Lancaster Alabama and that it generally did not understand. Settlements or geographical point of that name in this state is not found.

21.01.2015 20:43, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilionidae

Basil . The network just mess with them there. In Zeryntha only 2 types: polyxena and rumina, but please rest in Allanckastr- s

21.01.2015 18:20, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio slateri

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:18, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio paradoxa

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:18, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio veiovis

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:18, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio osmana

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:17, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio toboroi

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:17, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio moerneri

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:17, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio laglaizei

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:16, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio carolinensis

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:16, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio epycides

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:16, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio clytia

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:15, Alex Dumchus: comment on Papilio agestor

In Chilasa

21.01.2015 18:11, Alex Dumchus: comment on Graphium tamerlana

In Pazala

21.01.2015 18:11, Alex Dumchus: comment on Graphium mandarinus

In Pazala

21.01.2015 18:11, Alex Dumchus: comment on Graphium eurous

In Pazala

21.01.2015 18:10, Alex Dumchus: comment on Graphium alebion

In Pazala

21.01.2015 18:10, Alex Dumchus: comment on Graphium glycerion

In Pazala

21.01.2015 18:02, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #38545

Nicholas, I hastened to transfer part. If you are not immediately entered the definition, now we need to wait until the moderator will take and they do not need to adjust. But the reverse side of the photo, it is desirable, but it is not exactly happen until inaccurate can not stand waiting for the bottom side. :)

21.01.2015 9:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38609

Something dispute under the picture comes to matters of classification - the disorder. I propose to transfer all the comments on the establishment of its kind in the appropriate topic: http://lepidoptera.ru/community/18428 :)

20.01.2015 21:28, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #14344

Double. I wrote about it back in July.

20.01.2015 20:22, Diogen: comment on Ukrainian entomofaunistics

Хм, понял. Я-то по привычке искал год в колонке навигации.

20.01.2015 19:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #38603

Yeah. Thank you :) And judging by the fact that once went from catcher 3 copies - a beast out there quite often;)

20.01.2015 9:40, Ozgur Kocak: comment on photo #26231

Scopula marginepunctata?

20.01.2015 9:39, Ozgur Kocak: comment on photo #26230

Scopula marginepunctata?

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