Pages: 1
Probably Cucullia pustulata
Help me determine it.
Help me determine it.
Collected on Ivan-tea. Who is it?
Caught in the garden picking Victoria strawberries. Eats its leaves. Help me determine who it is.
Tell me what kind of animal.
I accidentally checked the "Photo of the same individual" box, but I can't undo it.
Great photo!
It's my first time. I have a green one.
Are these age stages or just color variations?
Melanargia russiae
How long does the pupal stage last?
I think it's a hectare, don't you agree?
Sorry, I was in a hurry!
Plebejus idas
Plebejus idas
I think it's a jellyfish.
Do you agree with the definition?
Argynnis adippe
It Colias myrmidone?
This Daphne?
This female Icarus?
I thought Niobe
Large tortoiseshell black and red
female, right?
male, probably?
and it adippa. Yes?
However adippa probably
I think it adippa
I think happened.
It adippa?